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      • 창조적 글쓰기 가 개인 및 시대에 미치는 치유적 작용 -어둠의 남자(Vampire) 상징을 중심으로-

        김계희 ( Kye Hee Kim ),김기원 ( Ki Won Kim ),한은선 ( Eun Seun Han ) 한국분석심리학회 2013 心性硏究 Vol.28 No.1

        이 논문은 ‘만남’과 ‘설레임’에서 비롯되었다. 본 논문의 저자는 2013년 2월 중순 경 만나 6월 초에 예정되어있던 원내 학술발표2)주제에 대해 상의하였다. “현금(現今) 대중들의 강한 호응을 얻으며 많은 관객들의 발길을 끌어당기고 있는 개봉관 영화들 중에 어린 시절 들었던 옛날이야기들과 유사한 내용의 영화들이 유난히 많이 눈에 띈다. 그런 현상이 신기하다.” 라는 대화를 하며 이런저런 이야기들을 나누다가, 영화 ‘드라큘라’, 3) ‘트와일라잇 시리즈’, 4) ‘웜바디스(Warm bodies)’5)에로 자연스럽게 주제가 흘러가게 되고, 저자 공히 이 영화들을 모두 보았으며 또한 매우 인상 깊게 보았다는 사실을 발견하게 되었다. 학술발표의 주제를 이와 관련하여 정하면 좋겠다는 생각이 떠오르고 그것이 말로 표현되는 순간, 가슴 두근거리는 설레임과 두려움과 망설임이 동시에 느껴졌으며, 이렇게 하여6) 학술발표의 주제가 결정되었다. 학술발표를 준비하고 강연발표하고 청중들과 토론하는 과정 내내 설레임과 열정이 저자와 함께 하였으며, 학술발표집담회에 참석한 청중들 역시 긍정적으로 혹은 부정적으로 강한 감정반응을 보이며 시간이 지나도록 열띤 토론을 한 후 학술발표를 마치게 되었다. 구연된 발표내용을 그냥 덮어버리려 했으나 웬지 모를 아쉬움이 남고 그 여운이 가시지 않고 있던 중에, 청중들 중 한 분의 조언과 권고에 따라, 논문으로 완성하여 투고하기로 결심하게 되었다. 이 논문은 저자가 만나 설레임과 열정을 공유하며 설레임과 열정이 이끄는 곳으로 동반하던 길 위에서 시도하게 된 하나의 작은 ‘창조적 글쓰기’이다. 본 논문의 제 l장에서는 ‘창조적 글쓰기’로 이어진 31세 여성의 꿈을 소개하고 그 꿈 이전과 이후의 여성 개인의 삶이 어떠한지에 대해 조명해 보았으며, 제 2장에서는 개인의 무의식(꿈, 환상)에 나타나거나 체험되는 ‘창조적 충동’의 귀결(실현 방향) 및 의미에 대해 고찰하였다. 개인에서 보이는 ‘창조적 충동’은,‘내향화’ 과정을 통해 개인의 인격의 창조적 변환을 가져오게 되기도 하며, ‘환상적 창작’ 혹은 ‘외향화’ 과정을 통해 ‘작품’으로 출산되기도 함을 볼 수 있었다. 때로는 두 방향의 귀결이 동시에 함께 일어나기도 하였다. 후일 처녀작 ‘트와일라잇’이라는 작품으로 완성됨으로써 ‘작가’로서의 새로운 자신을 발견하게한, 스테프니 메이어(Stephenie Meyer)의 ‘원형적 꿈’을 분석심리학적으로 고찰하고 그 해석을 시도해보았다. 제 3장에서는 개인의 꿈들과 영화 ‘드라큘라’‘트와일라잇 시리즈’ ‘웜바디스’ 등을 조명해 보면서, 개인의 꿈들과 대중들의 뜨거운 호응을 얻고 있는 소설, 영화 등의 일부 예술작품에서 ``어둠의 남자(뱀파이어, 좀비)``의 모습(像)에 변환이 있으며, 인간인 여성과 사랑에 빠지게 되고 사랑이 결실을 맺기도 하며, 또한 어둠의 남자(뱀파이어)에 대한 의식의 자아의 태도와 상호 관계양상에 있어서도 매우 인상적인 어떤 변화가 일어나고 있음을 볼 수 있었다. 현금의 이와 같은 현상에 대해, 왜 이런 변화가 일어나고 있는 것인지 이와 같은 변화는 그 개인 및 이 시대와 어떤 관련이 있으며 개인 및 시대에 어떤 영향을 미치게 되는 것인지 등에 대해 숙고해 보았다. 인간의 마음심층(深層)으로부터 솟아오르는 ‘창조적 충동’은 ‘개인의 인격의 창조적 변환’으로 실현되거나 예술적 창조를 통해 ‘작품’으로 출산되기도 하며 시대의 인연과 닿을 경우 그 시대의 많은 사람들과 공유하게 됨으로써, 개인과 시대를 새롭게 할 수 있는 치유와 구원의 작용을 가져오게 되기도 함을 볼 수 있었다. 본 논문에서는 개인의 ‘창조적 충동’의 긍정적이고 치유적인 측면에 대해 주로 조명해 보았으며, ‘창조적 충동’이 초래할 수 있는 부정적인 귀결 및 그 원인에 대한 고찰은 후일 기회가 되면 새로운 논문을 통해 다시 다루고자 한다. This article started with ``encounter``. Both authors met around the middle of February and discussed the subject for the inhospital conference presentation scheduled at the break of June. Having conversation like Movies similar to fairytales heard from childhood are standing out conspicuously among commercial films which are attracting audiences and receiving fervent response these days. This phenomenon is marvelous and mysterious. together, and sharing this and that, the conversation turned naturally to ``Bram Stoker`s Dracula``, ``Series of Twilight``, and ``Warm Bodies``, both authors found out the fact that we saw these movies in common with propound impression. Feeling our hearts beating high, bit of fear and hesitation followed simultaneously at the moment when both of us encountered the idea to choose subject of conference presentation related to this and expressed one in words. While preparing for the conference, presenting to