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      • KCI등재

        현대사회의 쟁점과 문학교육 : 세대갈등과 문학교육의 전략

        박용찬 ( Yong Chan Park ) 한국문학교육학회 2013 문학교육학 Vol.41 No.-

        Intergenerational Conflict and Strategies of Literature Education Park, Yong-Chan This article focuses on the role of literature education to resolve the intergenerational conflict. This article deals with literary works in korean language textbooks mainly concerning intergenerational conflict. Intergenerational conflict comes from the difference in recognition of reality and values which each of generations have. The rapid social changes bring about the difference of historical events and cultural experience between each generations. This is a factor accelerating the intergenerational conflict. Since human life contains a conflict itself, the conflict is bound to be a main material in literature works. Intergenerational conflict in literature works is mainly presented as a form of the conflict between parents and child. Since intergenerational conflict takes on the aspects of vertical conflict, it is more serious than horizontal conflict within the same generation. The novels dealing with intergenerational conflict have been positioned as an important canon(正典) in the literary education fields. This article adopted Lee Tae-jun`s ?A Stone Bridge?, Park Wan-seo`s ?A Twilight?, Oh Seung-hee`s ?Meju which followed Grandmother? as main texts in discussion. The main cause of conflicts is mainly derived from the difference of value consciousness looking at the object. These three literary works show the conflict between characters whose values are different. These conflicts can be called a confrontation between characters grew up in a different culture. Intergenerational conflict is derived from an absence of communication between each generations about assessment of value. To resolve the conflict, The width of sympathy and understanding for each other is important. It is more desirable to expose the aspects of conflict rather than hiding it in order to find a solution more seriously. For the first, It is necessary to secure many education canon dealing with intergenerational conflict in the literature education fields. Next, in the process of teaching and learning, activities to understand the other side must be planned as a teaching strategies. Through these process, it makes the learner experience the empathy and communication with each other. At last, while the learner re-contextualize the conflicts on the basis of learned literary abilities, the learner also should develop the problem-solving skills in a new situation.

      • KCI등재

        콘빔형전산화단층장치를 이용한 함치성낭의 방사선학적 연구

        박용찬,이완,이병도,Park, Yong-Chan,Lee, Wan,Lee, Byung-Do 대한영상치의학회 2010 Imaging Science in Dentistry Vol.40 No.3

        Purpose : The purpose of this study was to accurately analyze the radiographic characteristics of dentigerous cyst (DC) with multiplanar images of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Materials and Methods : Thirty eight radiographically and histopathologically proven cases of DCs were analyzed with panoramic radiograph and CBCT, retrospectively. The radiographic CT pattern, symmetry of radiolucency around the unerupted tooth crown, ratio of long length to short length, degree of cortical bone alternation, effects on adjacent tooth, and cyst size were analyzed. Relative frequencies of these radiographic features were evaluated. In order to compare the CBCT features of DC with those of odontogenic keratocyst (OKC), 9 cases of OKCs were analyzed with the same method radiographically. Results : DCs consisted of thirty unilocular cases (79.0%), seven lobulated cases (18.4%) and one multilocular case (2.6%). Eight were asymmetric (21.0%) and thirty were symmetric (79.0%). Maxillary DC showed rounder shape than mandibular DC (L/S ratio; maxilla 1.32, mandible 1.67). Alternations of lingual cortical bone (14 cases, 48.2%) were more frequent than those of buccal side (7 cases, 24.1%). CBCT images of DC showed definite root resorption and bucco-lingual tooth displacement. These findings were hardly observed on panoramic radiographs of DCs. Comparison of CBCT features of DC with those of OKC showed several different features. Conclusions : CBCT images of DC showed various characteristic radiographic features. Therefore, CBCT can be helpful for the diagnosis of DC radiographically.

