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        진공관형 집열기 히트파이프 접촉방식에 따른 집열성능 비교

        윤지훈(Ji-Hun Yun),정인국(In-Guk Jeong),이중섭(Chung-Seob Yi),정경택(Kyung-Teak Chung),서정세(Jeong-Se Suh) 한국기계가공학회 2011 한국기계가공학회지 Vol.10 No.6

        In this study, it was compared collecting performance according to contact types between heatpipe and manifold of vacuum tube type solar collector. Between two types, direct contact type is better in collecting performance. On the other hand, Indirect type have advantage in maintenance. In the result of numerical analysis, As the temperature of heatpipe and flow rate of working fluid increased, difference of outlet mean temperature of two types became large. Also, it could be confirmed, as contact resistance between heatpipe and copper tube in indirect type increased, the difference increased too. Useful data in selection and design in vacuum tube type solar collector were proposed by the results of numerical analysis.

      • 한ㆍ멕시코 관계 - 지나온 60년, 다가올 60년 -

        서정인 ( Suh Jeong-in ) 한국외교협회 2021 외교 Vol.137 No.0

        멕시코는 세계 10위의 인구(약 1억 3천만 명)와 세계 13위(약 200만㎢)의 국토를 가진 대국이다. 멕시코는 사실상 미국과 단일 시장이며 3,800만의 자국인들이 미국에 거주하여 미국의 전 분야에서 큰 영향력을 갖고 있다. 1905년 1,033명 한인들의 멕시코 이주 100년 후인 2005년에 양국 간 전략적 동반자 관계로 발전했다. 내년 2022년은 양국이 1962년 외교관계를 수립한 이래 60주년이 되는 바, 지나간 60년을 돌아보고 다가올 60년을 준비해야 한다. 양국은 세계 10위(한국)와 15위(멕시코)의 경제규모로 OECD와 G20의 공동회원국이며, 한국은 멕시코의 4위 교역국이고 멕시코는 중남미 내 우리의 1위 교역국이다. 2017년 중남미 최초로 개설된 양국 간 직항로는 동북아와 중남미를 잇는 주 통로이며, 작년 상반기 코로나19로 인해 중남미 지역 우리 국민이 철수하는 상황에서도 크게 기여하였다. 금년 3월에 멕시코 연방의회는 외국에 대해 최초로 5.4을 ‘한인 이민자의 날’로 지정하였다. 지난 60년 양국 관계 발전을 숫자로 보면, 교역은 약 2만 배, 투자는 8만 배 성장하였다. 다가올 60년을 위해 △ 기존 정무, 경제, 문화 협력의 확대ㆍ심화 △ 포스트 코로나시대 새로운 협력분야 발굴 △ 양자(중앙ㆍ지방 정부), 소지역, 지역, 글로벌의 동심원적인 중층적 협력 외교망 구성이라는 3대 기본방향을 제시한다. 양국 간 경제협력 심화를 위해 양국 자유무역협정 체결 및 태평양동맹 준회원국 가입 등 제도적 기반 마련이 시급하다. 새로운 협력 분야로 보건, 과학기술이 유망하며, 5G, 사이버안보, 스마트시티 등 디지털 협력은 지리적 거리를 극복할 수 있는 핵심 분야이다. 연방국가(32주)인 멕시코와의 협력에 지방 정부와의 관계 구축이 중요한바, 대사관은 각 주별 통상투자환경 보고서와 중미지역의 한상네트워크 책자 발간을 계획하고 있다. 미국은 중미발 이민문제의 근본원인 해결을 위해 멕시코와 중미북부 개발 계획을 논의하고 있는바, 우리와 미국ㆍ멕시코 간 삼각협력의 틀도 검토해야 할 것이다. 이제는 중남미를 봐야할 시간인바, 미ㆍ중 경쟁과 코로나19의 기회요인을 포착하여 멕시코와 양국 관계의 강점을 활용하고 물리적, 심리적 거리는 멕시코 내 한류(K-Wave)와 한국 내 멕시코류(M-Wave) 촉진과 디지털 기술에 기반한 온라인 외교로 극복하는 온·오프라인 하이브리드 전략을 마련해야 한다. Mexico is 10th most populous country(130 million) in the world and is 13th largest country by size(2 million ㎢). Mexico is a de facto unitary market with the USA and has a huge influence in the USA due to the presence of 38 million Mexican. In 1905, 1,033 Koreans arrived in Mexico and two country became strategic partners after 100 years. Since next year will be the 60 year anniversary of diplomatic relations between two countries, it is high time for two country to reflect upon the past 60 years and prepare for the coming 60 years. Korea and Mexico are co-members of OECD and G20 based on its economic size, 10th and 16th, respectively. Korea is No.4 trading partner of Mexico and Mexico is No.1 trading partner of Korea in Latin America. Direct flight between two countries, which started in 2017, first in Latin America, is a main corridor between East Asia and Latin America. Many Koreans benefitted from it in evacuating from Latin america due to Covid19 pandemic last year. In this March, federal legislature of Mexico designated May 4th as ‘Day of Korean immigrants.’for the first time for a foreign country. I want to put forward three main directions for the coming 60 years which are ① widening and deepening the current cooperations ② exploring new areas of cooperation in the post-Covid19 era ③composing concentric multi-layered diplomatic networks of bilateral(central and local), subregional, regional and global levels. In order to deepen bilateral economic cooperation, it is urgent for two countries to lay institutional foundations such as signing of Free Trade Agreement and acceding as an association member of Pacific Alliance. Health and science and technology are promising areas of neew cooperation and digital technology is a key to overcome the tyranny of distance. It is very important to establish networks with local governments, since Mexico is a federal state consisting of 32 states. My embassy is preparing to publish reports on the trade and investment environments of 32 states and a book on Korean business network in Central America. US government is discussing the development program of Northern Triangle of Central America with Mexican government to deal with the root cause of migration and Korea has to probe a possibility of making trilateral framework for it on a sub-regional dimension. Furthermore, Korea’s diplomacy needs to expand its horizon to regional organizations such as OAS and IDB as well as global ones like UN. Now is time for Korea to look Latin America. We has to prepare a strategy which utilizes the strengths of Mexico and Korea-Mexico relations and overcomes the physical and psychological distances through on-line diplomacy based on transformative digital technology.

