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      • KCI우수등재

        밍크정자에 있어서의 효소분포

        김종욱,M . S . 아마드 . W . D . 킷츠 . C . R . 크리쉬나머터 ( J . W . Kim,M . S . Ahmad,W . D . Kitts,C . R . Krishnamurti ) 한국축산학회 1977 한국축산학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        Epididymal spermatzea of mink were used to study the ceallurar localization of several enzymes. Very strong acid phosphatase activity was found in the equatorial region of the head and tail(middle and principal pieces) of spermatozoa while strong activity was found in the galea dapitis, acrosome, and postacrosomal sheath. Strong alkaline phosphatnse activity was detected in the galea capitis acrosome, post-acrosomal sheath and tail. The activity of glucose-o-phosphatase and 5-nucleotidase were confined to the middle piece. The reaction of glucoseo-phosphatase was very strong while that of 5-nucleotidase appeared weak. The activity of ADPase and ATPase was distributed strongly in the tail and it was localized weakly in the acrosome and postacrosomal sheath. The galea capitis was weakly stained by ATPase. Most phosphatases were localizd in the acrosome postacrosomal sheath, and tail, with the exception of glucose-6-phosphatatase and 5-nucleotidase which were confined to the middle piece. Weak non-specific esterase activity was located in the base of the head and middle piece. The activity of DOPA oxidase was weakly spread in the acrosome, postacrosomal sheatin, and tail. Although the activity of malate dehydrogenase was distribueted in the base of the head and tail, the rest of the dehydrogerase activity examined (succinate, lactate, and isocitrate dehydrogenases except 6-phosphogl accnic dehydrogenase) was confined to the middle piece. The activity of succinate was the strongest among the examined dehydrogenases. The activity of NADH diaphorase was strongly confined to the middle piece. The metabolic enzymes (glueose-6 phosphatase, dehidrogeanses, and NADH diaphorase) were confined to the middle piece, while the activity of malate clehydrogenase was found so be extended to the head base and base and principal piece. The lytic enzymes, acid phosphatase and esterase were localized in the acrosomal portion.

      • KCI우수등재

        밍크정자의 미세구조

        김종욱,M . S . 아흐마드 . W . D . 킷츠 ( J . W . Kim,M . S . Ahmadd,W . D . Kitts ) 한국축산학회 1978 한국축산학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        The subcellular structure of epididymal spermatozoa obtained from standard dark mink was studied by means of electron microscopy, using thin-sectioning techniques. The spermatozoan head was seen to be dorsoventrally flattened and ovate in outline. The anterior two-third of the nucleus was covered with the acrosome which can be divided into three segments (apical, man and equatorial) according to the acrosomal content. The posterior one-third was covered with the postaucrosomal sheath which was a dense layer deposited on the inner aspect of the cell membrane. On the dorsal and ventral and ventral and ventral aspects of the bead, six swellings were observed; two of these were located at each side of the proximal border of the equatorial segment, and one was associated with the pestacrosomal region on each side. The cell membrane adhered firmly to the tip of the acrosome and to the postacrosomal sheath, but was found to be usually separated from the rest of the acroseme. The articular structure of the neck appeared to show separate dorsal and ventral plates of the capitulum which were followed by a ring of striated columns of the connecting piece. These striated columns were followed by two major and five minor columns which appeared io continue with the nine dense fibers of the axial fiber bundles. Beneath the inner surface of the capitulum, the proximal centriole wes found in the center of the connected ring. The spermatozoan tail displayed a 9+9+2 pattern in the organization of the axial fiber bundle consting of the dense fibers, double microtubules, and a central pair. The dense fibers number 9, 1, 5, and 6 were larger in diameter than the rest of the dense fibers. In the axonemal complex, the diameter of subfiber A was larger than the central fiber, while that of subfiber B was the smallest. The middle piece was of medium length compared with other mammalian spermatozoa. The annulus was triangular in longitudinal sections and contained nonhomogeneously distributed electron dense material. The fibrous sheath had longitudinal columns. Although the end piece maintained the 9+2 pattern, it did not have the fibrous sheath.

      • KCI우수등재

        밍크정자의 성숙에 따른 전자현미경적 형태변화

        김종욱,M . S . 아흐마드,W . D . 킷츠 ( J . W . Kim,M . S . Ahmad,W . D . Kitts ) 한국축산학회 1978 한국축산학회지 Vol.20 No.5

