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      • KCI등재

        CNT/PVDF 복합막을 이용한 유연소자용 안테나 방사체

        김용진,임영택,이선우,Kim, YongJin,Lim, Young Taek,Lee, Sunwoo 한국전기전자재료학회 2015 전기전자재료학회논문지 Vol.28 No.3

        In this paper, we fabricated flexible antenna radiator using the CNT/PVDF (carbon nanotube / polyvinylidene fluoride) composite film. We used polymer film as a matrix material for the flexible devices, and introduced CNTs for adding conductivity into the film resulting in obtaining performances of the antenna radiator. Spray coating method was used to form the CNT/PVDF composite radiator, and pattern formation of the radiator was done by shadow mask during the spray coating process. We investigated the electrical properties of the CNT/PVDF composite films with the CNT concentration, and also estimated the radiator performance. Finally we discuss the feasibility of the CNT/PVDF composite radiator for the flexible antenna.

      • 유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 Satellite Digital Audio Radio System Antennas 개발

        김용진(Yongjin Kim),김상욱(Sanguk Kim),김진환(Jinhwan Kim),이용근(Yonggeun Kim),김영봉(Youngbong Kim) 대한전기학회 2007 대한전기학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2007 No.11

        The Design and Optimization of a low-profile antenna for the Satellite Digital Audio Radio System (SDARS) using a Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA) is presented. a fairly omni-directional elevation gain pattern over 60 degrees < q <60 degrees are obtained. The average value of the LCP gain pattern is approximately 2 ㏈ic. The heights of the antennas are less than 0.251. The cross polarized signal level is approximately 12 ㏈ic less than the co-polarized signal level.

      • 능동 카메라를 이용한 이동물체 검출

        김용진(Yongjin Kim),이일병(Yillbyung Lee) 한국정보과학회 2006 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.33 No.2B

        능동 카메라에서 배경과 물체가 모두 움직이는 영상에서 이동물체를 검출하여 추적하기 위해 특징점을 추출하고 특징점을 이용해 영상 좌표계 변환 파라미터를 추정하여 카메라의 Ego-motion을 보정한다. 보정된 영상을 이용하여 움직이는 물체를 검출하고 잡음이 있는 관측영역에서 CONDENSATION 알고리즘을 이용하여 이동물체를 추정하는 실험을 수행한 내용의 논문이다.

      • KCI등재

        퇴적층의 온도별 배양에 따른 조류군집 형성과 이취미물질 발생 특성

        김용진 ( Yongjin Kim ),윤석제 ( Seokjea Youn ),김헌년 ( Hunnyun Kim ),황문영 ( Moonyoung Hwang ),박진락 ( Jinrak Park ),이병천 ( Byoungcheun Lee ),이재관 ( Jaekwan Lee ) 한국물환경학회 2015 한국물환경학회지 Vol.31 No.5

        We analyzed the formation of phytoplankton community and the occurences of odorus compound from benthic cyanobacteria in North, South Han-River, Paldang-Lake and Kyeongan-Stream sediments. Sediments were incubated in different water temperature. Akinetes were found (0~500 cells/g) with the highest number on sediment in Yangsoo railroad bridge (YC). The result showed that Anabaena ranged between 0.02~0.53×103 cells/mL in Sambong (SB), YC, Mukhyen-Stream (MS), Paldang-Lake (P2) and Kyeongan-Stream (KK). The total 68 taxa of phytoplankton were observed during the incubation period. A standing crop of phytoplankton was in the range of 0.13~8.97×103 cells/mL and Microcystis appeared in SB, YC, P2 and KK sites with 20~25°C temperature. In South Han-River (P3), Oscillatoria tenuis was dominant at 25°C temperature. The concentration of geosmin was the highest in SB-15°C (25.5 ng/L), and the concentration of 2-MIB was the highest in P3-25°C (286.8 ng/L). Odorous compounds were detected in all the temperature conditions from each site. Our results indicate that the dominant benthic cyanobacteria (O. tenuis, O. limosa, Phormidium tenue and Pseudanabaena limnetica) have high correlation with the occurrence odorous compounds and 2-MIB.

