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성인여성의 중강도 유산소운동 중 음악템포가 감정적 반응 및 신경전달물질에 미치는 영향
박상규(Park, Sang?Kyu) 한국웰니스학회 2018 한국웰니스학회지 Vol.13 No.4
이 연구는 비활동 여성 10명을 대상으로 중강도 유산소운동 중 음악템포가 감정적반응 및 신경전달물질에 미치는 영향을 규명하고자 실시하였다. 중강도 유산소운동은 트레드밀 운동을 실시하였으며, 운동강도는 %VO2R(여유산소섭취량)법을 사용하였고, 50%VO2R 운동강도로 설정하였다. 실험은 음악을 적용하지 않은 유산소운동 실험(AE), 낮은 음악템포 적용 유산소운동 실험(AESTM) 빠른 음악템포 적용 유산소운동 실험(AEFTM)으로 총 3번의 실험에 참여하였다. 통계분석 결과 운동 후 감정적반응(즐거움)에서 실험 간 유의한 차이가나 나타나(p<.001), 사후검증을 실시한 결과 음악을 적용하지 않은 유산소운동 실험(AE), 낮은 음악템포 적용 유산소운동 실험(AESTM)보다 빠른 음악템포 적용 유산소운동 실험(AEFTM)에서 운동에 대한 즐거움이 높은 것으로 나타났다. dopamine의 경우 유의한 상호작용 효과(p<.01)가 나타났는데, 이는 빠른 음악템포 적용 유산소운동 실험(AEFTM)에서만 안정 시 보다 운동 후에 유의하게 증가한 것으로 나타났다(p<.01). 또한 운동 후 혈액채취 시점에서 음악을 적용하지 않은 유산소운동 실험(AE), 낮은 음악템포 적용 유산소운동 실험(AESTM)보다 빠른 음악템포 적용 유산소운동 실험(AEFTM)에서 유의하게 높은 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of music tempo on emotional responses and neurotransmitters during Moderate aerobic exercise. Exercise intensity was determined by %VO2R method and by 50% VO2R exercise intensity. Experiments were performed in three experiments with AE(aerobic exercise without music), AESTM(aerobic exercise with slow tempo music), and AEFTM(aerobic exercise with fast tempo music). Statistical analysis showed that there was a significant difference in emotional reaction (enjoyment) after exercise between the experimental groups (p <.001). As a result, AEFTM showed a higher level of enjoyment in than AE and AESTM. As a result of performing post hoc test as a significant interaction was represented in dopamine (p<.01), AEFTM significantly increased after exercise (p <.01). In addition, AEFTM showed significantly higher dopamine expression than AE and AESTM at post-exercise.
고속 CMOS A/D 변환기를 위한 기준전압 흔들림 감쇄 회로
박상규,황상훈,송민규,Park Sang-Kyu,Hwang Sang-Hoon,Song Min-Kyu 대한전자공학회 2006 電子工學會論文誌-SD (Semiconductor and devices) Vol.43 No.6
In high speed flash type or pipelining type A/D Converter, the faster sampling frequency is, the more the effect of DC reference fluctuation is increased by clock feed-through and kick-back. When we measure A/D Converter, further, external noise increases reference voltage fluctuation. Thus reference fluctuation reduction circuit must be needed in high speed A/D converter. Conventional circuit simply uses capacitor but layout area is large and it's not efficient. In this paper, a reference fluctuation reduction circuit using transmission gate is proposed. In order to verify the proposed technique, we designed and manufactured 6bit 2GSPS CMOS A/D converter. The A/D converter is based on 0.18um 1-poly 5-metal N-well CMOS technology, and it consumes 145mW at 1.8V power supply. It occupies chip area of $977um\times1040um$. Experimental result shows that SNDR is 36.25 dB and INL/DNL ${\pm}0.5LSB$ when sampling frequency is 2GHz. 고속 Flash, Pipelining type의 CMOS A/D 변환기에서 Sampling frequency가 고주파로 올라감에 따라 Clock Feed-through 현상, Kick-back 현상 등의 영향으로 DC Reference voltage 흔들림 현상이 심화되고 있다. 뿐만 아니라 측정 시 외부 Noise가 Reference voltage에 적지 않은 영향을 미친다는 것을 감안 할 때 High speed A/D converter에서 Reference fluctuation 감쇄회로는 반드시 필요하다. 기존의 방식은 단순히 커패시터를 이용했으나 면적이 크고 효과가 좋지 않다는 단점이 있다. 본 논문에서는 Transmission Gate를 이용한 reference fluctuation 감쇄 회로를 제안하고 흔들림 현상이 크게 개선되었음을 정량적 분석 및 측정을 통하여 증명하였다. 제안하는 회로의 측정을 위해 6bit의 해상도를 갖는 2GSPS CMOS A/D 변환기를 설계 및 제작하였다. 제작된 A/D 변환기를 이용하여 Reference 전압이 40mV의 흔들림이 있음에도 원하는 범위 내에서 동작함을 측정하였다. 본 연구에서는 1.8V $0.18{\mu}m$ 1-poly 5-metal N-well CMOS 공정을 사용하였고, 소비전력은 145mW로 Full Flash 변환기에 비해 낮았다. 실제 제작된 칩의 SNDR은 약 36.25dB로 측정되었고, INL과 DNL은 각각 ${\pm}0.5$ LSB 이하로 나타났다. 유효칩 면적은 $997um\times1040um$ 이었다.
