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      • KCI등재

        $Na^+/H^+$ exchanger와 $HCO_3^-$ transporter에 의한 흰쥐 타액선 선세포내 pH 조절

        박동범,서정택,손흥규,이종갑,Park, Dong-Bum,Seo, Jeong-Taeg,Sohn, Heung-Kyu,Lee, Jong-Gap 대한소아치과학회 1998 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.25 No.2

        Intracellular pH (pHi) plays an important role in the regulation of cellular processes by influencing the acitivity of various enzymes in cells. Therefore, almost every type of mammalian cell possesses an ability to regulate its pHi. One of the most prominent mechanisms in the regulation of pHi is $Na^+/H^+$ exchanger. This exchanger has been known to be activated when cells are stimulated by the binding of agonist to the muscarinic receptors. Therefore, the aims of this study were to compare the rates of $H^+$ extrusion through $Na^+/H^+$ exchanger before and during muscarinic stimulation and to investigate the possible existence of $HCO_3^-$ transporter which is responsible for the continuous supply of $HCO_3^-$ ion to saliva. Acinar cells were isolated from the rat mandibular salivary glands and loaded with pH-sensitive fluoroprobe, 2', 7'-bis(2-carboxyethyl)-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein(BCECF), for 30min at room temperature. Cells were attached onto the coverglass in the perfusion chamber and the changes in pHi were measured on the iverted microscope using spectrofluorometer. 1. By switching the perfusate from $HCO_3^-$-free to $HCO_3^-$-buffered solution, pHi decreased by $0.39{\pm}0.02$ pH units followed by a slow increase at an initial rate of $0.04{\pm}0.007$ pH units/min. The rate of pHi increase was reduced to $0.01{\pm}0.002$ pH units/min by the simultaneous addition of 1 mM amiloride and $100{\mu}M$ DIDS. 2. An addition and removal of $NH_4^+$ caused a decrease in pHi which was followed by an increase in pHi. The increase of pHi was almost completely blocked by 1mM amiloride in $HCO_3^-$-free perfusate which implied that the pHi increase was entired dependent on the activation of $Na^+/H^+$ exchanger in $HCO_3^-$-free condition. 3. An addition of $10{\mu}M$ carbachol increased the initial rate of pHi recovery from $0.16{\pm}0.01$ pH units/min to $0.28{\pm}0.03pH$ units/min. 4. The initial rate of pHi decrease induced by 1mM amiloride was also increased by the exposure of the acinar cells to $10{\mu}M$ carbachol ($0.06{\pm}0.008pH$ unit/min) compared with that obtained before carbachol stimulation ($0.03{\pm}0.004pH$ unit/min). 5. The intracellular buffering capacity ${\beta}1$ was $14.31{\pm}1.82$ at pHi 7.2-7.4 and ${\beta}1$ increased as pHi decreased. 6. The rate of $H^+$ extrusion through $Na^+/H^+$ exchanger was greatly enhanced by the stimulation of the cells with $10{\mu}M$ carbachol and there was an alkaline shift in the activity of the exchanger. 7. An intrusion mechanism of $HCO_3^-$ was identified in rat mandibular salivary acinar cells. Taken all together, I observed 3-fold increase in $Na^+/H^+$ exchanger by the stimulation of the acinar cells with $10{\mu}M$ carbachol at pH 7.25. In addition, I have found an additional mechanism for the regulation of pHi which transported $HCO_3^-$ into the cells.