      • 인·태전략과 대아세안정책 추진 방향

        서정인 ( Suh Jeong-in ) 한국외교협회 2023 외교 Vol.145 No.0

        이 글은 2022년 12월 윤석열 대통령이 발표한 인도·태평양 전략(이하 인·태 전략)과 이 전략의 동남아와 아세안 맞춤식 대아세안 전략인 한·아세안연대구상(카시) 관련, 향후 우리의 대아세안 정책 시사점을 제시하는 데 초점을 맞추고 있다. 이를 위해 우선 우리의 인ㆍ태 전략과 카시의 주요 내용과 아세안의 인ㆍ태전략인 인도ㆍ태평양에 관한 아세안 관점(AOIP)을 분석하고, 우리의 대아세안 정책 시사점으로 우선 일관성, 종합성, 포용성 등 3가지 정책 방향을 강조한다. 아울러 우리의 대아세안 정책을 추진하는데 2가지 구체 방안으로 첫째, 우리의 대아세안 양자 외교뿐 아니라 기존 아세안 주도의 한ㆍ아세안 관련 협의체를 업그레이드해 인ㆍ태 전략과 카시 추진에 활용하고, 둘째, 미국 또는 중국, 그 어느 일방이 참여하거나 양자 모두 참여하는 관련 아세안 협의체의 특성을 감안, 남중국해 등 주요 이슈에 대해 부가가치를 창출할 수 있도록 대아세안 외교를 추진하자고 제시한다. This article aims to analyse Korea’s Indo-Pacific Strategy unveiled in December 2022. The article further analyses the so-called Korea-ASEAN Solidarity Initiative (hereinafter KASI), focusing on Southeast Asia and its tailored foreign policy towards ASEAN. Based on the analysis, the article provides the policy implications for Korea’s approach to ASEAN. In doing so, the article looks into the key elements of Korea’s Indo-Pacific Strategy, KASI, ASEAN Outlook on Indo-Pacific (AOIP), as well as the Indo-Pacific strategies initiated by Japan, Australia and India. Based on the analysis, the article emphasises mainly three (3) policy directions: namely, consistency, comprehensiveness and inclusiveness, for Korea’s policy implication towards ASEAN. In addition, the paper further suggests two concrete proposals. First, Korea does not only focus on ASEAN-Korea bilateral diplomacy, but also need to be aware of the importance of upgrading the existing ASEAN-led and ASEAN-Korea mechanisms, which could be associated with and conform to Korea’s Indo-Pacific strategy and the implementation of KASI. Second, the ASEAN-led meetings are jointly attended by the US and China or either party depending on scopes. Korea considers its leverage to contribute to becoming a value-added player in managing crucial regional security issues, including South China Sea issues, by engaging in the ASEAN-led meetings in an adroit manner.

