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        루돌프 슈타이너의 초기 건축에 나타난 인지학적 특성에 관한 연구

        박윤준,정진원 대한건축학회 2004 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.20 No.10

        Rudolf Steiner promoted anthroposophy base on the critique of modern times. This paper is a study on the anthroposophic characteristics shown in his early architectures. Those are The Munich Congress Hall,(1907), The MaIsch Model House, 1908-1909), Stuttgart House,(191l), and The Munich Project-Johannes Building(1911-1912) The anthrososophic architectural theory is defined here as application of cosmology, metamorphology and geometry Through these interpretation of the theory, and the study on the four architectures, this study hope to contribute to the understanding of anthroposophic characteristics in the architectures

      • KCI등재

        HLA 항체검사의 국제정도관리 프로그램 참가 경험

        박윤준,김미애,김선미,명희 대한진단검사의학회 2002 Annals of Laboratory Medicine Vol.22 No.5

        배경 : 각종 장기이식 및 HLA 적합혈소판 수혈에 있어서 수혜자 혈청 내 HLA 항체 특이성의 정확한 동정은 매우 중요하다.본 논문에서는 HLA 항체검사의 국제정도관리 프로그램 참가 경험을 보고하고자 한다.방법 : International Serum Exchange Program은 1년에 10회, 1회당 4개의 혈청을 각 참여 검사실에 보내어 HLA 항체검사의 외부정도관리를 시행하고 있으며, 배포되는 혈청은 대부분cross-reactive epitope group (CREG) 항원에 대한 다특이성(polyspecific) 항체 특이성을 갖고 있다. 본 기관에서는 상기 프로그램에 참가하여, 1998년 5월부터 2000년 8월까지 총 24회, 96개의 혈청 검체를 대상으로 frozen lymphocyte tray (36종 림프구 패널)를 이용하여 AHG-CDC법으로 HLA 항체 특이성 동정을 시행하였고 그 회신 결과를 전체 참가검사실(매회 72-92기관)

      • KCI등재

        An Unusual Presentation of Crossed Testicular Ectopia as an Incarcerated Inguinal Hernia

        박윤준,이길호 대한남성과학회 2013 The World Journal of Men's Health Vol.31 No.3

        Crossed testicular ectopia (CTE) is generally defined as both testes located in the same hemiscrotum and contralateral hydrocele with the absence of a testis. However, the initial presentation of CTE in an infant as an incarcerated inguinal hernia is extremely rare. We report on a 10-month-old infant with CTE, who visited the emergency room presenting with a left incarcerated inguinal hernia. After manual reduction for an incarcerated hernia and left inguinal herniorraphy, the left testis was fixed into the left hemiscrotum and right transseptal orchiopexy was performed.

      • KCI등재

        Surface Modification of Polyimide Films by an Ethylenediamine Treatment for a Flexible Copper Clad Laminate

        박윤준,홍영택,유덕만,안정호,최종호 한국고분자학회 2012 Macromolecular Research Vol.20 No.2

        The surfaces of the polyimide films Kapton-E and Upilex-S are modified by ethylenediamine treatment to improve its adhesion to a subsequently deposited copper layer. The changes in the chemical composition, morphology,and adhesion properties of the modified polyimide surface are characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,atomic force microscopy, and the 90o peel test. An ethylenediamine polyimide treatment induces amino group formation from the broken imide group. The peel strength of Kapton-E and Upilex-S with a copper layer increases from 0.3 to 0.65 kgf/cm and 0.25 to 0.46 kgf/cm, respectively. The results show that ethylenediamine treatment is a good modification method to greatly increase the adhesion performance of polyimide films to a copper layer.

      • 루돌프 슈타이너 제1괴테아눔의 인지학적 특성에 관한 연구

        박윤준,Park, Yun-Jun 한국디지털건축·인테리어학회 2006 한국디지털건축인테리어학회 논문집 Vol.6 No.1

        This paper is a study on the anthroposophic characteristics shown in the first Goetheanum. Rudolf Steiner promoted anthroposophy base on the critique of modem times. His philosophy has developed in various areas such as medical science, agriculture, education, and art. In particular, his thinking was well expressed in the first Goetheanum which was built for Anthroposophical Society. The anthrososophic architectural theory is defined here as application of cosmology, metamorphology and geometry. Steiner defined geometry as a unconscious awareness inscribed in skeletal system of human body as humans have evolved in the process of cosmological development. As a result, Steiner's architecture was able to create metamorphological spaces with harmonizing geometric and organic factors. In respect of decoration, the shapes of plants applied to the decoration still kept individuality because of being made manually, thus perfect symmetrical architecture was impossible. Moreover, the first Goetheanum placed an emphasis on formative dynamics. This was to wake an individual's self-conscienceless up, by enabling him to experience with all the senses without reasoning from the precedent.