others, and having discussion with the audience, our hearts have been filled with Presentation was finished after active discussion beyond fixed hour and it also brought audience (among those present) to show strong emotional response both positively and negatively. At first, we just had a thought to put aside the content of presentation, but we felt lack of something else, lingering in our minds. We finally decided to accomplish our work into an article leading to submission, based on the advice and recommendation from one of the audience. This article is a small ``creative writing`` born by sharing both authors` passion and enthusiasm. In the first part of this article, we have introduced the dream of 31-year-old woman`s which led to the ``creative writing`` and spotlighted her personal life, before and after the dream. In the second part, we have examined the consequence (way of realization) and meaning of creative impulse shown from or experienced from personal unconsciousness (dream, fantasy) together. Creative impulse shown from the individual appeared to bring creative transformation of individual personality through the process of ``introversion``. Otherwise it also appeared to be delivered as a masterpiece through ``creative writing`` or from the process of ``extroversion``. Sometimes both consequences happened at once. We tried to examine and interpret the dream of 31-year-old woman`s, which was introduced in the first part of this article, that is to say, the dream of ``Stephenie Meyer`s, the author of the ``love between vampire boy and ordinary human girl`` themed novel ``Twilight Series``, in a psychoanalytic perspective. In the third part, highlighting individual dreams and three different movies ``Bram Stoker``s Dracula``, ``Twilight Series``, and ``Warm Bodies``, we found the transformation of symbol ``Man of Darkness, vampire`` seen in each individual dreams and in some specific popular arts, such as novels and movies, receiving fervent response from people. We also found love between this symbol and humane woman, bearing fruit together with very impressive change shown in the attitude of ``Man of Darkness`` (vampire)`s conscious ego and mutual relationship pattern. We contemplated this phenomenon, the reason why these events happen, and what kind of association presents among these events, individual, and this era and discussed the effects on individuals and this era, at present. ``Creative impulse``, originated in the deep structure of human mind is realized as a ``transformation of individual personality`` or masterpiece through artistic creation. If it has a chance to make a match with this era, shared by a lot of contemporary people, it also appears to bring positive effect as healing and salvation to each individual or to each era. From this article, we mainly highlighted positive and healing aspects of individual ``creative impulse``. We hope to deal with the negative consequences and their reason coming from ``creative impulse``, if the occasion arises, in the future with a new article.

