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        의료인의 환자 전인 치유를 위한 영적 돌봄

        노현기(Noh Hyun Ki) 가톨릭생명윤리연구소 2015 인격주의 생명윤리 Vol.5 No.1

        "Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those suffering from virulent skin-disease, drive out devils" (Matthew 10,8). Caring for those who are sick and suffering from the disease is an important duty of the Catholic church. Pain is subjective. In order to understand the patient's pain, it is important to acknowledge the patient as a person. Christianity proclaims that God created humans in the form of God. These contain the broad meaning of the existence of human beings as a whole which interacted, explain that the body, the soul and the spirit cannot be separated. Christian belief of God's presence in the very beginning of the creation of humans supports the transcendental connection between God and humans. Christianity acknowledges humans as holistic beings who strive for the profound meaning of spiritual origin and transcendence under the influence of the mutual relationship among body, soul and spirit. In today's medical practice, are we providing holistic care based on the understanding of human being as a whole? Although healthcare providers are aware of the basic principles of Geneva Convention which is the respect of the human being and its dignity, it is not easy for them to follow these principles in reality. With the development of science, medical practice has focused on treating the disease instead of seeking the need of patients. This attitude creates a lack of humanity in the treatment of patients. In this situation, Jesus as a role model of holistic healthcare provider is well described in the Gospels. During his life as a human, Jesus always reached out for the sick to cure them with love and compassion. While praying in Getsemani, he showed us the importance of spiritual care along with the physical care when treating the sick. Jesus himself never hesitated to reach out and cure those who are sick. He approached them first and offered physical cure as well as spiritual healing. The resurrection of Jesus after crucifixion proved salvation from the suffering. He always prayed while curing the sick, and followed God's will to glorify God's divine power. Jesus' mission teaches us the divine power of prayers and consolation. Therefore, it becomes clear that the role of the healthcare providers should not focus only on the treatment of physical symptoms but also should involve spiritual care. Like the good Samarian, we should be compassionate for those who suffer from the pain and share God's love. With the talent given by God, healthcare providers should