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      • 안승우의 저술과 의병활동

        박인호 ( Park In-ho ) 세명대학교 지역문화연구소 2004 지역문화연구 Vol.3 No.-

        An Seung-woo(安承禹) played as a leader in the van of struggle of UIbyung which roused at Jecheon(堤川) in 1895. He took an active part in just as a Kunmudoyousa(軍務都有司) which recruited military men in the early of the struggle and played a role as a Joonggunjang(中軍將) which managed military headquarters and took the responsibility of supplying to barracks in the later of struggle. An Seung-woo stuck to hard line during struggles of Uibyung. He was the confucian intellect who practiced faithfulness and honesty for the crown based himself on knowledges inherited from his teacher, Yu Jung-gyo(柳重敎) and Lee Geun-Won (李根元). There have been “Hasayougo” and “Angonghasasilgitailak”, “Hasaangongyelmichangyisasil”, “Hasasilgi”, “Hasaangonghangjang”, ‘Anhasajen’ etc. When there had been happened Kap-O Reform(甲午改革) of 1894, An Seung-woo intended to rise Uibyung with his comrades. But his teacher, Yu In-Suk(柳麟錫) persuaded him to stop. When An Seung-woo heard not only about the assassination of the Queen of Myeongseong(明成王后) and order of Danbal(斷髮), but also the news that Lee Chun-young(李春永) roused up Uibyung at Anchangli(安倉里) of Wonju by October in 1895, he joined with Lee Chun-Young's military immediately. After a crop of Uibyung soldiers rearranged in Yeongwol by December, An Seung-woo was appointed as Jeungunjang(前軍將). And he took an active part in struggling as a Joonggunjang while UIbyung occupied Chungju Sung(忠州城) and withdrew to Jecheon by attack of Japanese military. But unfortunately he died in the battle of Namsan of Jecheon by April in 1896. An Seung-woo's spirit and loyalty which roused up UIbyung and his loving-mind to pity people inherited from the faithfulness and loyalty of the school of Hwaseo.

      • 서상열의 저술과 의병활동

        박인호 ( Park In-ho ) 세명대학교 지역문화연구소 2003 지역문화연구 Vol.2 No.-

        Seo Sang-yeol(徐相烈, 1854~1896) played as a leader in the van of UIbyung'struggle which roused at Jecheon(堤川) in 1895. Many of commanders recommended him as a general commandership but he rejected their asking. And he was active just as a Sotojang(召討將) which was rangers boss as a adviser managed to military affairs. He was a person who leaded the academic tradition of Jecheon by lecturing at the village of Jangdam, when his academic teacher, Yu Jung-gyo(柳重敎) died. There have been 『Gyeongamzib(敬菴集, Collection of Gyeongam works)』 which collected his written works and 『a Diary of Chun Sudang(春睡堂日記)』. Seo Sang-yeol was participated in uprising of Uibyung when he heard the news that Lee Chun-young(李春永) and An Seung-woo(安承禹) rouse up Uibyung at Anchangli of Wonju on November 28th, 1895 and move into Jecheon on the third day of December. Seo Sang-yeol joined as a Gunsa(軍師, military adviser) and contributed to military achievement through an associated attacks at the battle of Danyang Janghoehyeop on the 8th of December. In YeongWol, Yu In-seok(柳麟錫) was appointed as a Uibyung General and Seo Sang-yeol was appointed as a Somodaejang(召募大將). In January, Jecheon-Uibyung marched and occupied Chungjusung and Seo Sang-yeol as a Somosa(召募使) of YeongNam(嶺南, Southeastern Korea) advanced to area of YeongNam and urged to uprise Uibyung in YeongNam. at that time he commanded soldiers of 3,000. But on 16th of the February, 1896, he made a failure to attack Japanese soldiers' military camp stayed in Taebong of Sangju and he comeback Jecheon and have been under order of defence of Dangyang. Then Jecheon-Uibyung was defeated several battles and was decided to move into northern area, at that time Seo Sang-yeol took part in opening a moving-route as a Dorojang(道路將) in advanced of the centural guard. While Seo Sang-yeol stayed at the area of NangCheun, the magistrate of NangCheun Ham Eunjun attacked to his camp by ambuscade and Seo Sang-yeol died on 13th of June, 1896.

