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      • KCI등재

        아시아계 미국시의 재편성: 캐시 송, 명미 김, 수지 곽 김의 차이를 중심으로

        김양순 ( Yang Soon Kim ) 한국아메리카학회 2010 美國學論集 Vol.42 No.3

        This study examines Asian American poets` activities that have contributed to contemporary American poetry`s heterogeneity and pluralism, and especially focuses on the works of three women poets?Cathy Song, Myung Mi Kim, and Suji Kwock Kim. Reading closely Cathy Song`s Picture Bride (1983), Myung Mi Kim`s Under Flag (1991), and Suji Kwock Kim`s Notes from the Divided Country (2003), this paper discusses not only their shared views but also their differences, which are particularly noteworthy. These three poets share their consciousness of the problems of culture, identity, family, ethnicity, region, and language. Yet there exist differences among these poets arising from dissimilarities in their family background, time of immigration, birthplace, and generation. This paper explores how differently and in what ways they embody their seemingly similar themes. Through her lyrical voice and organic images, Cathy Song`s Picture Bride deals with issues of family, assimilation, female experience, ethnic identity, and bond or distance between different generations. At the same time, Song, from the first generation of Asian American poets, attempts to show a threshold of imagination and creation, and a space where creative transformation begins. Myung Mi Kim`s Under Flag in an epic narrative explores the ruptures of Korean culture and history. With her experimental language and forms, Kim, a 1.5 generation Korean American, expresses "the uncertainties and sense of ruptured suspension of personal and communal displacement," more subversively than Song. Through the work of "postmemory" and the deliberate distance between the poet and the speaker, and in dealing with Korean War and the psychology of individuals "traveling between" the living and the dead, between past and future, Suji Kwock Kim, a second generation Korean American, reveals a "more fluid sense of ethnic boundaries." Since for her Asian heritage is just one of many facets of her identity, she can venture into new subject matter with a certain air of feminine strength. This research attempts to expand critical views of Asian American (women) poets that have been less visible than those of Asian American fiction writers, and mostly presented in terms of ethnicity and gender. Thus, this study will provide a foundation for future discussion of Asian American poetry`s implications for language, form, and narrative on the broader landscape of American poetry.

      • KCI등재후보

        가정폭력 목격 남매를 위한 집단 놀이치료 사례연구

        김양순 ( Yang Soon Kim ) 한국놀이치료학회 2012 한국놀이치료학회지(놀이치료연구) Vol.15 No.3

        본 연구는 어머니에 대한 가정폭력을 목격하면서 발달적 외상을 경험한 남매가 폭력피해 보호 쉼터 내에서 보여주는 극심한 공격적 행동과 무력함, 위축된 행동의 변화와 자아개념을 증진하고 건강한 성장발달을 위해 필요한 기술을 습득을 할 수 있도록 도움을 주려는데 있다. 이를 위하여 아동중심 집단 놀이치료를 실시하고 Dee Ray(2011)의 놀이주제를 중심으로 사례연구 결과를 분석하였다. 집단놀이치료 기간은 2006년 12월 27일에 첫 번째 세션을 시작하여 마지막 세션은 2007년 6월 27일 까지 총 24세션이다. 이 연구는 남매의 자기통제력 증진과 공격적이며 위축된 행동 감소를 통하여 자아개념을 증진시키는데 중점을 두었다. 가정폭력을 목격하면서 내담아동들이 받은 내면적 상처를 치유하고 특히 아버지의 죽음을 목격할 수밖에 없었던 오빠의 공포로 인한 발달적 외상장애(DTD)를 극복하고 건강한 성장발달을 위해 필요한 기술을 습득을 수 있도록 도움을 주었다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the play themes in sibling group play therapy with children who had witnessed domestic violence. In this study the therapist analyzed the play themes of the child subjects. An intervention, consisting of Child - Centered Group Play Therapy was administered for over 24 sessions to siblings who had experienced developmental trauma disorder due to having witnessed violence at home. During the intervention, the elder brother who was of borderline intelligence and who had witnessed both domestic violence and his father`s suicide presented a number of play themes (Ray, 2010), consisting of; Safety, Helplessness, Dependency, Death, Grief, Loss, Protection, Instability, and Anxiety, He also presented play themes consisting of Relational, Nurturing, Safety, Control, Protection, Self-Sufficient too. The younger sister presented play themes consisting of Power, Control, Aggression, Confidence, Mastery, Nurturing, Relational, Self-Sufficient, and Resiliency.

