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      • 산부인과학에 관련된 국내의 인터넷

        고재환 인제대학교 1998 仁濟醫學 Vol.19 No.2

        오늘날 이룩한 과학 문명은 모든 분야에 이용되고 있고 의학에 있어서도 예외는 아니다. 컴퓨터의 보급으로 인해 복잡했던 의학적 통계를 더욱 빨리 계산할 수 있게 되었고, 세계 곳곳에서 연구하는 의학 관련 논문은 더욱 체계화된 기술적 도움으로 의학의 집약이 이루어지고 있다. 게다가 인터넷의 등장으로 인해 세계는 더욱 가까워지고 의학적 지식의 교환도 활발히 이루어 지고 있다. 하지만 의학 분야에서 국내의 인터넷 이용은 아직 미흡한 것이 사실이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 국내의 산부인과 영역에서 유용한 인터넷의 주소를 수집 분석하여 인터넷 응용 가능성을 추정하고자 하였다. 1996년 3월부터 1998년 7월까지 인터넷에 관계된 자료를 서적과 잡지에서 수집하고, 인터넷을 통해 얻은 정보와 주소를 토대로 1998년 8월부터 1998년 11월까지 찾았던 모든 주소를 접속하는 방법으로 국내에서 산부인과학에 관련된 정보를 분석하였다. 검색을 통해 얻은 모든 산부인과 관련 의료 주소는 368개였으며 이중 국내 주소가 65개였다. 303개의 국외 주소 중 접속이 않된 경우가 28개(9.2%)였고, 접속 시간이 30초 이상인 경우가 55개(20.0%)였다. 국내 주소에서는 접속 불량이 11개(16.9%)였으며, 국외에 비해 국내의 접속 속도는 접속 시간대에 따라 큰 차이를 보였다. 비용을 들이지 않고도 사용 가능한 검색 도구는 국내와 국외를 구분하지 않았고 모두 14개였다. 본 연구에서 수집한 국내 의과 대학의 인터넷 주소는 모두 31개였으며, 이중 5개 주소가 접속 불량이었고 대부분 홈페이지에서 산부인과로 연결이 가능하였다. 단순히 홍보만을 목적으로한 주소는 제외하고 산부인과에 관련된 정보를 얻을 수 있는 주소만을 수록하였다. 산부인과와 관련된 국내의 주요 학회와 지회는 모두 7개였다. Objective: The purpose of this article is to collect and analyze the Internet sites concerning the field of obstetrics and gynecology in Korea, and study the effectiveness of the internet toward the medical science. Methods: First of all, the information of the Internet relaxed to Obstetrics and Gynecology produced during the period of March, 1996 through July. 1998 was collected and examined from the several sources such as the books and the journals. Then, all possible sites about obstetrics and gynecology were connected and rearranged during August through November, 1998. In the course of this study, two kinds of computers haute been employed. One is the notebook computer which is Pentium MMX-166 MHz CPU, 48Megabyte RAM, and installed wish 56,600bps modem. The other one is the desktop computer wish Pentium II-300 MHz CPU, 64Megabyte RAM, and also 56,600bps modem. The Window 95 from Microsoft was used for both of computers as an operating system, and Internet Explorer 4.0 was used for Web browser. Also, Internet service provided by Uniwin were used, and the modem and the telephone cable were the main equipments for the connection. Results: The 368 medical sites in relation to obstetrics and gynecology including 65 of domestic sites have been found from the search. The 28 sites(9.2%) out of the 303 outside sites were not connected at all, and the 55 sites(20.0%) took more than 30 seconds to be connected. Among the 65 domestic sites, 11 (16.9%) were not connected, and the speed of the connection to the domestic sites seemed to depend on what time the connection is made during a day. There are 14 search engines available without any expense, and the 31 sites of the domestic medical schools, of which 5 sites are not connected. Moreover, the 7 domestic societies and organizations concernig obstetrics and gynecology can be found as well. Conclusion: As observed in this article, it is expected that this study can help many researchers to obtain more medical information easily. Since more and more researchers in this country are becoming interested in the Internet as well, the activated use of the Internet will have an important role on the future medical science.