      • KCI등재

        김천 읍지 『금릉지』의 편찬과 편찬정신

        박인호(Park In Ho) 한국사학사학회 2014 韓國史學史學報 Vol.0 No.30

        This study introduces 『Geumneungji』, a work containing geographical materials related to the old Gimsan area, and analyzes the significance of the compilation of this eupji(local gazetteer). Having first appeared in the Yeongnam region, private gazetteers became quite popular around the nation during the 16th-17th centuries. All followed a certain standard in terms of their form. However, 『Geumneungji』 compiled by Yeo Imyeong in 1718 as a gazetteer for Gimsan marks a departure from the standard form of private gazetteers in that it exhibits a unique selection of items and titles such as 'gojeong(historical research)'. In particular, it includes comprehensive descriptions of the family background of persons in the introduction to each prefecture. The description method utilized in 『Geumneungji』 appears to have been influenced by 『Danseongji』 compiled by Yi Sibun during the mid-17th century. However, while 『Geumneungji』 placed all the items covered under the umbrella of historical research on a particular area, 『Danseongji』 only included sections on history and mountains and rivers along with historical research on towns and prefectures. In addition, poems were added in the descriptions to each section to humanize the relevant section. 『Geumneungji』 was first compiled by Yi Taeha and Yeo Imyeong who were disciples of Bae Sangyu, an in-law of Yu Hyeongwon. It was eventually completed by Yeo Imyeong. In this regard, 『Geumneungji』 has characteristics that set it apart from other private gazetteers. First, this work helps to shed some light on trends that impacted family clans in the Gimsan area. Although other gazetteers of Gimsan had been compiled, these proved to be of little help in deciphering the family history of individuals because the focus was simply on the description of known figures in that particular local area. However, 『Geumneungji』 provides information about the process through which a family clan came to settle in the area, as well as the histories of the people within the family clans in each prefecture. Second, this work includes poems related to important relics and incidents. Later editions of Gimsan-related gazetteers separately included such poems in the section on jeyeong(poetical compositions). However, 『Geumneungji』 features poems whenever a relic or information related to an incident was introduced. This can be construed to mean that poems were used as a tool with which to display a profound understanding of relics, and exposes the pride that was taken in local cultural relics. Third, a reformative social perception is clearly on display in this private gazetteer. Unlike other government and private gazetteers that were focused on delivering information pertaining to phenomenal events, Yeo Imyeong critically reported on the reality of the time and shed light on reformative ideas. In particular, Yeo wrote about the reality of local areas in the sections on literati halls, public county schools, bridges, and county administration. He also showed signs of critical analyses and reform proposals and comprehensively summarized the reality of the time in the sections on general theory, customs, and abuses. In conclusion, because it was compiled in a different manner than previous gazetteers, 『Geumneungji』 helps to shed light on the state of Gimsan during the 18th century in a more comprehensive manner. The records of personal histories, which include information about residences and inheritances. provide unique materials with which to analyze the prevailing trends within local communities during the 18th century. In addition, this book is also significant in that Yu Hyeongwon's perceptions of the reforms attempted during the 17th century were collected in this local gazetteer by his in-law Bae Sangyu and his pupils. This insight into the problems of the day and reflections on the notion of reform found in a local gazetteer imply that the tenets of Silhak(Practical Learning) 이 논문은 옛 김산 지역에 대한 읍지인 『금릉지』를 소개하면서 책의 편찬이 가지는 사학사적 의미를 살펴 본 것이다. 그리고 실학에 기반한 개혁적 문제의식의 지역 확산과 전파를 살펴보려는데 연구의 목적이 있다. 사찬읍지는 16-17세기 영남지역을 시작으로 전국적으로 널리 편찬되면서 체재면에서 일정한 정형을 갖추었다. 그러나 1718년 여이명이 편찬한 『금릉지』는 사찬읍지의 정형화된 체재와는 달리 특이한 항목 설정과 '고증'이라는 명칭을 사용하고 있으며, 각 坊里에 대한 설명에서는 인물의 집안 내력을 종합적으로 기술하는 방식을 취하고 있다. 『금릉지』의 이러한 기술방식은 17세기 중엽에 편찬된 이시분의 『단성지』로부터 영향을 받았다. 『금릉지』는 유형원의 사돈인 배상유의 제자인 이태하와 여이명이 편찬을 시도하여 여이명에 의해 완성된 읍지이다. 『금릉지』는 방리별로 각 가문 인물의 入鄕 경위와 해당 가문의 인물을 가계에 따라 정리함으로써 인물의 내력과 移居해 오거나 나간 인물의 출처를 알 수 있게 한다. 또한 『금릉지』에서는 유적이나 사건이 나올 때 바로 관련된 시문을 제시함으로써 유적의 문화적 내용을 풍부하게 하였으며, 지역에 대한 자부심을 드러내었다. 그리고 『금릉지』에서는 당대 김산의 현실에 대한 비판적인 보고와 개혁적인 구상을 보이고 있다. 『금릉지』는 18세기 김산의 사정을 종합적으로 파악할 수 있도록 한다. 인물의 이거와 계승의 기록은 18세기 향촌 사회에서의 인물 이동의 양상을 보여주는 매우 특이한 자료이다. 또한 이 책은 17세기 유형원에 시도되었던 개혁의식이 사돈인 배상유와 그의 제자들을 통해 읍지에 수렴된 사례를 보여준다. 다른 읍지에서는 거의 보이지 않은 당대의 문제에 대한 지적과 개혁의식이 읍지에 반영된 것은 실학의 확산과 지방에서의 수렴의 한 예로 볼 수 있다.