treat the patient as a person, share their pain and show respect so patients do not feel abandoned and isolated. At the same time, healthcare providers should approach the patients with love and compassion and encourage them to believe in God's healing. In order to provide holistic care, healthcare providers themselves should realize that they are also healed by God. By accepting themselves as the cured ones and the ones in need of spiritual care, they can share God's love and compassion. Only then, they can provide holistic care by leading the sick to the road of salvation through overcoming various difficulties caused by pain. "앓는 이들을 고쳐주고 죽은 이들을 일으켜 주어라. 나병 환자들을 깨끗하게 해 주고 마귀들을 쫓아내어라."(마태 10,8) 라는 예수님의 말씀처럼 가톨릭교회는 병자들에 대한 봉사를 교회의 주요 직무 가운데 하나로 여기고 있다. 환자의 고통에 전인적으로 응답하기 위해서는 무엇보다도 환자, 즉 인간을 전인적 존재로 이해하는 것이 선행되어야 한다. 그리스도교는 하느님의 모상으로서 인간이 창조되었다고 고백하고 있으며, 이러한 사실은 인간이 영, 혼, 육으로 나눠진 부분의 집합체가 아니라 오히려 이러한 부분들이 상호 영향을 끼치고 있는 하나의 전체로서의 전인적 존재임을 보여주고 있다. 그리고 무엇보다도 그리스도교 신앙은 인간 창조의 순간 하느님의 숨결이 함께 하였음을 고백함으로써 인간이 하느님과 초월적으로 연결된 영적 존재임을 고백하고 있다. 따라서 그리스도교는 영적 존재로서의 인간을 육체-정신-영혼의 상호 통교 아래에서 영의 본질적이며 초월적인 의미를 추구하고 사는 심오한 일체성을 갖춘 통합적 존재로 인식하고 있다. 그렇다면 오늘날 의료 현장에서는 이러한 인간 이해가 바탕이 된 전인적 치유가 이루어지고 있는가? 과학의 발달과 더불어 과학화ㆍ전문화ㆍ분업화된 의료는 환자를 의료행위의 주체가 아니라 대상으로 취급하게 되었고, 환자는 질병에 대한 기계적인 치료만을 받게 됨에 따라 질병 경험에 따른 근본적인 불안과 고통의 문제를 해결하지 못하게 되었다. 이러한 가운데 복음은 우리에게 전인적 치유의 모델로서의 예수 그리스도의 모습을 잘 전해주고 있다. 예수 그리스도는 공생활 가운데서 늘 병자들을 돌보셨으며 그들을 향한 자비와 사랑을 거두지 않으셨다. 뿐만 아니라 예수 그리스도는 겟세마니 동산에서 고통 가운데 기도하시면서 고통 중에 있는 이들이 무엇을 갈망하고 있으며, 이들을 온전히 치유하기 위해서는 질병에 대한 육체적 치료 외에도 영적인 돌봄이 함께 병행되어야 함을 일깨워주셨다. 예수 그리스도는 당신이 만나는 모든 사람들을 언제 어디서나 고쳐주셨고, 이들의 아픔에 극진한 사랑과 연민의 마음으로 함께 하심으로써 육체적 질병뿐만 아니라 전인적 치유를 위한 영적인 돌봄도 함께 베풀어주셨다. 또한 십자가의 수난을 겪으시고 부활하심으로써 각자가 안고 있는 고통을 마주하는 가운데서 하느님과 하나 되는 구원으로 나아갈 수 있는 길을 마련해주셨다. 그리고 병자들과 함께 하시며 그들을 치유하시는 가운데서도 기도를 잊지 않으심으로써 당신의 모든 행위를 성부 하느님의 역사하심으로 성화시키셨고 기도가 가지는 거룩한 힘과 끝없는 위로를 우리에게 알려주셨다. 이제 오늘날 의료인들이 어떠한 모습으로 자리해야 하는지가 분명해졌다. 그들은 육체적ㆍ정신적 질병만을 치료하는 사람이 아니라 영적인 돌봄도 아끼지 않는 전인적 치유를 지향하는 돌봄 제공자로서의 의료인이 되어야 한다. 착한 사마리아인의 비유에서처럼 자비로운 마음과 연민의 마음으로 고통 중에 있는 이들 곁에 머무르는 따뜻한 동반자로서 하느님을 도와 하느님의 사랑을 전달해야 한다. 하느님으로부터 받은 치유의 능력을 발휘해 병을 직접 치료해주어야 하며, 하느님의 치유가 자리할 수 있도록 인격적인 친밀함 가운데 환자의 아픔을 함께 나누고 위로와 격려를 베풀어야 한다. 환대의 미덕을 통해서 그들에게 자신을 온전히 개방하여 고통 가운데서 버림받음과 소외됨을 느끼지 않도록 돌보아야 한다. 그리고 기도와 돌봄을 통해서 그들을 향한 하느님의 현존과 사랑을 드러냄으로써 희망을 잃어버리지 않게 해야 한다. 그러기 위해서는 무엇보다도 의료인 스스로가 상처받은 치유자임을 인식함으로써 하느님과 깊은 관계에 머물러 있어야 한다. 자신 또한 똑같은 영적인 돌봄을 필요로 하며 같은 고통을 겪고 있는 한 명의 상처받은 인간이라는 것을 인식할 수 있을 때 비로소 하느님의 사랑과 연민을 그들에게 전해줄 수 있다. 그리고 바로 그때 고통이 가져다주는 여러 가지 어려움을 넘어서서 진정한 구원을 향한 길, 전인적 치유를 향한 길로 그들을 이끌어 줄 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        치과 치료를 위한 외래 정주진정 법에 대한 다기관 후향적 임상연구