      • 백서에서 Aspirin과 Prostaglandin E<sub>1</sub>이 미세혈관 문합의 개존에 미치는 효과

        이광석,서정,한승범,이승준,최인철,김인선,조성진,Lee, Kwang Suk,Suh, Jeong Dae,Han, Seung Beom,Lee, Seung Joon,Choi, In Chul,Kim, In Sun,Cho, Seong Jin 대한미세수술학회 2000 Archives of reconstructive microsurgery Vol.9 No.2

        In the field of microsurgery, the vascular obstruction of the microvascular anastomosis by thrombus is one of the most important complication. The purpose of this study is to compare the effect between aspirin and prostaglandin $E_1$($PGE_1$) which act as the peripheral vasodilatation and platelet disaggregation. We have used total 48 white male rats and divided them into three gruoups(A, B and C group). Each group consists of 16 rats respectively. A group is as control, B group is medicated with aspirin(3.0mg/kg/day) and C group with $PGE_1(1.2{\mu}g/kg/day)$. The gross and histopathologic findings at anastomosed site were observed on 3, 5, 10 and 15 days after vascular anastomosis and the results were obtained as the followings. 1. The microvascular patency rate is 81.2% in control group, 93.8% in aspirin group and 100% in $PGE_1$ group. 2. On the histologic examination, the formation of mural thrombus is decreased both in the aspirin and $PGE_1$ group as comparing with the control group and also the hypertrophy of the intima forming from media is less formed in $PGE_1$ group than aspirin group and the degree of thickeness is also less. 3. The fibrosis of media is less observed in $PGE_1$ group than aspirin group. According to the above results, the application of $PGE_1$ to the microsurgery is considered to be effective on the prevention of the thrombus formation and on providing high patency rate.

      • 진공관형 집열기 히트파이프 접촉방식에 따른 집열성능 비교

        윤지훈(Ji hun Yun),정인국(In guk Jeong),이중섭(Chung seob Yi),정경택(Kyeong teak Jeong),서정세(Jeong se Suh) 대한기계학회 2011 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2011 No.10

        In this study, it was compared collecting performance according to contact types between heatpipe and manifold of vacuum tube type solar collector. Between two types, direct contact type is better in collecting performance. On the other hand, Indirect type have advantage in maintenance. In the result of numerical analysis, As the temperature of heatpipe and flow rate of working fluid increased, difference of outlet mean temperature of two types became large. Also, it could be confirmed, as contact resistance between heatpipe and copper wall in indirect type increased, the difference increased too. Useful data in selection and design in vacuum tube type solar collector were proposed by the results of numerical analysis.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 한국의 대ASEAN 외교

        서정인 ( Jeong In Suh ) 한국동남아학회 2012 동남아시아연구 Vol.22 No.1

        This article is aimed examining the relations between the Republic of Korea (ROK) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) over the past two decades since the establishment of ROK and ASEAN dialogue relations in 1989. With regard to the ROK`s perspective, ASEAN is not only a significant friend in ensuring peace and security on the Korean peninsula, but a major economic partner actively engaged in trade, investment, and construction. The ROK and ASEAN have frequently exchanged human resources, recording 4 million mutual visits per year. In particular, Korea`s enhanced brand image, due to the Hallyu (Korean Wave) within the ASEAN region, has enabled ASEAN`s preference for Korean mobile phones, electronic products, and durable goods to stand eminent. Over the past two decades, ASEAN-ROK relations have developed since the early establishment period and negotiations for a permanent consultative mechanism, followed by cooperation expansion and deepening stages. More importantly, in commemoration of the 20th anniversary of ASEAN-ROK dialogue relations, at the ASEAN-ROK Commemorative Summit in Jeju Island in June 2010, the ROK government initiated plans for development cooperation, low-carbon green growth, and cultural and human resources exchanges, which are the three main policies of the ROK government`s diplomacy toward ASEAN. In addition, at Hanoi ASEAN-ROK Summit in October 2010, it is noteworthy that the existing ASEAN-ROK comprehensive relations had been elevated to a strategic partnership. At present, ASEAN-ROK relations have been institutionalized, through 24 cooperation mechanism meetings on issues ranging from politics/security, economy, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to transportation, the singing of the ASEAN-ROK FTA, and the establishment of the ASEAN-ROK Center. A representative mission to ASEAN in Jakarta is also planned for 2012. Following the Asian financial crisis in 1997, both the ROK and ASEAN have endeavored to expand cooperation at the East Asia level. Furthermore, the establishment of the ASEAN+3 has served as the most institutionalized mechanism in East Asia. The expansion of the East Asia Summit (EAS) by the accessionof the US and Russia has ushered in a new era in the history of the East Asia regional cooperation. At such time, a new vision would be necessary to guide the future of East Asia. In this regard, the ROK government will take the lead in submitting the EAVGII report to the ASEAN+3 Summit in 2012, successive to the 2001 EAVG report.

