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        특집논문 : 제주문화와 제주어 ; 제주도 도서지역어의 생태학적 연구 -우도·비양도·가파도·마라도의 어촌생활어를 대상으로

        김순자 ( Soon Ja Kim ) 제주대학교 탐라문화연구소 2013 탐라문화 Vol.0 No.43

        이 논문은 우도·비양도·가파도·마라도 등 제주도 안의 4개 도서를 3지점으로 나누어 어촌생활어를 생태학적으로 조사, 연구한 것이다. 조사된 어휘 가운데 바 다동물 관련 35개 어휘와 바다식물 관련 16개 어휘 등 51개 어휘를 포함하여 총 8개 분야 106개 어휘에 대하여, 생태 측정을 위한 설문지가 작성되었다. 설 문 조사는 30·40대, 50대, 70대 이상 등 3세대로 나눠 실시하였다. 30대와 40 대를 묶어서 조사한 것은 조사 지점이 도서지역이어서 30대 인구가 많지 않기 때문이다. 조사 결과, 70대 이상 응답자들은 51개의 해산물 관련 어휘 중 52.9%인 27 개 어휘에서 방언형을 100% 쓰고 있으나, 50대에선 29.4%인 15개 어휘, 30대 에선 11.7%인 6개 어휘만 방언형을 쓰고 있다. 생태 지수가 50% 이하인 어휘 는 70대 이상에서 13.7%인 7개 어휘이고, 50대에서는 5.9%인 3개 어휘, 30·40 대에서는 27.5%인 14개 어휘로 나타났다. ``이해하지 못하거나 모르겠다``는 응답을 보인 어휘는 70대에서 ``듬북`` 외 6개 어휘, 50대에선 ``보제기`` 외 9개 어휘로 나타났다. 30대에서는 ``모르거나 이해하지 못하겠다``고 응답한 어휘가 72.5%인 37개나 되었다. 위의 결과를 보면, 세대가 낮을수록 ``모르겠다``는 응답자가 많아 생태 지수 가 낮은 것으로 드러났다. 더욱이 해당 지역의 30대·40대 인구 비율이 현저히 낮을 뿐만 아니라 이들 세대가 어로 활동과 관련한 일을 하지 않는 것도 언어 사멸 속도를 빠르게 하고 있다. 따라서 사멸되거나 사멸의 길을 걷는 어촌생활 어는 물론 환경 등의 변화로 사라질 위기에 놓인 제주도방언의 체계적인 조사와 연구가 시급한 것으로 드러났다. Vocabularies about ocean creatures (ocean animals and ocean plants) in islets near Jeju Island are searched and systematized ecologically. 4 islets near Jeju Island, U-do, Biyang-do, Gapa-do and Mara-do, are divided into three groups. Vocabularies about sea creatures are searched for this study. After that, 51 words are chosen including 35 words about ocean animals and 16 words about ocean plants. Then the survey form with 106 questions is made from the result. The survey for three age groups is conducted to check ecological index. The age groups are the thirties-forties, the fifties and over seventies. There are not so many people in their thirties in these islets so one groups have to be consisted of the thirties and forties. The result shows younger generation doesn`t understand dialect more and this means their ecological index is low. There are a few young people in their thirties or forties and they usually don`t have fishery jobs so it quickens extinction of the language. That is why we need a methodical approach to extinct or endangered vocabularies about sea creatures and endangered Jeju dialect.

      • 한국 김치산업의 수출경쟁력 및 수출강화에 관한 연구

        김순자 ( Soon Ja Kim ),홍진영 ( Jin Young Hong ),배기형 ( Ki Hyung Bae ) 한국유통경영학회(구 한국유통정보학회) 2016 유통정보학회지 Vol.19 No.3

        Purpose: Kimchi is a famous commodity of Korea. But now it is imported from China by large quantities. It is necessary to strengthening the export competitiveness of Korean kimchi on global markets. This paper deals with a export competitiveness of Korean Kimchi and export reinforcement strategies. Global market including Korean and Chinese distribution companies. The competitiveness of Kimchi industry in major country and world market are investigated and discussed in this paper. Research design, data, and methodology: From the perspective of export competitiveness, we calculated Trade Specification Index and Revealed Comparative Advantage Index based on UN Comtrade data. Results: The result of our analysis clearly shows that export competitiveness of Korean Kimchi reducing continually. And we also found that China become strong position in Korean and Japan market. Conclusions: Our results have important implications for strategy in Korean Kimchi industry to maximize export competitiveness. Using by SWOT analysis, we have suggest some strategies for export reinforcement. Increased confidence in the products with Korean kimchi material, relaxation of the SPS regulations, research on various recipes, product lines, design and packaging development for the global market will increase the competitiveness of Kimchi. Therefore Export prospects of kimchi are bright for neighboring countries, including China.