        정세화,백상현,노현기,강나라,임재중,이병하,전재윤,황경균,심광섭,박창주,Jung, Se-Hwa,Baik, Sang-Hyun,Roh, Hyun-Ki,Kang, Na-Ra,Im, Jae-Jung,Lee, Byung-Ha,Jeon, Jae-Yoon,Hwang, Kyung-Gyun,Shim, Kwang-Sup,Park, Chang-Joo 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 2009 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.31 No.5

        Purpose : On outpatient facilities, our sedation protocol focuses on the intermittent bolus injections of midazolam intravenously, according to patient's and operator's needs during the dental treatment. This multicenter retrospective study was aimed to prove the efficiency and safety of our sedation protocol. Patients and Methods : In three centers using the same outpatient sedation protocol for dental treatment (Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery/Department of Dentistry in Hanyang University Medical Center, S-plant Dental Hospital. and Grand Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery), total 937 patients had various dental treatments under intravenous conscious sedations with independent patient monitoring from March 2006 to March 2009. By reviewing charts, we analyzed the results of sedation and dental treatment, retrospectively. Results : Our sedation protocol had no severe postoperative complications requiring admission. while showing good compatibility with almost all dental treatments, with acceptable satisfaction of both patients and operators. Conclusion : We assure that our sedation protocol can be used efficiently and safely on routine outpatient basis. We also hope that this study will provide the concrete concepts to common dental practitioners, who desire to perform sedation for dental treatment.

      • KCI등재

        응급의학과 의사가 시행한 경질 초음파의 효용성

        정시영,정구영,어은경,노현기 대한응급의학회 2009 大韓應急醫學會誌 Vol.20 No.5

        Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine the diagnostic accuracy and effectiveness of transvaginal ultrasonography (TVUS) performed by emergency physicians (EPs’) in the emergency department. Methods: In this study, female patients with lower abdominal pain who had risks for obstetric and gynecologic diseases were assessed. The accuracy and effectiveness of TVUS performed by emergency physicians was determined by comparing EPs’ interpretations of TVUS with the interpretations of TVUS by OGs CT findings, and surgical pathologic results. Results: Forty-one patients were included in the study. The diagnosis was changed in 48.8% of the patients after the TVUS had been performed by an EPs’. When the accuracy of diagnosis was compared pre- and post-TVUS, the accuracy of post-TVUS (80.5%) was higher than the pre-TVUS (39.0%). The agreement between the sonographic findings of EPs’ and OGs’ was substantial (accuracy=81.3~93.8%; κ=0.611~0.811; p<0.05). The accuracy of TVUS performed by EPs’ in obstetric and gynecologic diseases was 90.6%. The sensitivity and specificity were 100% and 90.9%, respectively, and the positive and negative predictive values were 96.8% and 100%, respectively. Conclusion: TVUS performed by EPs’ is of considerable help in establishing the correct diagnosis with a high degree of accuracy.

      • KCI등재

        A survey of the satisfaction of patients who have undergone implant surgery with and without employing a computer-guided implant surgical template

        육신영,이지호,박지만,허성주,노현기,박은진,신임희 대한치과보철학회 2014 The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics Vol.6 No.5

        PURPOSE. This study aims to investigate the degree of subjective pain and the satisfaction of patients who have undergone an implant treatment using a computer-guided template. MATERIALS AND METHODS. A survey was conducted for 135 patients who have undergone implant surgery with and without the use of the computerguided template during the period of 2012 and 2013 in university hospitals, dental hospitals and dental clinics that practiced implant surgery using the computer-guided template. Likert scale and VAS score were used in the survey questions, and the independent t-test and One-Way ANOVA were performed (α=.05). RESULTS. The route that the subjects were introduced to the computer-guided implant surgery using a surgical template was mostly advices by dentists, and the most common reason for which they chose to undergo such surgery was that it wasaccurate and safe. Most of them gave an answer that they were willing to recommend it to others. The patients who have undergone the computer-guided implant surgery felt less pain during the operation and showed higher satisfaction than those who have undergone conventional implant surgery. Among the patients who have undergone computer-guided implant surgery, those who also had prior experience of surgery without acomputer-guided template expressed higher satisfaction with the former (P<.05). CONCLUSION. In this study, it could be seen that the patients who have undergone computer-guided implant surgery employing a surgical template felt less pain and had higher satisfaction than those with the conventional one, and the dentist’s description could provide the confidence about the safety of surgery.

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