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        유기적 통일과 시어의 신성성 : 정지용의 시론과 시어관, 감각의 상관성

        김춘식(Kim Chun-sik) 한국시학회 2011 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.31

        This thesis is an attempt to study the relation of Jeong, ji-young’s poetic words and Gam-gak(감각, 感覺, poetic feeling) in his essay on poetry. Until now, other studies on Jeong, ji-young’ Gam-gak(감각, 感覺, poetic feeling) divided his Gam-gak into two section, feeling to object and feeling on language to study special feature on his Gam-gak. These studies prescribe that his poetic words were produced from a process that self activity develop to poetic feeling and technique unifying emotion, thinking, everyday life. In this thesis, I study Jeong, ji-young’s essay on poetry in point of view that special thing of Jeong, ji-young’s poetic words is showed in his essay on poetry, too. The special feature of his essay on poetry comes from experiences of poetical writing rather than the study on theory because these essay were published just after publishing “bak-lok-da-m(백록담)” in 1939. This suggest that feature of his poetic words and Gam-gak(poetic feeling) in his poems was extended to essays on poetry to theorize itself. His essays on poetry from experience has a feature that metaphors and aphorisms are more than dialectical descriptions. In content, it is special thing that he explain the relation of spirit or Gam-gak, as monistic thing unifying emotion, thought, sensibility, to linguistic feeling(언어감각, 言語感覺), which is relation of incarnation. Therefore, organic unification of poetry is process of completion that poetic spirit meets linguistic feeling and sublimation of poetic words come out at the same time.

      • KCI등재

        실기간 소음제거를 위한 IGC Algorithm의 LabVIEW FPGA 구현

        김춘식,이채욱,Kim, Chun-Sik,Lee, Chae-Wook 한국통신학회 2011 韓國通信學會論文誌 Vol.36 No.3C

        LMS알고리즘은 강인성, 높은 추성, 구현의 단순성 때문에 많이 사용되고 있지만, 비균일적 수렴과 EMSE사이에 trade-off를 가진다. 이러한 단점을 극복하기 위해 가변 스텝 사이즈 알고리즘 방식이 사용되는데, 많은 계산량을 필요로 한다. 본 논문에서 제안하는 IGC 알고리즘은 원 신호와 잡음신호의 순시이득값을 사용함으로서, 계산량을 줄이고, 주위 환경변화에도 안정적으로 적용할 수 있다. 실시간 처리를 위하여 IGC 알고리즘에서 log함수를 제거하여, 실제로 자동차 소음제거기에 적용하여 제안한 알고리즘의 성능을 확인하였다. 그리고 Labview FPGA 구현을 하여, 기존의 다른 알고리즘과 비교하여 효율적이라는 것을 입증하였다. The LMS(Least Mean Square) algorithm is generally used because of tenacity, high mating spots and simplicity of realization. But the LMS algorithm has trade-off between nonuniform collect and EMSE(Excess Mean Square Error). To overcome this weakness, variable step size is used widely but it needs a lot of calculation load. In this paper we consider new algorithm, which can reduce calculations and adapt in case of environment changes, uses original signal and noise signal of IGC(Instantaneous Gain Control). For the real time processing of IGC algorithm, we remove the logarithmic function. The performance of proposed algorithm is tested to adaptive noise canceller in automobile. We show implemented LabVIEW FPGA system of IGC algorithm is more efficient than others.

      • KCI등재

        해방기 청년문학가협회의 시론과 박두진

        김춘식(Kim, Chun Sik) 동악어문학회 2016 동악어문학 Vol.68 No.-

        Bak, Du Jin on the poetic theory of korea in the liberation era was evaluated that his poems are the examples of showing literary eternity, university, possibility as world literature in Korean literature, with future possibility of vision, harmonization of eastern and western thought. This evaluation was possible because Cheungnyeon-Munhakga-Hyeobwhoy thought that Bak, Du Jin’s poems are practical model with realizable possibility of new poetry in the Korean literature. The concern for Cheunglokpa and Bak, Du Jin in the korean literary society in liberation era was related, closely, to the theoretical groping and plan on poetic nature, value, poesy and literary history unfold after liberation. These works were developed with a center of Cheungnyeon-Munhakga-Hyeobwhoy and had important meanings because they included the plans which put together ‘thought of poetry and aesthetic values’ of the oppositional theses in the sphere of politics of poetry. The plan which put Cheunglokpa and Bak, Du Jin in the place of ‘the last successor’ of colonial literature of Korean poetry and make as a ‘legitimate child’ of new poetic literature to be built just after liberation was included in the evaluation to Cheunglokpa and Bak, Du Jin at that time. Therefore, in the common place of Jo, Yeon Hyeon’s, Kim, Dong li’s, Seo, Jeong Ju’s plan was a model of Bak, Du Jin and they unfold diverse theme-method of creating poems, poetic theory, aesthetics and thought, literary university, world literature, tradition and modern-through the processes the locating Bak, Du Jin as a kind of ‘New epoch’ connecting and cut off between ‘colonial age and after liberation era’ at the same time.

