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      • KCI등재

        부안지역의 퇴계와 반계 학맥 -부안김씨 가계를 중심으로

        김승대 퇴계학연구원 2023 退溪學報 Vol.153 No.-

        This article began with the search for Toegye(退溪) Yi Hwang(李滉) and Banggye(磻溪) Ryu Hyungwon(柳馨遠) School in the late Joseon Dynasty, which can be confirmed through the descendants of the Buan Kim family who lived in Buan. In addition, the academic and cultural event under the theme of "Meeting between Toegyehak(退溪學) and Banggyehak(磻溪學)," which is being held as part of exchanges between Yeongnam(嶺南) and Honam(湖南), was given meaning in the hope that it would serve as an opportunity to create regional co-prosperity and future visions in the future. Song Ham(宋涵), the only grandson of Kim Seok-ok(金錫沃)'s second son Kim Sun(金善), is a Yeosan Song clan, who continues to have a relationship with the Munhwa Yoo family of Ryu Hyungwon(柳馨遠) through marriage. Representative figures include Yumunwon(柳文遠), the sixth cousin of Bangye(磻溪), and Kim Damgye Kim Seo-kyung(金瑞慶). Kim Seok-ok(金錫沃)'s third son, Kim Jeom(金坫), was the in-laws of Ki Daegiseung(奇大升), a representative disciple of Toegye(退溪), and a key disciple of Iljae(一齋) Yihang(李恒). Kim Seok-ok(金錫沃)'s fourth son, Kim Gye(金啓), is considered a disciple of Toegye(退溪)'s. In particular, he was fluent in Chinese and worked as a high-ranking official in Pyeongan-do. He was also the best friend of Gobong(高峯), a student of Toegye(退溪) teacher from the same hometown. In the future, it is expected that the academic background of Toegye(退溪) and Banggye of the same Namin(南人) series will be a stepping stone to study more in the Honam(湖南) region and use them for local cultural exchanges.

      • KCI등재

        일부 대학생들의 코로나바이러스감염증-19에 대한 예방인식의 분석

        김승대 한국산학기술학회 2022 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.23 No.5

        This study aimed to investigate and analyze some college students' awareness of prevention in the midst of a novel infectious disease pandemic due to coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) and use it as basic policy data for future university students to form correct action to prevent infectious diseases. From October 12 to October 29, 2021, at a university in Gyeongbuk, Korea, the severity, sensitivity, self-efficacy and preventive behavioral intentions for COVID-19 were analyzed using self-completed questionnaires. After controlling for general characteristics and health behaviors, the factors affecting the intention to prevent COVID-19 were analyzed. The final Model2 was 23.7%,>10.1% compared to Model1, and the more personal hygiene products used (B=.139), p=.025) appeared to be factors that increased the intention to preventive action, severity (B=.150, p=.015), sensitivity ((B=.194, p=.025) and self-efficacy (B=.184), p=.002) were analyzed that increased the intention to preventive action. Based on the results of this study, preventive measures should be prepared in preparation for the upcoming infectious disease. 본 연구는 일부 대학생들의 코로나바이러스감염증-19로 인하여 신종감염병 대유행 상황 속에서 예방인식을 조사 분석하여 향후 대학생들이 감염병 예방을 위한 올바른 실천행동을 형성하는데 정책의 기초자료로 사용되고자 한다. 경북 소재 일개 대학에서 2021년 10월 12일부터 10월 29일까지 자기기입식 설문지를 활용해 코로나바이러스-19에 대한 심각성, 민감성, 자기효능감, 예방행동의도를 조사 분석하였다. 일반적 특성 및 건강행태를 통제한 후 코로나-19 예방행동의도에 미치는 요인을 조사 분석하여 살펴보니 최종모형인 Model 2는 Model1에 비해 모형설명력은 23.7%>10.1%였고, 사용하는 개인 위생용품이 많을수록 (B=.139, p=.025) 예방행동 의도를 높이는 요인으로 나타났고, 심각성(B=.150, p=.015), 민감성((B=.194, p=.025), 자기효능감(B=.184, p=.002)이 높을수록 예방행동 의도를 높이는 요인으로 분석되었다. 본 연구 결과를 바탕으로 앞으로 다가올 감염병에 대비하여 예방대책을 마련해야 할 것이다.