      • KCI등재

        가열 처리한 정수 슬러지를 이용한 하수 처리수 중의 인 제거

        서정인 ( Jung In Suh ),윤호석 ( Ho Seok Yoon ),안정임 ( Jeong Im An ) 한국수처리학회 2012 한국수처리학회지 Vol.20 No.2

        The aims of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of heated alum sludge for removal of phosphorus in effluent from sewage treatment plant. The alum sludge was taken from water purification plant which located in Daegu City. In batch adsorption tests were conducted using a effluent of sewage treatment plant (STP) and potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution(PDP). The maximum adsorption capacity for total phosphorus(T-P) from the Langmuir isotherm plot was 2.96mg T-P/g sludge for STP and 6.26mg I-PIg sludge for PDP. It implied that the competing components in the STP did affect the T-P adsorption in the heated alum sludge. Subsequently, a continuous flow tests were conducted at a 3.5nf/nf/day and a cumulative T-P loading of 6.86mg T-P/g sludge for STP. The heated alum sludge removed over 40% T-P for 70 days and it was 82% of the maximum adsorption capacity of T-P obtained in the batch adsorption tests. And during the removal of T-P process, aluminum leaching from heated alum sludge was not detected. These results indicated that heated alum sludge can further be used as a adsorbent material for removal of T-P.

      • KCI등재후보

        운동부하 검사상 무증상 심근 허혈 환자의 관동맥 병변 소견

        조인종(In Jong Cho),서정평(Jung Pyung Suh),류문희(Moon Hee Rheu),이명곤(Myung Kon Lee),박종수(Jong Soo Park),박주형(Joo Hyung Park),정명호(Myung Ho Jeong),조정관(Jeong Gwan Cho),박종춘(Jong Chun Park),강정채(Jung Chaee Kang) 대한내과학회 1994 대한내과학회지 Vol.47 No.5

        N/A Objectives: Silent myocardial ischemia is defined as the presence of transient ischemic alterations in absence of angina or its equivalents. In recent reports, silent ischemia comprises about 60-80% of total ischemic events in patients with symptomatic angina and its prognosis is similar to typical painful angina, So, we studied to compare the difference of coronary angiographic features between painful angina and silent angina in patients with positive treadmill exercise test. Method: We studied retrospectively coronary angiographic features of 34 patients; 20 patients with painful treadmill exercise test were grouped in A and 14 patients without pain were grouped in B. Both groups were positive in Thallium corynary perfusion scan. Results: 1) There were no significant differences in sex, age, smoking and hypertension between group A and B but diabetes were more prevalent in group A than in B(p< 0,05) 2) Total exercise duration, ST segment deviation and rate pressure product were not different between two groups in treadmill exercise test. Although treadmill score was significantly low in group A (p<0.05), there was no singificant difference between two groups in case of subtracting treadmill angina index from treadmill score. 3) In dipyridamole Tl scan, defect volume ratio was not different in two groups although defect index was significantly greater in group A(p<0.05). 4) In coronary angiographic findings, there were no sigificant differences in number of stenosed vessels, left ventricular ejection fraction and left ventricular end diastolic pressure, but right coronary artery lesion is more common in group A than group B(p<0,05). 5) The most common clinical diagnosis of studied subject was unstable angina, But there were no statistically difference between two groups. Conclusion: This results suggest that patient with silent myocardial ischemia has similar coronary artery disease to those with painful myocardial ischemia, Early detection and treatment of silent ischemia is essential in the management of ischemic teart disease.

