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      • KCI등재

        뇌경색환자의 고지혈증에 대한 부항요법의 임상적 효과

        회진,황규선,현애,이창희,현호,송수철,전성하,Park, Hoi-Jin,Hwang, Kyu-Sun,Park, Hyun-Ae,Lee, Chang-Hee,Park, Hyun-Ho,Song, Soo-Cheol,Jeon, Seong-Ha 대한침구의학회 2008 대한침구의학회지 Vol.25 No.4

        Objectives : This study was aimed at examining significant curative effects of Cupping therapy on Cerebral infarction patients with hyperlipidemia. Methods : The subjects in this study were fifty-two patients visited or admitted to Dong-seo Oriental Hospital who broke out with Cerebral infarction from March 2007 through February 2008, with high total cholesterol(240mg/$d\ell$ above) or high triglyceride(200mg/$d\ell$ above) or low density lipoprotein(160mg/$d\ell$ above) Before prescription, they were tested for total cholesterol, triglyceride, low density lipoprotein with fasting and were then rescribed the cupping therapy for 4 weeks(take an average ten times), after which they were retested for total cholesterol, triglyceride, low density lipoprotein. Results : 1. In the high total cholesterol group(triglyceride and low density lipoprotein are normal), statistical significance of total cholesterol changes was recognized before and after the treatment. 2. In the high triglyceride group(total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein are normal), statistical significance of triglyceride changes was recognized before and after the treatment. 3. In the high low density lipoprotein group(total cholesterol and triglyceride are normal), statistical significance of triglyceride changes was recognized before and after the treatment. 4. In the high total cholesterol and high triglyceride group(low density lipoprotein is normal), statistical significance of total cholesterol changes was recognized before and after the treatment. But, triglyceride changes was not that. 5. In the high total cholesterol and high low density lipoprotein group(triglyceride is normal), statistical significance of total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein changes were recognized before and after the treatment. 6. In the high triglyceride and high low density lipoprotein group(total cholesterol is normal), statistical significance of triglyceride changes was recognized before and after the treatment. But, low density lipoprotein changes was not that. 7. In the high total cholesterol and high triglyceride and high low density lipoprotein group, statistical significance of total cholesterol changes and low density lipoprotein changes were recognized before and after the treatment. But, triglyceride changes was not that. Conclusions : Cupping therapy decreased total cholesterol in whole hyperlipidemia group including high total cholesterol.

      • KCI등재

        황산,염산 복합 내식강 개발: 2, 현장 적용성 평가를 통한 개발강의 신뢰성 검증

        박선아 ( Sun Ah Park ),장승익 ( Seung Ik Jang ),김정구 ( Jung Gu Kim ),이병호 ( Byoung Ho Lee ),윤정봉 ( Jung Bong Yoon ) 대한금속재료학회(구 대한금속학회) 2014 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.52 No.11

        A newly developed low-alloy corrosion-resistant steel shows superior properties to sulfuric and hydrochloric acid dew-point corrosion as well as excellent mechanical properties, weldability and machinability with attention to low cost and high efficiency. In addition, welding materials which can accommodate the corrosion-resistant properties and mechanical properties of newly developed low-alloy corrosion-resistant steel have also been developed. Generally, to assess corrosion performance of developed steels, specimens were evaluated by laboratory corrosion tests in a simulated field environment. However, a flue gas desulfurization (FGD) system included several environmental parameters such as change of corrosion environment depending on shutdown/ operation of power plants, location of steels in facilities and velocity of a moving fluid. Therefore, to verify the reliability of newly corrosion-resistant steel, plant qualification test is necessary. In an actual environment, new developed low-alloy corrosion-resistant steel was proved to have better corrosion resistance than the other steels (existing corrosion-resistant steels and ordinary carbon steel). (Received July 26, 2014)