      • 홍우전의 정치 생애와 전주 지역 정착

        김승대 대동사학회 2005 대동사학 Vol.4 No.-

        At the time period of king Suk-Jong in Joseon dynasty, Hong Woo-Jeon performed an active role as the representative journalist. His son Hong Gae-Hee was also famous as the representative politician in the time of king Yeong-jo. Especially, Hong Woo-Jeon exerted a great influence on his son Hong Gae-Hee about the policy of Gyunyeok-bob(均役法) known as the land reform. In the period of king Jeong-Jo, his family was perished because of rebellion suspicion to their family. The writer is deeply interested in the legend of their family and Hong Woo-Jeon's gravestone in Jeonju in Honam region. Research was concerned with the original character of his family which was handed down from his ancestors lived in Jeon-Ju and at last it was confirmed. The ruin of his family was started and was ascertained from the place known as Gumiri village. Currently reserch is forcursed on Bongdong Eup, Wanju Gun country, JoellaBug-do province. Hong Woo-Jeon built his house in this region. His son Hong Gae-Hee passed in the national qualified examination in Jeonju and began to manage a lot of farmland in this area, in the time of king Yeong-Jo. Hong Woo-Jeon passed in the examination of “Jinsa(進士)” which was lower grade than national qualified examination started his official carrier Jinan town official, Hamyang Gun country governor, Geongsang-do provincial governor. In 1719, at the age of 57, he passed national qualified examination and promoted to the rank of "Daesahoen (大司憲)“ eqivalent to the Board of Audit and Inspection nowadays and he had a great role as sect of No-ron(老論). He had a deep knowledge on the land reform and economical policy, and exerted a great influence on his son Hong Gae-Hee. After the great oppression and massacre on politician known as “Sin-Yim Sa-Hwa(辛壬士禍)", he retird from officialdom and return to his native town in Go-san and finally remved and settled in Gwichon, Jeonju. He dreamt of coming back political life and opposed to king Jeong-Jo policy of “policy of equality(蕩平策)" and died in 1728. Hong Woo-Jeon was influenced deeply by "Lee-Sang", leader of No-ron(老論) known as sect of Elderly politician, and at the same time, "Lee-Jae, Lee-Sang's grandson a great deal of ideological influence on Hong Gae-Hee. Accordingly, in Honam area, historic remaims connected with Hong Gae-Hee was witnessed here and there, especially, Hong Su-Jae's old house where he lived in Kimje, Mangyeong and Mongsan, simultaneous the writer has succeeded to ascertain in monument linked with Hong Woo-Jeon at Gosan, Wanju Gun in JeolaBuk-do province and his old house known as "Hong Sul-Hae house" at Bong-Dong, In afire-mentioed country and province.

