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      • Experiencer, agent, and causer subjects

        김규민 청주대학교 인문과학연구소 2017 人文科學論集 Vol.55 No.-

        This paper compares and contrasts the properties of experiencer, agent, and causer subjects in Korean. In particular, it focuses on the comparison of dative experiencer subjects to other types of subjects in the language such as nominative experiencer, agent and causer subjects of various types of clauses such as transitive, unergative, or unaccusative. Various semantic tools available in the literature are employed to find out how these subjects are different in their agentivity. Moreover, it is examined whether they can be embedded under periphrastic causatives in order to find out how they are different syntactically. The result of this paper suggests that a dative experiencer subject is syntactically singled out from other types of subjects: a dative experiencer subject must be introduced by an argument introducing head such as Appl, different from the heads that introduce other types of the subjects.

      • KCI등재

        Pluractionality and Verbal Classifiers

        김규민 서강대학교 언어정보연구소 2020 언어와 정보 사회 Vol.40 No.-

        This paper examines the properties of a verbal classifier in Mandarin Chinese with respect to certain well-identified cross-linguistic properties of pluractionality. Pluractionality (or pluractional) refers to a morpheme that indicates plurality of an event denoted by the verb (phrase). For instance, an event of knocking on the door can be pluralized via a pluractional, and yields an interpretation of event plurality such as multiple occurrences of the event of knocking on the door. This paper proposes that a verbal classifier can be identified as a pluractional building on the properties of a verbal classifier shared with those of pluractional. For example, similar to a pluractional, a defining property of a verbal classifier is that it indicates multiplicity of an event. This paper also identifies an unusual property of a verbal classifier as a pluractionl, namely allowing a numeral, and briefly addresses this issue by assuming a parallel between verbal and nominal pluralization.

      • KCI등재

        An experimental investigation of event telicity in Korean

        김규민 경희대학교 언어정보연구소 2023 언어연구 Vol.40 No.1

        In Korean, either specific quantity or definiteness of an object is recognized to be associated with event telicity. However, there has been no clear account on which property is a crucial factor for telicity. This study conducted an acceptability judgment experiment testing to identify what property of an object is associated with telicity of an event VP under the conditions which differ by the presence or absence of the time adverbials (-maney ‘in x time’ and -dongan ‘for x time’). 30 Korean native speakers were given target sentences with multiple choices to select, and the choices were made based on the potential interpretations of the sentences with different types of objects such as a bare noun or numeral classifier object. The target sentences also differ in the presence or absence of the time adverbials, i.e., -maney or -dongan adverbial. The results suggested that contrary to the current literature definiteness may not play a role in event telicity. As for specific quantity, it is not a necessary property of an object, but mere quantity of an object is found to be sufficient for a telic interpretation of an event. The results also showed that -dongan adverbials can have time span meaning not only with numeral classifier objects but also with bare noun objects.

      • KCI등재

        실시간 3차원 객체 검출을 위한 포인트 클라우드 기반 딥러닝 모델 경량화

        김규민,백중환,김희영 한국정보통신학회 2022 한국정보통신학회논문지 Vol.26 No.9

        3D object detection generally aims to detect relatively large data such as automobiles, buses, persons, furniture, etc, so it is vulnerable to small object detection. In addition, in an environment with limited resources such as embedded devices, it is difficult to apply the model because of the huge amount of computation. In this paper, the accuracy of small object detection was improved by focusing on local features using only one layer, and the inference speed was improved through the proposed knowledge distillation method from large pre-trained network to small network and adaptive quantization method according to the parameter size. The proposed model was evaluated using SUN RGB-D Val and self-made apple tree data set. Finally, it achieved the accuracy performance of 62.04% at mAP@0.25 and 47.1% at mAP@0.5, and the inference speed was 120.5 scenes per sec, showing a fast real-time processing speed. 3D 물체검출은 대체로 자동차, 버스, 사람, 가구 등과 같은 비교적 크기가 큰 데이터를 검출하는 것을 목표로 두어 작은 객체 검출에는 취약하다. 또한, 임베디드 기기와 같은 자원이 제한적인 환경에서는 방대한 연산량 때문에 모델의 적용이 어렵다. 본 논문에서는 1개의 레이어만을 사용하여 로컬 특징에 중점을 두어 작은 객체 검출의 정확도를 높였으며, 제안한 사전 학습된 큰 네트워크에서 작은 네트워크로의 지식 증류법과 파라미터 크기에 따른 적응적 양자화를 통해 추론 속도를 향상시켰다. 제안 모델은 SUN RGB-D Val 와 자체 제작한 모형 사과나무 데이터 셋을 이용하여 성능을 평가하였고 최종적으로 mAP@0.25에서 62.04%, mAP@0.5에서 47.1%의 정확도 성능을 보였으며, 추론 속도는 120.5 scenes per sec로 빠른 실시간 처리속도를 보였다.

      • KCI등재

        로마의 보르고 지구에 대한 역사적인 변천과정과 도시적 의미에 관한 연구 - 고대 로마 시대부터 현대까지의 시대적 배경을 중심으로 -

        김규민 대한건축학회지회연합회 2019 대한건축학회연합논문집 Vol.21 No.5

        This study analyzed the historical transition process and the urban meaning of the Borgo district in Rome, focusing on the historical background from ancient Roman age to modern age. The results of study are as follows: The Borgo district in Rome was planned as a new city concept outside the center of Rome, which was concentrated in the east direction of the Tiber river from the ancient Roman period, because it was planned between the Vatican with the St. Peter's Basilica and the castle of the St. Angel on the west side of the Tiber river. The Borgo district in Rome can be granted the value to the changing urban meanings that are historically generated and developed, through its historical process of change, such urban meaning was achieved through the realization of a sustainable plan in which past and present coexist with each other.

