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      • KCI등재

        촉감을 활용한 체험 공간의 구조에 관한 연구

        김효선 ( Hyoseon Kim ),이재규 ( Jaegyu Lee ) 한국공간디자인학회 2015 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.10 No.5

        (Background and purpose) Non-visual senses have not been noticed more than visual thinking in disciplines. However, non-visual senses should be emphasized as central to human life and communication. Among them, the tactile sense is the primal sense of humans at birth; it is the crucial sense that extends all senses, including vision. Recently, active research regarding the “haptic sense” has been conducted based on tactile experiences. Accordingly, spatial strategies based on experiences that induce direct contact with objects to fulfill various human tastes and needs are prominent. Thus, this study intends to identify and typify haptic experiential spaces. (Method) The first focus of this research was a review of the skin’s characteristics and roles to summarize the concept of the haptic sense, given that haptic perception is typically based on membranes. The next focus was on identifying and classifying three main qualities of the haptic sense based on theoretical investigations and discourses: tactile perception, effective temperature, and visual hapticity. The characters of haptic experiential space were typified into three, and three attributes of each of these were derived; thus, there were nine attributes ultimately identified: touching experience (memory, perception, reaction); temporal experience (past, moment, imagery); and possessive experience (trust, naffection, pleasure). With the analysis model founded on the haptic qualities and types of experiences described above, case studies of exhibition spaces have been conducted since 2000 to examine the complex experiences associated with various media. (Results) By comprehensive investigation, all cases showed complex experiences of two or more of the haptic qualities classified above. It should be noted that higher frequencies of such experiences occurred with effective temperatures and visual hapticity, which are probably less direct qualities of the haptic sense than the tactile experience. The experiences through the former two qualities went beyond simply feeling and judging the textures of objects through direct skin contact toward enabling experiences in virtual space, rather than in the past or present reality. (Conclusions) As the roles of the haptic sense go beyond simple judgments to sensuous thinking and imagination, many experiential spaces that reflect such changes tend to emerge. The advent of various media became an important means for them, playing the crucial role of preparing the experiential field in which humans can interact with space. The significance of this study is in providing the grounds to review the elements and direction of future research on haptic experiential space.

      • KCI등재

        포크너와 타자의 냄새

        김효선 ( Hyoseon Kim ) 미국소설학회 2021 미국소설 Vol.28 No.3

        This essay investigates how William Faulkner presents the olfactory experiences through which his characters recognize others as a process of othering. The stereotyped smell in his novels is revealed not as a reason for hatred but rather as a product. The “negro smell,” Faulkner frequently uses in his novels, is a part of “racial formation,” which occurs through the interactions between social structure and the significations of it in everyday lives. Southern white people in the Reconstruction and Jim Crow era attempted to construct the identity of whiteness by demarcating the color bar. The “negro smell” in Light in August, Go, Down Moses, and Intruder in the Dust is a sign of the parasitical nature of “pure” whiteness, which is only possible through fabricating the identity of African Americans as a “pollutant.” The forced segregation causes shame and anxiety in Faulkner’s characters because racial formation is a fundamentally ideological process that tries to delineate a factitious demarcation. In Intruder in the Dust, Faulkner unfolds the olfactory experience around “black smells’’ into a complicated process within which we should find the “idea” about the smells of others, the “conditions” of the residential inequalities, and social practices termed “acceptance” that solidify ideologies. In some other novels and films, the stereotyped smell of others and people’s hatred of such smell provoke resistance against the discrimination within the social hierarchy. Unlike these efforts, Faulkner’s contemplations on the stereotyped smell of others help one penetrate the constructiveness of the discrimination to challenge the social hierarchy itself.

      • 클러스터링 방법을 이용한 칼라 영상 분할

        김효선(Hyoseon Kim),이성기(Sungkee Lee) 한국정보과학회 1994 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.21 No.1

        영상분할(image segmentation)은 주어진 영상을 서로 비슷한 성질을 지니는 지역들로 나누는 과정을 말한다. 본 연구에서는 칼라영상에서 얻을 수 있는 빨강(red), 초록(green), 파랑(blue) 성분을 이용하여 얻어진 2차원 누적분포도(histogram)를 분석하여 칼라영상 내에 존재하는 적절한 클러스터의 갯수와 각 클러스터들의 초기 중심값을 구한 후, K-means 방법을 이용하여 영상을 분할하였다. 클러스터링(clustering) 방법을 이용하여 영상을 분할할 경우, 영상 내에 존재하는 클러스터(cluster)의 갯수를 적절히 결정하는 것이 중요한 문제가 된다. 또한, K-means 방법이나 Isodata 방법인 경우에는 그 결과가 초기에 선택된 클러스터의 중심값에 커다란 영향을 받는다. 본 연구에서는 2차원 누적분포도에 스케일-스페이스 필터링(scale-space filtering)을 적용하여 이러한 문제를 해결하였다.