      • 루돌프 슈타이너의 제1괴테아눔 연구

        박윤준,정진원 경기대학교 부설 산업기술종합연구소 2003 산업기술종합연구소 논문집 Vol.26 No.-

        Rudolf Steiner promoted anthroposophy base on the critique of modern times. The purpose of this study is to analysis the architectural characteristics in the first Goetheanum that is known as a anthroposophic architecture. The process of research is as follow: 1. Review of Rudolf Steiner's lifetime. 2. Study on the process of realization of the first Goetheanum. 3. Analyze the site plan, floor plan, columns and inner space. As a result of this study, we can draw some anthroposophic characteristics of the first Goeheanum such as symbol of cosmology, application of Goethe's metamorphology and geometry

      • KCI등재

        외국기업 고정사업장에 대한 부가가치세 과세문제의 연구

        박윤준 한국국제조세협회 2020 조세학술논집 Vol.36 No.3

        This paper identifies and discusses potential issues arising in the course of applying VAT law to a permanent establishment (hereinafter referred to as PE) of foreign enterprises. Such VAT issues arise when tax authorities during tax audits or other enforcement checks, discovering a PE of foreign enterprises yet to be declared or re-evaluating the function of an existing PE reported as performed, argue for assessment of VAT on the transactions in which a PE might be involved, together with that of corporate tax on the (increased) attributable income of a PE. This is what has been unfolding in audit practices since mid-2010s in the realm of the services provided by foreign enterprises for domestic customers. Therefore, the main focus of this paper is VAT issues arising in the context of PE regarding supply of services. The reason why tax authorities argue for VAT assessment on PE is that they concluded that foreign enterprises should have filed VAT return and paid VAT in relation to the transactions that the PE has participated. Therefore, the requirements for VAT return and its payment on the basis of a PE are worth exploring. These are the following: First, VAT taxable supply of services by a foreign enterprise needs to exist and self-supply, meaning the supply of services between business places of the same foreign enterprise, does not qualify as VAT taxable. Existence of self-supply is only supported by physical, economic and direct flow of services. Second, the place of supply of service, defined as the place where the service is provided, must be located in Korea. When the service is provided across the border, the place where important and essential part of the service is provided is regarded as place of the supply. The place of B2C supply of most electronic/ digital services by foreign enterprises, our daily routine of present time, is deemed to be domestic by the VAT law and its VAT return and payment should be made by the foreign enterprises or their intermediaries on their behalf. However, the place of supply of foreign open market service, platform service and intermediary service with settlement function, not being among the types of services aforementioned and basically being B2B supplies, should be subject to the general criterion of the place where the service is provided and so resulting place is foreign where the computer server is located. Third, foreign enterprise