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      • KCI등재

        A Bibliographic Study of Literary Works during Liberation Space in the Korean Collection of the University of Washington Libraries

        김종천 한국서지학회 2010 서지학연구 Vol.47 No.-

        This study configurated the following facts by analyzing bibliographic characteristics of the Korean literary works during the time of Liberation Space in the collection of the University of Washington Libraries. (1) The University of Washington Libraries have 60 rare Korean literary works published during the time of Liberation Space. (2) This collection of Korean literary works published during the Liberation Space was formed with the donation from the late S. E. Solberg, an American scholar of Korean literature and Namgung Yoseol, a Korean- American photographer. Solberg donated 16 books and Namgung donated 8 books. (3) These books can be classified into 28 poems, 23 novels, 4 readers, 2 travel essays, 2 children's literature, and 1 literary history. It is notable that especially in the early period of the Liberation Space, many poems were published to express the delight of liberation. (4) Out of those 60 books, the authors of 25 books could be considered the leftists. It seems that during this period, the authors actively wrote without any ideological limitation. (5) Out of 60 books, the illustrators of book covers for 30 books could be identified. Jeong Hyon-ung illustrated the book covers for 6 books, while Kim Yong-jun and Bae Jeong-guk illustrated the covers fo 3 books, respectively, and Gil Jin-seop, Park Mun-won and Yi Sang-beom illustrated the covers for 2 books, respectively.

      • 국방획득관리규정 개정 소개(6차 개정, '03. 2)

        김종천,Kim, Jong-Cheon 한국방위산업진흥회 2003 國防과 技術 Vol.- No.288

        국방회기득관리규정의 주요 개정내용을 제시하였다. 국방획득관리제도가 기준면에서 아무리 합리적이고 절차면에서 구체화되었다고 하더라도 이해가 미흡하여 준수되지 않거나 또는 활용되지 않는다면 그 효용이 저하될 것이다. 무기체계 획득관련 기관.부서 담당자 및 방위산업에 종사하는 관계관들은 해당분야의 개정내용을 숙독해 주기를 바란다. 앞으로도 획득제도 시행상에 도출되는 문제점은 지속적으로 발굴하여 개선해 나갈 예정이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        미래 신재생에너지 활성화를 위한 법제 대응 방안