      • KCI등재

        제주도방언의 ‘호상옷(수의)’ 관련 어휘 연구

        김순자 ( Soon Ja Kim ) 제주대학교 탐라문화연구소 2014 탐라문화 Vol.0 No.47

        ‘호상옷’은 ‘염습할 때에 송장에 입히는 옷’을 말한다. 표준어 ‘수의(壽衣)’에 대응하는 제주도방언으로, 사람과 지역에 따라 ‘호상’ 또는 ‘저승옷’이라고도 부른다. 이 논문은 사라져가는 제주의 언어 유산을 복원한다는 의미에서, 상례와 관련된 제주도방언의 ‘호상옷(수의)’ 관련 어휘를 종류별 명칭과 부분 명칭, 바느질법 관련 어휘 등으로 나눠 살폈다. 논의 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 도출할 수 있었다. 첫째, 제주도방언의 ‘호상옷’은 일상 옷 가운데 가장 갖춰 입었던 ‘혼례’ 때의 옷차림에다가 ‘대렴’ 때 필요한 제구(諸具)인 ‘갖은수의’로 이루어진다. 둘째, ‘호상옷’ 관련 어휘 중 옷가지의 명칭은 한자어보다 고유어 명칭을 많이 사용하고 있다. 반면에 부속물은 예전과 같이 한자어를 사용하는 경우가 많지만 시대가 변하면서 고유어 사용이 늘고 있다. 셋째, 부분 명칭에서는 제주도방언의 특징인 문헌어와 특이 어형을 간직하고 있다. 특히 이들 어휘 가운데는 국어사전에 표제어로 올라 있지 않은 어휘도 있어 새 어휘의 발굴이라는 측면에서도 중요하다 하겠다. 넷째, 바느질법 관련 어휘인 ‘손바농질, 뒷바농질, 뎅침, 동근술’ 등 ‘침선’ 관련 특이 어형을 새롭게 소개했다. 제한된 지면으로 이 논문에서 다루지 못한 ‘호상옷’ 관련 부분은 앞으로의 과제로 남겨둔다. ‘Hosangot’, ‘sueui’ in standard Korean, is a garment or piece of cloth used to wrap a dead body and the terms are different from people and regions like ‘hosang’ or ‘jeoseungot’. In this study, the vocabulary about shroud is divided into some categories such as names, names of the parts of clothes, and how to sew, etc. to restore endangered Jeju dialect. The purpose of this study, moreover, is to Korean-linguistically systematize and analyze the words. Here are the conclusions. First, ‘hosangot’ in Jeju dialect meansthe most formal clothes for wedding ceremony with ritual utensils for shroud. Second, there are more Korean native words for the clothing than sino-Korean words while words for ritual utensils are often sino-korean. However, as time have changed, more Korean native words are used for the ritual utensils. Third, some names of the parts of clothes are from document language and have special word forms, which is the characteristic of Jeju dialect. It is meaningful to find these words as some of them are also especially novel and couldn`t be found in the Korean dictionary. Fourth, there are some interesting new words about sewing such as ‘sonbanongjil, dwitbanongjil, dengchim, donggeunsul’It is shame that more words for a shroud, taboos and sayings could not be listed because of the limited pages. It is for the next study.

      • KCI등재

        캐나다 밴쿠버의 인디언 보호구역

        김순자 ( Soon Ja Kim ) 한국사진지리학회 2011 한국사진지리학회지 Vol.21 No.4

        North America was the home of the Indians long before Europeans came to the New World. As more and more settlers arrived and pushed West, these Native Americans were slowly and forcibly pushed from their lands. Although they attempted to fight for their land, most were forced to assimilate to the European culture and religion in order to live peacefully with these new people. North American Indians have been taken away their rights and are under the rule of the European colonist even in their own territory as ever. Despite many oppression, First Nations handed down their own unique culture and way of life for generations. British Columbia was joined in Canada Government in 1871. The province has abundant mountains and forest as well as large quantities of natural resources. In this study, the history and culture of Indian Reserves in Vancouver will be examined. First, Indians definition and history before Europeans enter in North America. Second, the period of the rule and impact of the Europeans. Finally, today`s culture and rights of Indians in British Columbia. This study was done by touring Indian Reserves in this area by myself.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        제주도방언의 해조류 관련 어휘1) 연구 -미역, 우뭇가사리, 톳, 모자반을 대상으로