근재교육훈련이 급성안면신경마비 환자의 안면마비 회복정도와 기능에 미치는 효과
박상규,신원섭,Park, Sang-Kyu,Shin, Won-Seob 대한물리치료학회 2014 대한물리치료학회지 Vol.26 No.4
Purpose: The purpose of study was to determine the effects of muscle reeducation training in patients with acute facial nerve paralysis. Methods: Thirty patients were randomly assigned to either the experimental group (n=15) or the control group (n=15). The experimental group received muscle reeducation training for 20 minutes after electrotherapy and the control group received conventional electrotherapy for only 40 minutes. Therapeutic intervention for each group was performed four times per week for four weeks. The patients were measured for recovery of paralysis using the House-Brackmann Grading System (H-B grade), the Movement Distance of Mouth, Nasolabial Angle (NA), and Facial Disability Index (FDI). Results: In within group comparison, the experimental group showed significant improvements for all variables (p<0.01). In comparison between two groups, the experimental group showed relatively greater significant improvements for all variables (p<0.01). Conclusion: These findings suggest that muscle reeducation training is more effective than conventional therapy in improving the condition of patients with facial nerve paralysis. In particular, the results of this study indicate that muscle reeducation training can be recommended by clinicians since it provides more benefits.
시도로 포장관리체계(PMS) 구성요소 최적화 연구 (안산시 Prototype PMS 개발사례)
박상규,서영찬,Park, Sang-Kyu,Suh, Young-Chan 한국도로학회 2000 한국도로포장공학회 논문집 Vol.2 No.4
PMS(Pavement Management System) has been developed and/or operated for the freeway and national highway systems in Korea. There is, however, no municipal PMS that is necessary in many cities for efficient management of their roadways. In this study, a municipal Prototype PMS is developed. The Prototype PMS is designed to be operated on PC base. It uses GIS interface for user friendliness that applies color graphics, text and distress pictures to display pavement conditions and rehabilitation information for both current and historical situations. The computer program of the prototype PMS consists of four major functions(inquiry, analysis, data management, and print). Especially, prioritization and M&R(Maintenance and Rehabilitation) alternative selection procedure is designed to be flexible so that the users can modify the decision criteria whenever it is necessary. Database items of the Prototype PMS is carefully selected for the objectives and size of municipal PMS. Reference point method is basically used for the location referencing in the Database. The unit section consists of each loom segment of the road for effective management.
The 4<sup>th.</sup>industrial revolution and Korean university's role change
박상규,Park, Sang-Kyu Convergence Society for SMB 2018 융합정보논문지 Vol.8 No.1
The interest about 4th Industrial Revolution was impressively increased from newspapers, iindustry, government and academic sectors. Especially AI what could be felt by the skin of many peoples, already overpassed the ability of the human's even in creative areas. Namely, now many people start fo feel that the effect of the revolution is just infront of themselves. There were several issues in this trend, the ability of deep learning by machine, the identity of the human, the change of job environment and the concern about the social change etc. Recently many studies have been made about the 4th industrial revolution in many fields like as AI(artificial intelligence), CRISPR, big data and driverless car etc. As many positive effects and pessimistic effects are existed at the same time and many preventing actions are being suggested recently, these opinions will be compared and analyzed and better solutions will be found eventually. Several educational, political, scientific, social and ethical effects and solutions were studied and suggested in this study. Clear implication from the study is that the world we will live from now on is changing faster than ever in the social, industrial, political and educational environment. If it will reform the social systems according to those changes, a society (nation or government) will grasp the chance of its development or take-off, otherwise, it will consume the resources ineffectively and lose the competition as a whole society. But the method of that reform is not that apparent in many aspects as the revolution is progressing currently and its definition should be made whether in industrial or scientific aspect. The person or nation who will define it will have the advantage of leading the future of that business or society.