        암처리한 인삼엽의 Greening 과정에서의 Chlorophyll - protein Complex 형성에 대한 연구

        박인호,홍영남,권영명,이순희,조영동 ( In Ho Park,Young Nam Hong,Young Myung Kwon,Soon Hee Lee,Yong Dong Cho ) 생화학분자생물학회 1982 BMB Reports Vol.15 No.1

        The formation and chlorophyll composition of chlorophyll-protein complexes were investigated in the etiolated ginseng leaves during greening under continuous white light(2000 lux, 25℃, 66% relative humidity). Six chlorophyll-containing bands (CP1a, CP1, LHCP1, LHCP2, LHCP3, free pigment zone) were separated by SDSPAGE from ginseng leaves(grown under light). Chlorophyll a-rich CP1 complex and chlorophyll a/b-rich LHCP complexes reveal their maximum absorption peaks at 676 ㎚ and 670 ㎚, respectively. And chlorophyll a/b-rich LHCP complexes have another minor peak at 652nm. CPI and LHCP complexes have already formed in the etiolated ginseng leaves after 12 hr light treatment. And chlorophyll a/b ratio of CP1 complex and the percentages of chlorophyll contents of each complexes increased progressively during greening. These results suggest that the light-induced biosynthesis of CP complex molecules and the formation of functional PSI and PS II could occur within 12 hr of illumination in the etiolated ginseng leaves during greening.


        Canavanine 이 보리종자에서 GA3 에 의해 유도되는 Amylase 활성증가에 미치는 영향

        박인호,권영명 ( In Ho Park,Young Myung Kwon ) 생화학분자생물학회 1981 BMB Reports Vol.14 No.3

        The effect of L-canavanine on the GA₃ -induced amylase activity was studied in barley half seed (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Baecdong). Canavanine, 2 mM, inhibited completely the activity of amylase and the content cf soluble protein induced by GA₃. And 2 electrophoretic isozyme binds also disappeared. This inhibition was recavared by the addition of arginine. Inhibitory effect of canavanine on the enzyme activity was altered according to different time cf the addition during 24 hr of incubation of the half seeds with GA₃. The addition of canavanine after 12 hr of incubation did not show any inhibitory effect on the enzyme activity. However, the earlier the time of canavanine addition is, the lower the amylase activity is. These results indicate that inhibition cf GAS induced amylase activity by canavanine is due to aff action of canavanine on certain procedure of transcription including mRNA metabolism rather than on translation of amylase protein itself.

      • Canavanine 이 보리종자(種字)에서 $GA_3$에 의해 유도(誘導)되는 Amylase 활성증가(活性增加)에 미치는 영향(影響)