        김순자 ( Soon Ja Kim ) 영주어문학회 2015 영주어문 Vol.29 No.-

        이 글은 제주의 바다식물 가운데 미역, 우뭇가사리, 톳, 모자반 등 네 개의 해조류 관련 방언 어휘를 현지조사와 문헌조사 자료를 바탕으로 명칭과 종류, 바다 밭,채취 도구, 채취 행위, 운반, 건조 등 6개 분야로 범주화하여 고찰한 논문이다.논의 결과, 제주에서는 지역에 따라 ‘미역’을 ‘미역ㆍ메역ㆍ머역’, ‘우뭇가사리’는 ‘우미ㆍ한천ㆍ천초ㆍ천추’, ‘톳’은 ‘톳ㆍ톨ㆍ톳 물ㆍ톨 물’, ‘모자반’은 ‘.ㆍ.음ㆍ.망ㆍ.짱’으로 분화해 나타난다. 분야별로 보면, 미역의 경우는 서식 환경에 따라 ‘돌메역’, ‘물메역’, ‘줄메역’ 등으로 나뉘고, 종류에 따라서도 ‘우뭇가사리’는 ‘.우미, 개우미, 광추우미, 청우미’, ‘모자반’은 ‘.., 쥐., 노랑., 갑씰., 고직.’ 등으로 다양하게 분화하고 있다. ‘톳’의 경우는 크기와 모양에 따른 명칭으로 어린 톳을 칭하는 ‘봉당톨’이 조사되었다.채취물에 따른 사용 도구 명칭도 달랐다. 잠녀들이 바다 속에 들어가 미역 따위를 채취하는 도구를 ‘메역호미’ 또는 ‘정게호미’라 부르고, 베어놓은 모자반 등을 건질 때는 ‘공젱이’와 ‘갈쿵이’ 등을 사용하였다. 채취 행위 관련 어휘도 바닷물 속에 들어가 미역이나 우뭇가사리를 채취할 때는 ‘.물다’라 하는데, 조간대에서 낫으로 ‘톳’을 벨 때는 ‘비다(베다)’, 조간대에서 손으로 우뭇가사리를 채취할 때는 ‘매다’라고 하였다. 채취 시기와 관련해서는, 미역을 ‘조곽메역’, ‘만곽메역’으로 나눠 부르던 것을 ‘우뭇가사리’에 적용이 옮겨져 처음 채취한 우뭇가사리를 ‘조곽우미’라고 하고 있다. ‘조곽-’은 처음 채취한 고사리에도 적용되어 ‘조곽고사리’처럼 그 의미가 확장되어 사용되고 있음을 볼 수 있다. 이 글은 또 제주 잠녀들의 주 소득원인 해조류 관련 어휘를 체계화하여 어휘의미론적으로 고찰하는 한편 표준어와 비교ㆍ대조해봄으로써 관련 어휘를 새롭게 해석했다는 점에서 의의가 있다. In this study, dialectal vocabulary about four kinds of seaweed in Jeju, sea mustard, agar-agar, sea weed fusiforme, and gulfweed, is classified into six categories . names and kinds, sea farms, collecting tools, ways to collect seaweed, how to transport, and how to dry- according to researches and written sources. Various names are used in Jeju to call the same seaweed according to the regions like ‘mi-yeok, me-yeok, and meo-yeok, for ‘mi-yeok, which means sea mustard’, ‘u-mi, han-cheon, cheon-cho, and cheon-chu’ for ‘u-mut-ga-sa-ri, which means agar-agar’, ‘tot, tol, ton-no-mul, and tol-lo-mul’ for ‘tot, which means sea weed fusiforme’, and ‘mom, mo-eum, mol-mang, and mom-jjang’ for ‘mo-ja-ban, which means gulfweed in English’. There are more examples of the names of seaweed. ‘mi-yeok’ is called ‘dol-me-yeok, mul-me-yeok, and jul-me-yeok’ according to the place to live and ‘u-mut-ga-sa-ri’ is called ‘chom-u-mi, gae-u-mi, gwang-chu-u-mi, and cheong-u-mi’ to refer different kinds of agar-agar. Also ‘mo-ja-ban’ has different names depending on the its kinds like ‘chom-mom, jwi-mom, no-rang-mom, gap-ssil-mom, and go-jing-mom’. Young gulfweed is called ‘bong-dang-tol’. Moreover, different tools are used to collect the various sorts of seaweed and there are a variety of names of these tools. For example, when jam-nyeo, female divers, dive into the sea and collect sea mustard, they use sickles, which is called ‘me-yeok-ho-mi’ or ‘jeong-ge-ho-mi’. When they harvest gulfweed which is already cut, they use ‘gong-jeng-i’’ or ‘gal-kung-i’. The verb forms to describe the way to collect seaweed are also different. When people describe the act of collecting the seaweed like sea mustard or agar-agar in the sea, they use the word, ‘jo-mul-da’. Sickling down sea weed fusiforme in intertidal region is ‘bi-da’ or ‘be-da’ in Jeju dialect, while collecting agar-agar with bare hands in intertidal region is ‘mae-da’. Meaning extension is showed during the research. The different names of sea mustard, ‘jo-gwang-me-yeok’ and ‘man-gwang-me-yeok’, are used to describe the collecting seasons. The word ‘jo-gwak’ describing the first harvest of sea mustard is also used for agar-agar and even for bracken. This study is meaningful by categorizing vocabulary of seaweed which is the main source of income of Jeju female divers, researching its lexical-semantic features, and comparing Jeju dialectal words to standard Korean to newly translate.