      • KCI등재

        이육사 시의 국어교재 정착과 수용의 문제

        박용찬(Park, Yong-chan) 국어교육학회 2021 국어교육연구 Vol.- No.75

        본고는 이육사 시의 국어교재 정착과정과 문학교실에서의 수용의 과정을 살펴보고자 하였다. 정착과정은 주로 이육사 시가 국어교재에 교육정전으로 편입되는 과정을 다루는 것이고, 수용의 과정은 이육사 시의 교수․학습방식과 관련된 것이라 할 수 있다. 교육정전으로 이육사 시가 처음으로 수록된 것은 국어교과서에 앞서 독본류 국어교재류에서 먼저 정전화되었음을 확인하였다. 해방직후 발간된 사범대학국문학회 편찬,『고급국어』1(범인사, 1947)에서 「청포도」와 「광야」가 처음으로 수록되었으며, 한국전쟁기인 피난지 부산에서 발행된 조향 편, 『현대국문학수』(자유장, 1952)에 「청포도」, 「연보」, 「절정」, 「아편」, 「광야」 등이 실렸다. 이는 문학 장에서 시선집(사화집)을 중심으로 정전화되었던 이육사 시가 교육정전으로 이동하는 모습을 보여주고 있는 것이라 할 수 있다. 1차교육과정부터 국어교과서에 본격적으로 자리 잡은 작품은 「청포도」와 「광야」였다. 「청포도」와 「광야」가 오랫동안 변함없이 교육정전으로 대우받다가 1980년대를 지나면서 「절정」, 「꽃」, 「교목」 등이 추가되었다. ‘순수/민족의 검열체계’를 통과할 수 있는 표지를 갖고 있었던 이들 작품들은 소위 ‘신비평적 조건’도 어느 정도 갖추고 있었기에 교육정전으로 공고하게 자리잡을 수 있었다. 국어교과서에 수록된 이육사 시는 우리 문학교실에서 주로 역사주의 비평과 신비평의 영향 아래 놓여 있었다. 그래서 작가의 삶이나 독립지사로서의 행적, 또는 일제강점기란 시대를 중심으로, 아니면 텍스트의 내부 맥락 또는 비유나 상징 같은 분석주의적 지식을 통해 교육되거나 해석되기 일쑤였다. 이러한 방식이 가진 문제점은 알레고리보다는 ‘다치적 사고의 산물’이랄 수 있는 상징을 적극 활용하거나 학습자들의 능동적이고 주체적인 시읽기 과정 등을 통해 극복될 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. This paper attempted to examine the process of settling Korean language textbooks in Lee Yuk-sa and the process of acceptance in the literature classes. The former is related to the canonization process contained in Korean language textbooks, and the latter concerns teaching and learning methods in the secondary schools. The education canon is firmly established in the field of education through various means such as textbooks, literature readings, explanatory books, classes, and evaluation. Lee Yuk-sa’s poems were included for the first time as an education canon in the Korean language reading textbook, Advanced Korean Textbook(vol.1) (1947). In this book, “Green grape” and “Extensive plain” were included. Afterwards, The Selection of Modern Korean Literature’ Works(Cho Hyang ed., 1952) was published in Busan, a place of refuge in 1952, during the Korean War. In this book, “Green grape”, “Chronology of life”, “Climax”, “Opium”, and “Extensive plain” were canonized. It was from the first curriculum that poems of Lee Yuk-sa entered the field of literature education in earnest. Up to now, five pieces of Lee Yuksa’s poems have been canonized in Korean language textbooks, including “Green grape”, “Extensive plain”, “Climax”, “Tall Tree” and “Flower”. It can be seen that 5 out of 11 poems from Lee Yuk-sa which were canonized centering on anthology(collection of pomes) in the literature field are transitioning to an education canon. Lee Yuk-sa’s poems in Korean language textbooks have long been under the influence of historical criticism, or New Criticism. Lee Yuk-sa is educated as a representative resistance poet in the secondary school literature classroom, and learners read most of Lee Yuk-sa’s poems in the context of resistance poetry. Or an analytic method of interpreting poetry that utilized knowledge of rhyme, metaphor, symbol, image, irony, and paradox was popular. Considering the literary and educational path of Lee Yuk-sa’s poetry so far, it is necessary to keep in mind the following points again in the teaching and learning process of Lee Yuk-sa"s poems. First, it is necessary to avoid reading the poems of Lee Yuk-sa written during the Japanese colonial period overly allegorically. Second, it is necessary to accept various interpretations that can occur in the process of teaching and learning. Third, students must actively and subjectively read poems based on their internal and external bases.

