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      • KCI등재

        Female Precocious Pseudopuberty를 동반한 난소과립막세포종의 1 례

        김관옥(KO Kim),박봉림(BL Park),김규관(KG Kim),박건남(KN Park),김동진(DJ Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1988 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.31 No.6

        Female Precocious Pseudopuberty를 동반한 난소과립막세포종 Functional ovarian tumors is the rare disease among ovarian tumors and is considered from granulosa cell origin. It was usually diagnosed after menopause, but was diagnosed infrequently before puberty. We had experiencd one case of functional ovarian tumors in 3 and 11/12 year-old female child, surgicla removal was performed and proved the juvenile granulosa cell tumor. Now, we present it with the brief review of literatures.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        4대 중증질환 보장성 강화 정책이 의료비에 미친 영향: 본인부담금을 중심으로

        김관옥 ( Kim Kwan-ok ),신영전 ( Shin Young-jeon ) 한국보건사회연구원 2017 保健社會硏究 Vol.37 No.2

        가계경제에 큰 부담으로 작용하는 4대 중증질환(암, 심장질환, 뇌혈관질환, 희귀난치질환)의 고액 의료비를 경감시키기 위해, 2013년에서 2016년에 걸쳐 4대 중증질환 보장 강화 정책이 시행되었다. 이 연구는 2013년 4대 중증질환 보장 강화 정책 시행 전·후에 나타난 4대 중증질환의 의료비 변화를 확인함으로써, 2013년에 시행된 4대 중증질환보장 강화 정책 효과의 평가를 목적으로 한다. 한국의료패널 7차 년도(조사기간 2012년 2~7월)와 9차 년도(조사기간 2014년 3~9월) 자료를 이용하여, 성향점수매칭(propensity score matching)을 결합한 이중차이분석(Difference in Difference)으로 정책효과를 확인하였다. 성향점수매칭 후 다중이중차이분석 결과, `비급여`, `처방약값`, `법정본인부담금`, `본인부담금(법정본인부담금+비급여+처방약값)`, `건강보험공단부담금`, `총진료비(건강보험공단부담금+본인부담금)`는 일부에서 감소하였으나 유의미한 수준의 감소는 아니었음을 확인하였다(p>0.05). 4대 중증질환자의 고액 의료비로 인한 경제적 부담을 덜어주기 위해서는 보다 적극적인 보장성 강화 정책을 추진해야 할 것이다. In South Korea, cancers, cardiac diseases, cerebrovascular diseases and rare intractable diseases cause huge financial burden on households. To help lower their medical cost, the government implemented the policy of expanding insurance coverage for the four major diseases from 2013 to 2016. This study identifies changes in household expenditure on the four major diseases after the implementation of the coverage expansion policy in 2013. By doing so, the study seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of the policy. The study used the 7th-year and 9th-year data from the Korean Health Panel (KHP) (surveyed from February to July, 2012 and from March to September, 2014, respectively). The effectiveness of the policy was assessed based on the difference in difference method with propensity score matching. As a result of multiple difference in difference after the propensity score matching, it was confirmed that although `non-payment items`, `prescription drug expense`, `statutory payment by patient`, `out-of-pocket payment (statutory payment by patient + non-payment items + prescription drug expense)`, `national health insurance payment`, and `total treatment expense (national health insurance payment + out-of-pocket payment)` decreased in some parts, this decrease was not at the significant level (p>0.05). In order to ease the large financial burden of medical cost spent on the four major diseases, it will be necessary to pursue a stronger policy to reinforce the coverage of relevant insurances.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        상대적 이익과 국제협력이론 논쟁의 재조명 -한-미FTA와 미-인도핵협력 사례연구를 중심으로-

