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        유아근섬유종 : 증례 보고

        종헌,김미경,박언섭,김영백,성남,최덕영 대한신경외과학회 1994 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.23 No.10

        Infantile myofibromatosis is a rare neoplasm which occurs primanly in early infancy and arise in the various sites. A 4-year-old boy, who presented with painless soft scalp mass in the left tempomparietal region was diagnosed to have myofibromatosis and this case is presented with some literature reviews.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on Relationships between Environmental Risk and Demographic Characteristics Using GIS

        성남,조춘만 대한공간정보학회 2011 Spatial Information Research Vol.19 No.4

        This research examined relationships between Scientifically Estimated Environ- mental Risks (SEERs) of floods, hurricanes and hazardous material releases, and household characteristics. This research showed that there were no statistically significant relationships between most of the demographic characteristics (age, household size, tenure at the present home) and SEERs of the two natural hazards (a flood and a hurricane). These results support Drabek’s findings (1986) that people tend to underestimate or ignore natural hazards in selecting their residence regardless of age, household size, and house tenure. Educational attainment and yearly household income were positively correlated with hurricane risk, but not with flood risk. By contrast, SEER of hazardous materials was correlated with all demographic characteristics mentioned above. This result may show that those who are relatively poorer and have lower educational level tend to be limited to living in communities more vulnerable to human-made risk.

      • KCI등재

        Analysis on Public Risk Perception and Environmental Risk

        성남 한국방재학회 2011 한국방재학회논문집 Vol.11 No.4

        This research examined how Scientifically Estimated Environmental Risks (SEERs) of floods, hurricanes, and hazardous material releases are related with perceived risks of those hazards. This study also tested the relationship between household characteristics and environmental risk perceptions. Major findings of this research are as follows. First, there were little differences in risk perceptions of natural and technological hazards across demographic groups. Specifically, the respondents’ risk perceptions of both natural and technological hazards did not differ by age, household size, and marital status. By contrast, educational level, gender (male =1), and median household income were statistically related to perceived risk of the natural hazards, whereas educational attainment and gender were statistically related to perceived risk of hazardous material releases. Finally, SEERs of floods and hurricanes were positively related to respondents’ perception of property damage, but not related to injury or heath problems from those natural hazards. SEER of hazardous materials was related to all three categories of risk perception of a hazardous material release. These results suggest that environmental cues such as proximity to rivers and bays do not much contribute to an increase in the respondents’ perception of safety and health problems resulting from natural hazards. The fact that there was a significant correlation with property damage suggests that risk area residents believe that they can protect themselves (e.g., by evacuating), but not their property.

      • KCI등재

        Development of a Rat Model of Graded Contusive Spinal Cord Injury Using a Pneumatic Impact Device

        성남,박승원,김영백,민병국,권정택,여상준,석종식 대한의학회 2004 Journal of Korean medical science Vol.19 No.4

        An animal model of spinal cord trauma is essential for understanding the injury mechanisms, cord regeneration, and to aid the development of new therapeutic modalities. This study focused on the development of a graded experimental con-tusion model for spinal cord injury (SCI) using a pneumatic impact device made in Korea. A contusive injury was made to the dorsal aspect of the cord. Three trau-ma groups were defined according to the impact velocity (IV). A control group (n=6), received laminectomy only. Group 1 (n=10), 2 (n=10), and 3 (n=10) had IVs of 1.5 m/sec, 2.0 m/sec, and 3.5 m/sec respectively. Functional assessments were made up to the 14th day after injury. The cord was removed at the 14th post-injury day and prepared for histopathologic examination. Significant behavioral and histopathological abnormalities were found in control and each trauma group. All trauma groups showed severe functional impairment immediately after injury but following different rates of functional recovery (Fig. 5). As the impact velocity and impulse increased, the depth of contusive lesion revealed to be profound the results show that the rat model reproduces spinal cord lesions consistently, has a distinctive value in assessing the effects of impact energy.


        연수막 암종증 1예

        성남,한대희,지제근 대한신경외과학회 1978 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.7 No.1

        Carcinomatous meningitis is a relatively common late complication of systemic cancer but there is difficulty in diagnosis when there is no clinical evidence of primary malignant lesion. We have experienced a patient who entered our hospital with complaints of headache, vomiting and deteriorated consciousness. On neurological examination, both optic fundi showed hemorrhagic papilledema and central type facial palsy was observed on the right side. All routine laboratory and radiological examination revealed no abnormality except suspiciously dilated ventricles on Conray ventriculogram. She had been treated under the impression of pseudotumor cerebri. She went downhill course and expired on the 18th. hospital day. Autopsy was performed. Pathological findings were limited to the central nervous system. The brain was diffusely swollen and weighed 1510 gms. The cerebral hemispheres were cloudy throughout with dusky gray appearance. Sulci were tight and gyri became flat. No evidence of herniation was present. Coronal secions disclosed two foci of yellow tan granular lesions in the left parieto-occipital cortex just under the menengeal coverings. These lesions were less than 0.5㎝ in maximum dimensions. Microscopically almost entire cerebral, cerebellar and spinal cord leptomeninges were infiltrated by neoplastic cells that often formed glandular structures. These tumorous growths in the meninges were continuous with the subjacent tumor masses found in the cortex. No other foci of tumor were seen in the CNS. The ventricular system was mild to moderately dilated with slightly cloudy surface. Microsepically no tumor was seen along the ependyma. Search for the primary site of meningeal carcinomatosis included multiple sections of entire visceral organs with particular emphasis on the lung. There was a focus of metastatic papillary carcinoma in one of the left hilar lymph node. Meticulous gross dissection and multiple sections of the lungs, however, failed to show any tumor.


        뇌실염이 합병된 수두증환자에서 피하터널 조루술 - 증례보고 -

        성남,조재영,박승원,김영백,최덕영,Hwang, Sung-Nam,Cho, Jae-Young,Park, Seung-Won,Kim, Young-Baeg,Choi, Duck-Young 대한신경외과학회 2001 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.30 No.7

        Thirty nine-year-old man who required urgent shunt operation due to rapidly deteriorating visual acuity suffered from ventriculitis after aneurysmal operation. Daily dose of 20mg of vancomycin and amikyn were given intraventricularly via external ventricular catheter after failure of various kinds of systemic antibiotics. The exit of the catheter was made on the upper chest wall to prevent superinfection. External ventricular drainage could finally be switched to ventriculo-peritoneal shunt and he was discharged with clinical improvement.

      • 대한신경외과학회지 30년사

        성남,김동규 대한신경외과학회 2002 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.32 No.4

        The end of this month is the 30th birthday of Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society. Since the first issue of Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society published in October, 1972, it has been developed in its quality as well as the quantity. More than 4000 articles have been published and tremendous contribution for the development of Korean Neurosurgical Society was made by the journal. The authors review the history of Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society including the problems in this situation and suggest the way to make the journal as an internationally famous one. Key words:Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society;Journal;Korea;Neurosurgery.

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