      • KCI등재

        해양환경권의 보호와 해양환경보전의 국가목표에 관한 헌법적 고찰- 해양오염방제 제도개선을 위한 헌법적 기준 제시를 중심으로 -

        김승대 한국비교공법학회 2018 공법학연구 Vol.19 No.4

        This article examines the legal nature of the maritime environmental right of the people, the marine environmental protection obligation of the state and the national goal of marine environmental conservation, and how it should be systematically implemented in relation to the marine pollution response system of Korea. It is argued that the fundamental right to the marine environment should be recognized by the characteristics of the marine as a common asset of the people and that the contents of the marine environmental obligation of the state should be evaluated flexibly in view of the technological progress in the field of the marine environment conservation. The constitutional national goal of marine environmental conservation is suggested to be implemented on the basis of stepwise responses according to the degree of marine pollution. As discussed in the above-mentioned constitutional standards on maritime environmental rights, the issues are respectively examined, concerning the special fund for the complete indemnities on the marine pollutions, the prepayment of the costs for the recovery operations against oil spill, and the participation of private companies in these operations. In conclusion, this article would emphasize the need to find the solution applying the legal methods based on the Constitution rather than the compromise by the logic of power and efficiency. 이 글은 헌법상 보장된 환경권의 일부에 해당하는 해양환경권과 국가의 해양환경 보호의무 및 해양환경보전의 국가목표가 어떠한 법적 성격과 내용을 가져야 하며, 우리나라의 해양오염 대응제도와 관련하여 어떻게 제도적으로 구현되어야 하는지를 검토하였다. 환경권이 국민의 공통자산인 해양에서 발현될 때 기본권으로서 가질 특징적 내용과 침해행위의 유형을 분석하였으며, 해양환경 보전에 관한 기술적 진보를 감안하여 국가의 해양환경권 보호의무의 내용도 탄력적으로 평가되어야 함을 논하였다. 해양환경보전의 헌법적 국가목표는 해양오염의 정도에 따른 단계적 대응을 기준으로 하여 이행되어야 적합하다는 점을 제시하였다. 이와 같이 검토된 해양환경권에 관한 헌법적 기준에 따라 해양유류오염사고에 있어서 논의되고 있는 현안으로서 해양오염 피해전보를 위한 특별기금제도와 방제비용의 선지급 제도 및 방제선 배치에 대한 민간업체의 참여제도 등을 분석하였다. 이를 통하여 국민의 해양환경 이용과 보전을 둘러싸고 상시 발생하는 이익충돌 과정에서 힘과 효율의 논리에 의한 타협보다는 헌법에 의거한 법리적 방법을 적용한 해결책을 찾아나가야 함을 강조하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        경북지역 일부 대학생들의 음주문화 실태조사

        김승대 사단법인 대한보건협회 2010 대한보건연구 Vol.36 No.1

        This study aimed to understand the drinking culture of university students in Kyeongbuk province and to develop ways to support it by analyzing the relationship between drinking culture and social characteristics of the students. A questionnaire was distributed to students at a university in Kyeongbuk province and 326responded. Of whom 300 met the criteria for the final analysis. The results showed that students needed education on alcohol consumption that promotes drinking in moderation, controlled forced drinking and abstinence from alcohol.