      • KCI등재

        익산토성 출토 인각와의 의미와 시기

        박동범 호남고고학회 2024 湖南考古學報 Vol.77 No.-

        본고에서는 익산토성의 발굴조사 성과를 살펴보고 출토된 인각와의 특징과 의미, 시기에 대해 살펴보았다. 익산토성은 부여의 관북리유적과 부소산성의 관계처럼 익산 왕궁리유적의 배후산성 내지는 피난성의 역할로써 산성이운용되었다. 익산토성은 1980년부터 연차적인 발굴조사를 통해서 기존 견해와 다르게 돌과 흙을 함께 이용해 만든 토석혼축산성으로 확인되었다. 성벽 축조방법은 자연지형에 따라 암반층을 굴착하거나 경사면에 흙을 채워서 쌓는 축조공법이 확인되었으며, 남성벽과 북성벽 일부 지점에서 주혈시설이 확인되었는데 그 용도에 대해서는 성벽을 쌓는 과정의 지지목 내지는 구축선으로 볼 수 있으나 성벽 안쪽으로 들어가는 양상이 확인되어 선행유구의 존재 가능성도 생각해 볼 수 있다. 익산토성 발굴조사에서 출토된 인각와는 수도를 상징하면서 중요 건물에 사용된 「首府」銘 인각와와 도성 내 편제방법과 관련있는 「五部」銘 인각와 그리고 연대를 알 수 있는 「干支」銘 인각와로 분류된다. 「首府」銘 인각와는 익산과 부여지역에서만 확인되는 인각와로써 그 의미는 수도를 상징하면서 그 지역에 중요 건물에 사용된 기와로 생각된다. 「首府」銘 인각와의 3D 촬영 결과물을 통해 볼 때 동일한 도장을 반복적으로 사용된것으로 판단된다. 도성 내 편제방법과 관련있는 「五部」銘 인각와는 「申卩甲瓦」‧「後卩乙瓦」銘‧「上氺」‧「前氺」‧「中氺」‧「下氺」‧ 「後氺」銘 인각와가 확인되고 있다. 甲과 乙이 조합된 인각와는 익산과 부여지역에 공통적으로 확인되고 그 의미는각 부에서 왕실 관련 조성사업에 필요한 기와를 기부한 寄進瓦 내지는 국가 관련 건물의 보수 기와로 생각된다. 한편 새롭게 익산토성에서는 上‧前‧中‧下‧後자와 氺자가 결합된 원형의 「○氺」銘 인각와가 출토되었다. 현재까지 「○氺」銘 인각와는 익산지역에서만 확인되고 있으며, 上‧前‧中‧下‧後자와 사용된 용례를 통해 볼 때 새로운 형태의 「五部」銘 인각와로 보여진다. 등장배경에 대해서는 각 부에서 왕실 관련 조성사업에 필요한 기부한 寄進 瓦의 성격과는 다른 특수한 목적 즉, 당시 건축행위 주변에서 만들어 세금으로 납품된 貢進瓦로 생각된다. 연대를 알 수 있는 「干支」銘는 「乙丑」‧「辰」‧「午助」‧「申斯」‧「己酉」銘 인각와로써 그 연대는 605∼650년에 해당된다. 연대가 확인된 인각와의 경우 익산토성을 비롯한 왕궁리유적과 미륵사지에서 공통적으로 출토된 점과 그유적의 조성 연대를 살펴보면 6세기 후반에서 7세기에 사용된 것을 알 수 있었으며, 그 중심 시기는 7세기 백제 무왕 대 익산 관련 건축행위가 활발하게 진행된 결과물로써 인각와가 등장한 것으로 보여진다. In this paper, I reviewed the results of the excavation of Iksan Earthen Fortress and examined the characteristics and meaning of the excavated stamped roof tiles and the date of their use. Like the relationship between the Gwanbuk-ri ruins and Busosanseong Fortress in Buyeo, the fortress was operated as a rear fortress or refuge fortress for the Wanggung-ri ruins in Iksan. Through annual excavations since 1980, Iksan Earthen Fortress was confirmed to be a mixed earthen fortress made of stone and soil, contrary to existing views. The construction method of the fortress wall was confirmed to be excavating the rock layer or filling the slope with soil according to the natural topography, and main pit facilities were confirmed at some points in the male and northern fortress walls, and their use was as support or construction in the process of building the fortress wall. Although it can be seen as a line, it has been confirmed that it goes inside the castle wall, so the possibility of the existence of antecedent remains can also be considered. The stamped roof tiles excavated during the excavation of Iksan Earthen Fortress are classified into ‘subu(首府)’ stamped roof tiles, which symbolize the capital and were used in important buildings, ‘obu(五部)’ stamped roof tiles, which are related to the method of organization within the capital city, and ‘kanji(干支)’ stamped roof tiles, which can be dated. do. The ‘subu(首府)’ stamped roof tile is an stamped roof tile that can only be found in Iksan and other designated areas. Its meaning is thought to be a tile that symbolizes the capital and is used in important buildings in that region. When viewed through 3D modeling results, the ‘subu(首府)’ stamped roof tile represents the repeated useing. The ‘obu(五部)’ stamped roof tile related to the method of organization within the city walls include ‘sinbu gapwa(申卩甲瓦)’, “hubu eulwa(後卩乙瓦)’ stamped roof tile, ‘sangsu(上氺)’, ‘jeonsu(前氺)’, ‘jungsu(中氺)’, ‘hasu(下氺)’, and ‘husu(後氺)’. The stamped roof tile of the ‘husu(後氺)’ was confirmed. The stamped roof tile, which is a combination of ‘gap(甲)’ and ‘eul(乙)’, is commonly identified in the Iksan and Buyeo regions, and its meaning is thought to be the repair tiles for buildings related to the state or the royal tiles donated by each department for roof tiles needed for construction projects related to the royal family. Meanwhile, a circular ‘○su(○氺)’ stamped roof tile was newly excavated from Iksan Earthen Fortress, which was a combination of the characters ‘sang(上)’, ‘jeon(前)’, ‘jung(中)·’, ‘ha(下)’, ‘hu(後)’ and ‘su(氺)’. To date, the ‘○su(○氺)’ stamped roof tile has been confirmed only in the Iksan region, and when viewed through the usage of the characters ‘sang(上)’, ‘jeon(前)’, ‘jung(中) ·’, ‘ha(下)’, ‘hu(後)’, it appears to be a new type of ‘obu(五部)’ stamped roof tile. Regarding the background of its appearance, it is thought that it was made for a special purpose different from the nature of the tiles donated by each department for royal-related construction projects, that is, tiles made around construction activities at the time and delivered with taxes. The ‘kanji(干支)’ stamped roof tiles whose dates can be determined are ‘eulchuk(乙丑)’, ‘jin(辰)’, ‘ohjo(午助),’ ‘sinsa(申斯)’, ‘giyu(己酉)’ stamped roof tiles, which correspond to the years 605 to 650. In the case of stamps whose dates have been confirmed, looking at the fact that they were commonly excavated at the Wanggung-ri ruins, including the Iksan Toseong Fortress, and Mireuksa Temple Site, and the date of construction of the ruins, it can be seen that they were used in the late 6th century to the 7th century, and the main period was the 7th century Baekje. It appears that stamped roof t...

