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        제2형 당뇨병 환자의 영양소 섭취와 임상지표의 상관성에 관한 연구

        권지영,정혜연,Kwon, Ji-Young,Chung, Hae-Yun 한국식품영양학회 2013 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.26 No.4

        The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of dietary nutrient intakes for markers of blood glucose and inflammation which is important to the progress of type 2 diabetes and the development of its complications. For this study, 76 adults with diabetes (42 males, 34 females) were recruited from a group of patients who had visited the department of endocrine medicine. Data on anthropometric characteristics, clinical indices such as hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) and C-reactive protein (CRP), and dietary nutrient intakes were collected. Our results have shown that 66% of subjects were either overweight or obese. Serum analysis indicates that levels of C-peptide, glucose, HbA1c, CRP, triglyceride, LDL-cholesterol were higher than normal range. Results from the dietary nutrient intake survey displayed that intakes of cholesterol and sodium were higher than Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans. On the contrary, folate intake was lower than the guideline. Within the females, energy contribution from carbohydrate was higher than Korean Diabetes Association guideline. Statistical analysis has revealed a negative correlation between serum HbA1c level and dietary intakes of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA), n-3 PUFA, ${\beta}$-carotene and vitamin E after adjustments for age, BMI, smoking habits, alcohol consumption, exercise and ingestion of diabetes mellitus medication (p<0.05). Serum CRP level was inversely associated with dietary intakes of carbohydrate, protein, vitamin C and fiber (p<0.05). Our results suggest that dietary nutrient intakes may influence the levels of HbA1c and CRP, and subsequently, it may help in the management/treatment of type 2 diabetes.

      • KCI등재

        패션일러스트레이션에서의 포토몽타주 표현방법과 효과

        권지영(Ji Young Kwon),유영선(Young Sun Yoo) 한국복식학회 2004 服飾 Vol.54 No.8

        The purpose of this study is to develop a photomontage expression in order to express a characteristic personality and creativity of artists effectively in fashion illustration. The results of this study were as follows: 1) Because of a fashion and a human body were the major subjects in fashion illustration, human body transformation and composition between a human body and heterogeneous objects by photomontage appeared with a lot of works. 2) Photomontage appeared with a parody in a truth recurrence differ from a visual art, a parody seemed to be a humor with recurrence image of the original and it appeared with the general public image and it is effective in message delivery. 3) It was a stopped screen, but photomontage was expressed through overlapping and reiteration was characteristic, and it appeared with movement, a direction, a speed and rhythm effectively. 4) One screen of general chapter was only to express limited meaning, but after screen of a lot of chapter, it was able to express that was borrowed and reconstructive with a lot of contents or different contents are more than before. 5) It is changed, and composited images have a multiple point of time, and it extend a space-time limit, visual limit and an expression enabled a multidimensional space-time. Moreover, photomontage neglects unique sincerity and fact of a photo by development and utilization of computer graphic, and it can get a screen effect to spread in the virtual world as abstraction and hyper-reality. Therefore, if various photomontage expression apply to fashion illustration works, it can overcome a limit of a visual expression, and it is able to become an important way for expanding a filed of expression and enhancement of a practical function gradually in fashion illustration.

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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        만삭 임신에서 양수 내 태변착색의 분만 예후

        권지영 ( Ji Young Kwon ),신재은 ( Jae Eun Shin ),안세영 ( Se Young Ahn ),이귀세라 ( Gui Se Ra Lee ),김사진 ( Sa Jin Kim ),신종철 ( Jong Chul Shin ),박인양 ( In Yang Park ) 대한주산의학회 2008 Perinatology Vol.19 No.3