      • KCI등재

        죽봉 고용집의 가계 분석과 교유 인물

        김승대 전북사학회 2018 전북사학 Vol.0 No.52

        이 글은 조선후기 전라도 임피현 출신의 유학자로 알려져 있는 竹峯 高用輯(1672~1735)의 가계 및 교유인물 분석을 통해 당대 임피 지역 사족의 정치‧학문적 교류상을 살펴보고 지역사를 연구하기 위한 기초작업의 일환이다. 특히, 그가 남긴 문집인 竹峯集은 당대 숙종‧영조 년간의 정치사, 임피현의 지역사, 詩‧賦 등에 남긴 문학사적 측면 등 다방면에 걸쳐 귀중한 사료로 평가된다. 고용집은 제주고씨 문충공파 사직공계로 金宏弼, 金長生, 金集, 宋時烈로 이어지는 西人 학맥이다. 그의 선대는 고려시대 沃溝 지역의 名門인 文忠公 高慶의 후손이다. 조선 건국 과정에서 고경의 4대손인 司直公 高仁忠은 처가인 高山 지역으로 이주하며 은거하였다. 고인충의 증손인 高恕대에 이르러 다시 관직에 진출하기 시작하였고, 고서의 아들인 高德齡은 임피현으로 입향하면서 이후 아들 高夢辰, 손자 高而遠, 증손 高偉, 高佖 등은 임피현의 在地士族으로 자리매김하게 된다. 고필의 아들 고용집은 임피현령을 지낸 金集, 趙涑과 임피에 유배왔던 金絿 등의 名賢에 그 학맥을 두었고, 또한 당대의 名士였던 金春澤, 李觀命, 李徽之, 閔鎭遠, 金鎭商, 趙顯命 등과 활발히 교류하였다. Jookbong Go Young gip(1672~1735) is rated as a hidden Confucian scholar in Jeollabuk-do. He was born in 1672 in the present Juksan-ri, Daeya-myeon, Gunsan-si. He consistently took the Gwageo, only to fail. However, a collection of literary works ‘Jookbongjip(竹峯集)’ which he left behind is invaluable. First of all, it represents a political conflict in detail between Sukjong and Yeongjo in the Joseon Dynasty. Also, it describes a social aspect of the period through intercourse among important figures. Especially, it incudes a variety of things about Impi-hyeon(臨陂縣) region he once lived in such as people, place names, and education of the area. That’s why it has great significance in itself. Jookbong Go Young gip is Je-ju Go clan’s family. His ancestors held high posts in the Goryeo Dynasty and had grown into an important clan in Gunsan. However, when the Joseon Dynasty began, some of them didn’t enter government service and lived in hiding. Go Young gip’s ancestor returned in Impi-hyeon and was positioned as a chief JaejiSajok(在地士族, a local nobleman). His grandfather was Son Si-yeol’s disciple and his family had developed into a representative Seoin family in Impi-hyeon. His various works have remained in ‘Jookbongjip.’ Thanks to the efforts of his descendants, it was published in 1938 and has existed so far. In addition, in 2016 it was translated into Hangeul edition and published once more. Jookbongjip contains lots of precious historical records that help learn about old place and people’s name and a life history at that time in Impi-hyeon. It is necessary to continue the research in the future.

      • KCI등재후보

        Low-Temperature Synthesis and Luminescence Properties of Alkaline-Earth Stannate Phosphors Prepared by Chemical Solution Process

        김승대,황규석,황보승 대한금속·재료학회 2013 ELECTRONIC MATERIALS LETTERS Vol.9 No.4

        In this work, we present a Ca2SnO4:Eu3+ phosphor prepared by the sol-gel method at a low temperature using a soluble inorganic salt. The mixed solution was pyrolyzed at 500°C for 180 min in air, and final annealing was performed at 800°C for 180 min in air. The crystal structure and surface morphology were confirmed through x-ray diffraction analysis and field emission - scanning electron microscopy, and the photoluminescence spectra were measured with a fluorescence spectrophotometer. The sample annealed at 800°C exhibited an orthorhombic structure and showed a red emission at 613 nm.