      • KCI등재

        금융소비자보호법상 금융분쟁조정의 개선방안에 관한 연구

        박선아(Park, Sun-Ah) 경희법학연구소 2021 경희법학 Vol.56 No.4

        IMF 외환위기 이후 파생금융상품의 불완전판매로 인한 금융피해 또한 급증하였지만 금융소비자보호에 대한 규율체계는 여전히 미약하였다. 2019년부터 연이어 발생한 사모펀드 사고로 인하여 다시금 금융소비자보호에 대한 요구가 거세어졌고, 2020. 3. 5. 국회는 그동안의 법률안들을 통합 조정한 금융소비자보호법을 제정하였다. 금융소비자보호법은 모든 금융상품에 6대 판매원칙을 적용하고 위법계약해지권 및 징벌적 과징금 등을 도입하였다. 또한 청약철회권, 판매제한명령권 및 자료열람권 등 금융소비자 권익 보호제도를 다양하게 규정하였고, 소송중지제도와 소송 중 이탈금지제도를 도입하여 금융분쟁조정의 실효성을 제고하였다. 이 연구는 금융소비자보호법상의 사후적 권익보호제도로서 금융분쟁조정에 관하여 주로 다룬다. 현행 금융소비자보호법상 금융분쟁해결제도는 법률이 제정되자마자 다양한 내용의 개정법안이 제안되는 등 개선방안에 대한 논의가 활발하다. 특히 분쟁해결수단의 측면에서 집단적 분쟁 해결절차의 도입과 분쟁조정의 효력과 관련한 금융분쟁 조정결정의 편면적 구속력의 인정이 빠른 시일 내에 도입될 필요성이 크다. 또한 기술을 접목한 금융의 발달로 금융회사와 금융소비자 간의 정보의 비대칭성이 갈수록 커지는 상황에서 금융분쟁조정이 실효성 있고 비중있는 법적 구제수단으로 역할을 하기 위해서는 금융분쟁조정 총량의 증가와 활성화가 시급하다. 2021년 3월 새롭게 시행된 금융소비자보호법의 주요 특징과 구조, 금융분쟁조정의 변화와 그 현황을 살펴보고, 금융분쟁조정의 개선방안으로서 집단분쟁조정제도와 같은 분쟁해결제도의 확충, 금융분쟁 조정의 편면적 구속력 인정문제 및 금융분쟁조정위원회 운영의 개선을 통한 금융분쟁조정의 활성화 방안 등에 대해서 살펴보고자 한다. Since the foreign exchange crisis in 1997, financial damage due to financial derivatives too rapidly increased; however, there was still an insufficient discipline system for financial consumer protection. Due to the private equity fund accidents successively occurring since 2019, demands for financial consumer protection became fierce again, and on March 5, 2020, the National Assembly enacted the Financial Consumer Protection Act that integrated and adjusted the existing legislative bills. The Financial Consumer Protection Act applied the six principles for the sales of financial products to all financial products, such as suitability, adequacy rules, and duty of explanation, etc. and strengthened sanctions like granting illegal contract cancellation rights upon the violation of the principles for the sales and punitive penalty. In addition, various systems for the protection of financial consumer rights and interests, such as the right of withdrawal of subscription, the right to order sales restrictions, illegal contract cancellation rights, and the right to access data as remedies for damage. The systems for the suspension of litigation proceedings and the prohibition of deviation from mediation were also adopted to secure the effectiveness of financial dispute mediation. This study would mainly deal with financial dispute mediation as an ex-post rights and interests protection system on the Financial Consumer Protection Act. The financial dispute mediation system of the Financial Supervisory Service has been provided in the Act on the Establishment of Financial Services Commission; however, it was deleted and newly provided in the Financial Consumer Protection Act. The Financial Consumer Protection Agency and the Financial Disputes Mediation Committee expanded and reformed as a result of the enactment of the Financial Consumer Protection Act have mediated grievance more actively in private equity fund case handling since 2020. However, despite the result of financial dispute mediation for the last year, the financial dispute mediation system on the present Financial Consumer Protection Act needs institutional supplementation to the extent that a revised bill was proposed as soon as the law was enacted. Especially, in the aspect of dispute resolution means, the introduction of collective dispute resolution procedures and the recognition of the one-sided binding force of financial dispute mediation decisions related to the effectiveness of grievance mediation should be adopted as soon as possible. In addition, when asymmetry of information grows between financial companies and financial consumers as time goes by with the development of finance that combines technologies, the increase of the gross volume of financial dispute mediation and the revitalization would urgently be needed so that financial dispute mediation can serve as an effective legal remedy. Subsequently, this study would investigate the major characteristics and structure of the Financial Consumer Protection Act enacted in March 2021, and the change and current status of financial dispute mediation, the expansion of dispute resolution systems like the collective dispute mediation system as measures for financial dispute mediation, the issue of recognition of the one-sided binding force of financial dispute mediation and measures for the revitalization of financial dispute mediation through the improvement of the operation of the Financial Disputes Mediation Committee.

