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        1970년대 중화학공업화 추진 행정기관 연구: 중화학공업추진위원회와 기획단

        박영구 ( Young Goo Park ) 한국행정사학회 2011 韓國行政史學誌 Vol.28 No.-

        본 고는 미발표 문서자료와 증언을 통해 1970년대 중화학공업화에서 핵심적 행정기관이면서도 연구가 이루어지지 못하였던 중화학공업추진위원회와 중화학공업추진위원회기획단의 성립과정, 성격, 구성, 활동을 발굴하였다. 나아가 추가적으로 이를 통해 두 가지를 확인하였다. 첫째, 중화학공업지원정책을 총괄하고 주요 중화학공업의 1차 사업을 추진한 곳은 중화학공업추진위원회기획단이었고 경제기획원은 중심에서 배제되어 보조역할에 그치고 있었음을 확인하였다. 둘째, 중화학공업화에서 공식적인 정부조직의 보고, 결재체계가 배제되고 중화학공업추진위원회기획단은 산업계의 정보와 요구가 청와대로 바로 연결되는 경로가 되었음을 확인하였다. 이러한 청와대와 산업계의 직접적 연결은 1970년대 공업화, 수출의 목표시기를 단축시키는 긍정적인 면과 경제력집중이라는 부작용을 동시에 불러왔다. 박대통령 사후 중화학공업화에 대한 비판과 함께 경제기획원의 역할이 복원되고 이전의 정식 보고, 결재체계가 복원되었다. 중화학공업화추진 행정기관이었던 중화학공업추진위원회와 기획단에 대한 검토와 검토 결과는 1970년대 한국 행정기관과 역할에 대한 심화된 연구가 필요하며 나아가 1970년대 한국 공업화과정에 대한 기존의 시각과 해석에 보완이 필요함을 시사해 준다. This paper examines the formation process, the nature, the composition and operation of Heavy and Chemical Industry Promotion Council and its Planning Office through new materials and testimonies. As a result, it is revealed contrary to the existing understanding that Planning Office generalized and carried forward the Heavy and Chemical Industrialization Plan in the 1970s, and Economic Planning Board played a subsidiary role excluded from an industrial policy center. In process of the 1970s` Heavy and Chemical Industrialization, Heavy and Chemical Industry Promotion Council Planning Office became a path connecting president and industrial circles. This direct connection between the two brought forth both a positive side of shortening the goal period of industrialization and export, and a negative side of economic power concentration. With a critical attitude toward the 1970s` Heavy and Chemical Industrialization Plan after president Park`s death, the role of Economic Planning Board was restored. This study implies that it is necessary to research more closely into an intra-government organization and its role in the 1970s, and to make a supplementary examination of the existing views and interpretations about the industrialization process in the 1970s.

      • KCI등재

        전력분석 공격에서 랜덤클럭 전력신호에 대한 일정피치 기반의 시간적 정렬 방법

        박영구,이훈재,문상재,Park, Young-Goo,Lee, Hoon-Jae,Moon, Sang-Jae 한국정보처리학회 2011 정보처리학회논문지 C : 정보통신,정보보안 Vol.18 No.1

        전력분석공격은 스마트카드와 같은 저전력 보안장치에 대한 매우 강력한 공격방법이나, 측정된 전력신호와 암호알고리듬 실행 시 추정되는 중간 값과의 상관도를 연산하는 시점이 시간적으로 일치되어야 가능하다. 보안장치에 랜덤클럭을 적용하면 측정된 전력신호 분석 시점이 서로 일치하지 않게 되므로 랜덤클럭이 전력분석 공격에 대한 방어대책으로 사용된다. 본 논문에서는 전력분석공격에서 랜덤클럭 전력신호에 대한 일정피치 기반의 시간적 정렬 방법을 제안한다. 제안방법은 랜덤클럭이 적용된 보안 장치로부터 측정된 전력신호를 일정한 크기를 갖는 기준피치에 맞추어 시간 축 상의 위치와 크기를 정렬하므로 랜덤 클럭 방어대책을 공격할 수 있는 새로운 방법이다. 마지막으로, 랜덤클럭이 적용된 스마트카드 환경에서 실행된 AES 블럭 암호화 알고리듬에 대하여 제안된 방법을 적용하여 그 공격 가능성을 검토한다. Power analysis attack on low-power consumed security devices such as smart cards is very powerful, but it is required that the correlation between the measured power signal and the mid-term estimated signal should be consistent in a time instant while running encryption algorithm. The power signals measured from the security device applying the random clock do not match the timing point of analysis, therefore random clock is used as counter measures against power analysis attacks. This paper propose a new constant pitch based time alignment for power analysis with random clock power trace. The proposed method neutralize the effects of random clock used to counter measure by aligning the irregular power signals with the time location and size using the constant pitch. Finally, we apply the proposed one to AES algorithm within randomly clocked environments to evaluate our method.