Microcystis aeruginosa ( 남조류 ) 의 물꽃 형성에 미치는 환경요인의 교차상관분석
박상규,김준호 ( Sang Kyu Park,Joon Ho Kim ) 한국하천호수학회 1995 생태와 환경 Vol.28 No.4
To elucidate how the environmental factors affect water-bloom of Microcystis aeruginosa population, abundance of phytoplankton and nine environmental factors were measured in a small, eutrophic reservoir from March to August, 1993. The data were transformed into stationary data by ARIMA model and the cross correlation coefficients among time series were calculated. Anoxic zone developed after March while thermal stratification did after April. Soluble reactive phosphorus(SRP) concentration was drastically increased since May and M. aeruginosa appeared in June and dominated in July. As the result of cross correlation analysis, abundance of M. aeruginosa lagged behind the increase of SRP concentration which coincided with the development of anoxic zone, which in turn lagged behind the increase of bottom water temperature. Ammonium ion concentration also led to abundance of M. aeruginosa. Moreover, abundance of M. aeruginosa coincided with water column stability which lagged behind surface water temperature. Increase of water temperature would develop anoxic condition and tncrease water column stability. Under anoxic condition, SRP and NH_4^+ would be released from sediment and facilitate growth of M. aeruginosa population. Besides, high water column stability would facilitate buoyancy of this species.
박상규,팽루,김현,Park, Sang-Kyu,Peng, Lu,Kim, Hyun 한국전자통신학회 2013 한국전자통신학회 논문지 Vol.8 No.2
This study shows the results of safety analysis obtained from the three different wire rope connections in the RPSD (Rope Platform Screen Door) system, which are the rope connected at both ends, the ropes connected by a pulley at both ends, and the ropes connected by many pulleys at both ends. With a constant load applied, the displacements in the ropes connected by a pulley at both ends and the ropes connected by many pulleys at both ends are smaller than that in the rope connected at both ends. There are no any special different displacements between the ropes connected by a pulley at both ends and the ropes connected by many pulleys at both ends. The displacement in the wire rope diameter of 6mm is smallest of 4.83mm and the strains from the displacements in the ropes connected by a pulley at both ends and the ropes connected by many pulleys at both ends are very small.
저압화학증착공정에서의 텅스텐 박막의 층덮힘에 관한 실험 및 이론적 연구
박상규,윤종호,이시우 ( Sang Kyu Park,Jong Ho Yun,Shi Woo Rhee ) 한국화학공학회 1994 Korean Chemical Engineering Research(HWAHAK KONGHA Vol.32 No.2
As the feature size of trench or via hole decreases below 1 ㎛, a void formation caused by nonconformal step coverage leads to serious problems in the reliability of integrated circuits. In this study, theoretical study and experiment for tungsten film deposition were conducted to find a way to improve the step coverage. In the theoretical part, a microscopic shape evolution model(MSEM) considering adsorption, re-emission, and surface diffusion was proposed and numerical simulation based on string algorithm and Monte Carlo method was performed to examine the effect of various mechanisms. The step coverage was better for lower sticking coefficient(η), smaller aspect ratio, and larger surface diffusion. In addition, the dependence of step coverage on the trench shape and various re-emission mechanisms for various η was investigated. Experimental results from SiH₄-reduced LPCVD of tungsten films were compared with simulation results for various substrate temperatures and types of carrier gas. The activation energy of η was 13.0 ㎉/㏖. η for Ar, H₂, He at 275℃, 0.3 mbar, WF_6/SiH₄/carrier gas=10/10/200 sccm were 0.04, 0.10, and 0.29, respectively, implying that a low temperature process using Ar carrier gas is preferred for better step coverage.