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        면암 최익현의 국제관계 인식 연구

        방용식(Bang, Yong sik) 한국동양정치사상사학회 2016 한국동양정치사상사연구 Vol.15 No.1

        최익현은 조선이 체제의 유지 · 발전을 도모할 수 있는 능력이 와해되던 19세기와 20세기를 살았던 인물이다. 그는 체제적[내부적], 민족적[외부적] 위기에 노출된 조선과 그 인민이 위기로부터 벗어날 수 있는 방안을 의욕적으로 표출했다. 그는 상소를 통해 위기극복 방안을 지속적으로 제시했고, 위기가 극에 달했을 때는 최종적인 수단으로써 의병을 일으켰다. 최익현의 이러한 행동은 조선을 조선답게 하는 가치로서의 중화문명[조선중화주의]을 지키려는 것에 목적이 있었다. 그 방법은 다름 아닌 위정척사였다. 그는 국가적 위기에 노출된 공동체를 수호하기 위해 최선을 다했던 지식인의 표본이었다. 그러나 조선이 일본 식민지가 되면서 최익현이 주창했던 위정척사 사상은 왜곡됐고, 폄훼됐다. 일제는 위정척사 지식인들의 개항반대를 꽉 막힌 국제정세 이해 탓으로 돌렸다. 그들이 개항을 반대함으로써 조선은 근대화에 실패했고, 일본의 식민지로 전락했다고 자신들의 침략을 합리화했다. 이런 인식은 해방을 거쳐 오늘날에도 이어지고 있다. 하지만 최익현의 개항반대는 제국주의화한 일본과 수교했을 때 빚어질 침략을 예견했던 것이며, 그 침략을 반대한 것이었다. 본고는 최익현이 개항을 반대한 이유가 단순히 화이관 또는 조선중화주의에서 비롯하지 않았음을 고찰하였다. 이를 위해 최익현이 일본과의 수교를 반대하며 올린 ‘지부복궐척화의소’ 등 상소문을 중심으로 살펴보면서 최익현의 국제관계에 대한 이해[인식]와 함께 위기극복을 위한 방안[처방]을 분석했다. 필자는 이 논문이 최익현의 사상과 행동이해의 폭을 확충할 수 있기를 기대해 본다. Choi Ikhyun lived from 19th to 20th century. It was the era that Joseon dynastywas not able to sustain its system. Choi consistently expressed in the way that Joseon and its people could overcome a crisis exposed by national identity and social instability. The idea proposed by Choi was ambivalent. On the one hand, he suggested to use ‘Sangso’[a politically official letter]. On the other hand, he recruited Uibyoung[a righteous army]. All these actions came from Choi’s royalty to the sino-centrism and the independence of Joseon. In this vein, Choi reemphasized a ‘Wijeong-cheoksa’[the thought that protect orthodoxy and reject heterodoxy]. Choi was the representative of intellectuals who try to maintain their community. After Joseon was colonized by Japan, they appropriated Wijeong-chuksa as they want. Japan attributed the anti-movement of opening ports by the Wijeong-chucksa intellectuals to ignorance on international relationship. Based on these appropriated arguments did Japan rationalize their colonization, because Joseon had failed in modernization. This negative conception has continued nowadays. However, Choi originally intended to protect Joseon from Japan’s hidden strategy of invading Joseon in the name of a opening port and enlightenment. This article endeavors to prove Choi’s opposition to Japan did not derive from‘Hwaigwan’[the discriminated view on civilization and barbarian] and Joseon sino- centrism. To re-illuminate Choi’s idea and act, this writer scrutinized some Choi’s Sangso which by expressed his understanding on international relationship and his way of solution for overcoming the crisis.