      • 국제특허분쟁의 소송절차적 대응전략

        김용진 ( Yongjin Kim ) 한국지식재산연구원 2004 지식재산논단 Vol.1 No.1

        Für Patentverletzungsstreitigkeiten würden wegen ihrem Territorialtätsprinzip nur die Gerichte des Staates als zuständig angesehen, für dessen Hoheitsgebiet das betroffene Patent erteilt ist. Über ausländische Patente, ihre Gültigkeit und Verletzung zu urteilen, wäre ein Überschreiten der eigenen Gerichtsgewalt. Zwar haben sich die Verletzungsorten entweder durch das schädigende Ereignis in civil law oder durch den extraterritorialen Anwendung des Patentrecht in commdn law grenzüberschreitend ausgedehnt. Hierbei handelt es sich aber um einen Schutz des eigenen Patentrechts. Auch das Europäische Patentübereinkommen schafft kein einheitliches Patentrecht für die Mitgliedstaaten des EPÜ. Kommt es zur Erteilung eines europäischen Patents, entstehen in den vom Anmelder benannten Staaten voneinander unabhängige nationale Patente, für die dann das jeweilige natinale Recht gilt(Europäisches Bündelpatent'). Ungeachtet diesen Umständen hat das EPÜ zur Europäisierung des Patentrechts beigetragen. Die Anwendung nationaler Patentgesetze ist einaml aufgrund der weitgehenden Harmonisierung des Patentrechts im Geltungsbereich des Europäischen Patentübereinkommen in hohem Masse vereinfacht und weiter fortgeschritten als auf den meisten anderen zivilrechtlichen Gebieten. Das Übereinkommen selbst bestimmt einheitliche Patentierungsvoraussetzungen, ein einheitliches Prüfungs-, Erteilungs- und Einspruchsverfahren sowie einzelne gemeinsame Regeln für den Bestand, den Schutzbereich und die Schutzdauer der nach diesem Verfahren erteilten Patent. Art. 69 EPÜ gewährleistet eine einheitliche Bestimmung des Schutz- bereichs eropäischer Pantente in den verschiedenen nationalen Rechtsordnungen. Aufgrund deieser Regelung ist die Gefahr national unterschiedlicher Ergebnisse des Patentverletzungsstreites zwar nicht ausgeschlossen, aber in einem wesentlichen Punkt abgemildert. Zweitens hat das Europäische Patent i.V.m. EuGVO konkurrierende Zuständigkeiten mit sich gebracht. Die Gerichte des Wohnsitzstaates des Beklagten wegen Patentverletzung zuständig, also nicht nur für Klagen wegen der Verletzung europäischer Patente, sondern auch für Klagen nationaler Patente aus den Vertragsstaaten. Der Inhaber einer europäischen Patents, das für etwa England, Frankreich and die Schweiz erteilt wurde, kann deshalb ein Unternehmen mit Geschäftssitz in England vor einem englischen Gericht nicht nur wegen Verletzung des englischen Anteils des europäischen Patents verklagen, sondern auch wegen Verletzung der französischen und schweizerischen Anteils des europäischen Patents. Darüber hinaus haben einigen nationalen Gerichten auf dieser Zuständigkeitsgrundlage den Antrag auf einen grenzüberschreitenden Verletzungsverbote zuerkannte. Seither werden die rechtlichen Möglichkeiten versucht, die die EuGVO (zukünftigen) Parteien einer grenzüberschreitenden Patentverletzungsstreikeit bietet. Es wird nach dem Gerichtsstandort gefragt, der dem Kläger die besten verfahrensrechtlichen Möglichkeiten bietet, man schägt vor, italienische Torpedo niederländische Torpedo abzuschliessen, oder versucht, der Spinne im Netz hablebt zu werden. In diesem Zusammenhang versucht der folgende Ausatz, Genegentorpedo vorzuschlagen. Dabei wird uns der Fall Sepracor einigen verfahrensrechtlichen Strategien für die Patentverletzungsstreikeiten innerhalb wie ausserhalb der Europäischen Union vergegenwärtigen. Angesichts der immer zunehmenden Bedeutung des Handes mit den USA habe ich es weiterhin zum Gegenstand gemacht, die Rechtskage zwischen Korea und USA zu vergleichen.