        목적: 양수 내 태변착색이 발생한 만삭 임신과 태변착색이 없는 임신 간에 분만 전 후의 주산기 예후를 비교하여 이를 바탕으로 태변착색을 동반한 임신의 분만 관리에 도움이 되고자 본 연구를 진행하였다. 방법: 1년 동안 있었던 687 건의 만삭 분만을 양수 내 태변착색이 있었던 89건과 태변착색이 없었던 598명의 두 군으로 분류하였으며 각 군의 분만 및 신생아의 특성을 비교하였다. 산모 연령과 임신주수, 신생아 체중 및 분만방법을 조사하였고 진통 중 안심할 수 없는 태아 심박동 상태의 발생여부, 1분 및 5분 아프가 점수를 살펴보았다. 제대 동맥혈 가스분석을 시행한 577건에서는 제대 동맥혈의 pH, 이산화탄소 분압, 염기결핍의 정도를 조사하였다. 결과: 양수내 태변착색이 있는 군은 태변착색이 없는 군에 비해 진통 중 안심할 수 없는 태아 심박동 상태의 발생이 더 많았고(4.5% vs. 1.0%, p=0.03) 제대 동맥혈 평균 pH값이 7.28±0.13으로 태변착색이 없는 임신에 비해 유의하게 낮았다(p=0.008). 중증의 태아 산증을 의미하는 제대 동맥혈 pH가 7.0 미만인 경우도 총 3.4% 발생하여 태변착색이 없는 경우에 비해 유의하게 많았다(p=0.01). 그러나 대사성 산증의 위험도는 높지 않았으며 분만 후 1분, 5분 아프가 점수도 두 군에서 유의한 차이가 없었다. 결론: 태변착색 임신의 발생율에 비해 분만 후 신생아 상태가 불량한 경우는 많지 않았다. 그러나 발생 가능한 태아 심박동 이상과 태아 산증에 대비해서 분만 중 지속적인 심박동 감시 및 분만 후 주의 깊은 신생아 평가가 필요하다. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the obstetric and perinatal outcome between two groups with or without meconium staining of amniotic fluid (MSAF) at term birth in one-year consecutive population at our delivery unit. Methods: Pregnancy complication including nonreassuring fetal heart rate pattern, intrauterine growth retardation, oligohydramnios, hydramnios and preeclampsia between the two groups were retrospectively documented by review of medical record. To evaluate the perinatal outcome, apgar score at 1min and 5min, and umbilical artery blood gas analysis were also analyzed. Student T test and chi square test were used for statistic analysis. Results: The study population consisted of 687 full-term neonates with presence (n=89) and absence (n=598) of MSAF. Gestational age at delivery was significantly higher in the MSAF group (p<0.001). Although the fetal acidemia (umbilical artery blood pH <7.0) was significantly higher in the MSAF group (3.4% vs 1.0%, p<0.01), the metabolic acidemia (base deficit>12.0 mEq/L) was not increased. The incidence of non reassuring fetal heart rate pattern was also increased in the MSAF group (4.5% vs 1.0%, p=0.03). However there was no significant difference in 1 min and 5 min Apgar score. Conclusion: Although MSAF is associated with the risk of non reassuring fetal heart rate pattern and fetal acidemia, the metabolic acidemia and low apgar score at 5minutes was not significantly increased compared with clear amniotic fluid group. Delivery of pregnancy with MSAF should be managed under the careful fetal heart rate monitoring.

      • KCI등재

        글로벌 리더 모형에 기반 한 리더십 프로그램이 유아의 창의성 및 창의적 리더십에 미치는 영향

        권지영(kwon Ji Young),이경화(Lee Kyoung Hwa) 숭실대학교 영재교육연구소 2014 Global Creative Leader Vol.4 No.1

        본 연구는 글로벌 리더 모형에 기반 한 리더십 프로그램이 유아의 창의성과 창의적 리더십 향상에 어떤 효과가 있는지 확인하는데 목적이 있다. 만 4세 유아 각 18명씩을 실험집단과 통제집단으로 선정하여 실험집단에는 32차시로 구성된 리더십 프로그램을 진행하였고, 통제집단에는 만 4세 누리과정에서 실시하고 있는 프로그램을 실시하였다. 연구의 결과, 첫째, 리더십 프로그램은 유아의 창의적 능력 향상에 효과적인 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 리더십 프로그램은 유아의 언어창의성(유창성, 상상력, 융통성, 독창성) 향상에 효과적인 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 리더십 프로그램은 유아의 도형 창의성 하위요인 중 연속성 및 연결성, 완성도, 주제를 제외한 새로운 요소 첨가, 비관습성 향상에 효과적인 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 리더십 프로그램은 유아의 창의적 성향 향상에 효과적이지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 다섯째, 리더십 프로그램은 창의적 리더십의 개인적 리더십 하위 요인인 자기관리와 건설적 사고 향상에 효과적인 것으로 나타났다. 여섯째, 리더십 프로그램은 창의적 리더십의 사회적 리더십 하위 요인인 타인존중과 공동체 배려 향상에 효과적인 것으로 나타났다. 일곱째, 리더십 프로그램은 창의적 리더십의 문제해결력의 리더십 하위요인인 창의적 성향을 제외하고 창의적 사고력과 창의적 태도에 효과적인 것으로 나타났다. This study aimed to confirm the effectiveness of the leadership program based on the global leader model; how this leadership program affects children’s creativity and their creative leadership. Therefore, research problems such as below were set up and proven. The research results of this experiment were as follows; First, it is shown that the leadership program is effective in children's creative ability development. Second, it is proven that the leadership program is beneficial in children's verbal creativity improvement such as fluency, imagination, flexibility. Third, it is presented that the leadership program is helpful in children's figure(geometric) creativity development such as adding the new factors, non-typicality but for continuity, degree of completion, theme. Fourth, it is recognized that the leadership program has meaningful statistic progress in children's creative tendency in total but it was impossible to find meaningful difference in the average analysis which was conducted to the each sub factor. Fifth, it is found that the leadership program is useful in self management and constructive thinking which are the sub factors of individual leadership. Sixth, it appears that the leadership program is effective in respecting others and community which is a sub factor of creative leadership. Seventh, it is demonstrated that the leadership program is advantageous in creative thinking and attitude without the improvement in creative tendency. Like presented above, this study could prove that the leadership program based on global leader model is quite effective in children’s creativity and creative leadership improvement. Therefore, I hereby suggest that the leadership program could be utilized as a useful program in the field of early childhood education.