      • KCI등재

        기획논문: 출판매체를 통해 본 근대문학 공간의 형성과 대구 -일제강점기와 해방기를 중심으로-

        박용찬 ( Yong Chan Park ) 한국문학언어학회(구 경북어문학회) 2011 어문론총 Vol.55 No.-

        Daegu is the spiritual base of the Yeongnam School and the cradle of Yeongnam Government Office`s publications. In spite of its reputation, Daegu`s current publishing culture is shrinking gradually. So we have to shed light on the role that Daegu has played in producing significant print media across generations. Specifically, Daegu, which performed significant role of publication in Joseon Dynasty, succeeded tradition of publication during Japanese Ruling Era through ``Jaejeondang Seopo(在田堂書鋪)``, ``Kwangmunsa(廣文社)``, etc. Various publishing media from these publishers created an elated atmosphere, dissemination of modern knowledges and enlightenment of the public. Publications in such climates included various literary coterie magazines, magazines, school magazines that served as an important mediator to create Koreas`s modern literature. During the period of the Liberation from Japan and the Korean War, Daegu succeeded splendid tradition of publication once more through newspapers, magazines, various textbooks, the literary works, etc. In the field of Daegu literature during period of the Liberation, ``Juksoonsiingurakbu(竹筍詩人俱樂部)`` and ``Joseonadonghoe(朝鮮兒童會)`` made Daegu a significant locus of children`s literature. During the period of Liberation, Daegu contributed to formation of Korean children`s literature by creating children`s literary media, such as ``Adong(兒童:children)`` and ``Saessak(새싹:sprout)``. In spite of political chaos, these media made an effort to invigorate space of local children`s literature and to enlighten children. Especially remarkable collections of poems and textbooks were published in comparison with other areas of publications(e. g., novels and essays). Continuous endeavor should be given in order to examine real existence of undiscovered Daegu region`s publishing media and to put finishing touches on them. In addition, it is important to not only discover and arrange various publishing media but also deeply analyze both literary works contained in various publishing media and cultural meanings of these media.

      • KCI등재

        국어사전의 형태론적 정보 - ≪표준국어대사전≫(1999)을 중심으로 -

        박용찬 ( Park Yong-chan ) 한말연구학회 2020 한말연구 Vol.- No.55

        This study examined the problems of using hyphens as a marker of complex word and selecting forms of declension and conjugation as a inflectional information in Standard Korean Dictionary(1999). Then, I proposed a solution to these problems. First, it is impossible to consistently use hyphens as a marker of complex word in the headword notated according to the Hangeul orthography in the dictionary. In classifying words according to morphological characteristics, it is more important to check whether it is a inflected word than whether it is a complex word. Considering this, a hyphen can be used for the analysis of the inflected words. Second, in order to show the morphological characteristics systematically, appropriate forms of declension and conjugation as a inflectional information must be selected and presented. In this process, syntactic functions and morphophonological alternats of each declensional endings and conjugational endings should be considered. As a result, in case of substantives, the forms of declension combined with declensional endings ‘이/가’, ‘을/를’, ‘으로/로’, ‘만’, ‘도’, ‘이나/나’, ‘과/와, ’etc., and in case of the predicates, the forms of declension combined with conjugational endings ‘-ㄴ다/는다/다’, ‘-ㅂ니다/습니 다’, ‘-아/어’, ‘-니/으니’, ‘-는/ㄴ/은’, ‘-ㅁ/음’, ‘-게’, etc. were selected. Third, the complex word is analyzed its morphs with a hyphen for its phonetic form. The morph analysis at this time should be performed to the phoneme level. The same is true of forms of declension and conjugation.

      • KCI등재

        해방기 시에 나타난 가족 충동과 그 의미

        박용찬(Park Yong-chan) 한국어문학회 2011 語文學 Vol.0 No.112

        The aim of this study is to find out the whole situation of ‘Family’ impulsion and its meaning mentioned in the poems of the Union of Chosun Literary Men’ poets. In the Korean modern poetry created with the background of the large historical changes such as Japanese colonial era, Liberation, and the Korean War, family was adopted as the poetic theme of many poets. In the case of Japanese colonial era, poets chiefly dealt with the family problems through the sense of loss of their hometown. In the case of the Liberation period, many poets also chose family as their poetic theme. But it is worthy of notice that ‘Family’ impulsion much appeared in the poems of new poets that were the members of Chosun Literary Men participated in the process of ‘Nation Rehabilitation’. This was because the family problems were very important for poets who took the initiative in concrete struggle. The Liberation period was still the space that poets of Chosun Literary Men struggled to regain complete liberation. They tried to secure intense aspirations toward ‘New Country’ through the struggle on ‘Street’. In other words, they were always troubled with ‘Family’ impulsion in the situation of physical crisis. This ‘Family’ impulsion appearing unconsciously was that expressed the poets’ aspirations toward the safe and peaceful root-based space. Due to the imagination about family or home, tired bodies perhaps filled the space of absence and deficiency. Family or home to poets with aspirations for identity recovery was a very important symbol showing life’s source. On the other hand, family might come into acton to the poetic subject as the turning point or awareness source of new struggle. This is associated with their willingness to overcome critical reality through the new understanding of existence of mother and father who were the members of family. ‘Family’ impulsion appeared in Liberation period may be closely associated with the process of ‘National Rehabilitation’. In the Korean poems of Liberation period, family can be occasionally identified as Nation beyond house, hometown, etc. This is why ‘Family’ impulsion is mostly associated with reality or struggle on ‘Street’ beyond regression or memory field of mere retrospection.