      • 여성의 "부성 콤플렉스"와 그 치유에 대하여

        김계희 ( Kye Hee Kim ) 한국분석심리학회 2009 心性硏究 Vol.24 No.1

        이 논문은 필자의 2008년 韓國융硏究院 졸업논문을 부분적으로 발췌하여 요약한 것이다. 본 연구를 통해 여성의 심리 안에서 ``아버지(부성父性)``와 관련되어 나타날 수 있는 일반적인 현상들에 대해 살펴보고자 하였으며, 여성 안의 이러한 심리적 상황이 지나치게 오랜 기간 동안 지속되거나 그 정도가 과도할 경우 여성에게 고통을 안겨주기도 하는 이러한 현상들의 이유 및 목적의미는 무엇이며, 이러한 상황들이 어떻게 치유되고 변환되는지 고찰하는 것에 이 논문의 중점을 두고자 하였다. 여성의 ``부성 콤플렉스``는 개인사로 소급하여 어린 시절 딸과 아버지와의 관계에서 그 원인을 찾아볼 수도 있겠다. 이러한 개인 아버지의 영향을 전혀 무시할 수는 없겠으나, 그것과 더불어, 모든 여성의 마음 속 깊이 자리하고 있는 집단적 무의식 속의 ``부성 원형`` 및 여성이 살고 있는 시대와 문화권의 집단 의식의 가치관과 사조思潮 또한 개인 아버지보다 더욱 큰 영향력으로 여성에게 작용하고 있음을 본 연구 및 기존의 연구들과 문헌들을 통해 볼 수 있었다. 원原 논문은 필자가 치료를 담당한 여성 3人의 임상 사례를 중심으로 하였다. 또한 ``부성 콤플렉스``에 사로잡힌 여성들에서 나타나는 제반 현상들과 그 치유 과정에 대해 일반적이고 보편적인 결론을 도출하기 위해, 민담 속의 같은 주제들, 융(C. G. Jung)의 사례, 융학파 여성분석가인 Marie-Louise von Franz, Barbara Hannah, M. Esther Harding, Linda Schierse Leonard 등의 사례들과 저서들, 그리고 기타 관련 문헌들을 참고하였다. 개개인마다 고유하고 개별적인 여성 3人의 사례를 심층적으로 깊이 연구함과 동시에, 본 연구가 현재 ``부성 콤플렉스``에 사로잡혀 있거나 이미 그러한 상황을 헤쳐 나온 많은 여성들이 함께 공감할 수 있는, 일반적이고도 보편적인 치유의 작업이 될 수 있도록 노력하였다. 본 논문의 제1장은 ``아버지와 부성상``에 대한 내용을 다루고 있다. 딸에게 어린 시절 ``아버지``는 어떻게 경험되며, 딸에서 ``부성 콤플렉스``가 어떻게 형성되는지, 그리고 ``부성 콤플렉스``에 사로잡힌 여성에서 나타나는 제반 현상들 및 증상들에는 어떤 것들이 있는지 대해 살펴보았으며, 또한 융C. G. Jung의 여성환자 사례를 중심으로, ``부성 콤플렉스``에 사로잡힌 여성들에서 보이는 ``사랑``과 ``전이transference 현상``에 대해 고찰하였다. ``부성 콤플렉스`` 형성에 ``부성 원형``이 작용하게 됨을 볼 수 있었으며, 이것을 연구하기 위해 민담을 해석하고 고찰하였다. 원原 논문의 제2장에서는 ``부성 콤플렉스``에 사로잡힌 여성의 치유healing에 대해 다루었으며, 필자가 치료를 맡게 된 여성 3人의 임상 사례를 통해 실제 이루어진 구체적인 치료 과정을 기술하고 고찰 하였다. 그러나, 원原 논문의 발췌요약본인 졸고(심성연구본)에서는 원原 논문의 제2장 전체를 생략하고 게재하지 않기로 하였다. 마지막으로 본 논문의 제2장은 여성의 ``부성 콤플렉스``의 치유 과정에서 공통적으로 보이는, ``어머니(모성母性)`` 그리고 ``몸``과의 관계를 중심으로 한 종합적 고찰과 토론을 포함하고 있다. This thesis was originated centering around the cases of three women I happened to encounter and take charge of psychotherapy. The theme of this thesis is to investigate the general phenomena manifested in relation to father imago in the psychology of women and to investigate the process of transformation and healing of the sufferings of women posessed by ``father complex``. I could see various factors contributing to developing ``father complex`` in women, which are personal father-daughter relationship, ``father archetype`` immanent in every woman, and the spirit of the times. I also investigated about ``love`` and ``transference`` phenomena manifested in women possessed by ``father complex`` and also investigated fairytales to study the various phenomena having their origin in ``father archetype`` in the first chapter of this thesis. I also discussed the transformation of relationship between the woman and ``mother-principle`` & ``body`` manifested commonly in the healing process in women possessed by ``father complex`` in the last chapter.

