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      • 외국인 노동자의 불안과 자아존중감에 관한 사이코사이버네틱 미술치료 모델의 이론적 고찰

        서희경,김선희 서울여자대학교 특수치료전문대학원 2013 심리치료: 다학제적 접근 Vol.13 No.2

        최근 한국 사회가 다문화 사회로 빠르게 진입하면서 외국인 노동자의 권익과 정신건강에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 본 연구에서는 외국인 노동자의 불안과 자아존중감에 초점을 맞추어 그들의 심리적 특성을 살펴보고, 불안 감소와 자아존중감 향상의 방안으로써 Nucho(2003)가 제시한 사이코사이버네틱 미술치료 모델을 제시하였다. 더불어 사이코사이버네틱 미술치료 모델의 이론과 그 특징을 살펴보고, 이것이 외국인 노동자의 불안과 자아존중감에 어떠한 영향을 미칠 수 있을지를 이론적으로 고찰하였다. 본 연구는 미술치료사의 시각으로 외국인 노동자의 심리적인 특성을 살펴보고 이들에게 적합한 미술치료적 개입이 무엇인지 알아봄으로써 이들의 심리적 적응을 돕는데 목적이 있다. As Korea is rapidly becoming a multi-cultural society, much attention is given on the foreign workers and their human rights and mental health. This study reviewed the psychological characteristics of foreign workers focusing on the anxiety and self-esteem. It suggested psychocybernetic model of art therapy to the reduce the anxiety and improve the self-esteem. It theoretically examined the theory and characteristics of psychocybernetic model of art therapy and its possible effects on the anxiety and self-esteem for foreign workers. The purpose of this study is to regard the psychological characteristics of foreign workers from the point of art therapist, and to find the most applicable intervention for them so as to enhance their psychological adjustment and well-being.

      • KCI등재

        한국 근대정치의 탄생 : 『독립신문』의 '말'과 '法' 'Deliberation' and 'Law' in The Independent

        서희경 서울대학교 한국정치연구소 2003 韓國 政治 硏究 Vol.12 No.2

        한국 최초의 私設 신문인 『독립신문』에 대한 기존 연구는 언어학이나 신문학, 혹은 근대성에 대한 연구에 집중되어 왔다. 이에 비해 이 논문의 관심은 좀 더 정치적이고 실천적이다. 즉 『독립신문』이 당대 조선의 정치적 위기를 어떻게 인식하고, 어떠한 정치적 대안을 제시하고자 했는가를 검토하려는 것이다. 『독립신문』은 먼저 당대 조선의 정치 상장이 외부의 침략에 앞서 안으로 붕괴되어 있음을 지적하고 있다. 그것은 지배층의 가혹한 수탈로 인해 민심이 국가를 떠났기 때문이었다. 둘째, 이러한 위기에 대해 『독립신문」은 국가에 의한 법률의 정당한 집행과 국가 구성원들 사이의 허심탄회한 의사소통을 호소하고, 이를 실현하기 위해 스스로 실천에 나섰다. 법치는 지배층의 자의적인 침학을 막고 공정한 통치를 확립하기 위한 것이며, 전면적인 의사소통은 인민의 권리를 보호하고 나라 사람들의 진정한 단합을 위한 것이었다. The existing studies on The Independent, the first Korean private newspaper, mainly have focused on the linguistic and journalistic aspects of it, or on its modernity. On the other hand, this paper tries to take more political and practical approach. In other words, I attempt to examine how The Independent defined the political crisis of the day and what alternatives it tried to sort out. In the first place, The Independent showed that the politics of Choso??n Dynasty had been being paralyzed even before the outside invasion began. It was due to severe exploitation of people by the ruling class and the consequent alienation of the people from the nation. Secondly, the Independent argued that the law be executed in due manner and the members of nation communicate each other with open minds to overcome the crisis. Governing by law was thought to help prevent the ruling class’ arbitrary maltreatment of the people and establish fair rules for governing, while the open communication was to protect the people’s right and unify the people living in the country.