      • NIBRS의 소개와 범죄통계 개선방안

        정선(Park Jung-Sun) 한국형사법무정책연구원 2008 형사정책연구원 연구총서 Vol.- No.-

        범죄의 실태를 파악하기 위해 사용하는 여러 가지 통계자료들 가운데 가장 대표적인 것이 공식통계이다. 공식통계는 한 나라의 또는 특정 지역의 범죄실태를 파악하는데 있어 가장 유용하고도 신뢰성있는 자료이다. 그러나 범죄통계는 많은 문제점을 가지고 있다. 그것은 각각 타당성의 문제, 신뢰성의 문제 및 탄력성의 문제이다. 타당성의 문제란 법해석의 문제와 관련된다. 공식통계자료는 경찰이나 검찰과 같은 사법기관이 법적인 해석에 근거해 수집하는 자료이기 때문에 실제적으로는 법을 위반한 행위가 발생하였음에도 불구하고 범죄로 간주하여 다루지 않을 수가 있다. 신뢰성의 문제란 인지도의 문제와 관련된다. 공식통계자료는 경찰이나 검찰과 같은 수사기관에 공식적으로 신고된 범죄에 근거해 집계되기 때문에 범죄가 발생하였다 하더라도 수사기관이 인지하지 못하는 범죄 즉 숨은 범죄나 암수 범죄는 이에 반영되지 못한다. 끝으로 탄력성의 문제란 일관성의 문제와 관련된다. 공식통계는 범죄의 실제 수준을 오롯하게 반영한다기 보다는 단속의 강도와 범위에 대한 사법기관의 의지에 따라 범죄율이 들쑥날쑥하게 된다. 이와 같이 범죄통계는 여러 문제가 있다. 그러나 범죄에 대한 공식통계와 관련해 보다 중요한 이슈는 다음의 세가지이다. 첫째, 어떤 범죄를 측정할 것인가의 문제이다. 한 사회에서 발생하는 범죄의 성격과 수준 및 대처방안을 파악하기 위해서는 먼저 범죄의 실태를 파악해야 하며 이를 위해서는 범죄가 무엇인가를 정확히 정의할 필요가 있다. 범죄에 대한 정의는 법적인 정의와 사회과학적 정의로 대별되는데 공식통계에서는 유연한 성격을 가진 사회과학적 정의보다는 법으로 엄격하게 규정한 법적 정의가 사용된다. 그러나 법적 정의도 앞서 언급한 신뢰성, 타당성 및 탄력성의 문제에서 자유로울 수 없으므로 범죄의 성격상 신뢰성, 타당성 및 탄력성의 문제가 상대적으로 미약한 중요범죄들을 선택하여 집중적으로 통계자료를 수집하는 것이 필요하다. 둘째, 분석단위와 관련된 문제로는 가해자, 피해자, 위반행위 및 사건별로 다양한 정보를 수집하는 것이 필요하다. 범죄에 대한 통계를 제공하면서도 가해자의 특성에 따른 피해자의 특성, 혹은 위반행위별 가해자의 특성 등에 대해 아무런 정보도 제공하지 못한다면 이는 범죄를 분석하기 위한 최소한의 가치도 지니지 못한 것이라 할 수 있다. 따라서 분석단위별로 기본적인 정보를 제공하고 나아가 분석단위간 (예를 들어 가해자에 따른 피해자의 특성분석)의 교차 분석 나아가 다변인통계분석이 가능할 수 있는 정보를 제공하는 것이 반드시 필요하다. 셋째, 연구목적의 범죄측정에 더 많은 관심을 가져야 한다. 범죄의 수준을 측정하는 것은 국가가 범죄의 동향을 파악하고 그 동향에 대해 설명해야 할 책임을 가지기 때문이기도 하지만 무엇보다도 중요한 것은 원자료형태의 범죄통계를 가공하고 분석하여 정밀하고 과학적인 결과를 제시하기 위함이다. 이와 같이 제시된 과학적 자료가 있어야만 정부는 실태에 맞는 맞춤식 정책을 제시할 수 있다. NIBRS는 기존의 문제 특히 연구의 제한성문제를 해소한 대표적 공식통계이다. 이와 같이 볼 때 우리나라의 공식통계도 이제 정부의 형사사법기관이 일방적으로 요약해서 발표하는 방식이 아니라 정부는 가공할 여지를 가진 자료를 제시하고 다양한 분석과 연구는 그 분야의 전문가들이 해냄으로써 풍부하고 전문적인 연구성과들이 국가정책의 기반이 될 수 있는 풍토가 조성 되어야 할 것이다. The most representative data to reflect the reality of national crime is the official crime statistics. It should be the most reliable and useful statistics to grasp the reality of crime within a nation or a specific area of concern. However, it appears that the official crime statistics have so many problems. Most serious problems are validity, reliability and elasticity problems. The problem of validity is related with the interpretation of law. As the official crime statistics are collected based on the legal interpretation of law by law enforcement agencies such as police and prosecutors, some of the illegal behaviors can be regarded not to be illegal even if truly illegal behaviors have occurred. The problem of reliability is related with the flaws of perception. As the official crime statistics are based on the reported crime, it cannot reflect the levels of crime not reported or not detected. The problem of elasticity is related with the issue of inconsistency. The official crime statistics are rather unstable as it tends to vary much along the strength and range of crime control by law enforcement agencies. More critical issues with the official crime statistics are as follows. First of all, we need to decide which crimes to measure. To measure crime, we have to define the crime first. Legal definition rather than social scientific definition is more applicable to measure the reality of crime. Nonetheless, legal definitions are still not free from the critical flaws of validity, reliability and elasticity. Therefore, it is quite necessary to gather data for such types of crime which are free from above mentioned problems. Secondly, we need to think about the units of analysis such as offender, victim, offense and incident. If we have data for crime without the possibility of further analysis, it would be nothing more than useless garbage. Crime statistics must be processed enough to be possibly utilized by the professional analysts. Thirdly, we need to pay more attention to the measure of crime for the research in its own sake. The reason why the state measure the crime statistics is not only grasp the crime trends and explain it for the people but also to suggest the scientific output of crime data analysis so that it can provide suitable policy alternatives against crime. NIBRS is the most representive official statistics which can be modelized for future crime statistics. Consequently, it is strongly encouraged to make such environment whithin which the state tries to gather crime data as accuratly and scientifically as possible and provides it to the professional researchers, who is responsible for futher analysis and study to figure out the reality and etiology of crime so that they can provide professional research outcomes, which in tum will be the basis of governmental crime policy.