      • KCI등재

        공업화와 지역 : 1970년대 중화학공업기지를 중심으로

        박영구(Park Young Goo) 한국지역사회학회 2011 지역사회연구 Vol.19 No.2

        The balanced development of regions related to Korean Heavy and Chemical Industrial Complex plan was under significant consideration in the 1970s' industrialization. But with time, the regional problem had been weakened because of growing critical attitudes toward Heavy and Chemical Industrial Complex plan. With criticism the size of Heavy and Chemical Industrial Complex plans were shrank and the period of the plans were delayed in the late 1970s. The original intention to construct the Heavy and Chemical Industrial Complex as a new composite regional city was not fulfilled as planned. As a result, the Korean Heavy and Chemical Industrial Complex plan contributed to the regional development, but, by and large, its contribution degree was low in quality and quantity. Furthermore, In the beginning Heavy and Chemical Industrial Complex plan considered the balanced inter-region placement of a industrial complex, but after all proceeded in the shape concentrated in the south-east coast. Because consideration had been given to efficiency before others, an inequality among regions deepened. Research on new materials and testimonies about the Korean Heavy and Chemical Industrial Complex plan in connection with regions implies that present regional problems, especially in some specific regions, were historical and structural ones.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        후발산업화와 노동 : 19세기 후반기 독일의 노동시장과 실질임금

        박영구(Young Goo Park) 한국국제경제학회 1998 국제경제연구 Vol.4 No.3

        19세기 독일의 노동시장과 실질임금에 관한 연구는 선험적인 선진국 모델과 후발국 모델의 이분법에 입각해 독일 노동시장을 과잉노동공급, 저임금 모형에서 파악하여 왔다. 그러나 1860년대 이후 독일에서는 수요견인에 의한 시장구조가 나타나고 있었고 그 결과 실질임금의 상승과 함께 노동자들의 생활수준은 상승하고 있었다. 19세기 독일의 장시간 노동은 노동의 과잉공급을 보여주는 것이 아니라, 오히려 실질임금과 생활수준의 상승에 기초한 노동자들의 긍정적인 수용에 기초한 것이었다. 독일은 19세기 후반기 생산성을 높이고자 하는 경영자들의 인센티브 정책 하에서 실질임금과 노동자 생활수준 향상이 이루어지고 있었기에 노동자들의 도덕적 해이가 존재하지 않았고 그 결과 비용인하 및 그에 따른 기술우위라는 독일 산업경쟁력의 우위를 얻을 수 있었던 것이다. 이러한 본고의 연구결과는 비록 제약조건이 다르지만 자본이 부족한 후발공업국의 노동정책과 노동시장정책에 시사점을 준다고 볼 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        한국과 IBRD: 1970년대 현대양행 사태와 정책사적 의미

        박영구 ( Young Goo Park ) 전북대학교 사회과학연구소 2015 지역과 세계 Vol.39 No.1

        This study searched into documents which were not able to be used and examined the case of IBRD’s Korea Project, No 1466-KO or Korea’s first plan for Hyundai International Incorporated to build a heavy machinery plant in the transition period of the 1970s. As results, this paper found following new main points. First, as the uncertainty of business cycle had been escalating, the United States and IBRD denied their principle that had been opposed to anti-competition and government intervention and demanded monopoly maintenance and the market intervention of Korean government for the protection of invested capital. Secondly, under this circumstances the theory of over-investment in Korea in the 1970s had been an IBRD’s consistent stance to protect IBRD-related capital. This shows that the existing theory of over-investment that has explained the socio-economic situation of Korea in the 1970s should be reviewed. Third, large corporations such as Hyundai Heavy Industries pursued to take maximum advantage of government and IBRD, which brought about an increase in the cost of the Korean economy. The case of Hyundai International Incorporated ended up with that Korean government accepted all demands of IBRD. Afterwards the Korean industry’s external dependence has path-dependently continued, and the government intervention has been rather escalated, and Korean government’s responsive power connected to international financial institutions and large firms weakened.

      • KCI등재

        정부의 인가와 심사 문서를 통해 본 초기 기술도입 과정과 내용: 1960-70년대 전자공업 사례

        박영구 ( Park Young Goo ) 한국과학사학회 2021 한국과학사학회지 Vol.43 No.1

        This study examined the specific process, contents, and changes of early technology introduction in Korea through government documents from the 1960s and 1970s. What the government wanted to pursue through the technology introduction approval process at this time was to demand and enforce foreign technology companies to provide fair conditions that local companies could not demand due to the global market structure of vertical division. By the mid-1970s, the government had controlled the payment of additional costs by expedient methods as well as the payment of technical fees and contractual terms, and even standardized contract terms. In the late 1970s, the government began to independently select technologies to be introduced and set longer-term goals to change the existing technology introduction structure, such as technology level limits, technology sector bias, the bias to Japanese technologies. By the end of the 1970s, the government had switched to a system of introducing new high-tech products at the same time as it encouraged companies to develop technologies rather than relying on technology introduction. This study shows that the 1960s-1970s was a period of continuous learning, improvement, and systematization for the improvement of ability and the settlement of systems to introduce efficient technology into Korea.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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