      • KCI등재후보

        DES-K로 측정한 해리경험에 따른 기질성격특성의 차이

        이정식 ( Jung Sik Lee ),조성민 ( Sung Min Cho ),김태학 ( Tae Hak Kim ),김계희 ( Kye Hee Kim ),송진우 ( Jin Woo Song ) 한국정신병리진단분류학회 2005 精神病理學 Vol.14 No.1

        Objectives: There are individual differences in the dissociative experience. The Authors approach the question about whether this difference is nature or nurture. The present investigation sought to explore the relationship between personality trait and dissociation. Method: Seventy-nine Korean university students(16 males and 63 females) had completed DESK(Dissociative Experience Scale-Korean version) to examine the ability of dissociation, Eye-roll Sign which is suggested the biological marker of dissociative ability by Spiegel, and TCI-K(Temperament and Character Inventory-Korean version) in order to evaluate personality trait. We divided the students into two groups(high DES group≥20 and low DES group<20) to evaluate the differences in TCI-K. Pearson`s correlation test, t-test and regression analysis were used for statistical analysis. Result: 1) In high DES-K group, score of self-directedness in TCI-K is higher than low DES-K group. There were statistically significant correlations between self-transcendence in TCI-K and amnesia subscale, absorbtion-imaginative involvement subscale in DES-K and total DES-K scale. Scores of self-transcendence in TCI-K was predicted for DES-K scores. 2) In high DES group, scores of Eye-roll Sign and squint subscale were higher than low DES group. There was no correlation between DES-K and Eye-roll Sign except weak correlation between depersonalization-derealization subscale in DES-K and gaze subscale in Eye-roll Sign. 3) There were statistically significant differences in TAS-K(Tellegan Absorbtion Scale-Korean version) and NHQ(Natural Hypnotic Experiences Questionnaire) between high DES-K group and low DES-K group. Also, there were statistically significant correlations between TAS-K and NHQ scale and DES-K. Conclusion: Although character dimension of TCI-K was related with dissociation, there was no difference in temperament dimension of TCI-K, and no correlation between DES-K and Eye-roll Sign. These results suggests that trait theory of dissociation is questionable and needs more investigations.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        미생물 제어를 이용한 국내산 냉장 돼지고기의 저장성 향상에 관한 연구 I. 국내산 냉장 돼지고기의 저장기간에 따른 품질특성 조사

        정석찬(Suk Chan Jung),정명은(Myeong Eun Chung),변성근(Seong Keun Byun),김성일(Sung Il Kim),김계희(Kye Hee Kim),김종만(Jong Man Kim),이길홍(Kil Hong Lee),김옥경(Ok Kyung Kim) 한국예방수의학회 2000 예방수의학회지 Vol.24 No.4

        국내산 냉장돼지고기의 품질향상과 저장기간 연장을 위하여 미생물 오염도 조사 및 냉장 돼지고기의 저장온도별(1℃와 4℃) 저장기간에 따른 관능적, 미생물학적 및 이화학적 변화를 조사하였다. 3개 작업장에 대한 도축 및 가공장의 작업공정별 도체표면중 대장균수는 대부분이 음성이었고 대장균군수는 10 CFU/㎠이하, 일반세균수는 10¹~10² CFU/㎠ 수준이었으며, 혐기성세균 및 내냉성세균수는 10² CFU/㎠ 이하, 유산균수는 10¹~10² CFU/㎠이었다. 낙하세균수는 도축장 200 CFU/직경 9cm plate/5분, 가공장 6 CFU/직경 9cm/5분 이하로 가공장에 비하여 도축장이 많이 오염되어 있었다. 돼지고기등심의 저장기간 동안 탕박(A, C) 및 박피 (B) 작업방법별 일반세균수, 내냉성 세균수, 혐기성 세균수 변화는 큰 차이를 보이지 않았다. Vacuum-packaged chilled porks were purchased from 3 domestic companies and stored at 4℃ and 1℃, respectively The total bacterial counts, anaerobes, coliforms, generic E. coli, psychrotrophs, lactic acid bacteria, volatile basic nitrogen(VBN) and sensory test were analysed for evaluation on the shelf life of chilled pork. Generic E. coli in each stage of slaughtering and processing from 3 domestic companies were few detected, coliforms were not exceed 10 CFU/cm², total bacterial counts were 10¹~10³ CFU/cm², anaerobic microbes and psychrotrophs were about 10²CFU/cm² and lactic acid bacteria were not exceed 10¹~10² CFU/cm². The number of organisms in air were less than 200 CFU/9 cm diameter/5 min at slaughtering plant, 6 CFU/9 cm diameter/5 min at processing plant. No significant differences were found between scalding A and C slaughter house and dehiding B slaughter house in the level of bacterial contamination. The shelf life of vacuum-packaged chilled pork was 24.8 days at 1℃ and 20 days at 4℃. Odor of the sensory evalulation was a detrimental factor of the shelf life. The total bacterial counts in pork were more increased at 4℃ than at 1℃ during the storage.