      • KCI등재

        중국 역대 북경팔경(北京八景)의 경관인식 변화에 대한 고찰

        권지영 ( Kwon Ji-young ),김성균 ( Kim Sung-kyun ) 한국전통조경학회(구 한국정원학회) 2020 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.38 No.2

        본 연구는 북경팔경과 관련된 시문과 서화를 비롯하여 고지도·고문헌 등을 분석하여 북경팔경의 시대별 변천과정과 경관인식변화, 북경팔경의 물리적 경관요소 및 구조분석과 국가경영과의 관계, 마지막으로 북경팔경의 장소화과정을 고찰하였다. 북경팔경의 경점은 도성 밖과 안으로 각각 네 곳씩 분포하고 있으며, 도성 밖은 모두 황제의 휴식처이자 북경의 산수경관의 중심인 서산 지역에 집중되었고, 도성 안의 경점은 궁궐의 황제원림에 두 곳, 성곽 주변의 마을 두 곳에 분포하고 있다. 즉 북경팔경은 초기 조성될 때부터 황실, 황제, 황궁과 밀접하게 관련된 장소로 선정하였으며, 금 이후 원·명·청대를 거치면서 황제를 비롯한 수많은 학자들이 국가경영에 활용함으로써 점점 도성팔경으로서 성격이 짙어졌다. 도성 내 두 곳은 신선과 황제를 동격화하여 칭송하였으며, 도성 밖 두 곳은 도성주변의 마을 경관의 모습을 담고 있으면서 통치를 받는 백성들의 편안한 삶을 묘사하고 있다. 결국 팔경의 대부분 조망지역은 황궁과 황제와 관련이 있음을 알 수 있다. 북경팔경의 물리적 경관을 요소별로 살펴보면, 수도방비·인재선발·농사에 대한 내용을 담은 국가경영과 황제 칭송, 북경 민가의 모습을 담고 있다. 건륭제는 중국의 팔경(경관) 문화를 소상팔경(북송)→서호팔경(남송원말)→연경팔경(금대)→북경팔경(명대)→건륭제의 연산팔경(청대)으로 역사적 맥락을 계승하려고 하였을 뿐만 아니라 비석과 원림 조성을 통해 북경팔경의 장소화하는 과정을 확인하였다. This study closely analyzed poems and paintings related to Beijing-Palgyeong, as well as ancient maps and ancient writings. Through the study, people who read this study can consider, Beijing-Palgyeong’s the process of changing times, changing landscape perception, physical and symbolic landscape elements, structural analysis, national management relationships, and finally how it was localized as symbolic place. The view point of the Beijing-Palgyeong is distributed in four places, one outside and one inside the city. Outside of the capital city of Beijing-Palgyeong were concentrated in Seosan(西山) where the resting place of the emperor and the center of the landscape view of Beijing. The view point of Beijing-Palgyeong inside the capital city is located in two places in the royal palace's Imperial Garden and in two villages around the fortress. In other words, Beijing-Palgyeong was selected as a place closely related to the imperial family, emperor, and royal palace from the time of its initial creation. Since then, many scholars, including the emperor, have used it for national management through Won(元), Ming and Qing Dynasty, and it have become more and more characteristic of ‘The capital city of eight scenic views’. The two places inside the capital city praised the Gods and Emperors in the same way. Outside the capital city, the two sites depict the comfortable lives of the people who are governed by the emperor and depicting the village landscape around the city. In the end, it can be seen that most of the Beijing-Palgyeong are related to imperial palaces and emperors. If you look at the physical landscape of Beijing-Palgyeong by element, it mainly contains the contents of national management and the emperor's eulogy. Qianlong Emperor established the Beijing-Palgyeong in 1751 through the construction of a monument. A four-character on the front of the monument, and inscribed with a seven-word written by the person on the back. It can be said that Qianlong Emperor’s Beijing-Palgyeong were intended to show off the results of Manchurian rule through the material symbol of the monument. Beijing-Palgyeong have been transformed into a landmark, and modern people use it as an indicator of the Beijing-Palgyeong.

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