        김종천 가천대학교 법학연구소 2013 가천법학 Vol.6 No.1

        인류는 21세기 들어 기후변화, 에너지 고갈과 경제, 인구문제와 식량, 수자원 부족 및 오염, 생물다양성 위기, 선진국과 개발도상국간의 격차 확대 등과 같은 전 지구적인 도전과 위협에 직면해 있다. 현재 세계 인구의 급격한 증가로 인해 전 세계의 에너지 소비도 급증하고 있으나, 에너지 공급은 이를 동일한 비율로 따라잡지 못하고 있다. 대부분의 에너지 자원, 특히 석유, 석탄, 천연가스의 매장량은 각각 40년, 170년, 65년 정도 사용할 것밖에 남아 있지 않다고 추정되고 있다. 이에 비해, 최근 다수의 선진 국가들은 전체 에너지 소비의 80% 이상이 석탄, 석유, 천연가스라고 한다. 또 전 세계적으로 많은 나라에서 약 440기의 원자력발전소를 가동하여 저렴하게 전기를 사용해 오고 있다. 그런데 1973년 3월 28일 미국의 펜실베니아주 해리스버그의 스리마일 섬에서 원자력발전소 사고, 1986년 4월 26일 (구) 소련의 체르노빌 원자력발전소 사고, 2011년 3월 11일 일본 동북부 지방을 관통한 대규모 지진과 쓰나미로 인한 후쿠시마 현 원자력 방사능 누출사고는 전 세계 국가들로 하여금 에너지의 중요성을 새롭게 각인시키게 되는 계기를 마련하였다. 이에 따라 독일, 스웨덴, 스위스는 원자력 발전소를 2022년까지 단계적으로 폐쇄할 계획에 있으며, 이에 반해 프랑스는 현재 전력수요 80%를 원자력발전소에 맡길 예정이고, 다른 유럽 국가들은 신재생에너지로의 전환을 요구하는 에너지 이용 및 산업발전에 대한 패러다임의 전환을 맞이하게 되었다.우리 정부도 “국가에너지 기본계획”을 통하여 현재 1차 에너지 소비의 2.5%에 불과한 신재생 에너지 비중을 2030년까지 10%대로 늘리는 목표를 설정했다. 이는 기술개발과 사업 확대를 통하여 신재생에너지 산업을 육성하여 일자리를 창출하는 등의 국가산업의 성장동력의 요체로 삼겠다는 전략이라고 볼 수 있다. 예컨대 우리나라는 2002년부터 2011년 12월 31일까지 신재생에너지에 의한 발전단가와 일반 전력단가의 차이를 보조하는 “발전차액지원제도(FIT)”를 운영하였다. 동 제도를 운영한 이유는 우리나라의 경우 신재생에너지 이용 기술이 충분하게 상용화된 단계에 이르지 못한 상태에서 화석에너지와 경쟁하기 어렵다는 점 때문에 국가가 어느 정도 경쟁가능한 단계에 이를 때까지 신재생에너지 시장을 형성하고 산업을 육성하여야 했기 때문이었다. 그런데 지난 10년간 신재생에너지 지원에 소요된 재정만 2조원이 넘었음에도 불구하고 신재생에너지 보급률은 저조하고 발전량도 전체의 1% 수준에 불과했다. 또 하나의 문제는 발전차액지원제도가 태양광발전에 치우쳐 다른 신재생에너지의 균형발전에 미흡했다는 것이다. 이에 정부는 2012년 1월 1일부터「신에너지 및 재생에너지 개발·이용·보급 촉진법」제12조의5부터 제12조의10은 공급의무화제도(RPS)를 입법화하였다. 동제도는 단순히 신재생에너지에 대한 자금을 지원해주는 게 아니라 정부가 발전사업자나 전력판매자들에게 총 발전량의 일정 비율만큼 신재생에너지 사용의무를 부여해 시장을 창출해 주되, 그 시장의 진입은 공급자들 간의 경쟁을 통하여 하게 한다는 점에서 보다 효율적인 지원방안이라고 할 수 있을 것이다. 신재생에너지 산업을 세계적인 경쟁력을 가지는 산업으로 육성한 국가로 덴마크, 스페인, 독일 등이 있는데, 그 중에서 독일은「전기연결법(Stromeinspeisungsgesetz)」,「전기매입법(Gesetz über die Einspeisung von Strom aus erneuerbaren Energien in das öfentliche Netz: StrEG)」, 「재생가능에너지법(Gesetz für den Vorrang Erneuerbarer Energien, Erneuerbare Energien Gesetz)」,「재생열 사용촉진에 관한 법률(Gesetz zur Förderung Erneuerbarer Energien im Wärmebereich: EEWärmeG)」을 통하여 국제사회에서 환경보호의 선진국으로 위상을 차지하게 되었다. 즉 이러한 독일의 재생에너지법제의 제․개정으로 새로운 재생에너지 산업의 진흥으로 자국민을 위한 많은 일자리를 창출했다는 점에서 미래 우리나라의 신․재생에너지법제의 발전 방향성을 설정하는데 시사하는 바가 크다고 할 것이다.이 같은 맥락에서 우리 정부도 미래 신재생에너지 활성화를 위한 법적 대응방안을 위하여 여러가지 정책적 대안을 제시했다. 즉, 신재생에너지 기술특성의 유형별 비율차등제도와 혼소발전의 도입, 조력발전을 통한 대상전원을 확대하는 방안, 「신에너지 및 재생에너지 개발·이용·보급 촉진법」을 통해 강제적인 공급의무화제도 및 임의제도인 녹색가격제도를 도입하는 방안이 그것이다. 그리고 신재생에너지의 연료인 바이오디젤과 바이오에탄올 등 이른바 바이오에너지 계열의 연료 사용을 법제화하는 신재생 연료 공급의무화제도(RFS, Renewable Fuel Standard)를 도입하는 방안 또한 제시했다. 뿐만 아니라 미래 에너지원 확보를 위하여 신재생에너지를 비롯한 천연가스의 시스템정비와 세일가스(Shale gas)가 중요한 역할을 할 것으로 판단되며, 신재생에너지에 의한 높은 전력 전달과 저장을 위한 스마트 그리드 기술, 탄소포집 저장기술의 발전을 도모하기 위하여 법제 대응 방안이 필요로 한다는 점을 제시했다. Since the 21st century started, the human beings are facing planet-scale challenges and threats such as climate change, energy depletion and economy issue, population and food shortage issue, water resource shortage, water contamination, biodiversity at risk, and the growing gap between developed countries and developing countries The world population has increased rapidly and so has the world energy consumption. However, the energy supply has not been able to keep up with the pace of the consumption. The reserved amount of energy resources including oil, coal and natural gas is estimated 40 years, 170 years and 65 years of supply respectively. On the contrary, the consumption on oil, coal and natural gas by a majority number of the advanced countries account for 80 percent of the total energy consumption. A number of countries in the world have used electricity at a lower price by operating nuclear power plants. There are about 440 nuclear power plants in operation across the world. There were some nuclear power plant accidents that remind the world of the importance of energy, which are the partial nuclear meltdown at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, US on March 28, 1979, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster in the former Soviet Union on April 26, 1986, and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant disaster caused by the powerful earthquake and tsunami in the northeast of Japan on March 11, 2011. In the aftermaths of such accidents, Germany, Sweden and Switzerland are planning to phase their nuclear power plants out by 2022. France will use nuclear power plants to generate 80 percent of its current power consumption. Other European countries are also facing a paradigm shift in energy use and industrial development that demand for a transfer to new and renewable energy.Korea has also joined the global move. The Korean government has set up ‘the basic national energy plan’ and decided to increase the share of new and renewable energy in the primary energy consumption from the current 2.5% to 10% by 2030. With this strategy, the Korean government plans to develop the new and renewable energy industry by developing the related technology and expanding the business. Furthermore, the government plans to make the new and renewable energy industry as a growth engine of the national industry and to create more jobs. Particularly, Korea has run a Feed-In-Tariff (FIT) which provides cost-based compensation to new and renewable energy producers from 2002 to December 31, 2011. Korea’s new and renewable energy technology has not been advanced enough to commercialize, which will put new and renewable energy industry in a less competitive position against fossil energy. Thus, the government have put the policy in place to create a market for new and renewable energy and to promote the industry until the industry obtains a capability to compete. The Korean government has invested more than 2 trillion won in supporting the new and renewable energy industry over the last ten years, however, the new and renewable energy penetration rate is still low and the generation amount accounts for only one percent of the entire energy production. The other issue is that the FIT system has put a focus more on solar energy, which fails to make a balanced development with other types of new and renewable energy production. Hence, the Korean government legislated the Act on the Promotion of the Development, Use and Diffusion of New and Renewable Energy as of January 1, 2012. The Act prepared the ground for the system for a mandatory supply of new and renewable energy pursuant to Article 12(5) to Article 12(10) of the Act. The system does not only give monetary support for new and renewable energy. The government, under the system, will require an operator or seller of a new and renewable power generation business to use new and renewable energy in a certain percentage of total production. This will create a new and renewable energy market and the market access will be available through competition between suppliers. In this sense, the mandatory supply system may be a more efficient system than the existing ones. Some of the countries that have developed a competitive renewable energy industry in the world market are Denmark, Sweden and Germany. Particularly, Germany legislated the related laws including ‘Electricity Feed-In Law (Stromeinspeisungsgesetz)’, ‘Law on Feeding Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources into the Public Grid (Gesetz über die Einspeisung von Strom aus erneuerbaren Energien in das öfentliche Netz: StrEG), ‘Renewable Energy Act (Gesetz für den Vorrang Erneuerbarer Energien, Erneuerbare Energien Gesetz)’, and ‘Law for the Promotion of Renewable Energy for Heat Generation (Gesetz zur Förderung Erneuerbarer Energien im Wärmebereich:EEWärmeG).’ With the laws in place, Germany has raised its status in the global society as an advanced nation in environment protection and also created more jobs thanks to the new renewable energy industry. The Germany’s case is the best practice for the development of the Korean new and renewable energy laws. In this circumstances, Korea has proposed a legislative and strategic measure to promote new and renewable energy in the future. The proposed measures are the introduction of a differential rate system based on a technology type of new and renewable energy, the introduction of dual fuel generation, expansion of power options with tidal power generation, a mandatory supply under the Act on the Promotion of the Development, Use and Diffusion of New and Renewable Energy, and the introduction of green price system. It also proposed the introduction of RFS (Renewable Fuel Standard) that legislates the use of bioenergy including biodiesel and bioethanol. Bioenergy is the fuel of new and renewable energy. In addition, reorganizing the natural gas system and the Shale gas may play an important role alo