      • KCI등재

        재지사족의 체제이반과 1862년 진주민란

        방용식(Bang, Yong sik) 한국동양정치사상사학회 2017 한국동양정치사상사연구 Vol.16 No.1

        본 논문은 1862년 전국적으로 발생한 민란 중 2월 14일 발생한 진주민란을 중심으로 민란의 초기발생 과정을 분석했다. 진주민란은 1862년 전국적으로 발생한 71건의 민란 중 가장 규모가 크고 오랫동안 진행됐다. 게다가 진주민란은 저항이 전국적으로 확산되는 계기가 됐고, 당시 민란은 조선의 체제 붕괴를 가속화하는 원인이 되었다. 이와 관련하여 본고는 진주민란을 미국의 역사학자 크레인브린튼이 그의 책 『혁명의 해부』에서 제기한 혁명 분석틀에 의거해 분석하였다. 필자는 이에 따라 진주민란의 원인을 조선의 사회질서와 체제를 떠받쳐온 양반 ‧ 사족의 몰락 또는 위상 하락에 따른 ‘불만족’이라는 심리적 요인에서 찾았다. 특히 크레인브린튼이 분석한 혁명발생조건에서 가장 중요한 전환점이 되는 ‘지식인의 이반’이라는 측면에서 민란을 주도한 유계춘, 모의자로 지목된 이명윤 등 사족들의 역할을 살펴보았다. 1800년대에 들어서면서 사족은 그 특권이 약화되고 위상이 급격히 낮아졌다. 이는 17세기 이후 진행된 양반 수 증가, 중앙정부의 지방통치정책 변화, 세도정치로 인한 관료사회 진출 봉쇄 등 사회 ‧ 경제적 변화 때문이다. 사족들은 이러한 이유로 불만을 느껴 조정에 대한 충성심을 약화시켰고, 향촌사회의 유지와 운영으로부터 마음을 접었다. 결국 그들은 국가 또는 체제의 수호자가 아닌 비판자로 변하였으며, 재정악화를 겪던 지방정부의 과도한 부세(賦稅)정책에 대해 민심과 연합함으로써 그들의 불만을 ‘봉기’라는 극단적인 형태로 터뜨렸다. This study analyzed the beginning stage of process of uprising in 1862, on focusing Jinjoo uprising taken place on February 14. Jinjoo uprising was one of the 71 uprisings taken place in 1862 and the largest one that lasted for a long time. Additionally, it was the momentum for the resistance against the government to expand all over the country. And in those time, uprising accelerated the collapse of Joseon dynasty. This thesis explains the Jinjoo uprising is more significant among uprisings in 1862 by the analysis frame with which Crane Brinton, american historiographer. He analyzed the processes of revolution in his book “The Anatomy of Revolution”. In this side, I tried to analyze the reason of Jinjoo uprising as the unsatisfaction that collapse or weakness of privilege of Yangban ‧ Sajok. Especially, I considered the role of Sajok[Lee Myongyoon, Ryu Geychoon, Lee Gyeyoul etc.], because Sajok who expressed intellectuals took a key role in many uprising. And so called, the transfer of allegiance of the intellectuals was regarded most important conditions of revolution in Crane Brinton’ book. In 1800s, the privilege and social status of the Sajok decreased. It originated in the change of ruling policy, the blockade of entering the government due to Sedojeongchi, andthe social economic change. These made Sajok transferred the allegiance of ruling party and abandoned the responsibility of maintenance or management in their village. And they burst their dissatisfaction in uprising on the excessive taxation of the central and local government. After all, sajok who alienating from the ruling system conspired or led the uprising in 19th century.

      • 조선의 ‘중화문명국’ 인식과 정치적 의미 고찰

        방용식 ( Bang Yong Sik ) 한국문명학회 2019 문명연지 Vol.20 No.1

        By the mid 17th century, collapsed Ming dynasty that ruled China proper, Joseon dynasty declared itself the centre country of the world. And then it began to build the various symbols that succeed the legitimacy of sino-centrism. Joseon dynasty constructed ‘Daebo-dan’[the alter for repaying the kindness of Ming dynasty], and edited history of Song dynasty and Ming dynasty. Some historian define it as ‘Joseoncentrism’ and gave the significance to it, others underestimate it as a ideal ultra-nationalism. Even though they had a lively argument on ‘Joseon-centrism’ and drew attention to academic circles, but had a critical boundaries that did not understand its political aspect. For, actions related to ‘Joseoncentrism’ of Joseon dynasty, in those times, aimed to many political purpose. And we have to consider ‘Joseon-centrism’ in political aspects, because political thoughts does generally reflect real politics. But almost korean historians understood ‘Joseon-centrism’ as an ideology, without consideration its political traits. For this reason, this article aimed to understand ‘Joseon-centrism’ on political views beyond of historical. This studied that why Joseon dynasty declared the centre country that should be perceived as a model of civilization, and that how it tried to perform its duty as the centre country of the world.

