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        연구논문 : 신라(新羅) 관명(官名) “대사(大舍)”의 운용(運用)과 그 성격(性格)

        김희만 ( Heui Man Kim ) 동국사학회 2013 동국사학 Vol.54 No.-

        신라의 17관등 중에서 12번째 관등이며, 또한 관직체계로서 令-卿-大舍-舍知-史 중에서 세 번째에 해당하는 官名인 大舍의 운용과 그 성격 등에 대해서 살펴보았다. 사실 신라사회에서 大舍라는 官名은 大奈麻와 奈麻,大舍와 舍知,大鳥와 小鳥 등의 한 부류로서, 이들 관등과 관직 가운데 그것이 未分化로 인해 그 운영에 있어서 실체 파악에 어려움이 있었다. 大舍의 運用을 검토하기 위해서 관직으로서의 대사를 규명하고자 『三國史記』職官志에 보이는 각 관부의 관직체계 가운데 그 대표적인 예로 執事省을 중심으로 이 관부에 보이는 令-卿-大舍-舍知-史라는 관직체계 가운데 大舍와 인원과 건치연혁 등의 변동사항 등을 고찰하였으며, 또한 각 관부마다 각기 다른 점도 상호 비교해 보았다. 그 결과 大舍는 主書 와主事 그리고 主薄 등의 명칭에서 문서(書), 일(事), 장부(薄) 등을 주관하는 업무를 담당하거나, 또는 錄事 곧, 사원성전의 실무 관직으로 소속되어 어떠한 사항을 기록(錄)하는 업무를 담당하였으며, 설치시기는 진평왕 11년이 가장 이르며, 신라 행정 관부에서 실무를 전담하였다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 관등으로서의 대사는 신라 관등 가운데 대아찬과 대나마는 아찬과 나마가 분화하여 그 접두사로 大자를 관칭하는 것으로 정리할 수 있는 반면에, 大舍와 小舍, 大鳥와 小鳥는 그 분화의 성격이 다른데, 이는 대사와 소사는 舍知라는 관명에서 분화하여 대사와 사지는 대사가 먼저 설치되고, 이후 지덕왕 5년 내지 신문왕 5년에 사지가 설치되어 비로소 5등 관직체계가 마련된 것으로 볼 수 있다. 따라서 관직에서는 대사→사지로 분화하였다면, 관등에서는 사지→대사로 발전하였다고 볼 수 있다. 대사의 성격에서는 법흥왕 때의 色服志에 보이는 大舍와 황룡사찰주 본기에 보이는 대사를 비교하여 赤位에서 靑位, 黃位로 그 격에 변화가 수반되고 있음을 살표보았으며, 관등으로서의 大舍가 어떻게 성립하고 있는지를 검토하기 위해서 신라 관등의 말미에 보이는 餐系와 奈麻系 그리고 大舍이하의 知系를 구분하여 이해하고자 하였다. 인는 지금까지 餐系와 奈麻系에 대해서는 그 상층의 중요성을 반영하듯이 여러 연구가 있었으나, 知系라 할 수 있는 大舍 이하의 관등과 관직에 대해서는 상대적으로 소홀하게 취급되어 왔다는 점에 주목하였다. 그리고 大舍와 舍知, 또는 大舍와 小舍, 그리고 韓舍 등이 각기 기재된 자료뿐만 아니라, 관직으로서의 作韓舍와 관등으로서의 大舍를 동시에 볼 수 있는 자료를 소개하면서 그 성격에 주목해보았다. Silla`s official name(官名), Daesa大舍 is one of central administrative systems(5 step systems-Ryung(令)-Kyung(卿)-Daesa(大舍)-Saji(舍知)-Sa(史) and also official ranks and posts mixes themselves` name. Therefore this Daesa(大舍) stands for Silla` important office rank(官等) and office post(官職) but this article(particularly contents) not achieved many study better than other topics for a longtime Specially, Daesa(大舍) is in management of official post system(管職體系), 3rd main post systems and roles practical management in the central administrative systems(中央行政體系). Daesa(大舍) consists of Jige(知系), Daesa(大舍) and Saji(舍知). Jige(知系). Was distinguished three groups-Change(餐系)-Namage(奈麻系)-Jige(知系). Especilly Jige(知系) is 3rd official system of below Daesa(大舍) and Daesa(大舍) was a medium-administer or a working-level official. Daesa(大舍) calls Hansa(韓舍), that means office rank and office post. This study lasting continued new excavate many materials together.