      • 꿈을 통해 고찰해 본 여성성의 치유적 변환

        이은아,김계희 용인정신의학연구소 2009 용인정신의학보 Vol.16 No.1

        The dream is one of unique mental functions during a sleep. Dream is a cue that shows us the unconscious mind. The Swiss psychiatrist C. G. lung found that dreams attempt to regulate and balance both our physical and mental energies. They not only reveal the root cause of inner disharmony and emotional distress, but also indicate the latent potential for life within the individual. lung said that in sleep, through dreams, people awaken to who they really are. In a woman the animus, her masculine side, is just as exceedingly positive as it is negative. It is only in certain aspects negative when women don't know how to relate to it with wisdom. A woman who has no animus has no pep, no enterprise, no intelligence, and no initiative. So the animus is an exceedingly positive thing. The whole spirituality of women is connected with the animus.

      • KCI등재

        主要憂鬱症환자 예비평가에서 the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale(CES-D)진단적 타당성 연구

        조맹제,김계희 大韓神經精神醫學會 1993 신경정신의학 Vol.32 No.3

        Through four times of preliminary trials, the authors translated the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale(CES-D), a self-reporting depression scale, into Korean, paying particular attention to the culturally different mode of expression of depressive feelings and thoughts. The final version of the CES-D was administered to 164 psychiatric patients (30 schizophrenic, 31 alcohol dependence, 30 anxiety disorder, 46 major depression, 27 remitted depression), and 540 non-random selected general population. Reliability and validity test, optimal cut-off point estimation, and ROC curve analysis were done to investigate the diagnostic validity of this depression screening instrument in assessing clinical depression (DSM-III-R major depression). Internal consistency-reliability and concurrent validity associated with other depression measure scales(HRDS. DSI, BDI) were excellent Content validity and discriminant validity which differentiate DSM-III-R major depression patients from other psychiatric patients were also good. The authors suggested the score '25' as the optimal cut-off point in clinical setting, and the score '21' in the community setting for its use as a primary screening test for further test to identify DSM-III-R major depression. This relatively high cut-off point was reviewed in the viewpoint of culturally determined style of response for the depression questionnaire in Korea. ROC curve analysis revealed wide AUC of this instrument which indicates its high diagnostic validity in assessing DSM-III-R major depression. Observer rating scales such as HRSD and DSI were a bit superior to self reporting scales, and the CES-D and BDI showed almost equal diagnostic validity in assessing DSM-III-R major depression.

      • 영원한 젊은이 : 남성의 모성 콤플렉스의 치유와 변환

        이상백,김계희 용인정신의학연구소 2009 용인정신의학보 Vol.16 No.1

        Puer Aetemus is the name of a god of antiquity. We use it to indicate a certain type of young man who has an outstanding mother complex and who therefore behaves in certain typical ways. It seems to us that the problem of the puer aetemus is becoming increasingly actual, and Dr. Jung spoke of one cure, "work". The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupery shows the typical form of the puer aetemus and we can understand the characteristics of the puer aetemus through him. A strong mother complex develops when the mother has been the more impressive parent. It is important to understand that every man has a mother complex, so it is nothing pathological, but a very strong mother complex may be pathologic and problematic. She appears in men as an element of romantic, unreal, mostly sexual fantasies. When the mother complex is overcome, the man is freed to develop the feminine side his nature. This side jung called anima, and it is essential for psychic growth that the anima be detached from the mother. When the separation dose take place, the son may then go on to establish a mature relationship with a woman. What makes us feel alive and the way that we understand ourself are the contact with that flow of the unconscious psyche. That's why dreams are so important.