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재

        ‘장기 20세기’ 농업문제의 사회적 파장과 세계헤게모니 권력순환의 식민성

        박동범(Park, Dong-beom) 비판사회학회 2017 경제와 사회 Vol.- No.116

        이 글은 ‘장기 20세기’ 농업문제의 세계적 파장을 둘러싼 오늘날의 여러 연구 상 쟁점들로부터 사회주의 정치 기획의 ‘권역주의적 창신’ 가능성을 탐색해, 이에 필요한 재이론화 작업의 요점을 잡고자 한다. 크게 세 가지다. ① 20세기 한반도-동아시아 권역일대에서 불거진 농업/먹거리 위기 관련 현안과 결부됐던 사회주의적 대항정치 기획 전반은, 역사적 식민자본주의 체계 발전의 내적 모순들 및 그 정치지리적 차등화 궤적에 새겨진 ‘변경들의 식민화’ 효과로부터 생성된 것이었다는 점, ② 역사적 사회주의(내지 서구 마르크스주의) 정치 기획 속의 ‘타자’들이 지금껏 겪고 있을 진퇴양난과 곡절의 경험을 오늘날 어떻게 새삼 재정치화, 재역사화할 것이냐는 점, ③ 일국사회주의 구상의 이론적 정당화가 다다른 정치적 난파 지점들은, 특정 집권/운동세력의 의지와 조직화된 역량 문제이기에 앞서 ‘인민주권 형식’ 자체의 문제로, 영토국가적 국민됨의 실천형식 전반이 오늘날 마주한 내적 곤경들 및 사실상의 내파 상황과 깊이 연루된 것이라는 점이다. 이로부터 필요한 건, 예컨대 ‘자본주의 4.0’ 같은 체계 내적 해법일 수 없다. 다각화된 포스트자본주의적 사회주의 정치 기획이 두루 창신되기는커녕 민주자본주의의 대증적 개혁 처방만 학술장 안팎으로 부풀려지는 저간의 상황이야말로 얼마나 불합리한지 새삼 질문해볼 필요가 있다. 사회주의적 대항민주주의 기획이 거듭 창신된 버전으로, 권역주의적인 입지에서 재생돼야 하는 이유는, 실로 가공할 다중양극화와 나란히 유기적 구성의 기술적 고도화가 자본축적의 지속 자체를 무효화하려는 오늘날 되레 무궁무진하겠다는 점에서 그렇다. This paper inquires into the potentials for a ‘regionalistic transformation’ within socialist politics perspectives, catching the concomitant point of retheorization for this inquiry. The point comprises roughly three dimensions: 1) The emergence of socialist resistant politics concerning agrarian-food crises around East-asian region throughout the 20th century generally resulted from ‘colonization of borders’ effects inscribed in immanent contradictions and geopolitical differentiation trajectories of historical colonial-capitalist development, 2) How adversities and dilemmas which has been experienced by ‘others’ in the praxis framework of historical socialist(or, Western Marxist) politics should be repoliticized and rehistoricized freshly today, 3) The wrecked points encountered by the theoretical and ideological justification for state-socialist projection are involved with the problems of the ‘people’s sovereign form’ itself much rather than those concerning the will and organized capability of some ruling forces or leading movements, having been deeply involved with impasses and de facto implosive contexts the generic territorial state-oriented practice of nationhood is today reaching at the same time. The alternative from this reflexion can not be a intra-systemic solution like ‘Capitalism 4.0’, for example. We should question what an irrational situation it is that allopathy reformist prescriptions in the existing democratic capitalism have been bloated within and beyond academic fields, far from fixing left politics toward multiple postcapitalist socialism. Because the reasons socialist practices of democracy and concomitant theorizations should be continually renewaled from now on in the horizon of regionalist perspective are today ever inexhaustible, given that really horrible global multiple polarizations coinciding with the technological acceleration of organic composition might be nullifying the durative competence in planetary accumulation of capital.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Glass Ionomer Cement의 산부식 시간에 따른 복합레진과의 결합결에 관한 실험적 연구

        박동범,김순주 大韓小兒齒科學會 1989 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.16 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of various etching time that affect to the bonding strength between glass ionomer cement and composite resin. Two glass ionomer cements were divided into 4 groups according to 4 various etching time each other. Total 80 specimens were uniformly made and tested for thebonding strength between glass ionomer cement and composite resin by Instron. The seperation force was recorded from the composite resin to the glass ionmer cement block for each specimens. The results were as follows: 1. Etching time affects the bonding strength between glass ionomer cement and composite resin. 2. In Shofu glass ionomer cement, the 3 group, 30sec etching group was greather than any other groups and significant differences were statistically demonstrated when compared to the 1 group, non-ey-ching group.(p<0.05) 3. In GC glass ionomer cement, the 4 group, 60sec etching group, was greater than any other groups and significant differences were statistically demonstrated when compared to the 1 group, non-et-ching group.(p<0.05)