      • KCI등재

        대학생의 학년에 따른 학습경험이 전공만족도와 지각한 역량에 미치는 영향: I 대학을 중심으로

        김희란(Heeran KIM) 한국수산해양교육학회 2024 水産海洋敎育硏究 Vol.36 No.1

        This study analyzes the impact of college students’ characteristics (demographic background, learning amotivation) and learning experiences (experience, collaboration, and inquiry-based learning) on major satisfaction and perceived competency development, associated with academic year. Data from 839 students across 1st, 2nd, and 3rd academic years at I University were collected and analyzed using hierarchical multiple regression. The results show that collaboration and inquiry-based learning, as well as faculty-student interaction have significantly influence on major satisfaction and perceived competencies, regardless of academic years. In addition, experiential learning shows significance only in the perceived competencies of 2nd, and 3rd academic years. The most influential learning experience varied by year: inquiry-based learning for 1st year students in both satisfaction and competency development, while for 2nd and 3rd year students, collaborative learning influenced major satisfaction, and inquiry-based learning did competency development. The study provides insights for educational strategies for teaching and learning, tailored to each academic year.

      • KCI등재

        발포성 폐유리 여재 충전 여과장치를 이용한 하수월류수(CSOs)의 인(P)과 부유물질 제거

        김희서 ( Hee-seo Kim ),임병란 ( Byung-ran Lim ),이수구 ( Soo-koo Lee ),신현상 ( Hyun-sang Shin ),최성필 ( Sung-pil Choi ) 한국폐기물자원순환학회 2019 한국폐기물자원순환학회지 Vol.36 No.1

        CSOs (Combined Sewer Overflows) entering water bodies during rainfall cause water pollution problems because they contain sewage components, including suspended solids (SS) and nutrients. Therefore, proper treatment is required to reduce pollution loads on water systems. This study examined the removal efficiency of filtration systems filled with expanded waste glass filter media under various filtration conditions. The filtration column was filled with filter media A with a particle size of 5-14 mm at the bottom and filter media B with a particle size of 0.3-1.4 mm at the top. SS removal efficiency, including smaller particles, increased as the packing height of filter media B increased. The maximum efficiency was 85.7% when the ratio of the filter media B was 50% at a linear velocity of 20 m/hr and SS concentration of the influent was 100-130 mg/L. As the filtration was combined with coagulation, the removal rate of total phosphorus (TP) increased by more than 50% compared to filtration only. Also, PAC (Poly Aluminum Chloride) was more effective in the removal of phosphorus than aluminum sulfate (Alum) due to its higher viscosity. We confirm that the expanded waste glass-filter media are effectively applicable to the CSOs filtration process, and the effective treatment methods associated with coagulation are discussed.

      • KCI등재

        대학특성에 따른 학습자 중심 교육에 대한 교수-학생 인식 차이

        김희란(Heera Kim),권다남(Danam Kwon) 사단법인 대학교육개발센터협의회 2024 대학 교수-학습 연구 Vol.17 No.1

        이 연구는 교수자와 학습자 간 능동적·협력적 교수·학습경험과 상호작용에 대한 인식 차이를 대학특성에 따라 분석하고, 대학만족도와 학생의 학업지속의향과의 관련성을 분석하였다. 이를 위해 한국교육개발원에서 조사한 「2022 대학 교수·학습과정에 관한 학생 설문조사(NASEL)」와 「2022 대학 교수·학습과정에 관한 교수 설문조사(NAFET)」의 92개 전국 일반대학 자료를 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 학생의 협력학습에서 비수도권 대학이 수도권 대학보다 유의하게 더 높게 나타났다. 교수의 경우는 비수도권 대학이 수도권 대학보다, 중소규모 대학이 대규모 대학보다 협력학습과 교수-학생 상호작용에서 학생과 유의하게 더 높았다. 능동적 학습과 사고력 증진 학습에서는 학생과 교수 모두에서 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 둘째, 협력학습과 교수-학생 상호작용에서 교수와 학생 모두 인식이 높은 대학이 모두 낮은 대학에 비해서 학생의 대학만족도와 학업지속의향이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 교수의 경우, 학생과의 인식 차이와 대학만족도간 유의한 관련성은 나타나지 않았다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 교수와 학생간 교수·학습경험에 대한 인식 차이를 줄이기 위한 개선방안을 제안하였다. This study analyzed the differences in perception between instructors and learners regarding active and cooperative teaching and learning experiences and instructor-learner interactions according to university characteristics, and analyzed the relationship with university satisfaction and students' intention to continue their studies. The results are as follows. First, students' cooperative learning in non-metropolitan universities was significantly higher than that of universities in metropolitan areas. Second, universities where both instructors and learners were highly aware of cooperative learning and instructor-learners interactions and had small differences were found to have higher levels of learners’ satisfaction with the university and a higher intention to continue their studies compared to universities where the differences were small. Based on these results, improvement measures were presented to reduce the gap in perception between instructors and learners.

