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      • Theodore Dreiser의 자연주의와 Sister Carrie

        나채근 영남영어영문학회 1995 영남저널 Vol.6 No.-

        Theodore Dreiser(1871~1945)는 미국의 대표적인 자연주의자 작가이지만 그의 문체가 서툴고 조잡한 것 외에도, 그의 소설이 사실주의보다 낭만주의가, 역사보다 신화가, 사회 현실보다 추상성이 더 강한 요소로 작용해 왔던 미국 문학의 속성에 부합되지 않았던 이유로 크게 주목받지 못한 작가였다. 그러나 그는 19세기 내내 지속되어 오던 미국의 낭만주의 전통과 점잖은 전통(Genteel Tradition)을 어기고 삶을 객관적이고 정밀하게 관찰하여 20세기 문학의 새로운 장을 연 미국 현대소설의 선도자로서 설득력 있게 미국 사회의 한 단면을 묘사하였던 작가였다.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 학습자를 위한 한국정신문화 이해 교육 연구

        나채근 영남대학교 민족문화연구소 2016 민족문화논총 Vol.62 No.-

        Pungryu Spiritual Culture, which has been Korea’s original spiritual culture, is an archetype of the collective moral and spiritual energy of Koreans. It is the basis of the people’s religion, lifestyle, and emotions. However, owing to a lack of academic materials, the origin and characteristics of Pungryu Spiritual Culture have not been accurately studied, and many of its intrinsic properties have been lost or distorted. It is therefore necessary to make a persuasive inquiry into the essence of Pungryu Spiritual Culture with the help of A.N. Whitehead’s philosophy of organism. In contrast with the views of other substance philosophies that regard an unchanging, permanent thing as a ‘real thing’, Whitehead’s philosophy of organism holds the perspective that considers process and creation as a real thing. By applying the philosophy of organism to the character of Pungryu Spiritual Culture, I try to define ‘Shinmyoung’ (subject-superject’s creative vitality) which makes up the core components of Pungryu Spiritual Culture. Shinmyoung occurs naturally in the emotional wholeness of body and spirit This study also formed the foundation of a course for foreign students, involving reading 「A Shaman’s Story(무녀도)」 which describes the characteristics of ‘Shinmyoung’ . Through the learning processes of reading, dialogue, and discussion, students were able to improve their thought and cognition, and develop a logical and critical understanding of Shinmyoung. Through the extension of their cognition, they also gained a deeper intercultural perspective. 화이트헤드의 유기체철학은 생성과 과정을 실재(reality)로 보는 철학적 관점을 지닌 실천적인 사변철학이다. 필자는 이러한 유기체 철학적 개념을 통해 풍류정신문화의 핵심요소인 ‘신명’의 특성을 고찰하였다. 신명은 고정된 틀과 격식에서 벗어나 내재해 있는 정서적 정신적 생기의 표출에서 생기는 감정과 느낌인데, 이러한 감정과 느낌을 통해 주체와 대상의 벽을 허물어트림으로써 삶의 새로운 창조적 생명력은 생성되는 것이다. 또한 풍류정신문화의 ‘신명’의 특성을 구체적으로 현실화시키고 있는 김동리의 「무녀도」를 선정하여 한국어학습자들과 독서하는 학습과정을 구성하였다. 한국어학습자들은 학습과정에서 독서와 대화와 토론과정을 거치며 풍류정신문화의 신명에 대한 자신의 인식과 사고를 확인하고 수정・변환시켰으며, 신명에 대한 합리적이고 비판적인 이해를 발전시켰다. 아울러 자신의 인식과 사고의 확장을 통해 새로운 간문화적 시각을 지니게 되었다. 한국 풍류정신문화는 한민족의 정신적 기반을 형성하고 있는 신앙이자 정서이며 생활양식이었다. 그러나 풍류정신문화에 대한 자료가 부족하여 명확한 학문적 규명이 이루어지지 않은 가운데 풍류의 고유한 특성은 상실되고 왜곡되어왔다. 따라서 민족의 정신적 토대를 형성해 온 풍류정신문화의 본질을 설득력있게 탐색하는 작업은 의미있는 일이다. 이에 풍류정신문화가 결핍하고 있는 정합적, 실용적 체계를 갖춘 화이트헤드의 유기체 철학을 통해 한국 풍류정신문화의 본질을 구체적으로 규정해보고자 한다. 화이트헤드의 유기체철학은 생성과 과정을 실재(reality)로 보는 철학적 관점을 지닌 실천적인 사변철학이다. 필자는 이러한 유기체 철학적 개념을 통해 풍류정신문화의 핵심요소인 ‘신명’의 특성을 고찰하였다. 신명은 고정된 틀과 격식에서 벗어나 내재해 있는 정서적 정신적 생기의 표출에서 생기는 감정과 느낌인데, 이러한 감정과 느낌을 통해 주체와 대상의 벽을 허물어트림으로써 삶의 새로운 창조적 생명력은 생성되는 것이다. 또한 풍류정신문화의 ‘신명’의 특성을 구체적으로 현실화시키고 있는 김동리의 「무녀도」를 선정하여 한국어학습자들과 독서하는 학습과정을 구성하였다. 한국어학습자들은 학습과정에서 독서와 대화와 토론과정을 거치며 풍류정신문화의 신명에 대한 자신의 인식과 사고를 확인하고 수정・변환시켰으며, 신명에 대한 합리적이고 비판적인 이해를 발전시켰다. 아울러 자신의 인식과 사고의 확장을 통해 새로운 간문화적 시각을 지니게 되었다.