      • KCI등재

        War and Justice: Just Cause of the Korean War

        서희경 한국학중앙연구원 한국학중앙연구원 2012 Korea Journal Vol.52 No.2

        This paper explores the question of just war theory as it applies to the Korean War by relying on the work of Michael Walzer. In the first section, I discuss this issue with regards to the initiation of and intervention in the Korean War. North Korea violated the principles of just war by fabricating its invasion as a response to South Korean aggression. The U.S. intervention in the Korean War was a defensive war for the United States and the free world rather than a war defending South Korea alone. The U.S.S.R. violated legitimate procedures of just war, by covering up its involvement through deception. China’s intervention was based on presumptive assumptions that the war in North Korea was a threat to China’s state security and that the United States could attack China. In the second section, I examine the issue of justice in war conduct. Walzer emphasizes that the engaged states should seriously consider the means used to win a battle no less than the victory itself. This paper examines this issue by considering civilian casualties from U.S. air bombing and the execution of members of the National Guidance League (Gungmin Bodo Yeonmaeng). This paper concludes, based on the discussion of the above two issues, with a judgment on the responsibilities for the intervention in and the waging of the Korean War.

      • KCI등재

        칡소 모색별 피부세포 배양 시 Estrogen 과 Testosterone 첨가가 Melanogenesis 관련 유전자의 발현에 미치는 영향

        서희경,이지혜,김상환,이호준,윤종택,Seo, Hui-Gyeong,Lee, Ji-Hye,Kim, Sang-Hwan,Lee, Ho-Jun,Yoon, Jong-Taek 한국수정란이식학회 2018 한국동물생명공학회지 Vol.33 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to expression pattern of melanogenesis associate genes on cultured melanocyte layer cells in Korean Brindle Cattle(Dark, Brindle and Yellow) were analyzed to evaluate the effects of sex hormones on the control of melanogenesis pathways. Korean Brindle Cattle(Dark, Brindle and Yellow) melanocyte in the skin cells was collected. after the addition of estrogen and testosterone, the culture was analyzed for expression of cell activity and melanin genes for 72 hours. For the analysis of estrogen in different coat color other than the melanogenesis-related genes it is increasingly yellow showed low expression. in particular, the cells of the brindle coat color is low active and expression of genes. However, the testosterone was low, the expression of cell activity inhibiting MMP-2. the expression of melanin genes actually showed a tendency to increase gradually, which is testosterone compared with the estrogen to be considered that affect the skin cell layer brindle coat color. In this study, stimulation with estrogen triggered the inhibition of MC1R of the melanocyte in brindle coat color, but testosterone is induced MC1R in melanocyte. Therefore, considered the eumelanin or phaeomelanin activation are controlled caused by differential expression of sex hormones on melanocyte in Korean Brindle Cattle.

      • 광추적기법을 이용한 BLU 시뮬레이션 제작에 관한 이론

        서희경,최준수 국민대학교 2002 기초과학연구소 논문집 Vol.21 No.-

        LCD는 작은 부피와 저 소비전력의 장점으로 인해서 모니터 등의 정보미디어의 표시 장치로 많이 사용되고 있다. LCD는 액정 자체가 빛을 내지 못하고 backlight에서 나오는 빛의 양을 조절해 화면을 밝혀주기 때문에 backlight의 기능이 LCD 효율에 중요한 역할을 담당한다. 따라서 backlight 설계자들이 효율적인 Backlight Unit(BLU)을 제작하는데 유용한 시뮬레이터를 제공함으로써 제작에 드는 시간과 비용을 단축할 수 있도록 한다. LCD(Liquid Crystal Display) is very popular for a displaying device because of its low consumption of power and small volume. But because it doesn't have emissive light source internally, backlight lights LCD's screen. Backlight's function is to produce lights and to control light's path to the screen. So LCD's efficiency depends on the backlight's ability. This simulator will helps the BLU developer saving manufacturing time and cost.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보

        남자간호대학생의 임상실습 시 성역할 갈등 경험: 면담프로그램을 중심으로

        서희경 한국간호시뮬레이션학회 2018 한국간호시뮬레이션학회지 Vol.6 No.2

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to provide basic data to interview programs for assisting male college students adjust to clinical practice by understanding the meaning of stress in such a practice. Method: Individual in-depth interviews using open-ended questions were conducted with students. Data were collected in August 2018, and analyzed using Colaizzi’s phenomenological method. Results: The categories of practical experiences in the interview programs for mediating gender conflicts in male nursing students were clearly recognized as, “experiencing limits of practice on female patients,” “a sense of burden representing practical students,” and “forcing of manhood.” The essential themes of participants' experiences in simulation programs included: “Prejudice and unfairness in having a female-related job,” “Women’s hospital practice is limited,”-“Attention is focused on them since they are ‘minorities’,” “Uncomfortable interpersonal relations in clinical practice,” “The patience of a discriminative perception that physical labor should be mobilized, requiring forceful leadership,” “Live in a way that society prefers.” Conclusion: This study attempted to understand the meaning and nature of experiencing stress among male college students in clinical practice by applying Colaizzi’s method of analysis in phenomenology nursing research. In order to assist participants understand women's mainstream clinical practice, preparing separate programs is important.