      • KCI등재

        해방기의 시조 담론과 시조문학교재의 양상

        박용찬(Park Yong-chan) 한국시조학회 2008 시조학논총 Vol.29 No.-

        이 논문은 민족문화의 수용과 보급이 시급하였던 해방기에 시조가 어떠한 처우를 받았으며, 그것이 어떻게 교육 정전 속으로 편입되고 있는가를 밝히는데 그 초점을 두고 있다. 그래서 지금까지 크게 주목을 받지 못하였던 시조문학 매체를 중심으로 해방기 시조의 정전화 과정을 점검하고자 하였다. 본고는 이러한 작업의 일환으로 먼저 해방기에 논의된 시조담론들을 검토하였다. 시조에 대한 논의는 해방기의 좌담회, 비평, 개인 시조집의 서문, 후기 동을 통해 다양하게 개진되었다. 이들은 ‘국민시’로서의 시조의 이상을 자리매김하는 동시에 시조의 내용과 형식의 문제를 통해 시조 장르의 속성을 드러내 보이고자 하였다. 이태준, 이호우, 김기림, 양주동 등이 그 대표적 논자들이었다. 이어서 본고는 시조담론과의 연계 하에 해방기 시조문학매체의 현황과 그것의 특성을 살펴보고자 하였다. 여기서 주목한 것이 해방기에 많이 출판된 시조문학교재들이었다. 해방기에 출판된 시조 문학교재는 크게 두 종류로 나누어진다. 하나는 『청구영언』이나 『해동가요』, 『가곡원류』처럼 고시조집을 재출간하거나 주해(註解)하는 책들이고, 다른 하나는 대중독자를 염두에 둔 시조보급형 교재류 책자들이다. 본고에서는 후자를 특히 주목하였는데 그 이유는 편찬자의 기준이나 시각에 맞게 시조가 정선되고 축약되는 과정에서 시조 정전이 탄생된다는 점 때문이었다. 본고에서는 특히 『애송시조집』, 『조선시조집』, 『시조작시법』 같은 시조보급형 교재나 『민족문화독본』이나 『한글문예독본』 같은 ‘독본’류 교재 등을 주로 살펴보았다. 이어 시조 텍스트가 『초등국어교본』, 『중등국어교본』, 『중등국어』 같은 국어교재에 수록되기 시작하면서 그것의 선정과 배치에 교과서 편찬 주체의 이데올로기가 반영되고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 국문 인식이나 계몽의 기획 수준에서 차츰 국어, 국민, 국가 이데올로기를 주입시키기 적합한 시조 제재의 선택이 그것이라 할 수 있다. 시조보급형 교재와 달리 국어교재에 고시조 위주, 평시조 위주의 시조가 많이 실리게 되는 것도 그 때문이다. 되풀이 되는 시조보급형 교재들의 출판을 통해 대표적 시조들이 선별되고, 그러한 작품들은 이후 국어교재의 정전으로 구성될 매개적 통로로 자리 잡았다고 할 수 있다. This study is to find out how Shijo(時調) is included in education-canon in Haebang Period that the acceptance and diffusion of national culture were needed. First, this study examined Shjjo discourses that were discussed in Haebang Period. The discussion on Shjjo was variously expressed throughout discussion meeting, criticism, prelude and epilogue of anthology. These often tried to express the property of Shjjo genre throughout the problem of the contents and forms in Shijo. Next, this study tried to find out the present condition and their characteristics of Shijo literature media in Haebang Period, related with Shijo discourse. Shijo literature textbooks that were published in Haebang Period are largely divided into two kinds. One republished and annotated Old Shijo anthology like ChunguYoungun(靑丘永言), HaedongKayo(海東歌謠), and Gagokwonryu(歌曲源流). The other was textbooks for spreading Shijo, considering common readers. This study especially noticed the latter. Because Shijo canon was made in the course of collecting Shijo, conforming to criterion and perspective of editors. Next, when Shijo texts begun to be found in the Korean textbooks such as Secondary Korean Textbooks(中等國語敎本), Secondary Korean(中等國語), the ideology of textbooks editors was reflected on its selection and arrangement. This study chiefly examined the aspect of organizing Shijo and its acceptance course at Shijo literature textbooks and the Korean textbooks in Haebang Period. The contents of Shijo included in the Korean textbooks and its aspect of organizing canon after the Koran War will be the tasks of the next study.