      • KCI등재

        한국 현대소설을 통해 본 신명(神明)의 창조성과 다양체성 연구 -『선학동나그네』를 중심으로-

        나채근,노상래 한민족어문학회 2019 韓民族語文學 Vol.0 No.84

        Shinmyoung is an intrinsic attribute of the Pungryu Spiritual Culture which has been original Korean spiritual and emotional culture. It has been creating the peculiar Korean emotion which is different from that of other countries in history. Korean Shinmyoung that has property of overcoming Han(恨) and recuperating the wounded self-esteem elicits inner vitality from fixed frame and order, and plays a role of constituting creative liveliness of new life beyond the suppressed feelings in this world. This Shinmyoung is similar to the ‘creativity’ of Whitehead and the ‘multiplicity’ of Deleuze. That is to say Shinmyoung is composed of the creative characteristic of ‘actual entity’ making new ‘one’ existence from ‘many’ existences in the process of realizing the ultimate principle of change, and the multiplicity made by new arrangement which the accidental conjunction and the variation between the actual entities are creating. This paper is designed to clarify how the intrinsic property of Korean Shinmyoung possessing the creativity and multiplicity appears in 『선학동나그네』 which describe persuasively Koreans’ singular emotion and life. This paper is also going to present that Shinmyoung is a flow running all directions like water and winn and creating new reality different from before through the singing woman in 『선학동나그네』. This study will also shed new light on the fact that Shinmyoung has represented the Korean’s spirit and emotion with various ways through a series of times and places by confirming the property of Shinmyoung in 『선학동나그네』. 한국 고유의 정신적 · 정서적 문화인 풍류정신문화의 본질적 속성을 이루고 있는 신명은 역사적으로 한국인의 특이한 정서 형태로서 다른 민족의 정서와 차이화되면서 독특한 성격을 형성해왔다. 한국적 신명이란 한(恨)을 극복하고 상처받은 자기 가치감을 회복하려는 속성을 지니고 고정된 틀과 질서에서 벗어나 내면적 생기를 표출하는 창조적 생명력을 의미한다. 흥미로운 것은 이러한 신명이 화이트헤드의 창조성과 들뢰즈의 다양체적 특성을 공유하고 있다는 것이다. 인간이 사는 우주의 구성요소인 현실적 존재자가 다수로 존재하면서 새로운 일자를 생성해내는 창조적 성질이나, 서로 존재하는 현실태들이 우연적인 만남과 변형을 거쳐 또 다른 배치를 형성하는 다양체적 성질에서 우리는 신명의 특성을 엿볼 수 있기 때문이다. 본고에서는 창조적 특성과 다양체적 특성을 내재한 한국적 신명이 한국인의 독특한 삶과 정서를 심도있게 그려내고 있는 『선학동나그네』에서 어떻게 나타나는지 살펴보고자 한다. 소리꾼 여인의 삶을 통해 신명은 아무런 형식을 부여받지 않고 유목적인(nomad) 성격으로 물처럼 바람처럼 모든 방향으로 흘러가는 흐름, 즉 끊임없이 접속하는 주변의 대상과 내적 관계를 형성하고 영토화와 탈영토화를 거듭하며 새로운 모습으로 생성되어 가는 질료의 흐름이라는 것을 제시하려고 한다. 이러한 작업은 한국적 신명이 시 · 공간을 이어오면서 창조적이고 다양한 방식으로 한민족의 정신과 정서를 대변하는 문화적 양태였음을 재조명하는 하나의 방편이 될 것이다.