      • KCI등재
      • 濟州島 俗談의 表現

        高在奐 濟州敎育大學校 1986 論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        The expression of Korean proverbs were not different from the forms, but the former was treated as a morpheme concerned with the latter.In this study I treated the expression and form of proverbs seperately from each other, and encouraged that the intention of proverbs would be increased by literary expressions as well as forms. Especially, I made a survey of the rhetoric, metrical scheme and comicality of 550 Cheju-do proverbs. The result of survey is as follows: 1. RHETORIC ; all of the proverbs could be accounted for by means of 10 rhetorics. The proverbs were written in the order of epigram, indirect suggestion, metaphor, contrast, parallelism, hyperbole, simile exhortation, paradox and gradation. 2. METRICAL SCHEME ; as the expression of proverbs is similar to that of poetry, Korean songs and lyrics can now accommodate only absolute pitchs and musical charactders, not rhyme appointed as disappropriate to Korean peotry. 3-4 syllable meter, 4-4 syllable meter, and 7-5 syllable meter, which is considered as traditional rhythem of Korean poetry, cover most of the proverbs in distribution. It means that there exists a close relationship between proverbs and poetry. Musical characters are various from 1-notation to 17-notation, and the usage rate appeared in the order of 4-notation, 2-notation, 3-notation and etc. From this, it is estimated that the old poetry had changed into 4-notation while they came down to Korea dynasty. 3. COMICALITY ; the application of a sarcasm, humor, wit, irony called subjective comicality to proverbs makes persons realize that proverbs are a aliterary experssion. Even though the sarcasm is less exciting, it enlighten perosns on their social position and wisdom. Humor criticizes comically discordance between persons' words and actions on the basis of crude and local temper. Irony has a phylosophy, the arts of life through abandonment, resistance, self-conquest, self-scorn and self-complaint. Wit acts as the gateway to represent human affairs, because normal mentality is experssed through abnoram mentality and the reverse is applicable. As shown above, the expression of proverbs is similar to that of literary works. Consequently, even if it is fragmentary, this leads to a renewed appreciation of the literary character of proverbs.

      • 濟州島俗談의 形態

        高在奐 濟州敎育大學校 1985 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        As a material basis for this study. I classified 530 pieces of Che ju-do proverbs into small groubs after a simlilar pattern. The result of this classification snows that the proverbs are divided into general forms and special ones. 1) General forms are classified into functional patterns and structural ones' while functional patterns are classified into direct expressions, and indirect expressions It is because the contents of proverbs must be expressed directly or indirectly. By an external form, structural patterns are classified into a unitary form, a master and servant form, a parallel form and an overlap ping form. In a unitary form, proverbs are simple sentences made up of one or two words(phrases). In a master and servant form, proverbs are made up of a main clause and a dependent clause. In a parallel form sentences are contrapositive and interchangeabl each other. An overlapping form is similar to a parallel form in that sentences have contrapositive relations, but in an overlapping form, more than two sentences must overlap or repeat without conclusive ending. otherwise sentences can not function as a proverb. 2) Special forms are divided into a descriptive form, a meaning form and a folk-belief form. A descriptive form is a long style proverb peculiar to Cheju-do district with 23-63 sylables and the longest style in Korea. Proverbs with a meaning form are rich in local color and local history, so proverbs can not be understood without a good grashp of the formative cause and background of them. Proverbs with a folk-belief form are richer in local color and individuality than those of a descriptive form, while expressing the traditional folk-belief and life-style of Chejuians. -Function form- -Direct form -Indirect form -General form- -Unitary form -Structural form- -Master and servant form -Parallel form PROVERBS- -Overlapping form -Descriptive form -Special from- -Meaning form -Folk-belief form

