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      • KCI등재

        국내 미국흰불나방의 최근 발생 및 피해 보고

        김동언,길지현,Kim, Dong-Eon,Kil, Ji-Hyon 한국응용곤충학회 2012 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.51 No.3

        Occurrence Hyphantria cunea was confirmed in 35 cities and counties nationwide in 2011, each of which reported some form of crop and/or ecological damage caused by the moth. Only a larva of the black-headed form were reported to have occurred in the nation. H. cunea was found in street trees 66.7%, followed by landscape trees 19.4% and forests 13.9%. This suggests that artificial environment 86.1% suffered from H. cunea more severely than natural forests. The study identified 44 families and 102 species of host plants, and found an additional 29 species, to those which had been identified in previous studies. At present, the identified host plants of H. cunea are composed of 62 families and 219 species in total since their first appearance was reported approximately 50 years ago. Host plants include 5 species of food crops (2.3%), 6 species of vegetables (2.7%), 4 species of medicinal crops (1.8%), 1 species of industrial crops (0.5%), 13 species of fruit trees (5.9%), 6 species of other trees crops (2.7%) as well as a further 5 species of farmed crops (2.3%). Seven species of host plants (18.4%) originate from North America where Hyphantria cunea has been introduced from, while 11 species (29.0%) are from China and Japan, Europe and India were the native sources of (10.5%) of the origin with 4 species, respectively. Seventeen species of trees, including Platanus occidentalis L., Ulmus davidiana (var.) japonica (Rehder) (Nakai) and Cornus officinalis (Siebold & Zucc) were heavily noted to be heavily infected with larval populations. 미국흰불나방은 2011년 국내 35개 시군에서 발생과 피해가 확인되었고, 국내에서는 검은색 머리(black-headed form)를 가진 유충의 출현만 확인되었다. 미국흰불나방이 출현하는 곳의 서식지 분포비율은 가로수 66.7%, 조경수 19.4%, 산림 13.9%로 나타났다. 즉 가로수, 조경수가 86.1%로 인위적인 환경에서 피해가 심각하였다. 본 연구에서 확인된 기주식물은 총 44과 102종으로 조사되었고, 선행연구와 비교하여 29종이 추가되었다. 국내에서 최초 발견된 후 약 50년이 지난 현재 선행연구를 포함한 기주식물은 총 62과 219종으로 조사되었다. 그 중에서 식량작물 5종(2.3%), 채소류 6종(2.7%), 약용작물 4종(1.8%), 특용작물 1종(0.5%), 과수 13종(5.9%), 기타수원지 6종(2.7%), 기타작물 5종(2.3%)이 포함되어 있다. 기주식물의 원산지는 미국흰불나방의 원산지와 같은 북미 원산 식물 7종(18.4%), 중국 원산 식물 11종(29.0%), 일본 원산 식물 4종(10.5%), 유럽 원산 식물 4종(10.5%), 인도 원산 식물 4종(10.5%) 등으로 조사되었다. 유충에 의해 집중적으로 피해를 입은 수종은 양버즘나무(Platanus occidentalis L.), 느릅나무(Ulmus davidiana var. japonica (Rehder) Nakai), 산수유(Cornus officinalis Siebold & Zucc.) 등 총 17종으로 관찰되었다.

      • KCI등재

        Deep learning-based smith predictor design for a remote grasping control system

        김동언,Ailing Li,Mai-Ngoc Dau,Hyun Hee Kim,Wan-Young Chung 대한기계학회 2022 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.36 No.5

        In this study, a robotic hand control system was designed based on data gloves, aiming to provide more intuitive control and improved operational performance for a remote robotic hand. Compensation measures were proposed for the time lag effect on the remotecontrol system to address the input and feedback time delays of the remote robot system. A Smith predictor structure was modified by replacing the linear estimator with a recurrent neural network. A convolutional neural network was applied to the long short-term memory (LSTM) model, as it had a better convergence time and learning performance than the multi-layer perceptron model during training. The experimental results demonstrate that the control effect of this scheme is approximately 0.5 s faster than the normal Smith predictive control, proving its effectiveness.