      • 뇌손상 환자에서 SE, TSE, TGSE의 적용에 대한 비교 연구

        구은회,방용식,신용환,김학문,김성룡,김동성,이용우,Goo Eun Hoe,Bang Yong Sik,Shin Yong Hwan,Kim Hak Moon,Kim Seong Ryong,Kim Dong Sung,Lee Yong Woo 대한방사선사협회 2001 대한방사선사협회지 Vol.27 No.2

        I. Purpose : There are many kinds of MRI techniques and there have been new techniques spreading clinically with the development of software. Clinical diagnosis value has been comparatively studied by conducting the techniques of SE, TSE, and TGSE on the

      • 복합소재의 유한요소 재료모델링 변수에 따른 머리 상해치 민감도 평가

        임종수(Jongsoo Lim),방용식(Yong sik Bang),이만수(Mansu Lee) 한국자동차공학회 2015 한국자동차공학회 학술대회 및 전시회 Vol.2015 No.11

        자동차 내장재로 사용되는 헤드라이너 (Headliner)는 다층의 복합소재가 적용된 대표적 제품으로 북미 법규 시험인 FMVSS201 S6의 머리 상해도 평가를 위한 유한요소 해석 시 인장 압축의 비대칭성 및 이방성과 같은 복합재료 소재의 기계적 거동 특성을 적절히 반영할 수 있는 재료 모델링 기법이 요구 되고 있다. 사전 연구를 통해 전형적인 금속 재료의 소성 구간에서 발생하는 경화 현상을 설명해주기에 적합한 기존의 재료 모델링 기법은 소성 과정에서 연화 현상 (damage effect)이 발생하는 헤드라이너의 경우에는 적용에 한계가 있음이 규명되었으며, 이런 연화 현상을 고려한 시편 단위의 인장 및 3점 굽힘해석에는 실제 시험의 하중 변위 선도를 잘 예측함을 확인하였다. 이에 본 논문에서는 헤드라이너 재료모델링에 사용되는 변수들 즉 영률, 응력 변형률, 연화도 (Damage)와 제조 공정상 발생할 수 있는 헤드라이너 각 층의 두께 변화가 실차 FMH 유한요소 해석 시 머리 상해도에 미치는 영향을 정량적으로 살펴보고 각 인자의 기여도를 분석하였다.

      • 파형웨브가 적용된 프리스트레스트 매립형 합성보의 휨거동

        이득행(Lee Deuck-Hang),방용식(Bang Yong-Sik),김강수(Kim Kang-Su),최성모(Choi Sung-Mo),김진호(Kim Jin-Ho),최일섭(Choi Il-Sup) 대한건축학회 2009 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.29 No.1(구조계)