        김관옥 ( Kwan Ok Kim ) 대한정치학회 2011 大韓政治學會報 Vol.19 No.1

        본 연구는 신현실주의이론이 국제협력을 저해하는 가장 결정적 요인으로 지목하고 있는 상대적 이익 요인이 오히려 국제협력을 추동하는 요인으로 작용할 수 있다고 주장한다. 특히 제3국과의 경쟁관계가 치열해지거나 제3국으로부터의 위협이 증대될수록 제3국과의 상대적 이익 요인이 협력 상대국과의 상대적 이익 우려를 약화시키며 국제협력을 촉진시키는 역할을 할 수 있다는 것이다. 이에 본 연구는 제3국과의 관계 속에서의 상대적 이익 요인이 국제협력을 촉진할 수 있다는 본 연구의 주장을 평가하기 위해 한-미FTA와 미-인도핵협력 등의 사례연구를 수행했다. 사례연구 결과 미국 부시정부는 부상하는 중국을 위협으로 인식하면서 인도와의 협력을 의도적으로 추진했고 결국 인도와의 관계에서 손실을 보는 미-인도핵협력을 추진했으며 한국 노무현정부도 중국의 제조업이 한국경제에 위협이 된다고 판단하면서 미국과의 관계에서 상대적 손실을 입는 한미FTA를 체결한 것으로 확인되었다. 이는 제3국과의 경쟁 또는 갈등관계가 치열해질수록 국제협력이 제공하는 특정 제3국 배제적 이익, 즉 상대적 이익이 국제협력을 촉진할 수 있다는 본 연구의 주장이 한미FTA 와 미-인도핵협력 사례에서 모두 평가된 것이다. 물론 제3국과의 상대적 이익 요인이 한미FTA와 미-인도핵협력 성취를 결정짓는 유일한 요인은 아니었지만 협력 추진에 상당한 동기로 작용했던 것으로 확인되었다.

      • KCI등재

        동아시아 갈등관계와 불일치외교

        김관옥(Kim, Kwanok) 계명대학교 사회과학연구소 2013 한국사회과학연구 Vol.32 No.1

        Although East Asia is known as a dynamic region that drives wold economic growth, there have been long lasting conflicts and disputes among regional states. The United States and China compete each other for hegemonic status and China and Japan have disputed over territories in East China islands. Further more, the North Korean nuclear weapon issue has lasted over 20 year and has heightened tension among regional states. Why East Asian states relations have been conflictual unlike European states despite high level of economic interdependence among the states? In that sense, the purpose of this paper is identify major factors that have determined such conflicts and disputes among East Asian countries. For the purpose, it examines some case studies as the competitive relationship between the United States and China, the China-Japan territorial dispute, and the North Korean nuclear weapon dispute. The results of the case studies show that change of distribution of power between the United States and China due to the rapid growth of Chinese national power induced the United States that had preferred to maintain hegemonic power status to restrain and contain China. In contrast, China also began to adopt internal and external measures to make balance with the U.S. power by building strong military capabilities and creating alliance with other states like Russia. Second, the case of China-Japan territorial dispute also confirms that stiff national power growth of China played significant role in intensifying China-Japan dispute. However, the issue of Japanese "past affairs" also provided amplification impact on the bilateral dispute. The North Korea nuclear weapon case indicated that such domestic political and economic factors as maintenance of political power and economic crisis played important role in leading international conflicts among East Asian states. Thus, it is confirmed that not only change of power distribution but also some cognitive and domestic factors like "past affairs" and "economic crisis" have determined conflicts or disputes among East Asian States.