      • KCI등재

        Status of the PLS-II Magnet Design and Fabrication

        김동언,K. H. Park,H. G. Lee,Y. G. Jung,H. S. Suh,Y. D. Joo,K. R. Kim 한국물리학회 2010 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.56 No.61

        The only 3rd generation synchrotron light source in Korea, which is operated by the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL), is planning a major upgrade of the PLS to meet the more demanding requirements of the synchrotron light users. The main features of the major upgrade are (1)increasing the electron beam energy from 2.5 GeV to 3.0 GeV for higher energy X-ray photons, (2)decreasing the electron beam emittance from 18.9 nm to 5.8 nm to increase the photon brilliance,and (3) increasing the number of straight sections to increase the number of insertion devices from 10 to 20 to meet the demand for insertion devices. In the upgraded PLS (PLS-II), there will be 24combined function dipole magnets, 96 quadrupole magnets, and 96 sextupole magnets with some auxiliary magnets for electron beam injection. In this report, the physical design features, and the mechanical aspects of the magnet design are described.

      • KCI등재

        해바라기방패벌레(Corythucha marmorata (Uhler)) (Hemiptera: Tingidae)의 발생지역 및 기주식물

        김동언,길지현,Kim, Dong Eon,Kil, Jihyon 한국응용곤충학회 2014 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.53 No.2

        노린재목 방패벌레과에 속하는 해바라기방패벌레를 보고한다. 본 연구에서는 2013년 전국을 대상으로 형태 특징, 국내 분포와 기주식물을 조사하였다. 성충의 몸길이는 2.77-3.28 mm 이며 외관상 갈백색을 띠고 노숙약충은 황갈색을 띤다. 기주식물의 잎 뒷면에 모여 흡즙 가해하며 피해엽은 황백색으로 변한다. 해바라기방패벌레는 6월 상순부터 10월 하순까지 발생하며, 7월 상순-8월 하순에 발생최성기였다. 27개 시군에서 발생이 확인되었고 기주식물은 총 8과 24종으로 확인되었다. 주요 기주식물은 망초, 미국쑥부쟁이, 해바라기, 쑥, 원추천인국, 가지로 조사되었다. Corythucha marmorata (Uhler) belonging to the family Tingidae (Hemiptera) has been reported in Korea. In 2013, surveys were conducted to study its morphological characteristics, geographical distribution, and host plants. The adult is brown white and 2.77-3.28 mm in length, and the mature nymph is yellowish brown. Heavily infested trees appear yellowish white because they are fed on by the nymphs on the under surface of host plants. C. marmorata were found between early June and late October, and their numbers peaked in early July to late August. In 2013, the occurrence of C. marmorata was confirmed in 27 cities and counties nationwide, and 8 families and 24 species of host plants were identified. C. marmorata feeds on the following major host plants: Conyza canadensis, Aster pilosus, Helianthus annuus, Artemisia princeps, Rudbeckia bicolor, and Solanum melongena.

      • KCI등재

        방패광대노린재 국내 분포, 기주식물 및 기초 생태 보고

        김동언,길지현,이도훈,Kim, Dong Eon,Kil, Jihyon,Lee, Do Hun 한국응용곤충학회 2013 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.52 No.2

