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        신숙주, 충 · 불충을 다시보다

        나천수(羅千洙) 원광대학교 원불교사상연구원 2020 원불교사상과 종교문화 Vol.84 No.-

        신숙주는 세간 사람들에게 변절자의 대명사처럼 인식되고, 그동안 우리나라 소설이나 TV 드라마에서도 단종을 지지하지 않았다는 이유로 변절자로 묘사되었다. 그 이유는 남효온이 지은「육신전」에서 단종의 편에 서지 않았다는 말 한마디 때문이다. 또 남효온의「육신전」을 단초로 일제 강점기 이후부터 조선인의 혼을 폄하하는 차원에서 신숙주를 변절의 대명사로 소설, 영화, TV드라마에서 등장케 하였다. 과연 신숙주는 변절자인지 궁금하다. 논자는 최초 신숙주를 폄하하는 글을 쓴 남효온의『추강집』 속에 수록된「육신전」을 살펴보던 중에, 1576년 선조 때 발견되어 경연에서 육신전에 대한 잘못된 점을 선조가 열거하면서 질타하였는데, 현재 세간에서 볼 수 있는『추강집』에는 1577년에 간행된 것으로 이 재간본에는 선조가 잘못되었다고 지적한 부분이 모두 삭제 된 점을 발견하게 되었다. 선조가 발견한 추강집의 오류는 초간본에서의 오류를 지적한 것이다. 그리하여 선조가 지적한 부분을 모두 개작하여 재간된 간행본이 현재 세간에 발견된『추강집』이므로 이를 위작이 아닐까 반문해 보는 것이다. 한편 신숙주의 충의 단면을 살펴볼 수 있는 것은 그가 저술한『해동제국기』라고 논자는 주장한다. 세종의 명을 받아 일본을 다녀온 사행보고서는『세종실록』102권[1443년(세종25년) 10월13일]자 기사에 분명히 ‘일본국(日本國)에 갔던 통신사 변효문(卞孝文)이 돌아와 경상도 옥포(玉浦)에 이르러 치계(馳啓)하기를’ 란 기록으로 보아 사행보고서는 이미 세종 때에 보고한 것이다. 그로부터 28년 후인 성종 때 사행 보고서로 『해동제국기』를 썼다는 말은 맞지 않은 것이다. 또한『 해동제국기』 서문에는 사행 보고서와는 전혀 무관한 내용이 서술되어 있다. 그것은 왕이 지녀야할 덕목을 열거해 놓은 것이다. 그러므로 이 부분에 착안하여 왜『 해동제국기』를 썼느냐에 질문을 하고, 그에 대한 답변을 함으로 신숙주의 충(忠)의 단면을 밝혀 낸 것이다. This paper examines the loyalty of Shin Suk-ju who has been recognized by many as a traitor and has long been described as such in Korean novels or dramas for not supporting King Danjong. This was largely due to『Yuk-Sin-Jeon』 by Nam Hyo-on where he commented that Shin Suk-ju did not stand by King Danjong’s side. Shin Suk-ju became a byword for betrayer as motivated by『Yuk-Sin-Jeon』 and frequently appeared in a novel, movie or TV drama in order to disparage the spirit of the Joseon people. When King Seonjo discovered『Yuk-Sin-Jeon』 in 1576, he criticized its errors at Gyeongyeon. However, it was identified that all the errors King Seonjo pointed out were deleted from『Yuk-Sin-Jeon』 published in 1577, the only publication discovered to the current generation as part of Chu-Gang-Jip. If what was criticized in the first publication were all adapted and re-published, the book can be considered as a forgery. Meanwhile, Shin Suk-ju’s loyalty to the King can be found in his book Haedong Chegukki where he enumerated virtues for a king to keep. According to volume 102 of Sejong Chronicles, it was evident that a private report by Byun Hyo-mun to King Sejong after he came back from Japan was reported during the reign of King Sejong. Therefore, it does not make sense to say Haedong Chegukki was written as a private report 28 years later, during the reign of King Sungjong. Based on these findings, this paper discloses loyal aspect of Shin Suk-ju by reviewing Haedong Chegukki.