      • Alfred N. Whitehead의 유기체 철학적 관점으로 본 한국 풍류정신 문화

        나채근 한국화이트헤드학회 2014 화이트헤드 연구 Vol.0 No.29

        There are a few persons who can answer clearly on the question such as “what is the original mental culture in Korea?” On this question I’d like to answer ‘it is Pungryu Mental Culture.’ However it is not easy to define correctly Pungryu Mental Culture as a our original mental system that exists from ancient three kingdom period. Pungryu Mental Culture also loses many intrinsic properties and is being distorted. It is necessary to make a persuasive inquiry about essence of Pungryu Mental Culture to have a correct understanding of Pungryu Mental Culture. It is also positively necessary to be supported by A. N. Whitehead’s philosophy of organism with coherence, logic, and applicable generality which Pungryu Mental Culture lacks. Whitehead’s philosophy of organism has aphilosophical perspective that considers process and creation as a real thing which is different from other substance philosophy which regards a lasting and permanent thing as a real thing. It is also a speculative philosophy which has a property of coherent, logic, necessary system of general ideas. Through this philosophy of organism which has ‘Creativity’ ‘Many’, and ‘One’ as the category of the Ultimate, ‘the Fallacy of Misplaced Concreteness’, ‘Creative Advance’, ‘Relativity’ I will define the character and limitation of Pungryu Mental Culture and try to find the aim of Pungryu Mental Culture by considering ‘Mut(aesthetic value)’ ‘Shinmyoung(creative vitality)’ ‘Chowha(harmony)’ which are core components of Pungryu Mental Culture. “한국 고유의 정신문화가 무엇인가?”라는 물음에 명쾌한 답을 할 수 있는 사람은 많지 않다. 이에 대해 필자는 풍류정신 문화라고 답하고 싶다. 그러나 풍류정신 문화에 대한 문헌이나 자료가 많지 않은 까닭에, 고대 삼국 이전부터 우리 민족과 함께해 온 민족 고유의 정신체계인 풍류정신 문화를 올바르게 정의하기란 쉽지 않다. 또한 풍류정신 문화는 오늘날 고유한 특성을 상실하고 왜곡되어 있다. 민족의 정신적 토대를 형성해 온 풍류정신 문화를 올바로 인식하고 정의하기 위해서는 풍류정신 문화의 본질을 설득력 있게 규명할 필요가 있다. 또한 풍류정신 문화의 지속적 발전을 위해 풍류정신 문화가 결핍하고 있다고 여겨지는 정합성, 논리성, 실천가능한 일반성을 갖춘 체계를 화이트헤드의 유기체 철학으로 보완할 필요가 있다. 화이트헤드의 유기체 철학은 영속하거나 불변하는 실체를 실재(reality)로 간주하는 기존 철학체계와 달리 생성과 과정을 실재로 보는 철학적 관점을 지니고 있으며 지금까지의 사변철학과 달리 정합적이고 논리적이며 동시에 실천 가능한 실재성을 가진 실천적인 사변철학의 특성을 지니고 있다. 궁극자 범주인 ‘창조성’, ‘다자’, ‘일자’와 ‘잘못놓여진 구체성의 오류’, ‘창조적 전진’, ‘관계성’ 등을 필수 요소로 하는 화이트헤드의 유기체철학을 통해 필자는 풍류정신 문화의 핵심요소인 ‘멋’ ‘신명’ ‘조화’의 특성을 고찰함으로써 풍류정신 문화의 성격과 한계를 규명하고 풍류정신 문화가 지향할 바를 모색하려고 한다.

      • KCI등재

        A Pedagogical Study on Understanding of ‘Shinmyoung’(神明) in Modern Korean Novels for Foreign Learners - Based on A. N. Whitehead’s Creativity -

        나채근 국제한국언어문화학회 2017 한국언어문화학 Vol.14 No.3

        This paper focuses on Understanding of Shinmyoung in Modern Korean Novels for Foreign Learners. There is the Pungryu Spiritual Culture which encapsulates the collective spiritual and emotional energy of the Korean people in Korea. It is said to have its origins in ancient harvest ceremonies, and to have preserved Korean art forms related to traditional dances, Gut, Sinawi and Sanjo, Pansori, etc.. Especially Shinmyoung, the major property of Pungryu Spiritual Culture, is a Koreans’ specular emotion which has formed its creative characteristic which is different from that of other countires. It is interesting that this Shinmyoung shares the creative characteristic with Whitehead’s philosophy of organism . The common ground between Shinmyoung and Whitehead’s Philosophy of Organism is that they both emphasize novelty and creativity in the ongoing process of change and creation. It holds the perspective that creation and process itself should be regarded as ‘real’, in contrast with the views of Substance Philosophies that regard an unchanging, permanent thing as real. In particular the Korean Shinmyoung is a kind of unconscious energy which arises at the moment of transcending a fixed routine or formality, thereby expressing inherent mental and emotional feelings, and producing creative vitality. This study also formed the foundation of a thinking and discussion course for foreign students to develop an understanding of Shinmyoung, while reading modern Korean novels such as 『독 짓는 늙은이』, 『금당벽화』, 『무녀도』, 『선학동 나그네』, which concretely describe and actualize the characteristics of Shinmyoung. Through reading, dialogue, and discussion students were able to gain a deeper understanding of Korean language and culture, improve their thought and cognition, and develop a logical and critical understanding of Shinmyoung. In fact, some foreign students answered that they were able to understand more about Korean Shinmyoung. Through the extension of their thought and cognition of culture, obtained by comparing Korean Shinmyoung with that of their own nations, they were also able to acknowledge the singularity and universality of each nation’s culture and gain a deeper intercultural perspective.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 고급 학습자의 감상문 쓰기를 통한 한국 정서 한(恨)에 대한 이해 교육