      • 트리코모나스 질염에서 메트로나다졸 1.5gm 단일 요법의 치료 효과

        고재환,이응수 인제대학교 1999 仁濟醫學 Vol.20 No.1S

        본 연구는 트리코모나스(trichomonas) 질염 환자의 치료 중 단일 요법을 사용한 12예와 기존의 분획 요법을 사용한 45예를 대상으로 비교 분석하여, 치료의 효용성을 임상학적인 측면에서 알아 보았다. 두 군사이의 재발률 비교에서 통계적인 유의성이 없었으며(p=0.303), 단일 요법과 분획 요법간의 불충분한 치료율면에서는 분획 요법에서 적은 것으로 통계적 의의를 보였으나(p<0.05), 두 군간의 재발자가 너무 적었고 단일 요법 군에서 불충분 치료 판정을 받은 2예는 모두 성상대자로부터 재감염된 것이 확인되어 실질적인 의미는 없었다. 대상 환자를 결혼 여부로 나누어 비교하였을 때 기혼군에 비해 미혼군이 재발률에서 통계적으로도 의의있게 적었는데(p<0.05), 이는 재발의 원인이 치료 방법의 차이가 아니라 다른 성상대자로부터의 재감염 때문으로 분석된다. 투여 중 혹은 투여 후의 합병증은 두 군 모두에서 없었으며, 결론적으로 메트로니다졸의 1.5gm 단일 투여 요법은 임상적으로 사용하기에 효율적이고 적합한 치료 방법이 되리라고 사료된다. Objectives: The purpose of this article is to report the result of the single-dose treatment using Metronidazole 1.5mg, which has been done at the Seoul Paik Hospital. Methods: For this study, the 57 patients who were diagnosed as Trichomonas at the Seoul Paik Hospital from March, 1998 through November. 1998, have been examined. Wet smear was done to diagnose Trichomonas with clue cell, fungus and leukocyte count, and serum VDRL, serum-HIV test, and Pap smear was done as well. Each patient was given a single-dose of Metronidazole 1.5mg, which became a group. At the same time, the contrasting group were treated with twice to four times of Tinidazole 500mg for 3 to 10 days. These patients were reexamined with the wet smear test after a week and a month from this treatment. Results: 1.Among 12 cases treated with the single-dose out of 57 diagnosed as Trichomonas vaginalis, the 2 cases have relapsed in three month after the treatment. The recurrence of 45 cases treated with multi-dose was 16(35.6%), and these 16 cases were proved to be reinfected(p = 0.303). 2.In comparison of the insufficient treatment using the single-dose with that using the multi-dose, the multi-dose seemed to be smaller number of the insufficient treatment (p<0.05). However, the case of the relapse in two groups was too small, and 2 cases were proved to be reinfected from sexual partners. 3.Among 5 cases who have been diagnosed as bacterial vaginosis after the treatment, the 3 cases have relapsed, and there was no statistical significance compared to the group with out bacterial vaginalis(p = 0.312). These 3 cases were reinfected recurrences. 4.12 single women were not relapsed into the disease after the treatment, while 18(40.0%) cases out of 45 married women were relapsed(p<0.05). It is analyzed that the factor of relapse was not insufficient treatment but reinfection from the sexual relationship after the treatment. 5.There were no side effects either during the treatment or after the treatment in both groups. Conclusion: To conclude. the single-dose 1.5mg Metronidazole could be used safely and effectively for Trichomonas vaginalis, and it could also reduce the side effect although using the same medication frequently.