      • KCI등재

        신라 지증왕의 王名과 그 성격

        김희만(Kim Heui Man) 서강대학교 인문과학연구소 2016 서강인문논총 Vol.0 No.46

        이 글에서는 신라 지증왕의 王名을 통해 당시 사회의 운영과 변화과정을 살펴보려고 하였다. 신라사회에서 지증왕이 차지하는 비중은 마립간에서 왕호로, 상고사회에서 중고사회로 전환하는 시점에 있다는 점에서 일찍부터 관심의 대상이 되었다. 여기서는 지증왕의 王名관련 자료를 검토하고, 이를 토대로 당시의 사회변화와 그 양상을 추구하여, 지증왕대 전후 王名의 추이와 성격을 규명해 보았다. 그 결과 지증왕의 王名은 이전의 王名과는 달리 유교적, 또는 漢化的표기로 변화하였으며, 이러한 과정에서 신라사회의 國號와 王號의 변화, 그리고 諡號를 중심으로 불교적 색채와 유교적 정책의 대응 등이 찾아졌다. 이는 기왕의 연구 성과에서 언급된 것과 일면 유사해 보이지만, 그 변화과정을 세밀하게 살펴서 어떠한 시대적 상황이 연출되어 나타나게 되었는지를 고찰해 보고자 하였다. In this thesis, through the Jijeungwang(智證王)’s King Name(王名), it was trying to look at the operation and evolution of society at the time, in Silla Dynasty. Jijeungwang proportion occupied by Silla in society was of interest early on in that at the time of switching from the King’s Official Name(王號), appeal to the community in Maripgan(麻立干) used society. In this article, King Name review the related materials Jijeungwang, and based on this social change and to pursue that aspect of time, I looked identify the trends and characteristics of Jijeungwang for around King Name. As a result Jijeungwang of King Name unlike previous King Name was changed to Confucianal(儒敎的), or Chinese(漢化的) ever mark, find the favor change National Name(國號) and the King of Silla society in this process, and Buddhist colors counterparts Confucianal policies. This was to investigate the similar to that mentioned in the study of already thesis, but investigate finer the process any change process is implied.

      • 폐유리를 이용한 발포여재의 수처리 성능 평가

        김희서 ( Hee-seo Kim ),임병란 ( Byung-ran Lim ),이수구 ( Soo-koo Lee ),신현상 ( Hyun-sang Shin ),최성필 ( Sung-pil Choi ) 한국폐기물자원순환학회(구 한국폐기물학회) 2018 한국폐기물자원순환학회 춘계학술발표논문집 Vol.2018 No.-