      • KCI등재

        중국 요하 하류부 고대 요택의 공간 분포와 Holocene 중기 이후 해안선 변화

        윤순옥 ( Yoon Soon-ock ),김효선 ( Kim Hyoseon ),지아지엔칭 ( Jia Jienqing ),복기대 ( Bok Gi-dae ),황상일 ( Hwang Sangill ) 한국지형학회 2017 한국지형학회지 Vol.24 No.1

        Liao River with the largest basin area in the northeastern part of China has constructed huge floodplain along the lower reach. Especially a vast marsh was developed around estuaries and coastline near Liaodong Bay. The marsh was called as Yotaek(or Liaoze) before the modern time, which is meaningful for understanding human life since prehistorian times. By the analysis of historical documents and geomorphic data, it can be assumed that the height of Yotaek of landward boundary reached 20~30m from Heishan to Liaoyang during Han dynasty. The shoreline of 7,000 yr BP is estimated to coincide with the contour line between 20m and 30m at present. And the ancient shoreline during Christ era indicates 10m.a.s.l., which is corresponding to the seaside boundary of the Yotaek. The shoreline of Liaodong Bay was progressed seaward 30km/ka during 1000~1100 AD, while 10~40km/ka during late 19 century ~ early 20 century.

      • KCI등재
      • 실험 방법 차이가 밝기 스케일에 미치는 영향

        성가람(Garam Seong),곽영신(Youngshin Kwak),김효선(Hyoseon Kim) 한국색채학회 2021 한국색채학회 학술대회 Vol.2021 No.12

        색 인지 실험 결과는 정신물리학 실험 방법에 따라 결과가 달라질 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 크기측정법과 크기제작법을 이용해 밝기 인지 실험을 수행하고 그 결과를 비교하였다. 그 결과 실험 자극의 양 끝 범위에서는 실험 방법간 차이가 크게 나타났으며, 휘도 기준으로 전체 범위 중 중앙의 30%의 범위에서 결과가 동일한 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        요하 하류부 하요하평원의 지형발달과 19C 중엽 고지리 복원

        황상일(Hwang, Sangill),Liu Lu,윤순옥(Yoon, Soon-Ock),김효선(Kim, Hyoseon) 강원대학교 인문과학연구소 2020 인문과학연구 Vol.0 No.67

        본 연구에서는 동북아시아에서 지형 변화가 가장 역동적인 요하 하류부 하요하평원에서 홀로세 말기의 고지리를 복원하였다. 이를 위한 기초 작업으로 근대적 측량으로 제작된 1930년대 지형도에서 각 지형 요소를 분석하여 지형면을 분류하고 지형발달을 논의하였다. 그리고 이를 토대로 19C 중엽 하요하 평원의 자연경관을 파악할 수 있는 고지리를 복원하였다. 하요하평원에 분포하는 습지는 분포특성과 형성과정에 따라 다음과 같이 구분된다. 요하의 양안을 따라 연속적으로 분포하는 배후습지, 하요하평원 서쪽 분수계에서 발원하는 상대적으로 짧은 하천들이 야주천(yazoo stream)으로 흐르면서 형성한 습지, 하요하평원의 동쪽 분수계에서 발원하여 요하에 합류하는 혼하와 태자하의 배후습지, 혼하와 태자하가 요하에 합류하는 하류부에 광범위하게 형성된 배후습지성 습지, 간석지의 후면에 위치하여 조상대에 형성된 습지와 해안간석지이다. 하요하평원에서 확인되는 세부 지형은 간석지, 배후습지, 곡류하도, 그리고 하천의 유로와 배후습지 사이에 자연제방이 있다. 1930년대 하요하평원의 지형도를 기초로 지형발달을 검토하였고, 만주지방의 인구수와 인구밀도 변화를 참고하여 19C 중엽의 습지 분포를 추정하였다. 당시에는 청조의 봉금정책으로 인구압이 매우 낮았고, 소택지와 호소를 포함하는 배후저지에서 취락조성이나 경작활동이 적었을 것이다. 따라서 하요하평원은 높은 지하수위로 인하여 저습지환경이 1930년대보다 훨씬 넓게 분포하였으며, 대부분 습지, 소택지와 호소였을 것이다. In this study, the paleogeography of the late Holocene was reconstructed in Hayohapyeongwon(the Lower Liaohe Plain), where topographical changes are most dynamic in Northeast Asia. For this purpose, topographic surfaces were classified and geomorphological development was discussed based on the topographic maps of the 1930s, which were produced by modern measurement. Based on it, the paleogeography including natural landscape of Hayohapyeongwon was reconstructed during the mid-19<SUP>th</SUP> century. Wetlands on Hayohapyeongwon are divided into the following categories according to their distribution characteristics and geomorphological processes: wetlands, continuously distribute along both sides of Liao river; yazoo stream type wetlands made by relatively short streams originating from the western divides of the Hayohapyeongwon; backswamps of Hun- and Taizi-rivers flowing from the eastern divides of the Hayohapyeongwon; wetlands, formed extensively in the lower reaches of Liao river; and wetlands like marshes formed in the tidal flat. The detailed units are identified geomorphologically like coastal tidal flat, the river"s backswamp and natural levee in Hayohapyeongwon. The geomorphological development was reviewed based on the topographic map of the Hayohapyeongwon in the 1930s, and wetlands distribution in the mid-19<SUP>th</SUP> century were restored in reference to population density in Manchuria. There would have been few living or cultivation activities at the lowlands including lakes, swamps and wetlands at that time. Therefore, wetlands on Hayohapyeongwon were probably much wider in the mid-19<SUP>th</SUP> century due to its high water level of underground and very low population pressure by the Qing Dynasty"s the blockade policy than 1930s.

