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      • KCI등재

        김대건 신부의 성사 사목활동과 행정 사목활동

        김정숙(Kim, Jeong-Sook) 한국교회사연구소 2021 敎會史硏究 Vol.- No.59

        김대건 신부는 1845년 8월 17일 사제 서품을 받았고, 1846년 9월 16일 새남터에서 참수치명했다. 사제로서 생활한 기간이 13개월이다. 본고는 이 13개월간 김대건 신부가 행한 일에 대한 검토이다. 여기서는 김대건 신부의 사목활동의 범위를 확정하고 그 활동의 세세한 면면을 찾았다. 자료로는 기존의 문헌 사료는 물론, 지역답사를 겸하며 관련 지역의 전승까지 활용했다. 시작에 앞서 김대건 신부의 사목활동의 개념과 방향을 전환할 필요를 제시했다. 그리고 그의 체력과 외모, 성사 사목 태도, 사는 모습 등을 살폈다. 이어 시복 재판에 나온 증언을 토대로 김대건 신부의 성사 사목활동을 정리했다. 김 신부는 서울과 경기지역에서 성사 사목활동을 했는데, 그 빈도는 반반이었다. 성사에 참여한 사람들은 상호 간 인적 관계를 가지고 있으며, 교회 내 신앙적 위치도 깊은 이들이었다. 이와 더불어 재판 증언은 김 신부의 성사 활동을 포괄적으로 밝히기에는 한계가 있음을 지적했다. 이를 뒷받침하기 위해 남경문 등 증언자로 나오지 않았으면서 김 신부로부터 성사를 본 사람들, 또 신부의 옥중에서의 성사 사목 등을 짚고, 당시 교회 상황을 분석했다. 다음으로 김대건 신부의 특수 사목으로 신자들 조직 방법과 그 운영 방식을 밝히고, 김 신부의 인적 자원을 확인했다. 연평도 항해에 나갔던 사람들, 신부댁에서 봉사하던 여성 등 김 신부와 함께 일한 이들도 역시 상호 인적 관계가 긴밀하고, 신앙생활도 활발한 이들이었다. 김 신부는 이들 인력을 배치하여 교회를 점조직으로 운영해 갔다. 한편, 김대건 신부는 전교자금을 운영했는데, 포목과 은괴 등을 통한 물품으로 국내외 차익을 통해 자금을 늘리고자 했다. 신자들에게 돈을 대주어 배를 사서 장사하도록 하면서 바닷길을 개척·운영했다. 또한 김 신부는 부제 때부터 해오던 신학생 교육도 재개하여 이어갔다. 그는 이러한 교회 업무를 처리하면서, 조선교회 부주교의 역할까지도 감당했다. 김대건 신부는 기해박해 이후 폐허화된 교회를 재건했고, 두 선교사가 조선에 정착 활동할 기반을 다져 놓았다. 메스트르 신부와 최양업 신부는 각기 다른 길로 입국했지만, 그가 개척한 해양로는 이후 조선교회와 세계교회의 연결로가 되었다. 그뿐만 아니라 김 신부는 조선 조정에 새 문화에 대한 충격을 가져다주었다. 무엇보다도 그는 조선인이 신부가 되는 길을 보여주었고, 한국인에게 꿈을 열어 주었다. Father Kim Dae-geon was ordained priest on August 17, 1845, and was beheaded at Saenamteo on September 16, 1846. At the time of his martyrdom he has completed 13 months since his priestly ordination. This article is a review of what Father Kim Dae-geon did during these 13 months. For my research, I used not only existing historical documents, but also information of local traditions of found during my field surveys on the geographic areas where father did his Pastoral work. As a starting point it seemed important to me to present the need of changing the concept and direction of Father Kim’s pastoral activity. It also seemed important to me to highlight the strength of his physical appearance, his own personal way of conceiving and living the sacraments. Then, based on the testimony from his process of beatification, I summarized Father Kim Dae-geon’s sacramental ministry. By this data, Father Kim carried out his sacramental pastoral activities between Seoul and Gyeonggi Province, and the regional frequency was half and a half. Those who participated in the formation for the reception of the sacraments had a personal relationship with each other, and they also had a deep religious position in the life of the local Church. In addition, I pointed out the limitations of the witnesses during the process of beatification; those testimonies remain short and do not comprehensively reveal the fullness of Father Kim’s sacramental ministry. To support this, I analyzed the situation in the church at the time by pointing to people who did not appear as witnesses, such as Nam Kyung-moon, and the work of pastoral ministry carried out in the prisons where the sacramental life was preached and prepared. Next, I try to explain the originality of the pastoral work of father Kim Dae-geon specially the way he organized and interacted with the believers and prepared them as a resource for his work of evangelization. Those who worked with Father Kim, such as those who went on a voyage to Yeonpyeong Island for finding the entrance for the missionaries and the women who served at the presbytery, also had close personal relationships and were active in their religious life. Father Kim organized these belivers as a branch organization to run the church. On the other hand, Father Kim Dae-geon ran the funds of the mission, and he wanted to increase the funds through import profits with goods such as cloth and silver ingots. He opened and operated the sea route by lending money to believers to buy ships and trade. In addition, Father Kim continued to educate seminaries, which he had been doing since the time of his deacon. While handling these church affairs, he was even considered as the vice-bishop of the Joseon Church. Father Kim Dae-geon rebuilt the church that was ruined after the Gihae persecution, and laid the foundation for the two missionaries to settle down in Joseon. The sea route that Father Kim Dae-geon pioneered became a connection way between the Korean church and the world church, except Father Maistre and Father Yang-eop Choi entered Korea by different routes. Not only that, but Father Kim brought the shock of the new culture to the Joseon court. Above all, he showed the way for Koreans to become priests and opened up dreams for Koreans.