      • KCI등재후보

        중환자실 간호사들의 손 소독제에 따른 소독효과 및 MRSA 분리

        박선남(Park Sun-Nam),옥순(Park Ok-Soon),류경화(Rhyu Kyung-Hwa),정정임(Jeong Jeong-Im) 기본간호학회 2006 기본간호학회지 Vol.13 No.3

        Purpose: This study was a within subject repeated pretest-posttest design done to compare the effect of disinfection and the degree of MRSA(Methicillin- resistant staphylococcus aureus) isolation from hand disinfectant in ICU nurses. Method: Out of the total internal medicine/surgery ICU nurses at a university hospital in Seoul, 29 female nurses who were participating in direct patient care were participants in this study. After collection of sam pies, Staphylococcus aureus and MRSA were isolated from the palms, nails and nasal cavities of the nurses according to disinfectants (soap and beta-scrub). Results: The effect of disinfection was greater in the beta-scrub group than in the soap group, and the effect of disinfection on palms was higher in the beta-scrub group than in the soap group. As for the degree of MRSA isolation, there was more isolation in palms in the soap group than in the beta-scrub group but there was no difference in the degree of MRSA isolation from the hand disinfectant in nails and nasal cavities. Conclusion: Beta-scrub showed a superior prolonged effect against transient bacteria compared with soap. Further, to reduce MRSA infection, we recommend interventions focused on these aspects.

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