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CR 시스템을 이용한 방사선 종양학과의 Filmless 환경 구축
김동영,이지혜,김명수,하보람,이천희,김소영,안소현,이레나,Kim, Dong-Young,Lee, Ji-Hae,Kim, Myung-Soo,Ha, Bo-Ram,Lee, Cheon-Hee,Kim, So-Yeong,Ahn, So-Hyun,Lee, Re-Na 한국의학물리학회 2011 의학물리 Vol.22 No.3
The analog image based system consisted of a simulator and medical linear accelerator (LINAC) for radiotherapy was upgraded to digital medical image based system by exchanging the X-ray film with Computed Radiography (CR). With minimum equipments shift and similar treatment process, it was possible that the new digital image system was adapted by the users in short time. The film cassette and the film developer device were substituted with a CR cassette and a CR Reader, where the ViewBox was replaced with a small size PC and a monitor. The viewer software suitable for radiotherapy was developed to maximize the benefit of digital image, and as the result the convenience and the effectiveness was improved. It has two windows to display two different images in the same time and equipped various search capability, contouring, window leveling, image resizing, translation, rotation and registration functions. In order to avoid any discontinuance of the treatment while the transition to digital image, the film and the CR was used together for 1 week, and then the film developer was removed. Since then the CR System has been operated stably for 2 months, and the various requests from users have been reflected to improve the system.
D-대학교 기숙사 거주시설에 대한 만족도 평가에 관한 연구
김동영,황용운,Kim, Dong-Young,Hwang, Yong-Woon 한국주거학회 2008 한국주거학회 논문집 Vol.19 No.2
In general, the function of university dormitory includes residental, educational and many other functions for students who need quite environment and energetic living life. This functions influence the residental satisfaction of university dormitory. So this study attempts to evaluate many functions of the D-university dormitory according to the residents (students) needs and satisfaction. In the present work, SPSS window version 12.0 programs Anova (duncan, scheff, T-test. etc.) was used for analysis of statistical data which obtained from survey. The field surveys carried out for a total samples of 159 residents such as male (86), female (73), in the D-university dormitory. The result appears that the most dissatisfied factor of resident was the space and facilities of wash room. and students demand that various room and program in the dormitory except main space (unit room).
사장교의 초기형상해석을 위한 개선된 초기부재력법 및 TCUD법의 비교연구
김동영,조경식,김문영,Kim, Dong-Yeong,Jo, Kyeong-Sik,Kim, Moon-Young 한국전산구조공학회 2012 한국전산구조공학회논문집 Vol.25 No.1
Initial shape analysis for cable-stayed bridges should be able to find optimizated initial cable forces and unstrained length that minimize deflection and bending moments of the deck and pylon. Comparison study of an improved initial force method and TCUD method for determination of initial cable forces in cable-stayed bridges is presented in this paper. For this purpose, an elastic catenary cable element and a nonlinear frame element are firstly described. And concepts and algorithm of two analysis methods are then presented. Finally to demonstrate the validity and the accuracy of two methods, numerical examples for initial state problems of cable-stayed bridges are given and compared based on these methods.
김동영,Kim, Dong-Young 한국주거학회 2006 한국주거학회 논문집 Vol.17 No.6
The stage for Tadao Ando's architectural works is not only in Japan but extends to many countries around the world. His creations are not limited to the world of architecture, but are widely acclaimed supported by public people as well. Why Tadao Ando's works are acknowledged and acclaimed so extensively? Japanese traditional elements used in the his works makes it so. Tadao Ando argued intuition and insanity which were deprived by modernism could recover with locality and it's historic elements laid importance to the self. To realize that, it is necessary the regeneration of landscape which was based on the site and self-reflection must accomplished with the nature. So as to regeneration of landscape, he used Japanese Landscape-gardening and make the nature condensed. With the su-ki, he made the architectural elements simple. And with the Japanese detoured circulation, he made deep and various space. In that way, he intended the nature which is changed with his idea experienced the way of yu-gen.
전정 유모세포 통합 모델을 이용한 반강성 기전 기반 섬모번들 특성 추정에 관한 연구
김동영,홍기환,김규성,이상민,Kim, Dongyoung,Hong, Kihwan,Kim, Kyu-Sung,Lee, Sangmin 대한의용생체공학회 2013 의공학회지 Vol.34 No.4
In this paper hair bundle feature model and integration method for hair cell models were proposed. The proposed hair bundle feature model was based on spring-damper-mass model. Input of integrated vestibular hair cell model was frequency and output was interspike interval of hair cell that was reflected the feature of hair bundles. Irregular afferents that had a great gain variation showed reduction of negative stiffness section. Regular afferents that had a small gain variation, however, showed same feature with base negative stiffness feature. As a result, integrated vestibular hair cell model showed almost the same modeling data with experimental data in the modeled eleven frequency bands. It is verified that the proposed model is a good model for hair bundle feature modeling.
유독가스 감지용 전기화학식 센서 디자인 및 시제품 개발
김동영,김태규,Kim, Jin-Mo,Kim, Tae-Kyu 한국디지털건축·인테리어학회 2003 한국디지털건축인테리어학회 논문집 Vol.3 No.1
The death from suffocation due to the gas from various disaster is frequent very and it occurs. Specially only from the company which treats the gas and only the enterprise which maintains the gas the many greeting accident occurs. Also accidents could occur when working around the toxic gas without one's noticing Therefore a development of the portable gas ditectoror is very essential. Specially with development of design and the new product of the electric chemical sensor might help reducing the many accidents. From the side which protects a worker's life, it isn't just simple equipment but also it must be connected directly to life saving is very important. Therefore, the key technical contents of development must be focused on sensor which is simple and easy to carry and able to detect varieties of toxic gas. So, this study is about the product design which is simple and easy to carry and to use.