        박인호,권영명,Park, In-Ho,Kwon, Young-Myung 생화학분자생물학회 1981 한국생화학회지 Vol.14 No.3

        보리(Hordeum, vulgare L.cv. Baecdong) 종자(種子)에서 $GA_3$에 의(依)해 유도(誘導)되는 amylase 활성(活性)에 대(對)한 L-canavanine의 효과를 조사 하였다. Canavanine은 2 mM에서 $GA_3$에 의한 amylase 활성 증가(增加)를 완전(完全)히 조사(阻害)하였고 $GA_3$에 의해 유도되는 amylase isozyme의 전기영동석 pattern에도 영향을 주었으며 이러한 조사(助害) 효과(效果)는 arginine에 의해 감소 되었다. 또 $GA_3$ 처리 후 canavanine 첨가 시간을 달리하여 24시간 배양했을 때 amylase 활성이 3시간 후에 처리한 구(區)와 6시간 후에 처리한 구(區)에서 현저한 차이(差異)가 났으며, 12시간 이후에 첨가한 경우에는 억제작용이 나타나지 않았다. 이와같은 사실은 보리 종자에서 $GA_3$에 의해 유도되는 amylase 활성 증가에 대한 canavanine의 저해작용은 amylase 단백질 자체의 합성 단계 보다는 mRNA 대사를 포함하는 $GA_3$ 처리 12시간 이전의 어떤 단계(transcriptional stage)에서 canavanine이 저해 작용을 나타내는 것으로 추정할 수 있겠다. The effect of L-canavanine on the $GA_3$-induced amylase activity was studied in barley half seed (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Baecdong). Canavanine, 2 mM, inhibited completely the activity of amylase and the content of soluble protein induced by $GA_3$. And 2 electrophoretic isozyme binds also disappeared. This inhibition was recovered by the addition of arginine. Inhibitory effect of canavanine on the enzyme activity was altered according to different time of the addition during 24 hr of incubation of the half seeds with $GA_3$. The addition of canavanine after 12 hr of incubation did not show any inhibitory effect on the enzyme activity. However, the earlier the time of canavanine addition is, the lower the amylase activity is. These results indicate that inhibition of GAS induced amylase activity by canavanine is due to affection of canavanine on certain procedure of transcription including mRNA metabolism rather than on translation of amylase protein itself.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        소의 뇌에서 Neurosteroid Acyltransferase의 분포 및 특성에 관한 연구

        박인호,조성준,조도현 ( In Ho Park,Sung Jun Jo,Do Hyun Jo ) 한국응용생명화학회 1997 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.40 No.2

        The enzymatic properties as well as its distribution in the cerebral region and subcellular organells were investigated for the neurosteroid acyltransferase from the bovine brain, which synthesize the fatty acid esters of the neurosteroids. The cerebellum region was the highest in NSAT activity while the cerebrum was the lowest with 50% of the cerebellar activity. The NSAT was found to be mainly localized in the microsomal fraction. The optimal temperature and pH were 40℃ and 4.9, respectively. When ³H-DHEA was utilized as substrate, the K_m and V_(max) was 32.6 μM and 4.86 nmole/㎎ protein/h, respectively. Under the same condition pregnenolone(△^5P) was a competitive inhibitor with K₁=22.8 μM and testosterone was a uncompetitive inhibitor with K₁=28.2 μM. This may suggest that the NSAT has a different conformation in the acylation of the β-hydroxyl group at C-3 and C-17.

      • 암처리한 인삼엽의 Greening 과정에서의 Chlorophyll-protein Complex 형성에 대한 연구

        박인호,홍영남,권영명,이순희,조영동,Park, In-Ho,Hong, Young-Nam,Kwon, Young-Myung,Lee, Soon-Hee,Cho, Yong-Dong 생화학분자생물학회 1982 한국생화학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        암처리(暗處理)한 인삼엽(人蔘葉)을 greening시키는 과정에서(광도 ; 2,000 lux연속광 ; 온도 $25^{\circ}C$;상대습도, 66%) 형성되는 chlorophyll-protein complex의 전기영동 패턴, 각(各) complex의 엽록소조성 및 흡수스펙트럼 양상을 조사하였다. 광하(光下)에서 자란 인삼엽(人蔘葉)의 thylakoid membrane을 5% SDS-PAGE로 분리하였을 때 6개의 chlorophyll-containing band를 볼 수 있었다(CP1a, CP1, LHCP1, LHCP2, LHCP3 complex, free pigment zone). Chlorophyll a-rich CP1 complex와 chlorophyll a/b-rich LHCP complex는 676nm와 670nm에서 각각 흡수극대를 나타냈으며, chl. a/b-rich LHCP complex는 652nm에서 minor한 peak를 나타내었다. 암처리 인삼의 greening과정에서 CP1 LHCP complex는 12시간의 광(光)처리후에 이미 형성되어 있었으며, CP1 complex의 chl. a/b ratio와 각 complex의 chlorophyll함량은 greening이 진행됨에 따라 점차 증가하는 경향을 보이고 있다. 이러한 결과는 광(光)에 의해 유도되는 CP complex분자의 생합성 및 기능적으로 활성을 갖는 PSI과 PSII의 형성이 광(光)처리 12시간내에 나타난 가능성을 시사한다. The formation and chlorophyll composition of chlorophyll-protein complexes were investigated in the etiolated ginseng leaves during greening under continuous white light(2000 lux, $25^{\circ}C$, 66% relative humidity). Six chlorophyll-containing bands (CP1a, CP1, LHCP1, LHCP2, LHCP3, free pigment zone) were separated by SDSPAGE from ginseng leaves(grown under light). Chlorophyll a-rich CP1 complex and chlorophyll a/b-rich LHCP complexes reveal their maximum absorption peaks at 676nm and 670nm, respectively. And chlorophyll a/b-rich LHCP complexes have another minor peak at 652nm. CPI and LHCP complexes have already formed in the etiolated ginseng leaves after 12 hr light treatment. And chlorophyll a/b ratio of CP1 complex and the percentages of chlorophyll contents of each complexes increased progressively during greening. These results suggest that the light-induced biosynthesis of CP complex molecules and the formation of functional PSI and PS II could occur within 12 hr of illumination in the etiolated ginseng leaves during greening.