      • KCI등재후보

        고립성 폐결절의 감별진단에서 결핵균에 대한 Nested PCR 의 유용성

        심재정(Jae Jeong Shim),이소라(So Ra Lee),이상엽(Sang Youb Lee),이상화(Sang Hwa Lee),서정경(Jung Kyung Suh),정희진(Hee Jin Cheong),조재연(Jae Yun Cho),김우주(Woo Joo Kim),강은영(Eun Young Kang),인광호(Kwang Ho In),유세화(Se Hwa Yoo), 대한내과학회 1997 대한내과학회지 Vol.52 No.6

        N/A Objectives: The evaluation and management of a patient with solitary pulmonary nodule(SPN) are guided by principles that were derived from earlier surgical studies. SPN has a relatively good prognosis even if it is a malignant lesion. In Korea, where there is a high incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis, approximately 40% to 70% of clinically encountered solitary pulmonary nodules are tuberculous lesions. SPNs can be diagnosed by clinical findings and chest imaging techniques, but confirmed only by pathologic or cytologic studies. Transthoracic needle aspiration biopsy(TNAB) or cytology will be diagnostic in 80% to 95% of malignant nodules, but will identify the benign nature in 50% to 90% of benign nodules; such results imply lower accuracy of TNBA or cytology in diagnosing benign nodules. Differential diagnosis of SPNs can be difficult in tuberculosis endemic areas, such as in Korea, Nested polymerase chain reaction(PCB) is the widely used method to test very small amount of pathogene and to detect M, tuberculosis in fine needle aspirates. Methods: 33 patients with SPN found on chest radiographs were evaluated by chest CT, mycobacteriologic and cytologic studies from sputum, bronchial washing fluids, and transthoracic fine needle aspirates, 17 cases were malignant SPNs(51.5%), consisting af 14 primary lung cancers and 3 metastatic SPNs, 18 cases were benign SPNs(48.5%), consisting of 8 tuberculous, 4 localized pneumonia, 1 pulmonary sequestration, and 3 radiologically suspected tuberculous lesions without response to anti-TB drugs. Nested PCR for detecting M. tuberculosis using TB-1, TB-2, TB-28, and TB-29C was carried out on fine needle aspirates from 33 patients with SPN. Results: Among the pathologically proven 17 malignant SFNs, 15(88.5%) cases were detected as cancer on chest CT. 15(88.5%) cases were confirmed by transthoracic needle aspiration cytology, among which 3(17.7%) cases showed positive on sputum cytology, and other 3(17.7%) cases yielded positive on bronchial washing cytology as well. Two cases of malignant nodules were confirmed by open resection. In 8 tuberculous SPNs, Neither AFB stain of sputum, bronchial washings, nor transthoracic needle aspirates showed positive. However, mycobacterium was cultured in 1 (9.l%) case from sputum, in 3 (27.3%) cases from bronchial washing fluids, and in 2 (18.2%) cases from transthoracic needle aspirates. Thus, five cases were confirmed bacteriologically; one case had positive culture results on both bronchial washing and transthoracic needle aspirates. Three out of 8 tuberculous cases were radiologically suspected and showed response to anti-TB drugs, but were not bacteriologically confirmed. Chest CT could detect 72.7% of tuberculous nodules. Aspirates from malignancy, pneumonia, and sequestration were negative on nested PCR for tuberculosis, One of the 3 radiologically suspected tuberculous nadules with- out response to anti-TB drugs yielded positive results on nested PCR for M, tuberculosis. In contrast, 7 out of 8(87.5%) aspirates from proven tuberculous nodules showed positive results on nested PCR for M. tuberculous, which included 4 bacteriologically proven tuberculous nodules and 3 radiologically suspected tuberculous nodules with response to anti-TB drugs. Conclusion: Nested PCR could be used to detect M. tuberculosis in fine needle aspirates from tuberculous SPN with good sensitivity (87.5%) and specificity(96.0%). Therefore, nested PCR for detecting M. tuberculosis in fine needle aspirates may be useful in the differential diagnosis of solitary pulmonary nodules.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

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