      • KCI등재후보

        익산토성 출토 인각와의 의미와 시기

        박동범 ( Park Dong-beom ) 호남고고학회 2024 湖南考古學報 Vol.77 No.-

        본고에서는 익산토성의 발굴조사 성과를 살펴보고 출토된 인각와의 특징과 의미, 시기에 대해 살펴보았다. 익산토성은 부여의 관북리유적과 부소산성의 관계처럼 익산 왕궁리유적의 배후산성 내지는 피난성의 역할로써 산성이 운용되었다. 익산토성은 1980년부터 연차적인 발굴조사를 통해서 기존 견해와 다르게 돌과 흙을 함께 이용해 만든 토석혼축 산성으로 확인되었다. 성벽 축조방법은 자연지형에 따라 암반층을 굴착하거나 경사면에 흙을 채워서 쌓는 축조공법이 확인되었으며, 남성벽과 북성벽 일부 지점에서 주혈시설이 확인되었는데 그 용도에 대해서는 성벽을 쌓는 과정의 지지목 내지는 구축선으로 볼 수 있으나 성벽 안쪽으로 들어가는 양상이 확인되어 선행유구의 존재 가능성도 생각해 볼 수 있다. 익산토성 발굴조사에서 출토된 인각와는 수도를 상징하면서 중요 건물에 사용된 「首府」銘 인각와와 도성 내 편제방법과 관련있는 「五部」銘 인각와 그리고 연대를 알 수 있는 「干支」銘 인각와로 분류된다. 「首府」銘 인각와는 익산과 부여지역에서만 확인되는 인각와로써 그 의미는 수도를 상징하면서 그 지역에 중요 건물에 사용된 기와로 생각된다. 「首府」銘 인각와의 3D 촬영 결과물을 통해 볼 때 동일한 도장을 반복적으로 사용된 것으로 판단된다. 도성 내 편제방법과 관련있는 「五部」銘 인각와는 「申卩甲瓦」·「後卩乙瓦」銘·「上氺」·「前氺」·「中氺」·「下氺」·「後氺」銘 인각와가 확인되고 있다. 甲과 乙이 조합된 인각와는 익산과 부여지역에 공통적으로 확인되고 그 의미는 각 부에서 왕실 관련 조성사업에 필요한 기와를 기부한 寄進瓦 내지는 국가 관련 건물의 보수 기와로 생각된다. 한편 새롭게 익산토성에서는 上·前·中·下·後자와 氺자가 결합된 원형의 「○氺」銘 인각와가 출토되었다. 현재까지 「○氺」銘 인각와는 익산지역에서만 확인되고 있으며, 上·前·中·下·後자와 사용된 용례를 통해 볼 때 새로운 형태의 「五部」銘 인각와로 보여진다. 등장배경에 대해서는 각 부에서 왕실 관련 조성사업에 필요한 기부한 寄進 瓦의 성격과는 다른 특수한 목적 즉, 당시 건축행위 주변에서 만들어 세금으로 납품된 貢進瓦로 생각된다. 연대를 알 수 있는 「干支」銘는 「乙丑」·「辰」·「午助」·「申斯」·「己酉」銘 인각와로써 그 연대는 605∼650년에 해당된다. 연대가 확인된 인각와의 경우 익산토성을 비롯한 왕궁리유적과 미륵사지에서 공통적으로 출토된 점과 그 유적의 조성 연대를 살펴보면 6세기 후반에서 7세기에 사용된 것을 알 수 있었으며, 그 중심 시기는 7세기 백제 무왕 대 익산 관련 건축행위가 활발하게 진행된 결과물로써 인각와가 등장한 것으로 보여진다. In this paper, I reviewed the results of the excavation of Iksan Earthen Fortress and examined the characteristics and meaning of the excavated stamped roof tiles and the date of their use. Like the relationship between the Gwanbuk-ri ruins and Busosanseong Fortress in Buyeo, the fortress was operated as a rear fortress or refuge fortress for the Wanggung-ri ruins in Iksan. Through annual excavations since 1980, Iksan Earthen Fortress was confirmed to be a mixed earthen fortress made of stone and soil, contrary to existing views. The construction method of the fortress wall was confirmed to be excavating the rock layer or filling the slope with soil according to the natural topography, and main pit facilities were confirmed at some points in the male and northern fortress walls, and their use was as support or construction in the process of building the fortress wall. Although it can be seen as a line, it has been confirmed that it goes inside the castle wall, so the possibility of the existence of antecedent remains can also be considered. The stamped roof tiles excavated during the excavation of Iksan Earthen Fortress are classified into ‘subu(首府)’ stamped roof tiles, which symbolize the capital and were used in important buildings, ‘obu(五部)’ stamped roof tiles, which are related to the method of organization within the capital city, and ‘kanji(干支)’ stamped roof tiles, which can be dated. do. The ‘subu(首府)’ stamped roof tile is an stamped roof tile that can only be found in Iksan and other designated areas. Its meaning is thought to be a tile that symbolizes the capital and is used in important buildings in that region. When viewed through 3D modeling results, the ‘subu(首府)’ stamped roof tile represents the repeated useing. The ‘obu(五部)’ stamped roof tile related to the method of