      • 전문대학 무역과 교육과정의 정립과 운영방안에 관한 고찰

        김순자 배화여자대학 1998 培花論叢 Vol.16-17 No.-

        From a learners standpoint, curriculum includes study goal, study course, study orientation and contents. Therefore, in order to effectively attain the educational goal, it is imperative that the curriculum be established reflecting such elements accordingly. Futhermore, once this has been achieved, continuous improvement must be incorporated in accord with the changes of the time. The WTO system has been inaugurated along with the promotion of globalization and internationalization. And international trade department at the four-year universities are going through the rearrangement period. In this context and taking into consideration the fact that Korean society presents foreign dependence structure, Korea requires capable professionals with more advanced knowledge and skills in the trade field, now more than ever. No doubt, trading is of fundamental importance for Korean economy. Therefore, nurturing the capable trade professionals is a must for the future. The present study has been conducted in accord with the following principles stated below for establishment of international trade department curriculum, as well as its management. 1. Analyze the prospective career groups for the graduates pinpointing the groups most suit-able for them. The characteristics of the international trade department are to be taken into consideration. The career group which has been narrowed in the following five fields: Trading company field, Finance field, Customs field, Trading transportation field, and Trading. insurance field. Based on such classification, establish a curriculum which meets the job requirements in specific. 2. For those students wishing to enter the fields specified above should take the core course - mainly course requirements for the major - till the second semester of the first year. From the first semester of the second year, students can choose from the electives in accord with the career choice and path each ha mapped out. 3. In order to for the students to gain more competitiveness in their chosen field, the curriculum opens the courses which may be required to earn various certificates such as Certificate of Certified International Trade Specialist, Certificate of Certified Customs Specialist, etc. 4. In order to meet the requirements set by the industries, put a special emphasis on English and the subject concerned with English instruction through opening the relevant courses and attributing credits and sufficient class time accordingly. 5. Selection of the curriculum would be practical knowledge oriented needed for the trading practices in close cooperation with the industries. This focus will differentiate the course from that offered by the theory and research oriented four-year universities. 6. Trade automation course is to be incorporated in order to meet the coming information era in the most effective way. Students will develop the skills to maneuver high-tech office utilities. 7. Strengthen and enhance practical side of learning in order for the students to quickly adjust to real work situation. Field studies would meet such needs. 8. Two year integral education has been sought after in establishing the curriculum so that the students graduate ready for a real life work experience, without needing the intern ship period. 9. Credits are reasonably distributed in accord with the difficulties of each course, rather than indiscriminately. For earning three credits, three class hours is required. 10. Each semester, students can earn up to 24 credits in 97 total credits. However, flexibility is adopted with regard to the credit earning in the range established. Therefore, students have a wide range of choosing the course rather flexibly.

      • KCI등재

        교과서의 고려시대 대외관계사 쟁점 연구

        金順子(Kim, Soon-Ja) 역사교육연구회 2017 역사교육 Vol.143 No.-

        This study aims to review the historiographic characteristics of the foreign relations of Goryeo period in the high school Korean History textbook used from 2014 and to suggest a new historiography. The current studies on the foreign relations of Goryeo period consist of three aspects: (1) investiture and tribute relation with Chinese dynasties ; (2) anti-invasion history ; (3) international exchange history. The proportions of (1), (2), and (3) in the current Korean History textbooks are 2.2~7.8%, 55.8~58.0%, and 36.4~39.8%, respectively. This results show a significant difference in the proportions of three aspects and indicate the nationalistic approach to foreign relation history in Goryeo period. This analysis recommends five historiographic approaches, as follow. First, Korean historians have been avoiding writing on (1), while emphasizing (2). Further writing is required to increase the proportion of (1) and to describe (1) as a diplomatic system. Second, current studies have excessively focused on anti-invasion history from Khitan Liao, Jurchen Jin and Mongol Yuan. Further textbook needs to be written on peace-period with Khitan Liao and Mongol Yuan and to refrain from regarding Jurchen as an enemy. Third, multi-states system and Goryeo’s emperorship structure should be stated more importantly. Forth, the writing on Goryeo-Ming relation during the late Goryeo is required. Lastly, Goryeo’s perception of foreign countries and tribes needs to be written more importantly and objectively, as a country’s diplomatic policy is based on its perception of external countries and tribes.

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