      • KCI등재

        자회사의 행위에 대한 모회사의 재판관할

        김용진(Yongjin Kim) 충남대학교 법학연구소 2013 法學硏究 Vol.24 No.1

        자국내 소재하는 자회사에 대한 재판관할권을 근거로 하여 비거주 모회사에 대한 재판관할권을 주장할 수 있을까? 이와 같이 전통적인 법인격 독립의 원칙에 위배되는 문제제기가 최근 국제상거래에서 보편화된 기업집단의 현상에 대한 대응책으로 주목받고 있다. 각국은 자국 내 자회사에 대한 자국 법원의 재판관할권을 근거로 하여 비거주 외국 모회사에 확대시키기 위한 법리개발에 힘쓰고 있다. 특히 경쟁제한금지행위에 대한 경쟁제한금지법의 억지력을 확보하기 위한 공익을 앞세워 해외 모회사에 대한 자국의 재판관할권을 확대하고자 하는 경향이 뚜렷하다. 이와 관련하여 이 논문은 미국과 유럽연합의 법리적, 실무적 대응방안을 비교법적으로 고찰하여 우리나라에 맞는 대응법리를 개발하고자 하였다. 청구권 발생에 모회사가 원인을 제공한 경우가 아닌 이상, 자회사 관할법원이 모회사에 대하여 재판권을 행사하는 일은 미국헌법상의 적법절차 위반을 피하기 어려울 것이다. 그럼에도 불구하고 미국판례는 그에 대한 명확한 기준을 제시하고 있지 않기 때문에, 이 영역에서도 결국 International Shoe 사건에서 발전된 연방대법원의 최소접촉이론에 의하여 규명할 수밖에 없게 되었다. 이에 반하여 유럽사법재판소는 다국적 기업의 재판관할권과 관련하여 모회사와 자회사를 ‘경제적 단일체’(one economic unit)로 보아 통합재판관할권을 인정하는 판례를 발전시키고 있다. 기업집단의 재판관할권을 경제단일체 이론에 의하여 파악하는 것이 경쟁법에서의 이른바 영향이론에 상응한 법리라 할 것이다. Jurisdiction over a parent corporation based on the ownership of a subsidiary is one of the challenging issues to the traditional jurisdictional principles. Bringing suit against the parent can be especially important when the assets of the subsidiary are insufficient for complete recovery. The inadequacy of a distinct legal entity, which is acutely felt in the area of antitrust law, flows from the inherent tension between the sovereign system and the essentially nonterritorial nature of the modern multinational corporation. In response to the rise of the multinational enterprise as a major player in international trade, sovereign nations have sought to develop principles of jurisdiction suitable to the nature of the modern multinational corporation. If the parent"s specific jurisdictional act did not give rise to or was not related to the cause of action, the american system shows us that exercise of jurisdiction over a parent corporation would not comport with due process, whereas the jurisdiction of European Union is based upon a judicial finding that the parent and subsidiary functioned as a single economic and legal unit(economic entity theory). Under the american system we face the confusion surrounding the question of when the exercise of jurisdiction over a parent corporation based on it"s ownership of it is constitutionally valid, apparently due to the lack of special United States Supreme Court guidance in the antitrust area. Still we have to resort to the Supreme Courts minimum contacts test first adopted in International Shoe. Moreover the agent approach, which Korean Appeal Court(Seoul High Court) have lately adopted, is not available for us due to its causing legal uncertainty. This essay is oriented to the theory of the single economic and legal unit.

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