튜브 배열에 따른 튜브/튜브시트 수압 확관 접합의 민감도 해석
김동영,김태완,Kim, Dong-Yeong,Kim, Tae-Wan 대한기계학회 1999 大韓機械學會論文集A Vol.23 No.11
The basic requirements to improve the joints quality of tube-to-tubesheet for heat exchangers are to obtain high residual contact pressures between the tubes and the tubesheet as well as low residual stresses in the transition zone of the tubes. The residual contact pressures and residual stresses which govern the joint quality are influenced by parameters such as material properties, geometric dimension of tube and tubesheet and expansion pressures. There are two types of tube layout patterns, triangular and square, which are frequently used for heat exchangers. The purpose of the present work is to examine the superior tube layout patterns considering the joints quality by comparing numerical results from sensitivity analyses which were performed for both of tube layout patterns.
김동영,전상훈,류민수,김휘강,Kim, DongYonug,Jeon, SangHoon,Ryu, MinSoo,Kim, Huy Kang 한국정보보호학회 2022 정보보호학회논문지 Vol.32 No.2
The quality of the fuzzing seed file is one of the important factors to discover vulnerabilities faster. Although the prior seed generation paradigm, using dynamic taint analysis and symbolic execution techniques, enhanced fuzzing efficiency, the yare not extensively applied owing to their high complexity and need for expertise. This study proposed the DDRFuzz system, which creates seed files based on sequence-to-sequence models. We evaluated DDRFuzz on five open-source applications that used multimedia input files. Following experimental results, DDRFuzz showed the best performance compared with the state-of-the-art studies in terms of fuzzing efficiency.
Radio Frequency 회로 모듈 BGA(Ball Grid Array) 패키지
김동영,정태호,최순신,지용,Kim, Dong-Young,Jung, Tae-Ho,Choi, Soon-Shin,Jee, Yong 대한전자공학회 2000 電子工學會論文誌-SD (Semiconductor and devices) Vol.37 No.1
We presented a BGA(Ball Grid Array) package for RF circuit modules and extracted its electrical parameters. As the frequency of RF system devices increases, the effect of its electrical parasitics in the wireless communication system requires new structure of RF circuit modules because of its needs to be considered of electrical performance for minimization and module mobility. RF circuit modules with BGA packages can provide some advantages such as minimization, shorter circuit routing, and noise improvement by reducing electrical noise affected to analog and digital mixed circuits, etc. We constructed a BGA package of ITS(Intelligent Transportation System) RF module and measured electrical parameters with a TDR(Time Domain Reflectometry) equipment and compared its electrical parasitic parameters with PCB RF circuits. With a BGA substrate of 3${\times}$3 input and output terminals, we have found that self capacitance of BGA solder ball is 68.6fF, and self inductance 146pH, whose values were reduced to 34% and 47% of the value of QFP package structure. S11 parameter measurement with a HP4396B Network Analyzer showed the resonance frequency of 1.55GHz and the loss of 0.26dB. Routing length of the substrate was reduced to 39.8mm. Thus, we may improve electrical performance when we use BGA package structures in the design of RF circuit modules. 본 논문은 RF 호로 모듈을 구현하기 위한 방법으로서 BGA(Ball Grid Array) 패키지 구조를 제시하고 그 전기적 변수를 추출하였다. RF 소자의 동작 주파수가 높아지면서 RF 회로를 구성하는 패키지의 전지적 기생 성분들은 무시할 수 없을 정도로 동작회로에 영향을 끼친다. 또한 소형화 이동성을 요구하는 무선 통신 시스템은 그 전기적 특성을 만족시킬 수 있도록 새로운 RF 회로 모듈 구조를 요구한다. RF 회로 모듈 BGA 패키지 구조는 회로 동작의 고속화, 소형화, 짧은 회로 배선 길이, 아날로그와 디지탈 혼성 회로에서 흔히 발생하는 전기적 기생 성분에 의한 잡음 개선등 기존의 구조에 비해 많은 장점을 제공한다. 부품 실장 공정 과정에서도 BGA 패키지 구조는 드릴링을 이용한 구멍 관통 홀 제작이 아닌 순수한 표면 실장 공정만으로 제작될 수 있는 장점을 제시한다. 본 실험은 224MHz에서 동작하는 ITS(Intelligent Transportation System) RF 모튤을 BGA 패키지 구조로 설계 제작하였으며, HP5475A TDR(Time Domain Reflectometry) 장비를 이용하여 3${\times}$3 입${\cdot}$출력단자 구조을 갖는 RF 모튤 BGA 패키지의 전기적 파라메타의 기생성분을 측정하였다. 그 결과 BGA 공납의 자체 캐패시턴스는 68.6fF, 자체 인덕턴스는 1.53nH로써 QFP 패키지 구조의 자체 캐패시턴스 200fF와 자체 인덕턴스 3.24nH와 비교할 때 각각 34%, 47%의 값에 지나지 않음을 볼 수 있었다. HP4396B Network Analyzer의 S11 파라메타 측정에서도 1.55GHz 근방에서 0.26dB의 손실을 보여주어 계산치와 일치함을 보여 주었다. BGA 패키지를 위한 배선 길이도 0.78mm로 짧아져서 RF 회로 모튤을 소형화시킬 수 있었으며, 이는 RF 회로 모듈 구성에서 BGA 패키지 구조를 사용하면 전기적 특성을 개선시킬 수 있음을 보여준 것이다.