      • KCI등재

        石坡 李昰應 墨蘭畵風의 형성

        金貞淑(Kim Ch?ng-suk) 한국미술사학회 2002 美術史學硏究 Vol.- No.233·234

        Yi Ha-?ng, sobriquet S?kp' a, was the father of King Kojong(r. 1867-1907), the 26th ruler of the Chosen dynasty, and was titled the H?ngs?n Taew?n' gun 興宣大院君 generally called Taew?n' gun. Yi was a radical politician who attempted to reform the national system with the “Chosen style" manner when he reigned during the turmoil: in law's of the royal family of the Andong Kim clan of the late Chos?n period held sway and the Western empires aimed at conquering Korea. Nevertheless, he sought his own direction for the government developments. On the other side, he was an artist developing his individual orchid paintings based on Kim Ch?ng-h?i' s 金正喜 painting style. He went back and forth between the dominance of the authority and relinquishment of power. Because of his political aspiration, however, he greatly concentrated on creating substantial and lofty orchid paintings as means to express his complicated emotion whenever he was in hard times. As a result, he achieved the dignified literati painting accompanying with poems and calligraphy (shis?hwa ilch'i, 詩書畵一致) as well as his individual manner in depicting ink orchids. The most distinguished feature in Yi Ha-?ng' s artistic ambience is that he persisted to paint monochrome orchids throughout his whole life. It is assumed that this came from his admiration toward orchids for their refined beauty and elegant fragrance. Moreover, he is supposed to have strenuously disciplined his mentality by portraying orchids because it has served as the embodiment of gentlemens' virtue in literati tradition. As much as being called "S?kparan 石坡蘭." his well-known orchid paintings established one of the modes of 'Korean indigenous ink orchid paintings" , distinguished from Chinese ones by accomplishing his representative painting style in its composition and brushwork, One of the characteristics in formative stages of ink orchid paintings by Yi is that he pursued individual painting styles by studying an eminent literati calligrapher and painter, Kim Chong-hui' s idioms and by adopting fashionable elements from Chinese ink orchid paintings. Since his early thirties. he studied calligraphy and orchid paintings under Kim. and was praised by his teacher. Kim emphasized on samj?n-p?b 三轉法, a technique to twist the tip of the brush three times in portraying leaves of orchids, that Yi practiced over again, After the death of Kim. he succeeded his teacher and accepted new composition and depiction in manuals of ink orchid paintings of Ming and Ch'ing China. In particular, when he was expelled from the throne and was dwelling at Chikgok sanbang (直谷山房, Studio of Chikgok). he created three types of ink orchid paintings: the grouping of uprooted orchids with long leaves 群蘭畵. the coupling of orchids and rocks 石蘭畵 with the setting, and the densely grouping of orchids 叢蘭畵. generally mounted as a hanging scroll. nus asserts that such individual modes of his were formed on the basis of Kim Ch?ng-h?i' s ink brush method, and later became the typical type of 50kp 'aran, Among his above mentioned individual modes, the painting of coupling orchid and rocks had developed to the main and constant theme until his late years. Even after Yi Ha-?ng, a number of orchid painters copied his S?kparan style and his great influence has survived untill today.

      • KCI등재

        풍경과 감정 : 역사를 상상하는 두 개의 다른 시선

        김정숙(Kim Jeong-sook) 한국비평문학회 2008 批評文學 Vol.- No.30

        The purpose of this thesis is to explicate the historical imagination of male/female writers and the narrative truth, focusing on Leesim(『리심』) written by Kim Takwan as a male novelist and Leejin(『리진』) written by Shin Kyong-sook as a female novelist. The interesting point is that they all describe the sarre character in each of their novels. In chapter 2, the author outlines the narrative processing, the commonness and the difference between the texts. In chapter 3, the author studies two-view points which imagine the historical character. In chapter 4, the author looks into the historical cognition of male/female writers. In this respect, these can be summarized as follows: In the first place, Leesim and Leejin are the record of her travel life commonly. They represent the woman who had been to France at first in the early 20th century. She was the dancer of the Royal Court and experienced the ambivalence between western civilization and imperialism in France. However ‘scenery’(educated discovery) remains in Leesim and ‘emotion’(tragic sympathy) remains in Leejin. Second, the forward of part of each text is mostly parallel process, but the latter part of the story rends apart. That is, Leesim moves on the man-narrative while Leejin advances the mother-narrative. Such reason has sapped woman-narrative. Third, the purpose of the two novels is all the searching for existence. But Kim’s writing pursues the reconstruction of ‘fact’ itself while Shin’s writing concentrates on the historical ‘truth’ in terms of the minority. In conclusion, The objective distance of Leesim and the psychological identification of Leejin are the two way of imagination about the history. Leesim and Leejin which include premodern/modern, imperialism/colonialism and the native language/the translate language, show the valuable point of the faction combining fact with fiction.