      • KCI등재

        열 퍼머넌트 시 1제 사용 여부에 따른 웨이브 형성 및 형태적 손상 비교 - PPT와 LPP 처지 방법에 따라-

        김관옥 ( Kwan-ok Kim ),이미영 ( Mi-young Lee ) 한국미용예술경영학회 2007 미용예술경영연구 Vol.1 No.3

        It is necessary to study on the way to minimize the hair damage when performing permanent wave as the interests from population on healthy hair is soaring these days. This study, therefore, did observation on the morphologic change of hair and the change of wave by using the exclusive heat permanent wave agent and the general cold wave agent as the first agent(reducer) respectively and making different cases; PPTㆍLPP, PPT, LPP and non-treatment with the treatment of PPT(before treatment) and LPP(after treatment). It would like to present more useful method in order to minimize hair damage of customers by selecting the proper hair treatment performance method together with wave solvents and provide the fundamental data on the subject. For the hair samples for the study, it selected only virgin healthy hair of a woman in her mid twenties who has never experienced chemical treatment and made 2g respectively after the process of decoloration as its sample to use it as damaged hair. It took the picture of the curl wave extent of hair by digital camera and made the inter-comparison on them with the naked eyes to observe the curl wave extent and observed the morphologic characteristics by taking them in SEM (electron microscope). It got the result that curl wave extent of hair formed the most elastic and equal S-curl in the case of PPTㆍLPP and the cases of PPTㆍLPP and PPT made the most elastic and equal S-curl but its strong curl was made in only the edge of hair. The result of photograph taken by SEM showed that the both exclusive heat permanent wave agent and general cold wave agent were the most similar to the hair before the permanent treatment less damaged relatively in the case of PPTㆍLPP and there were much more damages observed on the cuticle layer of hair on which the general cold wave agent was applied, compared to the exclusive heat permanent agent. Through the result of this study, it is judged that it is efficient to form wave and protect hair from damage to use the PPTㆍLPP method of hair treatment in the case of damaged hair in performing the heat permanent wave.

      • KCI등재

        미적 범주에 관한 고찰 - 숭고미를 중심으로 -

        김관옥 ( Kwan-ok Kim ),권기형 ( Gi-hyeong Gwon ),박선민 ( Sun-min Park ) 한국미용예술경영학회 2010 미용예술경영연구 Vol.4 No.3

        The sublime beauty is one of aesthetic categories, which has a long history in western esthetics, and it may be dealt with also in the context of aesthetic senses or art history on the level of its similarity and difference. Thus, a historical approach is needed to the sublime beauty, in line with the aesthetic categories, the eastern and western worlds, and the flows of ancient, modern or contemporary times. In spite of the differences found in aesthetic senses between eastern and western worlds, the aesthetic senses by themselves and the sublime beauty can be considered as the aesthetic category common to human beings. The sublime beauty of ancient philosophy represented the ideal state of classical beauty in the western cultural history, by mediating between the basic motives of Plato's aesthetic ideas and the sublime and the beautiful. In modern philosophy, the thoughts of the sublime revived and approached close to the territory of philosophy. The sublime beauty in contemporary philosophy experiences a downturn and collapse with the beginning of 14th century. The phenomenon is considered to originate, above all, from the lack of metaphysics which characterizes modern mental situations, and from the scientific and technological advancements which have dominated western cultures. The extension of aesthetic categories is called one of most significant achievements made in 18th century. It was the concept of the sublime that played the central role in this respect. The sublime, as a concept against the beautiful, caused the fragmentation and contraction of the concept of the beautiful. But it has eventually produced the extension of the category of aesthetic values, by accommodating to its own category many values left outside the beautiful of traditional standards.

      • KCI등재

        두피질환과 모발표면에 오염된 미생물의 상관관계

        김관옥 ( Kwan Ok Kim ),김성남 ( Sung Nam Kim ),박두현 ( Doo Hyun Park ) 한국미용학회 2011 한국미용학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        This research was performed to analyze and compare the diversity of bacterial community contaminated hairs of women whose scalp was diseased or healthy. It is possible that the physical conditions of scalp may be a factor to influence bacterial community diversity contaminated hair surface. Hairs were sampled from 10 women whose scalp was healthy and other 10 women whose scalp was slightly diseased. 16S-rDNA was amplified with chromosomal DNA template extracted from the hairs sampled from 20 women. 16S-rDNA variable region was amplified selectively to analyze by temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE). Maximal 8 DNA bands and minimal 4 DNA bands were separated by TGGE performed with 16S-rDNA obtained from 10 of the healthy scalp hairs; meanwhile, maximal 11 DNA bands and minimal 4 DNA bands were separated by TGGE performed with 16S-rDNA obtained from 10 of the diseased scalp hairs. Sequences of DNAs extracted from the TGGE bands were performed and identified based on the sequence homology. The diversity of bacterial species contaminated the diseased scalp hairs was higher than that contaminated the healthy scalp hairs. Conclusively, the physical condition of the diseased scalp is supposed to be a cause to increase relatively opportunity for bacterial contamination of hairs.

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