      • KCI등재

        소수집단 문학의 정체성-기억, 이산, 장소

        김춘식(Kim Chun-sik) 韓國批評文學會 2009 批評文學 Vol.- No.34

        Immanuel Wallerstein said that ethnicities are products from a system of capitalism. This point out discrimination is a very important cause to the formation of ethnic identity. The social weak persons make identities of themselves with memory of discrimination. This is origin of representations with discrimination. The memory is not objective and stable. This is always changeable and whimsical and it is selected, changed by subject of memory. In this point, that change of memory is caused from some needs of 'now and here' Now, it is a good fortune that we discover ourselves 'mirror' with social weak persons, for example, immigrant laborers, multinational home. This protect ourselves from changing to ruler or imperialist. In this point, nowadays, novels and poems are affirmative because those show we have solidarity with foreigner, hybrid, Ko-sian. Especially, this observation to them is extend to obtain communication, solidarity in those texts. However, this type, which make another base of identity with discovering past memory, same place from others, is not real communicate, but it is only a monologue or utter.

      • KCI등재후보

        초창기 잡지의 시 월평과 신시론의 전개

        김춘식(Kim Chun Sik) 동악어문학회 2008 동악어문학 Vol.50 No.-

        초창기 동인지 문단에서 시의 의미는 단순한 근대적 시가로서가 아니라 점차 ‘구원’의 의미와 ‘신성한 언어’, ‘시혼, 시령’ 등의 개념을 내포한 절대적 예술로 포장되기 시작한다. 특히, 시에 관한 막연한 동경과 예술론은 1920년을 전후로 해서 좀 더 정치한 실제 비평을 요구하게 되는데, 작품의 실질적인 창작이 늘어나고 잡지에 실리는 작품의 숫자가 늘어나면서 생겨난 자연스러운 현상이라 할 수 있다. 소개 비평이 주류를 이루는 초기 문단에서 월평의 등장은 의미심장한 것이라고 할 수 있다. 아직 작품 감상의 수준이 미숙한 상태에 머물거나 ‘창작자의 창작자에 대한 합평’의 수준을 벗어나지 않은 것이었지만 이런 공적인 작품의 평가는 ‘일반론적인 개론’으로는 소화할 수 없는 비평적 과제를 지속적으로 산출할 수밖에 없는 것이다. 이런 과제는 논쟁의 과정 속에서 문학 또는 신시에 대한 ‘개념’ 또는 ‘이념’의 이질성을 두드러지게 보여주기도 하며 또 때로는 하나의 개념을 둘러싸고 서로 이견을 주고받는 행위를 통해 새로운 창조적 시론을 낳기도 한다. 월평은 이런 맥락에서 초기 시단의 핵심적 위치에 자리하며, 실제로 1924년까지 시를 둘러싼 가장 생산적이며 실질적인 논의는 월평으로 인해 야기된 논쟁의 과정에서 이루어졌다고 할 수 있다. 초기 문단의 특성상 월평으로 인해 촉발된 이런 논쟁은 인신공격, 비평의 시유화, 단순 논리와 감정싸움 등 거친 형태를 많이 드러내지만 이런 정제되지 않는 논리 속에서 오히려 중요한 문제의식이 불거져 나오기도 하는 것이다. 월평을 통한 논쟁에 참여했던, 황석우, 현철, 박종화, 김억, 양주동, 김소월 등은 이 점에서 논쟁을 통해 독자적인 주장을 지닌 문사로 새롭게 태어날 수 있었던 신문학의 주인공들이다. ‘시란 무엇인가’라는 질문과 그에 대한 글이 초창기 문단에서 간간히 제기되었던 것처럼, 신시는 처음부터 하나의 개념을 가지고 문단에 접목된 것은 아니지 않았을까. 이런 의문은 이 논문의 핵심적인 관점에 해당한다. 신시가 무엇인지도 모른 상태에서 신시는 씌어졌고 끊임없이 외국문학의 모델을 자신의 것으로 삼아 발전해온 것이다. 이 점에서 신시는 현철의 말처럼 온전히 일본시 혹은 서양의 시에 대한 ‘모방’이라고 할 수 있을 것이다. 그러나 신시의 개념이 들어왔다고 해서 그것이 이미 완성태였던 것은 아니었다. 신시는 한 마디로 공허한 기표였으며, 신문학의 초창기를 열었던 동인지 문인들은 ‘최초’의 입장에서 신시의 ‘begining’을 선언한 것이다. 이 점에서 그들의 작업은 실험이었고 지속적인 개척이었다. In the coterie magazine literary society, new poetry(新詩, Shin-si) is not simply modern poems. It is decorated to be absolute art including meaning of secure, holy language, soul of poetry, Especially, literary mans(文士, Mun-sa) with aspiration to poetry and aesthetic need criticism on literary works. This is natural result from increasing works in magazines. It is meaningful for Worl-pyeong(月評, monthly criticism) to appear in early literary society seized introduce criticism. These are low levels on appreciation of work but such public estimation produced critical task unsolved with general remarks, continually. This tasks show something difference of concepts or ideas on Shin-si(新詩, modern poetry) obviously through the process of discussion or argue. Moreover, sometimes through the action communicating different idea each other, they produce new creative theory of poetry. Worl-pyeong(monthly criticism) take a main status of early criticism of poetry in this context. Until 1924, most efficient and practical discussion is obtained from process of argue originated in Worl-pyeong.

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