        건강한 치은과 조기 치은염 환자 부착치은폭경에 관한 연구

        김정숙,문익상,채중규,조규성,Kim, Jeong-Suk,Moon, Ik-Sang,Chai, Jung-Kiu,Cho, Kyoo-Sung 대한치주과학회 1997 Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science Vol.27 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the width of attached gingiva of 414 subjects with healthy gingiva, or early stage of gingivitis. We compared the differences according to the tooth location, age (Yonger group : $14{\sim}30$, Older group : $31{\sim}67$) and gender. In addition, we compared the width of attached gingiva in the subjects with less than 2 sites of gingival recession($Re{\leq}2$) and the subjects with more than 3 sites of gingival recession($Re{\geq}3$) to study the relationship between the gingival recession and the width of attached gingiva. The results were as follows : 1. The width of keratinized gingiva was widest in maxillary incisors($5.3{\pm}1.4mm$) and narrowest in mandibular right 1st bicuspid and mandibular right and left 2nd molars($3.5{\pm}1.1mm$). 2. The width of attached gingiva was widest in maxillary right central incisor($3.8{\pm}1.5mm$) and narrowest in mandibular right 2nd molar($1.2{\pm}1.0mm$). 3. In the comparison between the age groups, the width of keratinized in older group was significantly (p<0.05) wider than that in younger group in maxillary right and left 1st bicuspids, mandibular right and left 1st and 2nd molars, maxillary right and left cuspids and mandibular right 1st bicuspid. There was no significant difference in the width of attached gingiva between the two groups except for maxillary right and left 1st molars and maxillary left 2nd molar. 4. In the comparison between male group and female group, in maxillary right and and left lateral incisors and cuspids, mandibular right and left cuspids and 1st bicuspids, the width of attached gingiva in female was significantly(p<0.05) wider than that in male group. 5. In the comparison between the Re 3 group and Re 2 group, there was no significant difference except for maxillary right and left 2nd molars and maxillary left 1st molar. 6. The frequency of gingival recession was m the order of mandibular right 1st bicuspid(16.6%), maxillary right 1st bicuspid(13.7%), maxillary and mandibular left 1st bicuspids (13.4%), mandibular left cuspid (10.5%), maxillary left and mandibular right cuspids(10.1%) and maxillary right cuspid(7.9%).

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        황기(Astragalus membranaceus Bunge) 뿌리의 성분연구 (III)

        김정숙,김진숙,Kim, Chung-Sook,Kim, Jin-Sook 한국생약학회 2000 생약학회지 Vol.31 No.1

        Two compounds were isolated from the root of Astragalus membranaceus(Bunge). On the basis of spectroscopic data their structures were identified as stigmast-4-en-3-one and a mixture of 2'-angeloyloxy-1',2'-dihydroxanthyletin and 2'-senecioyloxy-1',2'-dihydroxanthyletin. They were first isolated from the genus of Astragalus.

      • KCI등재

        Keloid와 Hypertrophic Scar ( 비후성반흔 )의 형태학적 관찰

        김정숙,유재덕,Kim, Chung-Soak,Lew, Jae-Duk 한국현미경학회 1973 Applied microscopy Vol.3 No.1

        Introduction. The human cutaneous scars manifest themselves many ways in different types according to the factors such as the age, sex, race of the patient as well as the location,. kind and heal ing process of the wound. Among the scars it is quiet difficult to verify the clinical course of the hypertrophic or keloidal scars from the true keloids. However, clinical observations indicate that stress, either mechanical or in the forms of chronic infections, can induce a functional change in the fibroblasts causing an excessive production of collagenous matrix. In this study, we preliminary attempt to justify any difference of the cellular structure between keloids and hypertrophic scars by using electron microscope. Material and Methods. A total of 23 cases: 2 scars, 2 hypertrophic scars and 19 keloids are examined. Immediately, the biopsy tissue was fixed in 10% neutral formalin and 4% glutaraldehyde solution in phosphate buffer for 4 hours, post fixed in 1 % osmium tetraoxide for two hours, dehydrated with graded alcohol, and embedded in Epon 812. Thick sections were stained with hematoxylin eosin, periodic acid-Schiff(PAS) and Van Gieson stain. Thin sections were cut and uranyle acetate, lead citratestain and examined with the electron microscope. Result. The morphologic features of keloid showed thick, homogenously eosinophilic bands of collagen and numberous large active fibroblasts. The hypertrophic scar and soft scar are more cellular than keloid and composed thinner collagenous fiber. For this paper in the etiology of keloids can not as be defined, but and interesting keloidal tissue fibroblast showed irregular nucleus with irregular shape dense bodies and fibril materials contained in to the cytoplasm.

      • KCI등재

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