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        성인자녀의 부모 돌봄이 여성의 노동시장 성과에 미치는 영향

        류한별,김가현 한국보건사회연구원 2022 保健社會硏究 Vol.42 No.4

        In Korean society, the elderly population in need of care is rapidly increasing due to increasing longevity and low birth rate. At the same time, given the significant proportion of women involved in family elder care, informal care could potentially reduce women’s participation in economic activities. Therefore, we analyze the effect of parent care on women’s labor market outcomes by using data from the first to seventh waves of the Korean Longitudinal Survey of Women & Families (KLoWF). With the panel fixed effect model, we find that parent care reduces women’s work probability by 5.4%p and that one hour of informal care decreases women’s work probability by 1.8%p. Also, further analysis suggests that informal care has more negative effects for women who are less educated, in ages between 31 and 55 years old, and living with the spouse’s parents. 한국 사회는 고령화와 저출산으로 인해 돌봄을 필요로 하는 고령인구가 빠르게 증가하고 있다. 그와 동시에 가족, 특히 여성에 의한 비공식적 가족 돌봄이 높은 비중을 보임에 따라 돌봄이 여성의 경제활동 참여를 저해하는 요인으로 작용할 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 여성가족패널조사를 활용하여 부모 돌봄이 여성의 노동시장 성과에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 패널고정효과모형을 이용하여 분석한 결과, 부모 돌봄 제공은 여성의 근로확률을 5.4%p 감소시켰으며, 돌봄 제공시간이 한 시간 증가했을 때 여성의 근로확률은 1.8%p 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. 반면, 주당 근로시간이나 임금에는 유의한 영향이 나타나지 않았다. 또한, 인구통계학적 특성에 따른 분석에서는 배우자 부모님과 동거하는 경우와 고졸 이하의 그룹, 그리고 31~55세 연령층에서 여성의 근로확률이 통계적으로 유의하게 감소하였다.

      • KCI등재

        법정 최대 근로가능시간 단축이 산업재해에 미친 영향

        류한별,송선영 한국노동연구원 2022 노동정책연구 Vol.22 No.4

        장시간 노동이 노동자의 건강을 위협하고 산업재해를 유발하는 요인으로 지적됨에 따라, 정부는 2018년 주당 최대 근무시간을 68시간에서 52시간으로 단축하는 정책을 실시하였다. 이에 본 연구는 이중차분법(DID)을 활용하여 최대 근로시간 단축법이 실근로시간 단축과 산업재해에 끼친 영향을 분석하였다. 분석결과, 주 52시간 상한제는 주 평균 노동시간이 40시간 이상인 300인 이상 기업의 주당 노동시간을 평균 약 2시간 감소시키는 것으로 나타났다. 하지만 노동시간의 감소가 사망사고나 요양재해의 감소에 통계적으로 유의미한 영향을 끼치진 않는 것으로 나타났다. Until now, long working hours in Korea has been pointed out as a factor that threatens the health of workers and causes industrial accidents. Accordingly, in 2018, the government tried to improve long working practices by adopting the 52-hour workweek system, which reduced the maximum working hours per week from 68 hours to 52 hours. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of the Maximum Working Hours Reduction Act on real working hours reduction and industrial accidents. In order to empirically analyze the causal relationship between Maximum Working Hours Reduction Act and industrial accidents, the difference-in-differences estimation method was conducted(DID). As a result of the analysis, the 52-hour workweek system reduced the working hours per week by about 2 hours on average, and this was the same even when excluding industries that belong to the guidance period of the revised Labor Standards Act. However, we found that the 52-hour workweek system did not have a significant effect on the reduction of injury rate or death rate.

      • KCI등재

        도시철도를 활용한 물류서비스의 특성별 한계효과 분석

        류한별,남대식,박민영 한국로지스틱스학회 2023 로지스틱스연구 Vol.31 No.4

        From a logistics point of view, the current state of urban railway systems presents an opportunity to improve the quality of parcel delivery services and simultaneously drive increased usage of urban railways. Demand analysis, such as willingness to switch based on cost, needs to be conducted in advance in order to develop these urban logistics systems. Using demand analysis, we predict the rate of modal shift and demand, which are factors that drive operational objectives and system specifications. In this study, we conduct a stated preference(SP) survey of logistics companies and estimate their preferences using a conditional logistic regression model. We also analyze the marginal effects and potential customers’ willingness to pay for railway-based urban logistics services. The research results reveal the resistance factors within this system, and demonstrate that factors such as cold-chain system and reliability are most crucial. Main finding is that the rent of distribution centers has a greater impact than delivery fare. Based on the analysis of individual factors, the examination of relative importance and marginal effect can provide insights into pricing strategies for a future service and the establishment of service objectives.