      • X, S, Ka 멀티밴드 통합레이다(O-STAR Radar)의 다기능 활용

        최군환(Gunhwan Choi),장기호(Kiho Jang),김미정(Mijeong Kim),김효선(Hyoseon Kim) 한국해양환경·에너지학회 2021 한국해양환경·에너지학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2021 No.10

        디지털전환의 핵심 저변기술은 빅데이터의 실시간 확보 능력이다. 국가 성장전략 중 해양주권 강화와 해상 안전·안보 인식강화로 실시간 해양광역데이터 확보와 대상추적 탐지, 구조․구난에 동시 활용 가능한 기술이 요구되고 있다. 본 연구는 X, S, Ka 주파수 밴드의 멀티밴드 통합레이더 기술로써, 거리별 환경 노이즈를 감쇄하여 대상의 식별수준을 높이고, 표적의 추적성과 예측성을 보유하여 해양빅데이터 확보의 핵심 저변기술이다. O-STAR(Ocean Space Technology Analysis Recording) Radar는 실시간 광대 해역 데이터와 기상데이터를 동시 획득하여 GIS DB 구축을 통해 해양디지털트윈에 활용 가능한 물리해양 환경(CPS)과 가상현실실험에 활용될 수 있다. 이는 해수면 표면 변화를 시간축 및 공간 좌표를 따라 측정한 정보와 Ka 주파수 밴드 기반 비/강우 데이터를 획득 후 감쇄 보정을 통해 X 밴드 안테나 전력을 제어하여 외부객체와 관련된 이미지 데이터 획득하는 방식과 레이더 표적 좌표를 추적하는 적외선 열화상카메라를 통해 외부객체의 상태 분석을 수행하는 방식을 선택적으로 적용한다. 환경데이터 : 파고, 해수유동, 연안이상류(이안류), 지진해일, 풍향·풍속, 강우, 구름 외부객체 : 해양부유물(해양플라스틱, 폐선망), 유출유(범위, 두께, 흐름예측), 조난선박, 인명구조, 양식장 시설물 : 항만안전시설(안벽, 계류주, 방파제, 부유식 방파제, 발전소(원자력, 화력, 파력발전) The key technology for digital transformation is the ability to secure big data in real time. Strengthening maritime sovereignty and enhancing maritime safety and security awareness among national growth strategies, technologies that can be simultaneously utilized for real-time ocean data acquisition, target tracking and detection and rescue are required. This study is a multi-band integrated radar technology of X, S, and Ka frequency bands, which reduces environmental noise by distance to increase the level of target identification, and possesses the traceability and predictability of the target, a core base technology for securing ocean big data. O-STAR Radar acquires real-time wide-area data and meteorological data at the same time and can be used for cyber physical system(CPS) and virtual reality experiments that can be used for ocean digital twins through GIS DB construction. This is a method of acquiring image data related to external objects by controlling the X-band antenna power through attenuation correction after acquiring information measured along the time axis and spatial coordinates of sea level surface changes and Ka frequency band-based rain/rainfall data, and radar target coordinates The method of performing state analysis of external objects through an infrared thermal imaging camera that tracks Env. data : Wave height, Water circulation, Coastal anomalies(rip current), Tsunami, Wind direction·Wind speed, Rainfall, Cloud object : Marine debris(marine-plastic, abandoned-net), Spilled oil(range, thickness, flow-prediction), Ship in distress, Life saving, Aqua farm Facility : Seaport safety facilities(quay, mooring, breakwater, floating breakwater, power plant(nuclear power, thermal power, wave power))

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