        The maturation changes in viability and morphology were studied in the present investigation with spermatozoa collected from the testis, three successive parts of the epididymis and from ejaculated semen in the mink. The motility of spermatozoa was found to be significantly increased (p $lt; 0.05) during the spermatozoan passage through successive parts of the reproductive system. Ejaculated spermatozoa collected from females after mating was less active compared to that of cauda spermatozoa. While testicular spermatozoa was nor-motile, a comparatively high per cent of motility was acquired by spermatozoa during their transit in the epididymis. Although the total head length of spermatozoa changed very little, the anterior acrosomal length was significantly decreased (p$lt; 0.001) while the postacrosomal length increased significantly (p$lt; 0.05) during transit from the testis to the epididymis. The equatorial length of testicular spermatozoa was smaller than that of epididymal spermatozoa. Even though the apical length significantly decreased (p $lt; 0.001) when spermatozoa moved from the testis and caput epididymis to the corpus and cauda epididymis, the nuclear length maintained almost similar vaaues during passage through the reproductive tract The acrosomal thickness of spermatozoa significantly decreased Ip $lt; 0.001) from the testis to the epididymis. The head length of ejaculated spematozoa were smaller than those of spermatozoa obtained from the reproductive tract. Many abnormal spermatozoa were found in the testis and caput epididymis. There was an increase of separation of the cell memlbrane from the acrosome (p $lt; 0.05) as spermatozoa passed down the reproductive tract. Such cell membrane separation from the acrosome was more pronounced in ejaculated spermatozoa. There was no statistical difference between spermatozoa removed from different parts of the reproductive tract in the damage of the acrosomal membrane. The occurrence of the postacrosomal swelling significantly increased (p$lt; 0.01) from testicular and caput spermatozoa to corpus and cauda spermatozoa. Almost all ejaculated spermatozoa had swellings. The incidence of the cytoplasmic droplet significantly (p$lt; 0.001) diminished from testicular spermatozoa to epididymal spermatozoa. A few ejaculated spermatozoa had the droplet.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        골반경 자궁경상부적출술에있어서 Non - coring 술식의 유용성

        김종욱(J . W . Kim),신명철(M . C . Shin),박원식(W . S . Park),조진호(J . H . Cho),이정노(C . N . Lee) 대한산부인과학회 1998 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.41 No.11

        We suggest the benefits of cervical non-coring technique among the many methods of hysterectomy for benign gynecologic diseases, rather than coring in laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy (LSH). From Oct. 1992 to Jun. 1996, 300 cases of LSH with coring method and from Mar. 1995 to Jan. 1998, 103 cases with non-coring method have been done in CHA General Hospital, Seoul, Korea and Pundang CHA General Hospital, Seongnam, Korea, and we made a comparative study of two groups. The modified SEMM method of classical intrafascial supracervical hysterectomy (CISH) was used in coring group, and the only LSH was used in non-coring gmup. The pelvic adhesiolysis and salphingo-oophorectomy were done in both groups, if needed, The mean operation time was 104 minutes in non-coring group and 156 minutes in coring poup. The mean hemoglobin loss was 0.92 g/dL in non-coring group and 1.17 g/dL in coring group. During the postoperative follow up period (2-35 months), there was no specific bleeding and no menstruation in non-coring group. In addition, there was no case of abnormal cervical findings. However, very thin spotting or brownish vaginal discharge, which is different from dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB), was found in only 15 cases among follow up 74 cases of non-coring group. Although the follow up period is short and non-coring cases are small, our study shows tbat the LSH without coring might be a better and easier alternative hysterectomy method in benign gynecologic diseases.

      • KCI우수등재

        반추 가축의 요소 이용에 대한 황산태유황의 효과

        김종욱 ( J W Kim ) 한국축산학회 1970 한국축산학회지 Vol.12 No.4

        In vivo and in vitro techniques were used to determine the effects of added sulfate-sulfur in urea supplemented rations on the utility of feed constituents in ruminant. Goats were fed with the experimental rations constituted of different ratios of rice straw and corn, and different levels of ammonium sulfate for the metabolic experiment. Significant increase in digestible energy intake (P$lt;0.05) nitrogen and sulfur retention (P$lt;0.05) and improved crude fiber digestibility were obtained when ammonium sulfate was added to the rations which were mainly constituted of the rice straw. On the contrary when ammonium sulfate was added to the rations which were mainly constituted of corn, goats retained less nitrogen (P$lt;0.05). The inoculum taken from a wether fed with common ration was inoculated into the incubation vessels containing rice straw or corn as the substrate, urea and mineral solution (sulfate-sulfur concentration: 4㎎/㎗). Synthesis of protein with sulfate-sulfur or sulfur-containing amino acid in the incubation vessels was observed by using ^(35)S as a tracer, with or without sulfur-containing amino acid, after 12 and 16 hours of the incubation in case of substrate being rice straw and 4 and 8 hours in case of corn. More sulfate-sulfur was incorporated into synthesized protein in case of substrates being rice straw than in case of corn. The results of the studies in vivo and in vitro suggested that nutritional requirements were changed by the change of microorganism pattern according to substrates or basal rations.

      • KCI우수등재

        비비 ( Papio anubis ) 의 정자완성에 관한 전자현미경학적 연구

        김종욱 ( J . W . Kim,B . A . Afzelius,L . Ploen ) 한국축산학회 1982 한국축산학회지 Vol.24 No.5

        The ultrastructure of spermiogenesis of the olive baboon (Papio anubis) has been studied. The four main (Golgi, cap, acrosome and maturation) phases of spermiogenesis are described, and these phases have been further subdivided into a total of ten phases. Spermiogenesis was found to be basically similar to That of other mammalian species, in particular to that of man. A lower number of morphologically deviating cells was found in the baboon, but in other respects most differences between human and baboon spermiogenesis refer to dimensions. Aspects of the morphogenesis of certain structures of the tail are discussed in more detail.

      • KCI등재

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