organization within the city walls include ‘sinbu gapwa(申卩甲瓦)’, “hubu eulwa(後卩乙瓦)’ stamped roof tile, ‘sangsu(上氺)’, ‘jeonsu(前氺)’, ‘jungsu(中氺)’, ‘hasu(下氺)’, and ‘husu(後氺)’. The stamped roof tile of the ‘husu(後氺)’ was confirmed. The stamped roof tile, which is a combination of ‘gap(甲)’ and ‘eul(乙)’, is commonly identified in the Iksan and Buyeo regions, and its meaning is thought to be the repair tiles for buildings related to the state or the royal tiles donated by each department for roof tiles needed for construction projects related to the royal family. Meanwhile, a circular ‘○su(○氺)’ stamped roof tile was newly excavated from Iksan Earthen Fortress, which was a combination of the characters ‘sang(上)’, ‘jeon(前)’, ‘jung(中)·’, ‘ha(下)’, ‘hu(後)’ and ‘su(氺)’. To date, the ‘○su(○氺)’ stamped roof tile has been confirmed only in the Iksan region, and when viewed through the usage of the characters ‘sang(上)’, ‘jeon(前)’, ‘jung(中) ·’, ‘ha(下)’, ‘hu(後)’, it appears to be a new type of ‘obu(五部)’ stamped roof tile. Regarding the background of its appearance, it is thought that it was made for a special purpose different from the nature of the tiles donated by each department for royal-related construction projects, that is, tiles made around construction activities at the time and delivered with taxes. The ‘kanji(干支)’ stamped roof tiles whose dates can be determined are ‘eulchuk(乙丑)’, ‘jin(辰)’, ‘ohjo(午助),’ ‘sinsa(申斯)’, ‘giyu(己酉)’ stamped roof tiles, which correspond to the years 605 to 650. In the case of stamps whose dates have been confirmed, looking at the fact that they were commonly excavated at the Wanggung-ri ruins, including the Iksan Toseong Fortress, and Mireuksa Temple Site, and the date of construction of the ruins, it can be seen that they were used in the late 6th century to the 7th century, and the main period was the 7th century Baekje. It appears that stamped roof tiles appeared as a result of active construction activities related to Iksan during the reign of King Mu.

      • KCI우수등재

        빙-해저지반 상호작용을 고려한 빙쇄굴 시뮬레이션 비교연구

        신문,박동,서영교 한국해양공학회 2019 韓國海洋工學會誌 Vol.33 No.6

        The ice keel gouge and seabed interaction is one of the major considerations in the design of an Arctic pipeline system. Ice keel and seabed interaction engineering models based on experimental data, which give an explicit equation for estimating the ice gouging depth, have been suggested. The suggested equations usually overestimate the ice keel gouging depth. In addition, various types of numerical analyses have been carried out to verify the suggested engineering model equations in comparison to the experimental data. However, most of numerical analysis results were also overestimated compared with the laboratory experimental data. In this study, a numerical analysis considering the contact condition and geostatic stress was carried out to predict the ice keel gouging depth and compared with the previous studies. Considering the previously mentioned conditions, more accurate results were produced compared with the laboratory experiment results and the error rate was reduced compared to previous numerical analysis studies.

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