        방패광대노린재는 2012년 제주도, 진도, 통영, 광주, 태안에서 분포가 확인되었다. 성충은 6월 하순에서 7월 초순경에 예덕나무에 출현하며 10월 말까지 관찰이 가능하다. 실내 사육은 온도 $25^{\circ}C({\pm}2)$, 습도 65%(${\pm}2$), 광주기 16L:8D의 조건에서 성충의 암 수 형태 측정, 발육특성, 기주 및 산란선호성을 조사하였다. 체장(female: 26.20 mm, male: 23.88 mm), 체폭(female: 11.35 mm, male: 10.57 mm ), 두폭(female: 3.84 mm, male: 3.64 mm), 주둥이(female: 7.90 mm, male: 7.27 mm). 더듬이(female: 9.87 mm, male: 9.69 mm), 앞다리(female: 12.50 mm, male: 12.27 mm), 가운뎃다리(female: 14.61 mm, male: 13.12 mm), 뒷다리(female: 16.90 mm, male: 16.53 mm), 생체중(female: 0.46 g, male: 0.31 g)으로 각각 조사되었다. 우리나라에는 앞가슴등판 끝에 가시가 있는 개체가 있고, 가시의 유무는 마지막 5령 탈피시 생겨난다. 암 수 구분은 생식기와 배마디의 점무늬로 구별된다. 기주선호성은 예덕나무, 무늬예덕나무, 피마자, 털인동, 감귤나무, 느티나무의 열매, 엽병, 주맥, 가지를 흡즙하였다. In this study, the distribution of Cantao ocellatus in Korea occurred at Jindo, Tongyoung, Gwangju and Taean including Jejudo in 2012 and was coincidentally in accordance with the distribution of Mallotus japonicus as a host plant. The adult emerges in M. japonicus occur from late June to early July and can be observed until the end of October. The investigation of the female and male was measured, developmental characteristics, host plant and oviposition preference under the conditions of temperature $25^{\circ}C({\pm}2)$, humidity 65%(${\pm}2$), day length 16L:8D, by indoor breeding. For females and males respectively, average body lengths were 26.20 mm and 23.88 mm, body widths 11.35 mm and 10.57 mm, head widths 3.84 mm and 3.64 mm, probosics lengths 7.90 mm and 7.27 mm, antennal lengths 9.87 mm and 9.69 mm, anterior leg lengths 12.50 mm and 12.27 mm, intermediate leg lengths 14.61 mm and 13.12 mm, posterior leg lengths 16.90 mm and 16.53 mm, and fresh weights 0.46 g and 0.31 g. It was seen that two kinds of C. ocellatus had prickles at the end of the pronotum which had developed in the fifth instars. The female is distinguished from the male by the reproductive organ and the spotted pattern on the abdominal segment. The preference of drinks was fruit, leafstalk, midrib, and branch in Mallotus japonicus (Thunb.) Muell. Arg., Mallotus japonicus 'Variegatus', Ricinus communis L., Lonicera japonicus var. repens (Siebold) Rehder, Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck and Zelkova serrata (Thunb.) Makino.

      • KCI등재

        국내 생물다양성 위협 외래생물의 관리제도 및 개선방향

        김동언,Kim, Dong Eon 한국환경영향평가학회 2018 환경영향평가 Vol.27 No.1

        생물다양성 감소의 가장 주요한 원인으로 외래생물의 유입이 지적되고 있으며, 특히 침입외래종으로 인한 서식지 파괴, 경제적 손실, 인체 피해 등이 가속화되고 있다. 국내에 유입된 외래생물은 2167종으로 생태계위해성평가를 통해 위해성이 높은 꽃매미(Lycorma delicatula), 붉은불개미(Solenopsis invicta), 뉴트리아(Myocastor coypus), 갯줄풀(Spartina alterniflora) 등 21종이 생태계교란 생물로 지정되어 있다. 국내에 유입될 경우 생태계에 부정적인 영향을 줄 수 있는 위해우려종은 생태계위해성심사를 통해 127종이 지정되어 있다. 이처럼 외래생물을 목록화하여 유입을 사전에 예방하고, 유입된 외래생물에 대한 피해를 최소화하기 위해 생물다양성 보전 및 이용에 관한 법률이라는 국가차원의 관리제도가 마련되었으나, 위험도에 따른 체계적인 관리체계 구축이 부족한 실정이며, 위해성 예측시 평가기준 및 분류군별 생태적 특성을 반영한 위해성평가표가 개발되어야 할 것이다. It has been noted that the main cause of biodiversity loss is influx of alien species. Specifically, habitats destruction, economic loss, and human injury are increasing due to invasive alien species. There were 2,167 alien species in Korea. 21 alien species of extraterrestrials including Lycorma delicatula, Solenopsis invicta, Myocastor coypus, and Spartina alterniflora at high risk through ecological risk assessment, are designated as invasive alien species. Alert species, which may have negative impact on ecosystems when they are introduced into the country, are assigned to 127 species through the ecosystem risk evaluation. To list such alien species to prevent invasion of alien species in advance, and to minimize damage caused by imported alien species, a national level management system called the Conservation and Use of Biological deversity Act was established, but there is a lack of a systematic management system in accordance with degree of risk. There is also a risk assessment chart should be developed thatreflects ecological characteristics of each taxon and evaluation criteria in predicting the risk.