        나채근 국제한국언어문화학회 2018 한국언어문화학 Vol.15 No.3

        We do not know the concrete meaning of the Korean concept of “Han,” even though we usually experience Han as it appears in arts and everyday life. It is said that the general meaning of Han is “the unpleasant feeling of resentment and sadness.” However, the Korean meaning of Han is different from that of other countries. The Korean Han features robust and positive attributes such as forgiveness, resignation, and sublimation, as well as the simple anger and resentment. This study aims to provide high-level Korean learners with an understanding of the specific Korean emotion of Han (恨), through writing their own book reports after reading a Korean short novel. Korean learners find it difficult to understand this specific Korean emotion of Han. However, in recent times, interest in Korean Han has been growing among Korean learners in both Korea and other countries. This study sheds new light on Korean Han by verifying that it shares the characteristics of Whitehead’s creativity and Deleuze’s multiplicity, and examines how Korean Han was portrayed in 「선학동 나그네」. In this study, Korean learners read 「선학동 나그네」, which is incarnating Korean Han, write book reports, and discuss their ideas and opinions about Han. Through this process, and the feedback from the teacher and fellow students, they are able to reconfirm or modify their previous perceptions of Han. In other words, they can demonstrate their understanding of the Korean concept of Han as follows; first, they can articulate the concept of Han, which to them was initially too abstract. Second, they can examine and compare the Korean meaning of Han with that of their respective countries. Third, they can reflect critically and creatively on the Korean Han by considering it from different perspectives. Moreover, they can reconsider their own country’s Han by grasping the Korean concept of Han. This provides a new and creative approach to learning about culture, by comparing Korean Han with that of other countries.

      • KCI등재

        시어도어 드라이저의 엔트로피적 비전

        나채근 신영어영문학회 2001 신영어영문학 Vol.19 No.-

        One of the most important phases in American literary history is roughly the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Theodore Dreiser considered this period as one of socioeconomic, political, and cultural upheavals, which transformed the lives of the American peoply. For the people at large, the whole scale of values underwent a trasformation, and an entire nation danced to the tunes of the pied pipers of financial and political success. In the face both of these socio-economic upheavals and of the subsequent threat to American ideals, Dreiser directed his attention increasingly to the changing situation. Dreiser showed the limitations of individuals affected by the distorted values of society in seral of his works, most notably in An American Tragedy (1925). Clyde Griffiths in An American Tragedy lives a passive life restrained by social conventions and institutions. Dreiser considered that such a society exerted its inexorable influence on helpless individual. However, a society which destroys individuals can also be destroyed in the end. That is because such a society has its unavoidable faults. To explain these social faults, Dreiser introduces the theory of entropy. Theodore Dreiser's novel, An American Tragedy, has the property of Entropy. Entropy says that the energy of the universe at all times moves toward maximum heat dissipation. Just as heat moves by itself from hotter to colder bodies, so all forms of energy move in a unque direction, from a higher to a lower level. That is, it serves as a measure of irreversibility in the process of change. The last phase of Entropy is that of dissipation of heat energy. Because the action of heat being dissipated can't be reversed, the result will be what we call "heat-death" in which the activity of molecules that causes heat stops. Owing to this property of irreversibility in entropy, energy which is useful must change into energy which is useless; life must change into death; order must change into disorder; and the new must change into the old. Social phenomena can also be explained by entropy. An open society which can comprehend various and contradictiory opinions can create harmony in a chaotic situation which seems to be confused. A closed socity, however, which is dishones and standardized is destined to collapse even though this uniform society seem to be organized efficiently and orderly. In An American Tragedy, social forces represent themselves through caste, law, and religion. Clyde dies because he never fully understands the immoral and hypocritical social trap in America. Dreiser frankly shows Clyde was sacrificed to an American society filled with vulgar material values, unreasonable class consciousness, and conventional morality. Dreiser signifies that the society in An American Tragedy must transfer form an open society, which has a harmonious and natural life to a closed society which is stricken by bad customs, institutions, dishonesty, and disorder.

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