      • KCI등재

        湖南 少論의 根據地 茅山村 硏究 - 文化柳氏 柳壽垣 家系를 中心으로 -

        김승대 한국실학학회 2018 한국실학연구 Vol.0 No.36

        The thesis is the study on the Mosanchon as the base in Honam-Soron. Also, the Mosanchon is regarded as the cradle of Honam Silhak. Now the Mosanchon is located in Yeongam, Jeollanam-do. The Mosanchon produced a representative Silhak scholar, Yu Su Won in the late of Joseon Dinasty, His ancestor is a family of Munhwa Yu and the Yu Gwan, a provincial governor in Jeolla-do. Yu Yong gong and Yu Yong gang returned to their native place and made the Mosanchon the gathering of Munhwa Yu. It was Yu Jun that established the foundation of the Mosanchon. He founded an educational institution, Bunbijae. Afterward, the Mosanchon turned out two ministers called Jeongseung, who were Yu Sang un and Yu Bong hwi, respectively in Sukjong and Gyeongjong of Joseon. They were a father and son. However, in 1755 Eulhaeoksa(乙亥獄事) stroke the Mosanchon. It was counterattack of Soron against the ruling power, Noron and occurred in King Yeongjo of the Joseon Dynasty, in Naju, Jeolla-do. Nevertheless, Soron was considered to commit treason against the Joseon Dynasty and completely annihilated. The Mosanchon is also wife’s family of Lee Gwang sa who was exiled to Sinjido and mother’s parents’ home of Lee Geung ik and Lee Young ik. From now on, it is expected to be researched in various aspects on the Mosanchon as the base in Honam-Soron and the cradle of Honam Silhak. 이 글은 호남 소론의 근거지이자 호남실학의 또다른 산실로서의 영암 모산촌에 대한 기초 연구작업의 일환으로 쓰게 되었다. 조선후기 중상주의 실학의 선구인 농암 유수원을 배출한 토대가 된 모산촌은 문화유씨 중시조인 하정 유관과 아들 유맹문으로부터 비롯되어 유맹문의 현손인 유용공과 유용강이 입향하면서 집성촌으로 성장하였다. 이후 기축옥사로 가문이 큰 타격을 입었으나, 명문가 반남박씨와 연혼 등을 통해 중앙에 진출하며 성장하였다. 유수원의 고조인 유준은 분비재 강학활동을 통해 가문의 기틀을 마련하였고, 영팔정을 중수한 유상운과 그의 아들 유봉휘대에는 호남 소론의 중심 근거지이자, 가문의 전성기를 구가 하였다. 하지만 유봉휘가 역적으로 죽고, 1755년 나주괘서사건과 깊히 연루되면서 모산촌은 쇠락하였다. 이 사건과 연관하여 가문의 후예인 농암 유수원은 처형 되었고, 사위인 원교 이광사는 유배되었다.

      • KCI등재후보

        경북일부지역 노인장기요양보험 이용자들의 만족도 조사: 노인요양시설 이용자를 중심으로

        김승대,빈성오 경희대학교 사회과학연구원 2010 社會科學硏究 Vol.36 No.2

        This study was performed with the purpose of preliminary data researching to seek for improvement of evaluation and system of long-term care insurance for the elderly as a plan to improve the quality of life for aged population increasing rapidly and to lighten burden of supporting by their family. For this study, the contents of survey used in precent studies were reconstituted to meet for the purpose of the research and as the result from factor analysis performed for extraction of factors in the survey items, it was classified into consultation, physical and health care, daily life, expenses and physical environment, human service. From April 1 to July 31, 2009, it performed frequency analysis, analysis of variance, factor analysis, regression analysis for 322 users of long-term care insurance for the elderly in some parts of the Kyeongbuk Province and as the result, factors to have effect on user satisfaction were consultation, physical and health care, expenses and physical environment, daily health, and marriage condition, etc., while it showed the highest satisfaction about human service (4.64) and the lowest satisfaction about daily life care (3.67). 본 연구에서는 급속히 증가하는 노령인구의 삶의 질을 향상시키고 가족의 부양부담을 경감시키기 위한 노인장기요양보험의 평가와 제도의 개선을 모색하기 위한 기초자료 조사의 목적으로 실시되었다. 조사는 선행연구에서 이용된 설문내용들을 본 조사의 목적에 맞게 재구성 하였으며 설문문항의 요인을 추출하기 위해 요인분석을 실시한 결과 상담, 신체 및 건강관리, 일상생활, 비용 및 물리적 환경, 인적서비스로 분류되었다. 2009년 4월1일부터 7월 31일 까지 경북일부지역 노인장기요양보험 이용자들 322명을 대상으로 빈도분석, 분단분석, 요인분석, 회귀분석을 실시한 결과 이용자 만족도에 영향을 미치는 변수로는 상담, 신체 및 건강관리, 비용 및 물리적 환경, 일상적인 건강, 혼인상태 등이었고, 인적서비스에 대한 만족도(4.64)가 가장 높았고, 일상생활케어에 대한 만족도(3.67)가 가장 낮게 나타났다.

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