      • KCI등재

        호흡기바이러스 감염에 의한 혈액학적 합병증

        박인호,이수호,유승택,최두영,Park, In Ho,Lee, Su Ho,You, Sung Taek,Choi, Du Young 대한소아감염학회 2013 Pediatric Infection and Vaccine Vol.20 No.3

        목적: 다양한 바이러스 감염이 혈액학적 합병증, 특히 빈혈, 호중구 감소증 및 혈소판감소증과 같은 혈구 감소증을 일으킨다. 그러나 최근 호흡기 바이러스에 의한 혈액학적 합병증에 대해서는 제한적으로 보고되었다. 따라서 저자들은 호흡기 바이러스 양성 환자들을 대상으로 혈액학적 합병증과 그 임상 경과를 평가하기 위해 본 연구를 시행하였다. 방법: 2011년 10월부터 2012년 3월까지 6개월 동안 원광대학병원 소아청소년과에 입원한 496명의 소아청소년에서 호흡기 바이러스 multiplex reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction 결과와 혈액학적 소견을 후향적으로 분석하였다. 결과: 대상 환자 중 379명에서 호흡기 바이러스가 검출 되었다. 가장 흔한 바이러스는 respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) (55.7%)였으며, influenza A (Flu A) (23.0%) 순이었다. 혈구 감소증은 RSV감염 환자 35.5%에서 보였고, Flu A 25.0%, 기타 바이러스 34%에서 발생하였다. 각각의 바이러스는 혈구 감소증의 빈도와 유사하게 세 가지 혈구 세포를 감소시켰다. 379명 중 83명에서 빈혈이 나타났으며($9.71{\pm}1.09g/dL$); 46명에서 호중구 감소증이 나타났다($803.70{\pm}263.09/mm^3$); 23명에서 일시적인 혈소판 감소증이 나타났다($142,434.78{\pm}86,835.18/mm^3$). 그러나 어떠한 환아도 치료가 필요한 경우는 없었다. RSV와 Flu A군 간의 임상적 특징을 비교하였을 때, 빈혈이 있는 RSV군에서 입원기간이 더 길었다. 호중구 감소에서는 RSV군에서 나이가 더 어렸으며 입원 전 발열 기간이 더 짧았다. 결론: 본 연구에서 호흡기 바이러스 감염, 특히 RSV와 Flu A에서 다양하게 혈구 감소가 나타났으나 이들 합병증은 대부분 치료가 필요하지 않았으며 임상 경과에도 영향을 미치지 않았다. Objective: Cytopenia is a common hematologic complication of viral infections. However, information regarding hematologic effects of common respiratory virus infections is scarce. This study aimed to evaluate hematologic complications and the clinical course of patients infected with common respiratory viruses. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 496 patients with respiratory tract infections admitted to the Department of Pediatrics, Wonkwang University Hospital from November 2011 to March 2012 using multiplex real-time polymerase chain reaction to detect the presence of respiratory viruses and hematologic abnormalities. Results: Respiratory viruses were identified in 379 patients. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) was most frequently detected (55.7%), followed by influenza A (Flu-A, 23.0%). Further, cytopenia was observed in 35.5% of RSV-infected patients, 25.0% of Flu-A-infected patients, and 34% of patients infected by other viruses. Each virus caused a decrease in 3 blood cell component values, which corresponded with cytopenia frequency. Of the 379 infected patients, 83 had anemia ($9.71{\pm}1.09g/dL$); 46 had neutropenia ($803.70{\pm}263.09cells/mm^3$); and 23 had transient thrombocytopenia ($142,434.78{\pm}86,835.18cells/mm^3$). However, no patient required treatment. A comparison of clinical characteristics between RSV- and Flu-A-positive patients with anemia revealed that RSV-infected patients had significantly longer duration of hospitalization. RSV was detected more commonly in young neutropenic patients, who had a shorter duration of fever. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that infections, particularly RSV and Flu-A, result in varying degrees of cytopenia, which usually improves without treatment and does not affect the clinical course of the infection.

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