        The demand for long span, reduction of floor-to-floor height is increased recently as buildings become bigger and higher. If the steel beam, however, becomes bigger, it is difficult to take advantage of merits of steel materials because of instability for buckling, excessive deflection, and failure of fatigue and if the concrete beam becomes bigger, it causes the problem of excessive crack and deflection. It, therefore, is difficult to realize the long span and reduction of floor-to-floor height simultaneously. The research to develop composite beam systems is increased gradually to overcome such limits. In the early time, the composite systems just consist of concrete and I-shape steel. The prestressing method, however, is introduced in composite beam systems because it is difficult to satisfy the demand for control of deflection and required strength by using composite beam systems which just put two materials together. The existing prestressed composite beams are not effective to introduce prestressing force because of high axial stiffness of I-shape steel. In this paper, the prestressed composite beam applied corrugated steel web that has high efficiency of prestressing force introduction and crack control ability, and high strength as results of effect of stress concentration to upper, lower flange which is known as Accordion Effect and increase of bearing area is proposed to improve the existing composite beams, propose the flexural behavior prediction model of proposed composite beam and simple horizontal shear strength prediction equation which takes account of the failure by separation of lower steel beam from upper slab that is different failure mode from previously reported failure modes, effect of concrete shear strength at the failure surface newly defined and inclined steel strand. The tests of one composite beam applied corrugated web and two prestressed composite beams applied corrugated web were conducted to verify the reliability of the proposed flexural behavior prediction model that takes account of Accordion Effect by assuming just the area near upper, lower flange can resist axial force and using Effective Area and Effective Moment of Inertia. Proposed model predicted the flexural behavior of the composite beams applied corrugated steel web accurately, the strain at the top of the section very well, the amount of steel strand stress increment with high reliability at each loading step, and the horizontal shear strength accurately.

      • 장스팬에 적합한 합성보 개발을 위한 연구

        전배호(Jeon Bae-Ho),방용식(Bang Yong-Sik),이득행(Lee Deuck-Hang),김강수(Kim Kang Su),최성모(Choi Sung-Mo),김진호(Kim Jin-Ho) 대한건축학회 2008 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.28 No.1(구조계)

        This study aims at developing a new composite beam system suitable for long span and reduction of story height, for which the existing composite beams available in literature were investigated to take advantage of merits and strengthen weakness of existing system. Based on this result, this research proposed a prestressed composite beam with corrugated webs. The proposed composite beam has many merits comparing to the existing composite beams; It has great resistance against non-symmetric construction load due to its strong out-of-plane shear strength. The corrugated webs also make accordion effect, which introduce larger prestressing force, and the upward prestresing force causes camber reducing the member deflection. The form work is not required in the new system due to wide bottom flange, and the member strength also increases by the tendon provided. The effective prestressing force transferred to steel beam in the corrugated beam was estimated using a finite element analysis and compared to that in ordinary I -shaped beam. The strengths of the proposed composite beams were calculated considering composite effect based on the existing method such as shear-bond stress mode and bearing stress caused by the corrugated web. The corrugated beam had greater effective prestressing stress over 15% than the I-shaped beam, and the composite effects between concrete and steel beam were greatly improved in the proposed beam by the corrugated web. The results also indicate that the prestressed tendons can efficiently increase the flexural strength as well as stiffness of the proposed composite beam with relatively small member height, and that the new composite system has good constructability and economic efficiency by removing/minimizing form work.

      • 차체의 다분야 설계제약조건을 고려한 강건최적설계

        김성현(Sung-hyun Kim),방용식(Yong-sik Bang),강대오(Dae-Oh Kang),이용훈(Yong-Hoon Lee),허승진(Seung-Jin Heo),임홍재(Hong-Jae Yim) 한국자동차공학회 2010 한국자동차공학회 학술대회 및 전시회 Vol.2010 No.11

        This study was conducted to apply for integrated robust optimal design considered multi-disciplinary constrained conditions. Multi-disciplinary constrained conditions mean that lightweight design, structure stiffness and safety. Because such as these design parameters are conflictive relation, it is hard to design optimal model through conventional parameter study. Also robust design process is necessary to consider manufacturing tolerance because of performance deviation. Process was constructed with 4-phase. First phase is formatting the base model. In this study, base model was simplified for efficiency of analysis and also verified with test data simultaneously. In second phase, effect analysis was performed to select design variables largely effecting on performance such as bending and torsion stiffness. Form second phase, totally 11 design variables were selected finally among the 105 variables. Third phase is formatting RBF type Meta-model established by using selected design variables and LHC design of experiment (DOE). In the last phase, optimum result was calculated by using the EasyDesign program. Bending, Torsion stiffness and roof crush reaction force were used for constrained conditions and mass minimization was object function for optimization.

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