      • 濟州島의 生業俗談 硏究

        高在奐 濟州敎育大學校 1989 論文集 Vol.19 No.-

        This study is to investigate the real condition of teh proverbs related to livelihood in Cheju-do by classifying the formation backgrounds, materials, contents and subjects of 211 proverbs. This study results in the followings ; the formaton background at the view point of natural environment is caused by the unfavorable conditions of bac climate, isolation from the main ladn and frivolity in life. The formation background at the view point of livelihood is caused by sphere of life through half-agriculture and half-fishing in gear with natural environment. Therefore, agriculture and livestock industry flourished in inland, and on the other hand, fishery and diving industry flourished in coast districts, so that not only the proverbs related to agriculture and livestock but also those related to fishery and diving came to be coined in Cheju-do. The conditions of these proverbs are as follows. 1) Material aspect : The contents of agricultural proverbs are concerned with grains of farm products, agricultural instruments and foods. The contents of livestock proverbs are concerned with cows, horses, pigs and dogs called domestics cattle. Fishery priverbs are concerned with sea fish excluding freshwater fish, and ocean currents. Diving proverbs are more concerned with various sea creatures and ocean currents than fishery ones. 2) Content aspect : Of 51 agricultureal proverbs, 23 proverbs are concerned with cultivation, 18 ones with harvesting, 5 ones with exploitation. and 4 ones with reproach. Of 64 livestock proverbs, 28 proverbs are concerned with bee-culture, 22 ones with the evaluation of livestock, and 12 ones with the practical use of livestock. Of 21 fishery proverbs, 10 proverbs are concerned with catching fish, 7 ones with the life mode of fish, and 4 ones with atmospheric phenomena. Of 49 ding proverbs, 24 ones are concerned with diving women, 12 ones with gathering sea-products, 10 ones with the life mode of diving women, and 3 ones with atmospheric phenomena. 3) Subject aspect : In the subjects of agricultural proverbs, 28 proverbs are concerned with actual profit, 14 ones with sincerity, and 9 ones with instruction. In the subject of livestock proverbs, 28 proverbs are concerned with instruction, 22 ones with actual profit, and 14 ones with keeping to one's status in life. In the subject of fishery proverbs, 10 proverbs are concerned with instruction, 6 ones with actual profit, 3 ones with keeping to one's status in life, and 2 ones with frugality. In the subject of longevity proverbs, 25 proverbs are concerned with actual profit, 15 ones with instruction, 8 ones with perseverance and 1 proverb with frugality. This study shows that there are lots of proverbs about livestock and diving in Cheju-do. Especially, diving proverbs stand unchallenged in the present Korean woman proverbs, remaining peculiar to Cheju-do.

      • KCI등재

        환자혈액관리 관점에서 본 수술 환자의 빈혈 처치법

        고재환 대한수혈학회 2020 大韓輸血學會誌 Vol.31 No.1

        Perioperative anemia is common during surgery and is an important risk factor for the transfusion of RBC, morbidity and mortality. Blood transfusion has been a common practice for a long time, and has been a traditionally accepted solution to perioperative anemia. However, increasing evidence is now showing that this traditional treatment may actually do more harm than good. Research has shown that transfusion is independently associated with morbidity and mortality. A paradigm shift is currently taking place towards patient-oriented blood management and patient blood management, PBM. PBM consists of 3 pillars: the optimization of the red blood cell mass, reduction of blood loss and bleeding, and optimization of the patients’ physiological tolerance toward anemia. Of the three fillers, perioperative management is mainly included in the second pillar, but integration of these 3 pillars and strategies into perioperative pathways should improve care processes and patient outcome. Bleeding during surgery and efforts to stop it continue, and treatment for bleeding and many hemostatic methods have been developed. In recent decades, minimally invasive surgical techniques have led to a reduction of bleeding, where hemostatic agents, surgical instruments and new techniques have played an important role in the perioperative field of PBM. This paper summarized why PBM is needed, and the strategy during surgery simply and easily. This paper focuses on the surgeons’ role in PBM. The main PBM protocol is not discussed, but rather the paper focuses on selective clinical practice. (Korean J Blood Transfus 2020;31:21-33)

      • KCI등재

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