      • KCI등재후보

        가정폭력 피해 아동과 어머니를 위한 부모-자녀 관계치료 10-세션 모델의 효과

        김양순 ( Yang Soon Kim ) 한국놀이치료학회 2009 한국놀이치료학회지(놀이치료연구) Vol.12 No.2

        이 연구는 가정폭력 피해 쉼터에서 생활하고 있는 9명의 어머니와 폭력을 목격한 그 자녀들에게 CPRT 10세션 모델을 5주일 동안 집중적으로 적용하여 훈련한 효과에 대하여 조사하려는데 목적이 있다. 훈련 효과에 대한 아동의 행동 변화를 측정하기 위하여 CBCL, PPAS, PSI 사전-사후 검사를 실시하였으며, 아동에 대한 부모의 공감능력을 비교하기 위하여 MEACI 검사를 실시하였다. 부모의 태도변화는 부모가 실시하는 특별 놀이 세션을 시작하기 전과 세션이 끝나고 난 뒤 t -검증과 ANOVA 반복측정을 실시하여 분석하였다. 아동에게 CPRT 10세션 5주 동안 집중적 개입을 한 결과 CBCL 검사 전체 행동문제 중 외현적/내재적 행동문제, 공격적 행동, 불안/우울한 감정 하위 요인에서 유의미한 변화가 나타났다. 부모의 공감능력을 검사하는 MEACI에서도 CPRT 훈련은 전체적인 공감 능력, 수용적 의사소통, 아동의 자기안내 허용, 아동의 놀이에 참여하는 능력에서 유의미한 변화를 보여주었다. 이 연구는 가정폭력 피해 쉼터에 거주하는 부모-자녀를 대상을 실시한 환경적 제한 때문에 통제집단을 선정하지 못하고 실험집단만으로 연구 설계가 이루어진 한계를 지니고 있다. 이런 제한에도 불구하고 짧은 기간의 CPRT 훈련 개입은 가정폭력 피해자인 어머니와 본인의 의지와 무관하게 이 과정을 목격하므로 서 상처를 입을 수밖에 없었던 아동들 모두에게 긍정적인 행동 변화를 보여줄 수 있었다는 점에서 연구의 의의가 있다. The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of CPRT 10session model on 5 weeks intensive training of 9 Mothers and Children witnesses of domestic violence shelter. The paired t-test and one-way ANOVA repeated measure were performed for the CBCL, PPAS, PSI pre-post test for the children`s behavioral change, and on the MEACI for the comparison of mothers` attitude to their children`s change between the pre-post play sessions. Among the CBCL Total Behavior Problems, the Externalizing/Internalizing Behavior Problems, the Aggressive Behavior, the Anxious/Depressed Feelings subscale changed significantly after the CPRT intervention. The MEACI Total Empathy, Communication of Acceptance, Allowing the Child Self Direction, Involvement which also shows the mothers attitude to their children changed significantly during the CPRT training. This study has a limitation of the sampling which has only an experimental group because subjects reside at the domestic violence shelter. Despite the limitation, this study covers the first CPRT for the domestic violence shelter residence and demonstrates the effectiveness of intensive CPRT training as a treatment of children witness and the mothers of domestic violence.

      • KCI우수등재

        高麗後期 白蓮結社의 淨土思想 연구

        김양순(Kim Yang-Soon),오지연, 정희 불교학연구회 2000 불교학연구 Vol.1 No.-

          In late Koryo, Pure Land Buddhism had a tendency to be mixed with other Buddhist thoughts. At that time Seon(神), T"ien-t"ai(天台), Hwaom(華嚴) and Tantric Buddhism(密敎) school"s thinkers accepted Pure Land Buddhism as a kind of expedient to get the awakening(覺). Thingking or calling Buddha(念佛) was understood as a means, and Pure Land was understood not in the west(西方淨土) but in one"s mind(唯心淨土). That"s the character of Pure Land Buddhism at that time.<BR>  This tendency could be found in the White Lotus group(白蓮結社). Although the leaders of the group recommended people who participate in the group to call Buddha(念佛), they warned people not to stay the observance of phenomena(事觀). They recommended participants to thinking of Amit?bha by Observance of truth(理觀念佛).<BR>  Their thought was based on the theory of Amit?bha"s thinking of mind(約心觀佛說) which was the important principle of Chih-li(知禮)"s practice of Pure Land of T"ien-t"ai(天台淨土觀).