      • KCI등재

        갈색날개매미충(Pochazia shantungensis) (Hemiptera: Ricaniidae)의 기주식물, 발생지역 및 잠재서식지 예측

        김동언,이희조,김미정,이도훈,Kim, Dong Eon,Lee, Heejo,Kim, Mi Jeong,Lee, Do-Hun 한국응용곤충학회 2015 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.54 No.3

        In 2014, surveys were conducted in Korea to study the geographical distribution, host plants, and potential habitats of Pochazia shantungensis. The occurrence of P. shantungensis was confirmed in 43 cities and counties nationwide, and identified for the first time in Gyeongsangbuk-do. P. shantungensis has a wide range of diverse host plants comprising 113 species in 53 families, including crops, fruits, and forest trees. Since the hemipteran was first reported in Korea, 138 species from 62 families have been identified as P. shantungensis host plants. This insect feeds on the following major host plants: Malus pumila, Aralia elata, Styrax japonicus, Salix gracilistyla, Broussonetia kazinoki, Albizia julibrissin, Ailanthus altissima, Castanea crenata, Robinia pseudoacacia, and Cornus officinalis. Potential habitat was analyzed in the present study using the Maxent model with 12 variables (8 climate, 1 land cover, 1 forest type, 1 ecological zoning, and 1 distance). The model ROC AUC was 0.884, indicating a high accuracy. In the present study, precipitation of warmest quater, mean temperature of warmest quarter, forest type, and land cover were the most significant factors affecting P. shantungensis distribution, and habitat. 본 연구에서는 2014년 전국을 대상으로 갈색날개매미충의 국내 분포, 기주식물, 잠재서식지를 조사하였다. 갈색날개매미충은 43개 시군에서 관찰되었고, 경북에서 처음 확인되었다. 기주식물은 산지 및 농작물에서 53과 113종으로 확인되었고, 선행연구를 포함하여 62과 138종으로 조사되었다. 주요 기주식물은 사과나무, 두릅나무, 때죽나무, 갯버들, 닥나무, 자귀나무, 가죽나무, 밤나무, 아까시나무, 산수유 등이었다. 종분포 예측은 Maxent 모형을 사용하였고, 12개의 모형변수(8개 기후변수, 1개 토지피복변수, 1개 임상변수, 1개 생태자연도 변수, 1개 거리변수)를 활용하였다. 모형의 정확도는 0.884로 매우 우수하였다. 연구결과에 의하면 여름철 강수량, 여름철 평균기온, 임상현황, 토지이용현황이 갈색날개매미충의 잠재서식지에 영향을 미치는 중요한 요인으로 밝혀졌다.

      • KCI등재후보

        소변농축과 장력 스트레스에 대한 콩팥 수질 세포들의 적응

        김동언,Kim, Dong-Un 대한소아신장학회 2007 Childhood kidney diseases Vol.11 No.2

        Hypertonicity (hypernatremia) of extracellular fluid causes water movement out of cells, while hypotonicity(hyponatremia) causes water movement into cells, resulting in cellular shrinkage or cellular swelling, respectively. In most part of the body, the osmolality of extracellular fluid is maintained within narrow range($285-295 mOsm/kgH_2O$) and some deviations from this range are not problematic in most tissue of the body except brain. On the other hand, the osmolality in the human renal medulla fluctuates between 50 and $1,200 mOsm/kgH_2O$ in the process of urine dilution and concentration. The adaptation of renal medullary cells to the wide fluctuations in extracellular tonicity is crucial for the cell survival. This review will summarize the mechanisms of urine concentration and the adaptation of renal medullary cells to the hyper tonicity, which is mediated by TonEBP transcription factor and its target gene products(UT-A1 urea transporter etc.).

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