      • KCI등재

        의미연결망 분석을 통한 수소 공급망 동향 분석

        류한별,남대식,류성호,임기원 한국교통연구원 2024 交通硏究 Vol.31 No.1

        수소에너지는 탄소중립을 달성하기 위한 강력한 수단으로 수소차의 보급은 점차 확대되고 있으며 그 관심 또한 증가하고 있다. 수소에너지와 관련된 대중의 인식과 수소에너지 활성화를 위한 촉진·저해 요인을 분석하기 위해 본 연구에서는 수소와 관련된 뉴스데이터를 수집하고 이를 텍스트마이닝 기법을 활용하여 분석했다. 분석을 통해 수소에 대한 민간부문의 관심과 관련 정책의 동향을 분석하고 수소차, 수소충전소와 같은 수소공급망에 대한 인식을 분석한다. 분석 결과 수소경제, 수소 관련 정책에 따라 위험물로써 인식되던 수소가 친환경 에너지로써 인식되고 수소경제를 활성화하기 위한 다양한 정책 및 연구가 증가하고 있는 추세이다. 특히 수소에너지 인식의 개선과 함께 안전, 규제와 같은 저해 요인에 대해 안전 기준, 규제 완화와 같은 단어가 등장하며 수소를 보급하기 위해 필요한 제반사항에 대한 이슈가 제기되는 상황을 확인하였다. 또한 과거와는 달리 수소 인프라 중 수소차충전소의 초기 보급단계에 맞추어 접근성에 대한 논의가 이뤄지고 있다. 수소에 대한 인식의 개선 및 인프라 확충에 대한 논의의 증가추세는 향후 수소에너지의 확산과 다양한 연계 정책수립 및 규제 완화에 기여하고 수소 경제를 활성화를 위한 연구 및 관련 사업이 증가할 것으로 기대한다. The ascent of hydrogen energy is pivotal for carbon neutrality, with a noticeable rise in the adoption and public interest towards hydrogen vehicles. This study aims to gauge public sentiment on hydrogen energy by harvesting and scrutinizing hydrogen-related news data via text mining methodologies. Our analysis delineates the trends in both public and private sectors’ engagement with hydrogen and associated policies, as well as discerns perceptions regarding the hydrogen supply chain, encompassing hydrogen vehicles and refueling stations. Previously perceived predominantly as a hazard, hydrogen has transitioned in its public image to a valuable energy resource, largely due to advancements in the hydrogen economy and relevant policies. The lexicon reflecting this transformation featured terms like "safety standards" and "deregulation," countering prior concerns of safety and stringent regulations. This evolving recognition augments the potential for broader hydrogen energy adoption and facilitates the formulation of supportive policies and deregulation.

      • KCI등재

        도시철도를 활용한 물류 서비스 전환 선호 요인 분석

        류한별,박민영,남대식 한국로지스틱스학회 2022 로지스틱스연구 Vol.30 No.5

        Increased freight vehicles due to the rapid increase in the number of parcel deliveries cause traffic congestion, environmental pollution, and safety problems. Distribution centers in the city help freight vehicles reduce traffic and help meet today’s logistics goals of fast delivery. In this context, the Micro Fulfillment Center(MFC) in the city with subway and underground idle space is one of the alternatives. In this study, in order to analyze the demand for distribution centers using idle space in subways in Seoul and distribution transportation services using subways, we conducted a preference survey of major distribution and logistics companies. We applied a stated preference analysis methodology and conditional logit model for statistical analysis of how willing companies are to switch from existing trucking to our services. In this model, we explained the conversion demand, change, and marginal cost according to the cost of service, service time, and scheduled transportation ratio. A questionnaire survey was conducted targeting logistics personnel of major domestic distribution and logistics companies, and as a result of statistical analysis of preferences, significant preferences for new logistics services were confirmed. It is expected that this research will be able to calculate the demand that will be converted when a new distribution center is set up or new services are introduced and to enter the market.

      • 라스트마일 배송시간 최소화를 위한 배송 구역 연구

        류한별,남대식,박민영 한국물류과학기술학회 2021 물류과학기술연구 Vol.2 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to establish an appropriate delivery area for the increasing last-mile delivery. At the same time, as the parcel delivery industry is growing explosively, regional delivery centers such as micro-fulfillment centers are moving toward demanding destinations. Also, the density of the center in an urban area is increasing. As the number of centers in the city center rises, it is necessary to set the delivery area rationally. In a situation where multiple centers are located in an urban area, we present a methodology for setting a delivery area using an actual road network and a single-to-many destination shortest path algorithm. The developed model is assumed to utilize the idle land of the transfer station in Seoul. As a result of the analysis, the developed model showed that the delivery area could be set rationally and efficiently compared to the existing circular buffer type delivery area setup.

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