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        Lipoxygenase - 지질과산화반응에 미치는 당뇨병혈장의 영향

        김양순(Yang Soon Kim),이태희(Tai Hee Lee),이민화(Min Hwa Lee),이재우(Jae Woo Lee) 대한내과학회 1996 대한내과학회지 Vol.50 No.2

        To clarify the mechanism for the increased lipid peroxidation in diabetics, antioxidant activity of blood plasma in lipoxygenase-induced peroxidation of linolenic acid in vitro was investigated by measuring oxygen consumption during the reaction. Addition of normal blood plasma to lipoxygenase reaction mixture markedly reduced the oxygen consumption rate, indicating that normal blood plasma inhibits lipoxygenase-induced lipid peroxidation, However, the blood plasma taken from diabetic subjects showed a much less inhibitory effect on the reaction as compared to normal plasma. Although the inhibitory effect of normal and diabetic plasma on the lipoxygenase reaction showed an inverse correlation to plasma glucose, cholesterol and free fatty acid levels, it showed a most marked inverse correlation to glycation levels of plasma proteins. The inhibitory activity of blood plasma was found to be mediated by serum albumin, and when bovine serum albumin was glycated in vitro by incubating with 0.5 M glucose, the inhibitory activity of the glycated albumin decreased proportionately as the glycation level of albumin increased. These results suggest that the inhibitory effect of plasma on lipoxygenase-induced lipid peroxidation is mediated by serum albumin which can bind free fatty acids and protect them from peroxidation and that increased glycation of serum albumin in diabetic plasma may partly account for its decreased ability to inhibit lipoxygenase reaction. It is also suggested that the increased lipid peroxidation in diabetics could be partly explained by increased protein glycation which may interfere with the antioxidant action of serum albumin

      • KCI등재

        엘리자베스 비숍의 연가-성적 정체성 감추기와 드러내기

        김양순 ( Yang Soon Kim ) 한국영어영문학회 2014 영어 영문학 Vol.60 No.4

        Based on a close reading of Elizabeth Bishop’s love poems, which have been relatively neglected in the Bishop research, this paper examines how she reveals her private feelings for her lover(s), and at the same time how she conceals her desire. Bishop has often been recognized as a poet with a restrained tone, a keen eye, and modest attitudes toward the objects of her observation. Moreover, her shyness and reticence seem to keep her privacy and sexuality in the closet. This study, however, attempts to explore her desire for revealing her intimacy, especially her sexual identity, and her anxiety about openly dealing with it. The poet’s ambivalence about expressing her sexual and personal identity imparts her seemingly cool and calm poetry with ambiguity, complexity, and contradictions. In reviewing Bishop’s published and posthumous works? “Insomnia,” “The Shampoo,” “Crusoe in England,” “It is marvelous to wake up together,” “Breakfast Song,” and “Vague Poem,” this study not only delves into the poet’s deep emotions, but also discusses what codes, modes, and techniques Bishop employs to remain elusive about her private life and sexuality. In the course of analyzing some love poems published before her death and after her death, this research will ascertain the differing degrees of openness in the poet’s private feelings toward her lover. Even her posthumous works, which raise controversy among Bishop scholars regarding her likely opinions about publication of her unpublished/uncollected materials, do not deal with her privacy or sexuality without subtle devices of self-protection or rhetorical complexity. Therefore, readers will exercise their own special hermeneutics to search for covert and implied meanings in her ambiguous works, and will be more intrigued by a fragmentary phase of the poet’s life obliquely reflected in her love poems.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        생물언어학과 통사론의 진화적 타당성

        김양순 ( Yang Soon Kim ),최숙희 ( Sook Hee Choe ) 한국현대언어학회 2009 언어연구 Vol.25 No.1

        The Journal of Studies in Language 25.1, 47-68. Biolinguistic inquiry concerns the human language faculty as an internal biological property. This paper aims at investigating the evolutionary adequacy of the Minimalist Program (MP). Evolutionary biology shows that perfection, simplicity, optimality, and economy do not arise in evolving systems; however, the MP is argued to have these characteristics as its goal. The question is whether these opposing views of biological imperfection and minimalist perfection can be reconciled in any way. From an evolutionary perspective, the MP seems to be implausible due to its apparent "imperfections" of narrow syntax. To solve the problem of imperfections found in the MP, the MP restricts "perfection" to narrow syntax and consider imperfections as satisfying external conditions (or design conditions). However, for evolutionarily adequate minimalist theories, the MP should consider empirical observations in diverse biolinguistic fields, and adjust to what we know of how evolution works. (Hanbat National University & KAIST)

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