        기후 변화가 가속화되어 국내에서는 국지성 호우가 증가하는 추세이며, 이에 대해 도심지역 토지의 불투수층이 증가하여 도로 유출수, Combined Sewer Overflows(이하 CSOs라고 한다.) 등 도심에서의 비점오염원에 의하여 하천 수중생물의 폐사, 부영양화, 대장균 및 병원성 미생물의 증가, 중금속 오염 등의 방류 수계에 타격을 줄 수 있기 때문에 이에 따른 환경오염 문제가 대두되고 있다. 그 중에서도 CSOs는 합류식 하수도 시스템에서 강우 시에 처리시설을 거치지 않고 하천이나 해안 등의 수계로 직접 방류되는 경우를 의미하며, 해당 오염 부하량은 강우의 지속시간 및 강우량에 큰 영향을 받는다. 이 때 합류식 하수관로에서는 관로 내부의 퇴적물이 강우 초기에 유출되는 초기세척효과(first flush effect)에 의해 강우 초기에 오염부하량이 높은 값으로 유출된다. 이런 CSOs에 대하여 현재 국내에는 3Q로 차집한 용량에 대하여 2Q의 월류수를 스크리닝 및 완충저류로 이루어진 간이처리만을 통하여 수계로 배출되고 있는 실정이다. 이러한 CSOs의 주된 오염물질은 입자성 물질이 가장 큰 비율을 차지한다. 환경부에서 제시한 임의의 도시지역 하수 평균 SS는 60 mg/L의 값을 나타내는데 강우 초기의 CSOs의 SS는 1,936 mg/L의 값으로 고농도의 값을 나타낸다. 이러한 입자성 물질을 제거해 줌으로써 입자성 물질에 영향을 받는 다른 항목에 대해서도 그 농도를 낮출 수 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 CSOs의 입자성 물질을 제거하기 위한 공정으로 여과(filtration)방법을 선정하였으며, 여과용 담체로는 폐유리를 발포시켜 제조한 여재를 사용하였다. 여과속도 및 여과층 구성에 따른 SS제거효율 및 폐색된 여재의 효율을 복구시키기 위한 역세척 조건에 따른 역세척 효율에 대해 알아보고자 하였다.

      • KCI우수등재

        중국 주한공관의 공간성과 한국화교 ― 청말, 중화민국시기를 중심으로 ―

        김희신(Kim Hee-sin) 동양사학회 2021 東洋史學硏究 Vol.157 No.-

        There are not many previous studies on overseas Chinese in Korea, and recently, the research area is gradually diversifying. In terms of research methodology, the characteristics of this study have the distinctiveness from other previous studies in that this study analyzes more historically and empirically beyond the context at the current time over the confrontational conflicts between the overseas Chinese in Korea and the Taipei representative office in Korea (Taiwan government) over the ownership of land and buildings in the center of Seoul. In particular, since the description of overseas Chinese tended to depend on interviews, memoirs, and newspaper reports, it was necessary to objectify subjective claims. And since there is a tendency to describe the issues of multilateral relations from a one-sided perspective, this study attempted to approach them with a more balanced stance. Second, based on these, this study specifically identified the historical context of the China"s diplomatic office in Korea and its owned land, and analyzed what meaning or symbolism of the China"s diplomatic office in Korea might have for overseas Chinese. In addition, by comparatively analyzing the issues of dispute and the responding aspects of overseas Chinese society through case analysis of disputes over the sale of land owned by the China"s diplomatic office in Korea, this study attempted to identify the transnational characteristics of overseas Chinese that have existed for a long time as a member of Korean society from modern times to the present. Basically, for overseas Chinese living in Korea, the Chinese legation in Korea was the official national institution representing the home government. And it was a space to maintain and reproduce the pride and identity of the Chinese. It was also a place of living and a historical space for overseas Chinese migration. Because the overseas Chinese in Korea have established their base in the land for a long time, the actual owner has been recognized as the overseas Chinese in Korea. In the background of the issues surrounding the current ownership exercise (use, development, sale, etc.), there is a long-standing conflict inherent in the ‘sale of land owned by the diplomatic office’ between the Taiwan government and the overseas Chinese in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        在朝鮮 中華商會의 설립과정과 존재양태