      • KCI등재

        나주지역 동학관련 구술자료 수집과 그 의의 - 나주시, 세계적 동학 명소를 위한 試論 -

        나천수(羅千洙),이영기(李英紀) 원광대학교 원불교사상연구원 2020 원불교사상과 종교문화 Vol.86 No.-

        2019년도「 나주시-원광대학교-일본측 동학 유적지 답사단」 3자가 나주시에서 나주 동학농민운동 연구에 뜻을 같이하고 장차 일본측이 위령탑을 건립키로 뜻을 모아 3자가 MOU를 체결한 바 있다. 문제는 1894년부터 현재까지 동학 관련 참여자 현황을 한번도 전수 조사한 적이 없다는 것이다. 현재까지 찾아낸 동학농민군이 겨우 3,670명이고, 채록된 증언도 겨우 97건에 불과하다. 과연 동학농민군 총 참여 인원을 알 수 있을까? 그중에 죽은 자는 몇 명인지, 후손이 누구인지 조사하지 않은 상황에서 비록 일본측에서 위령탑을 세운다 하여도 한(恨)이 흥(興)으로 승화될 수는 없다. 이 연구는 동학 구술 수집의 의의를 피력하고 구술 찾기 방안을 제시하고자 한다. 연구의 내용은 첫 번째, 기존 동학 관련 기록 문서를 바탕으로 동학참여자 전체를 추정해 보고, 두 번째, 이와 같은 동학 참여자가 일제강점기 동안 역사의 뒤안길에 숨을 수밖에 없는 이유를 들어 구술 찾기 방안을 제시하고자 한다. 세 번째, 2019년 제1회 나주 동학 한일 학술대회 때 슬로건을 ‘한에서 흥으로 승화하다’로 정한 바, 한을 흥으로 승화하는 방안을 제시하고자 한다. 구전 수집을 통해 동학농민군과 그들 후손들의 한의 소리를 아울러 채록할 수 있다면, 이것을 편석판(片石板)에 새겨 위령탑 주변에 비군(碑群)으로 배치하면 마침내 한이 흥으로 승화되지 않을까? 이 연구의 결과를 나주시가 행정적으로 실천할 경우 나주는 명소로 부각될 것이다. 나주에 가면 동학으로 죽은 자의 한의 소리, 살아남은 자의 한의 소리, 그들 후손들의 한의 소리를 들을 수 있기 때문이다. In 2019, the MOU was executed by three parties—Naju city, Wonkwang University, Japanese exploration group —who agreed to study Naju Donghak Peasant Movement and have the Japanese group to build a memorial tower in the future. The status of participants for Donghak Peasant Movement has never been completely investigated until now. Only 3,670 names of Donghak Peasant Army have been found so far and only 97 testimonies have been recorded. Even if the memorial tower is set up by Japanese, the peasant army’s resentment cannot be sublimated into excitement without investigating the total number of participants, the number of deaths and who their descendants are. The study seeks to express the significance of collecting verbal evidences as well as the voices of deep sorrow of Donghak Peasant Army and suggest solutions to find them. The content of this study is to estimate the entire Donghak participants based on the existing Donghak-related documents and suggest solutions to find verbal evidences about the them who were forced to hide in the back of history during Japanese colonial era. Lastly, the study would propose plans to sublimate the resentment into excitement as stated in the slogan—“Sublimate the resentment into excitement”—from the first Korea-Japan academic conference for Donghak which took place in Naju in 2019. Once the collected verbal evidences of Donghak Peasant Army are engraved on the piece of stone plate and placed around the memorial tower, their resentment will finally be sublimated into joy. Naju City would become a landmark for Donghak if its administration put the plans into practice. People will be able to feel the resentment of Donghak Peasant Army and their descendants when visiting Naju.

      • KCI등재

        옻나무 플라보노이드가 수컷 백서의 성행동에 미치는 영향

        나천수(Chun Soo Na),최범락(Bum Rak Choi),추동환(Dong Wan Choo),최원일(Won Il Choi),김진범(Jin Bum Kim),김현정(Hyun Jung Kim),정연준(Yun Jun Chung),박영인(Young In Park),동미숙(Mi Sook Dong) 대한약학회 2005 약학회지 Vol.49 No.6

        Rhus verniciflua Stokes (RVS) has been used as a food supplement and a traditional herbal medicine for a men's sexual enhancement. In this study, we prepared a flavonoid fraction (RWE) from a hot water extract of RVS and its influence on sexual behavior was studied in male rats which were orally administered varying doses of RWE for 2 weeks. All doeses of RWE stimulated sexual behavior in male rats such as reducing mounting latency and enhancing mount frequencies. However, intermission numbers were not changed and none of group can observe the ejaculation during behavioral testing time 5 min. Testosterone levels were increased about 0~53% and 92~164% by the treatment of RWE for 1 and 2 weeks, respectively. However, estrogen levels in male rats teded to decrease in a dose dependent manner of RWE. At the dose of RWE 200㎎/㎏, estrogen level was reduced to 77.5% and 70.3% of control after 1 and 2 weeks treatment. These findings suggest that the Rhus flavonoid fraction can stimulate the androgen-dependent male sexual behavior and it can applied to the material of functional food for enhancing the sexual function.