must have a domestic business place. A PE based on tax treaty is treated as a business place for VAT purpose. Nonetheless, a deemed PE under the treaty should not be regarded as a VAT business place because a deemed PE is hypothetical and incompatible with VAT business place which by its definition requires geographical location with human and physical resources. Fourth, a PE should be either a supplying business place, meaning the resources of which are mobilized for provision of the service, or a business place intervening the supply of service. If a PE does not intervene the supply, the supply would be subject to reverse charge mechanism. When a PE is regarded as intervening the supply, while the prevailing view is the supply would be subject to filing obligation of VAT return, this paper argues that no other effects ensue than not being subject to reverse charge mechanism. The VAT law provides for a definition of intervention which is linked to the treaty concept of ‘effectively connected’ and ‘attributable’. However, that definition would be practically unworkable and the recommendation is to, irrespective of the law definition, pursue a rational meaning suiting the structure of VAT system. Under the prevailing view, we may interpret intervention as either supply or less than supply. The former is more practical and simple. The latter is opposed in that it would necessarily lead to a force of attraction in reality, contradicting the VAT law denying a force of attraction. Factual settings where tax authorities ex post argue tha... 이 글은 외국기업의 고정사업장에 대해 부가가치세법을 적용하는 데 있어 제기되는 쟁점들을 검토하였다. 이 쟁점들은, 과세당국이 세무조사나 여타 검증을 통해, 외국기업이 기왕에 스스로 신고하지 않았던 고정사업장을 새롭게 찾아내거나 기왕에 두고 있었던 고정사업장의 역할을 달리 보면서, 고정사업장의 귀속소득에 대한 법인세와 함께 이 고정사업장에 부가가치세도 부과하는 상황에서의 것들이다. 이는 2010년대 중반 이후 실제 외국기업에 대한 세무조사 현장에서 일어나는 상황인데 주로 외국기업의 국내 고객에 대한 용역공급과 관련해서 전개된다. 따라서 이 글에서도 주로 외국기업의 용역공급과 관련한 고정사업장의 부가가치세 문제들을 살펴보았다. 과세당국이 고정사업장에 부가가치세를 부과하려는 까닭은 그 고정사업장이 어떤 거래의 부가가치세를 신고납부했어야 했는데 이를 이행하지 않았다고 보기 때문이다. 따라서 우선 외국기업이 우리나라에서 부가가치세의 신고납부의무를 지려면 어떤 조건들이 필요한지를 살펴보았는데 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 외국기업이 용역을 공급해야 한다. 외국기업의 사업장 간 자가공급은 과세되지 않는데, 자가공급은 실물의 흐름으로 확인된다. 둘째, 용역의 공급장소가 국내이어야 한다. 공급장소는 역무가 제공되는 장소인데, 국내외에 걸쳐 제공된다면 ‘중요하고 본질적인 부분’의 역무가 제공되는 장소가 공급장소이다. 요즘 일상화된 전자적 용역을 외국기업이 국내 소비자에게 제공하는 경우(B2C), 부가가치세법은 그 공급장소를 국내로 간주하고 신고납부의무를 부여한다. 다만, 국외 오픈마켓, 플랫폼, 결제대행 중개 용역은 유형상 공급장소가 국내로 간주되는 전자적 용역에 해당하지 않고 거래 상대방도 사업자(B2B)이므로, 그 공급장소는 ‘역무 제공장소’ 기준에 따라 판단해야 한다. 이 경우 공급장소는 그 서비스가 운영되는 컴퓨터 서버의 소재지로서, 국외이다. 셋째, 외국기업이 국내에 사업장을 두어야 한다. 조세조약상 고정사업장이 있으면 그 국내사업장은 부가가치세 사업장이 된다. 다만, 간주 고정사업장은 가정된 고정사업장으로서, ‘거래를 하는 고정된 장소’라는 부가가치세법의 사업장 정의에 부합하지 않아, 부가가치세 사업장에 해당하지 않는다고 본다. 넷째, 고정사업장이, 용역을 공급하는 사업장이거나, 용역공급에 ‘관련’이 있어야 한다. 공급하는 사업장이란 그 사업장의 인적, 물적 자원이 역무의 중요하고 본질적인 부분의 제공에 동원되는 사업장을 말한다. 고정사업장이 용역공급에 ‘관련’이 없으면 그 용역은 대리납부 대상이 된다. 반대로 관련이 있으면, 통설은 신고납부대상이 된다고 보지만, 본 연구자는 대리납부대상이 아니라는 점 외에 다른 효과는 없다고 본다. 통설을 전제하고 논의를 잇는다. 부가가치세법 시행령은 ‘관련’이 조세조약상의 ‘실질적 관련’과 ‘귀속’을 의미하는 것으로 정하고 있으나 그런 수준의 ‘관련’은 충족되기가 매우 어렵다. 따라서 해석의 차원에서 시행령에 구애되지 않고 ‘관련’에 합당한 의미를 부여하는 것이 바람직하다고 본다. ‘공급’에 미치지 않는 관여도 ‘관련’으로 볼 수 있지만, 본 연구자는 ‘관련’은 ‘공급’을 의미한다고 본다. ‘관련’을 낮은 수준의 관여로 이해하면, 실제에서는 필시 총괄주의로 귀결된다. 고정...

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