      • KCI등재

        새로운 방식의 외래어(外來語) 순화(醇化)

        박용찬 ( Park Yong-chan ) 한국어문교육연구회 2007 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.35 No.2

        최근 外來語 남용으로 新舊 세대 간, 일반인과 전문가 간에 원활한 意思疏通이 점점 어려워지고 있다. 言語의 公共性을 위해서라도 外來語의 醇化가 아주 절실하다. 우리나라는 광복 이후 꾸준하게 濫用 外來語를 醇化하기 위하여 努力해 왔다. 그러나 學界 및 一般 國民의 무관심으로 뚜렷한 成果를 얻지 못하고 있다. 醇化는 학계, 정부, 일반 국민의 유기적인 協力 體制에서만 가시적인 成功를 얻을 수 있다. 본고에서는 외래어 순화의 方向이 ‘쉬운 우리말 쓰기’로 再定立되어야 함을 제안하고 일반 국민 및 학계가 외래어 순화에 대하여 더 큰 관심을 가져줄 것을 요청하였다. 그리고 國立國語院의 ‘모두가 함께하는 우리말 다듬기’의 성과와 관련지어 醇化의 諸段階에서 각각 어떠한 점을 고려해야 하는지 살펴보았다. 즉, 醇化 對象語와 醇化語를 ‘쉬운 우리말 쓰기’ 차원에서 어떻게 선정하고 결정해야 하는지 살펴보았다. A excessive use of loanwords that is borrowed from English became an object of public concern in Korea Nowadays. On this account, Korean people is suffered pain in verbal communication each other. Accordingly, it is urgently necessary to refine loanwords for the public good by means of language. Koreans have made efforts to refine loanwords constantly since independence of Korea from Japan. Nevertheless, it turned out a mere waste of labor owing to unconcern from learned circles of Korean language and the general public. To refine loanwords successfully, it is necessary that the government, learned circles of Korean language, and the general public make efforts together systematically. This study is on the suggestion for the new method to refine loanwords effectively along with the general public. In course of discussion, I make a request earned circles of Korean language to show interest in the refinement of loanwords. And then I investigated the new method to refine loanwords effectively. I also seek to find how to reflect this in process selecting loanwords that have to be refined and deciding refined words.

      • KCI등재

        이상화 가(家)의 서간들과 동경(東京)

        박용찬 ( Yong Chan Park ) 한국문학언어학회(구 경북어문학회) 2014 어문론총 Vol.62 No.-

        Daegu is the important starting point and main base of ‘Lee, Sang-Hwa’s life. He could acquire the modern knowledge and develop Anti-Japanese national consciousness through ‘Woo-Hyun Seoru(友弦書樓)’ within the family circle. Tokyo has a special meaning of ‘Lee, Sang-Hwa’s life. He experienced the Great Kanto Earthquake which was shocking and founded the direction of his literature. This article attempted to clarify the meaning of Tokyo in his literature based on some of newly discovered letters. The letters which came back and forth between him and his family show his mental landscapes in Tokyo. His poem, 「In Tokyo」, is an important work to clarify the placeness of Lee, Sang-Hwa’s literature. Tokyo is the place which he had not only stayed longest in abroad but also raised his national, literary consciousness. 「In Tokyo」shows the initial development of his literature, but, as previously known, did not start from the sentimental romanticism. The fact that 「In To-kyo」and 「To My Bedroom」were created at the same time in the age of 『Paek-Jo(白潮)』 is noticeable. This made it possible to revaluate the existing evaluation about ‘Lee, Sang-Hwa’s literature that his literature had been shifted from the sentimental romanticism to the proletarian literature. The newly-discovered letters show that he did not start his literature from only tear and sentiment.

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