      • KCI등재

        P. C. R 기법을 이용한 들메나무 DNA sequence 의 변이조사

        나천수(Chun Soo Na),노은운(Eun Woon Noh),김영중(Young Joong Kim),신창호(Chang Ho Shin),송원섭(Won Sup Song),김세현(Sea Hyun Kim) 한국산림과학회 1992 한국산림과학회지 Vol.81 No.4

        It has been reported that there are two distinct phenotypes in Frarinus mandshurica Rupr. growing in Korea. Recently developed polymerase chain reactioniPCR) was used to detect DNA sequence polymorphism in the species. Using a thermostable DNA polymerase and synthetic DNA primers, unknown DNA sequences from the species were randomly amplified. The two types of the species produced different DNA amplification pattern with three different primers tested, Although DNA polymorphism was detected among individuals within types, each type has its own distinct pattern. The two types could be easily differentiated by trier characteristic predominant bands.

      • KCI등재

        옻나무 칠액성분 중 Urushiol 의 암세포 증식억제 효과 - in vitro 세포독성효과 -

        나천수,정남철,오광인 ( Chun Soo Na,Nam Chul Jung,Kwang In Oh ) 한국산림과학회 1998 한국산림과학회지 Vol.87 No.2

        This study was conducted to screen the biological activity of urushiol in the sap of lac tree(Rhus verniciflua STOKES) which has been used in traditional folk remedies. Cytotoxic activity of urushiol was screened with L1210(mouse luekemia cell), PC-9(human lung adenocarcinoma cell), A427(human lung adenocarcinoma cell) and KATO IlI(human stomach adenocarcinoma cell) The stepwise hexane : acetone eluent fractions of the urushiol were obtained by the silica gel adsorption column chromatography and added to the culture media containing L1210, PC-9. A427, and KATO III, respectively. A hexane : acetone(90 : 10, v/v) eluent fraction of them showed the lowest 50% inhibition concentration(IC_(50)) of 0.018㎍/㎖ for the cell line of A427. Much lower level of IC_(50) of the hexane : acetone(90 : 10, v/v) eluent fraction of the urushiol showed the equal inhibition effect with tetraplatin(i.e., anti-cancer drug of platinum complexes) on the cancer cell lines as follows ; 3.4 times lower for L1210, 3.9 times lower for PC-9, and 105.5 times lower for A427. However, IC_(50) of the hexane : acetone(90 : 10 v/v) eluent fraction for KATO III was exceptionally 3.9 times higher than that of tetraplatin.

      • KCI등재

        오리나무 열수 추출물이 실험적으로 유발된 흰쥐의 위염 및 위궤양에 미치는 영향

        나천수,이상범,김진범,정하숙,동미숙 한국생약학회 2012 생약학회지 Vol.43 No.1

        Alnus japonica Steud (A. japonica) have long been used in the traditional medicine for gastric disorder, hepatitis and fatty liver in Korea. Antiulcer effects of A. japonica hot water extract (AJ ext) were evaluated by in vitro antibacterial activity against H. pylori, by the inhibitory action against the in vitro gastric H^+/K^+ -ATPase and using rat models of gastric mucosal damage and gastric ulcer induced by HCl-ethanol, indomethacin, and restraint and water-immersion stress. For the determination of antibacterial activity of AJ ext against H. pylori, the activity of urease which released from H. pylori was measured in culture. AJ ext showed weak antibacterial activity against H. pylori with the growth inhibitions of 37% and 61% by adding final concentrations of 500 and 1000 µg/ml culture, respectively at 24 h. To observe the inhibitory activity of AJ ext against the H^+/K^+ -ATPase in hog gastric membrane vesicle, IC50 value of AJ ext was 806.3 µg/ml. Pretreatment of AJ ext (200, 500mg/kg, p.o.) prevented in a dose-dependent manner the acute gastritis in HCl-ethanol model and the formation of gastric ulcer in indomethacin model and restraint and water-immersion stress model. These results suggest that the AJ ext can be used for prevention and treatment of gastric mucosal damage and ulcers induced by various stress.

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