      • KCI등재

        Autophagy and microRNA dysregulation in liver diseases

        김규민,김상건 대한약학회 2014 Archives of Pharmacal Research Vol.37 No.9

        Autophagy is a catabolic process throughwhich organelles and cellular components are sequesteredinto autophagosomes and degraded via fusion with lysosomes. Autophagy plays a role in many physiologicalprocesses, including stress responses, energy homeostasis,elimination of cellular organelles, and tissue remodeling. Inaddition, autophagy capacity changes in various diseasestates. A series of studies have shown that autophagy isstrictly controlled to maintain homeostatic balance ofenergy metabolism and cellular organelle and proteinturnover. These studies have also shown that this process ispost-transcriptionally controlled by small noncoding microRNAsthat regulate gene expression through complementarybase pairing with mRNAs. Conversely, autophagyregulates the expression of microRNAs. Therefore, dysregulationof the link between autophagy and microRNAexpression exacerbates the pathogenesis of various diseases. In this review, we summarize the roles of autophagyand microRNA dysregulation in the course of liver diseases,with the aim of understanding how microRNAsmodify key autophagic effector molecules, and we discusshow this dysregulation affects both physiological andpathological conditions. This article may advance ourunderstanding of the cellular and molecular bases of liverdisease progression and promote the development ofstrategies for pharmacological intervention.

      • KCI등재

        희생양극을 적용한 잠수함 선체 부식 방지 연구

        김규민,장호성 한국산학기술학회 2022 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.23 No.7

        This article describes the improvement of submarine survivability using a sacrificial anode system developed by this research to prevent the submarine from corroding. In particular, this system was developed after analyzing the present corrosion prevention system for submarines. Generally, corrosion prevention for submarines is necessary because a submarine structurally has a high probability of seawater inflow at the bilge areas of the submarine than the corresponding probability for a surface ship. In particular, hull corrosion of a submarine incurs danger to human life associated with the submarine. Therefore, a corrosion prevention system for submarines needs to be designed more conservatively with an in-depth analysis considering that few submarines have also been built in South Korea. However, only a few studies have been conducted on this system. Hence, this research developed a sacrificial anode system, one of the most used systems to prevent corrosion, and a mathematical method of designing a proper sacrificial anode system for submarines. This research also found risks that were probably not considered carefully at the design phase of a submarine and improved the sacrificial anode system of submarine corrosion prevention with more sacrificial anodes by analyzing the ingredients of bilge water. 본 논문은 잠수함의 선체 부식을 선제적으로 방지하기 위해 현재 방식 방법을 분석하고 추가적인 방식 대책을 마련함으로써 잠수함의 생존성을 향상시키고자 하였다. 잠수함은 수상함 함정과 비교하여 구조적으로 빌지구역 내 해수 유입 가능성이 크며, 만약 부식이 발생한다면 생명과 직결되는 심각한 위험을 초래한다. 또한, 함정의 구조적 특징에 따라 빌지구역 등 부식에 취약한 구역이 동일하지 않다. 특히 잠수함은 현재까지 건조된 척수가 적어 설계적 관점에서 선체 부식 방지에 대한 면밀한 분석이 필요하나 이에 대한 연구가 부족하다. 본 논문에서는 함정에 일반적으로 적용되는 선체 부식 방지법인 희생양극 방법 및 함정 설계 시 정량적으로 적절한 희생양극 설치 중량을 계산하기 위한 방법을 소개한다. 그리고 이를 바탕으로 ○○○급 잠수함의 희생양극 적용에 있어서 설계 단계에서 확인되지 않은 취약 구역을 식별하여 해당 구역에서 부식을 유발할 수 있는 빌지워터의 성분을 채취 및 분석하고 적절하게 희생양극을 설치함으로써 잠수함의 부식 방지 대책을 개선하였다.

      • KCI등재

        Phase based account of idioms and its consequences

        김규민 경희대학교 언어정보연구소 2015 언어연구 Vol.32 No.3

        Within the Minimalist framework (e.g., Chomsky 2000), where the syntactic computation is interpreted cyclically in phases as the derivation is built up, it is predicted that there should be a strict structural boundary restricting idiomatic interpretations. Voice, which merges external to VP and introduces an agent, is argued to be one such boundary. This paper argues that another VP-external head, high applicative head (ApplH) can also restrict the domain of idiomatic interpretation, but a VP-internal head, such as low applicative head cannot, by providing evidence from Korean and Japanese. Expanding on the proposed approach to idioms, this paper also shows how a phase-based account of idioms interacts with passivization. Given that passivization is not always possible with the direct object of idioms, this paper proposes that this is because a phase head may be a part of idiomatic expressions. The proposed analysis provides a unified account of the structural restrictions on idiomatic interpretation across languages. Theoretically, this paper lends novel empirical support to a cyclic domain of semantic interpretation, i.e., phase, as ApplH, like Voice, constitutes a phasal head.

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