      • KCI등재후보

        『어린이』의 대중과학적 글쓰기, 동물소설 「북해의 왕 백웅」의 진화론적 상상력

        서희경 근대서지학회 2023 근대서지 Vol.- No.27

        The theory of social evolution, first proposed by British philosopher Herbert Spencer, was an idea that was popular from the late 19th century to the early 20th century and was derived based on the theory of biological evolution by Charles Darwin (1809-1882) in the 18th century. It can be called “social Darwinism.” The content of social evolution is that human societies, like living things, struggle with each other for survival. In “Children,” Kim Kyu-taek’s “Study of Darwin Who Made the Theory of Evolution” was published. This is about Darwin’s theory of evolution. In “Children”, Darwin’s theory of evolution and the perspective of reflecting on how to deal with life are revealed through editorial and artwork. Choi Kyung-hwa wrote a work that reveals her awe of existential life in the animal novel “King of the North Sea a white bear,” and then published an editorial called “Mysterious Life” and mentioned the spiritual value of life. Choi Kyung-hwa’s “King of the North Sea a white bear” is a naturalist novel that realistically depicts the fierce survival of polar bears according to the ecology of animals. It can be said that it is a realistic style of record that describes the ecology of polar bears by nature observation method. This novel uses an objective and concise style of novel description, not the honorifics used in fairy tales. The survival competition of North Sea animals shown by evolutionary imagination does not end up simply describing animals, but represents the self-image that children during the Japanese colonial period should have. 영국의 철학자 허버트 스펜서가 처음 제기한 사회진화론은 19세기 후반에서 20세기 초에 걸쳐 유행한 사상으로 18세기 찰스 다윈(1809~1882)의 생물진화론(生 物進化論)에 근거하여 파생한 담론이다. ‘사회적 다윈주의’(Social Darwinism)라고 명명할 수 있다. 사회진화론의 내용은 생물유기체처럼 인간사회도 생존을 위해서 서로 투쟁한다고 주장하는 것이다. 『어린이』에서 진화론의 소개는 김규택, 「진화론을 지어낸 따윈의 연구」(『어린이』 제9권 제9호, 1931.10)가 있다. 『어린이』 에는 다윈의 진화론과 함께 생명에 대해 어떻게 다루어야 하는지 성찰하는 시각이 논설과 예술작품으로 드러난다. 최경화는 동물소설 「북해의 왕 백웅」으로 실존적 생명에 대한 경외심이 드러나는 작품을 썼고, 그 후 「신비한 생명」이라는 논설을 발표하며 생명에 대한 정신적 가치에 대해서도 언급하였다. 최경화의 「북해의 왕 백웅」은 북극곰의 치열한 생존을 동물의 생태에 맞게 사실적으로 그린 자연주의 소설이다. 북극곰의 생태를 자연관찰법으로 묘사한 사실적인 기록의 문체라고 평할 수 있다. 동화에서 주로 보여주는 경어체가 아닌 객관적이고 간결한 소설적 서술의 문체를 사용한다. 진화론적 상상력으로 보여주는 북해에 사는 동물들의 생존경쟁은 동물들의 모습을 묘사하는 것으로 단순히 끝나는 것이 아니라 일제강점기 시기 어린이들이 지녀야 하는 자아상을 대변한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        간호대학생을 위한 고위험신생아 모바일 교육프로그램이 임상추론역량에 미치는 효과

        서희경 한국간호시뮬레이션학회 2019 한국간호시뮬레이션학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        Purpose: This study, as presented by Kern, Thomas, and Hughes , aims to verify the effectiveness of clinical inference education through digital storytelling programs based on Smith and Mann’s (2002) mobile education model in accordance with the six stages of the medical course development model. Based on the mobile education model of Smith and Mann (2002), the effectiveness of clinical reasoning education is verified through the mobile education program. Method: A single group pre-post test design that evaluates the clinical reasoning education effects of the mobile education program was used. Results: A statistically significant improvement was observed in clinical inference capacity from before intervention (t=-9.81, p<0.001); there was also a greater difference in the average value after intervention than before intervention in all of the results. Conclusion: This study suggests that while scenarios were constructed around five cases of high-risk Infant with respiratory and mechanical problems, in the future, additional scenarios should be developed to include different body systems.

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