        金希信(Kim Hee-sin) 중국근현대사학회 2017 중국근현대사연구 Vol.73 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to trace the historical transition process of Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Gyeongseong and to examine how Chamber of Commerce(shanghui) of Gyeongseong, which grew up in relation to state power, played a role in overseas Chinese society. The establishment of Shanghui in Gyeongseong, Joseon was directly influenced by the legislation of the Chinese government. In accordance with the enactment of relevant laws and regulations, the names of ‘Zhonghuashangwuzonghui’, ‘Zhonghuazongshanghui’ and ‘Zhonghuashanghui’ were changed to use, and the organizational structure went through rebuilding process of change from ‘the president system’ to ‘the committee system.’ During the period of the Republic of China, the commercial association of overseas Chinese merchants in Gyeongseong was protected by China’s domestic law and incorporated into the national order system of China. Zhonghuazongshanghui has been granted the right to national management and economic construction by enabling effective legal protection for the status establishment of overseas Chinese merchants residing in Gyeongseong. On the other hand, Gyeongseong Zhonghuashanghui was supervised by the Party and the government from the remodeling process, and as compared with the Zhonghuashangwuzonghui or Zhonghuazongshanghui period, the autonomy of the merchant organization towards the nation’s power was likely to weaken. Shanghui in Gyeongseong has been operated by the same laws and regulations of the China government, and a commonality is found in name and organization. Nevertheless, since the overseas Chinese society has been formed in a political and social environment different from that of China, it has to have its own unique character. There was also a certain degree of different process in establishing Shanghui according to different overseas local conditions. Shanghui in Gyeongseong was founded on the basis of a voluntary organized private organization by local overseas Chinese merchants such as Huashangzonghui, and above it with the encouragement of Consulate General. A key change in the process of the transition of Huashangzonghui to Shanghui was that the China government granted Shanghui a legal basis for its existence. If Huashangzonghui was founded voluntarily, Shanghui was founded on government policy. On the other hand, there were aspects similar to Huashangzonghui in membership, organization, functions, etc. of Shanghui. The influence of Tongxiangbang was still strong, and the power arrangements of the leaders group are clearly made by the place of origin. Huashangzonghui not only strived to fulfill its role as an economic organization that provides the commercial interests and conveniences of the membership group in the residence, but also carried out various activities for the public interest of the overseas Chinese society. Shanghui was also required to serve as an advisory body to government agencies such as the China government and consulate general, while also including public service functions such as self-government and dispute settlement, such as trade and industrial disputes. The Shanghui organization has established a prominent position in the Joseon overseas Chinese society, especially by preserving and maintaining the cultural, religious, and social functions and roles traditionally held by Chinese merchants such as overseas Chinese education, sacrifices and charitable projects.

      • KCI등재

        분진 발생 작업장의 분진 발생 실태 및 영향인자에 관한 연구

        김희만,김돈균,Kim, Hee-Man,Kim, Don-Kyoun 한국산업보건학회 1993 한국산업보건학회지 Vol.3 No.2

        The author selected 77 dust emissing processes from 71 types of industries which placed in Sasang Industrial Complex in Pusan. The level of total dust was measured as areal concentration and personal exposure concentration by low volume air sampler and personal air sampler, respectively. Collected samples were classified into 5 groups (chemicals and rubber product, metal product, sawmills and wood, foundries and others). Respirable particulate and total dust of areal and personal exposure were analyzed. The results were as follows; 1. All of the respirable dust concentration and total dust of areal and personal concentration were log-normally distributed. 2. Geometric mean of respirable particulate of personal exposure concentration measured $0.55mg/m^3$ in the first group, $0.86mg/m^3$ in the second group, $0.39mg/m^3$ in the third group, $0.81mg/m^3$ in the forth group and $0.52mg/m^3$ in the fifith group. The exceed rates over TLV (thehold limit values) of total dust were 31.3% in the first group, 31.3% in the second group, 70% in the third group, 80% in the forth group and 13.3% in the fifth group. 3. There were singnificant difference between areal and personal exposure concentration and personal exposure concentration was higher than that of area. 4. In the case of high ratio of respirable particulate to total dust, pneumoconiosis incidence was high even though the workshop was opened and emissing dust concentration was low. These findings suggest that it is desirable to measure respirable particulate in environmental assessment of dust emissing workshops.


        항돌연변이 작용을 보이는 Flavonoid 인 galangin 의 마우스에서의 BP 대사의 영향

        김희,김경호,허문영,김현표 ( Hee Kee Kim,Kyeong Ho Kim,Moon Young Heo,Hyun Pyo Kim ) 생화학분자생물학회 1991 BMB Reports Vol.24 No.2

        To elucidate the antimutagenic action mechanism of flavonoids against benzo(a)pyrene induced micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes (MNPCEs), alterations of benzo(a) pyrene metabolism were studied. Galangin, a potent antimutagen and (-)-epicatechin, a weak one, were selected and orally administered to ICR mice to compare the liver metabolic enzyme activities, arylhydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) and glutathione-s-transferase (GSH-T). These enzyme activities were not significantly changed between the flavonoid-treated groups and the control group. However, direct addition of galangin to the incubation mixture clearly inhibited arylhydrocarbon hydroxylase activity. These results were well correlated with the findings of the reduced metabolic conversion of [³H]-benzo(a)pyrene in vitro.

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