      • KCI등재

        국내 시판우유의 보관방법별 품질변화에 관한 연구 : 2. UHT 처리 우유의 미생물학적 및 이화학적 변화 2. Microbiological and Chemical Changes of UHT Treated Milk

        정석찬,김계희,정명은,김성일,변성근,정승교,전기석,문진산 한국수의공중보건학회 2001 예방수의학회지 Vol.25 No.3

        This study was carried out to investigate the changes of sensory, microbiological and chemical quality by storage conditions in ultra-high temperature (UHT) treated milk for 6 months from August 2000 to February 2001. A total of 1,340 UHT pasteurized milk samples collected from 3 plants (A, B and C) were stored at 10℃ and room temperature (dark and light exposure) for 6 months. The bacterial counts in the milk samples stored at 10℃ were kept less than standard limit (2×104 cfu/ml) of bacteria for 5 days, and bacterial counts in some milk samples were a slightly increased more than the standard limit as time elapsed for 6 months. When the milk samples were stored at room (3℃∼30℃), the bacterial counts in most of the milk samples from A plant were more than the standard limit after 3 days of storage, but in the 20%∼30% (4∼6/20) of the milk samples from B and C were less than the standard limit after 6 months of storage. The sensory quality and acidity of milk were gradually changed in proportion to bacterial counts during storage at room temperature and 10℃ for 6 months. The standard limit of bacteria in whole market milk was more sensitive than those of sensory and chemical test as standards to determine the unaccepted milk. No significant correlation was found in keeping quality of the UHT milk between dark and light exposure at room for 6 months. The compositions of fat, solids not fat, protein and lactose in milk samples were not significantly changed according to the storage conditions and time for 6 months. The UHT sterilized milk samples (A plant; 20 samples, B plant; 110 samples) collected from 2 plants were not changed sensory, chemical and microbiological quality by storage conditions for 6 months, but only one sample from B was detected the bacteria after 60 days of storage. The shelf life of UHT pasteurized milk in this study was a little longer than that reported by previous surveys. Although the shelf life of UHT pasteurized milk made a significant difference among three milk plants, the results indicated that some UHT pasteurized milk in polyethylene coated carton pack could be stored at room temperature for 6 months.

      • KCI등재

        LTLT 및 HTST처리 살균우유의 보관방법별 품질변화에 관한 연구

        정석찬,김계희,정명은,김성일,변성근,이득신,정승교,박성원,전기석,이길홍,조남인,이홍길,김옥경 한국수의공중보건학회 2001 예방수의학회지 Vol.25 No.4

        This study was conducted to investigate the quality changes of the 145 LTLT (law temperature long time; 63℃ for 30 mins) and 145 HTST (high temperature short time; 72℃ for 15s) treated milk samples by storage conditions for 30 days from September to October 2000. Raw milk samples collected from storage tanks in 2 milk plants were showed 1.3∼4.0×10^5 CFU/ml in standard plate count, and normal level in acidity, specific gravity, and components of milk. Preservatives, antibiotics, sulfonamides and available chloride were not detected in both raw and heat treated milk samples obtained from 2 plants. The bacterial counts in the LTLT and HTST pasteurized milk samples were about 4.0×103 and 1.5×10^1 CFU/ml at the production day, respectively. The bacterial counts in the samples were rapidly increased to more than 10^7 CFU/ml at room temperature (12℃∼30℃) for 3 days, but were kept less than 2×10^4 CFU/ ml at refrigerator (10℃) for 7 days of storage. The sensory quality and acidity of the milk samples were gradually changed in proportion to bacterial counts, but the specific gravity was not significantly changed for 30 days. No significant correlation was found in keeping quality of the milk between dark and light exposure at room temperature for 30 days. The compositions of fat, solid-not fat, protein and lactose in milk were not significantly changed according to the storage conditions for 30 days. The LTLT and HTST pasteurized milk should be sanitarily handled, kept and transported under refrigerated condition (below 7℃) in order to supply wholesome milk to consumers.

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