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        대행제도의 법리분석을 통한 입법론적 개선방안

        김종천 법제처 2019 법제 Vol.686 No.-

        Korea has adopted agency service system when the former Ministry of Finance and the National Tax Service designated the former Sungeop Corporation as an unpaid tax-collection agency and had the effect of the enforcement went to a chief of tax office pursuant to the amendment bill of Tax Collection Act in 1983. A government should develop administrative management that meets the need of the people when a society is diversified and professionalized led by the fourth industrial revolution sweeping around the world. The rapid increase in public administrative affairs in a wide range of areas including politics, economy, society, culture, education, welfare, safety and inspection has caused a difficulty in conducting the relevant administrative affairs by competent administrative entities. It is obvious that the entrustment or delegation of public functions and duties of the government to the private sector has brought up greater efficiency and effectiveness, which has been resulted in an increase in entrustment and delegation. Delegating public administrative duties to the private sector and getting the public and the private sectors to work in cooperation may allow using creativity, technology and expertise of the private sector and ultimately lead into saving budgets and promoting effectiveness of the public sector. However, delegating public administrative duties into the private sector to full extent may lead into the damages to the legitimacy of the raison d’etre of the state and the local governments. Therefore, it is critical to provide the ground that ensures the limit of the delegation and entrustment of public administrative affairs to the private sectors or of the cooperation between the public and the private sectors to a certain degree that would not damage the raison d’etre of the state. This paper analyzes the provisions of the relevant statutes of the competent Ministries and the provisions of the statues related to agency service system. This paper categorizes the types of agency service system into four as follows: Type 1: Internal-delegation type agency; Type 2: Entrustment-type agency; Type 3: Duty delegation and Legal representation-type agency; Type 4: Administration assistance-type agency. The analysis shows that, of 194 statues, the number of statutes fall into Type 1 is 24, the number of statutes fall into Type 2 is 11, the number of statutes fall into Type 3 is 14, and the number of statutes fall into Type 4 is 145. Type 4 “Administration assistance-type agency” is the majority in the statutes on agency service. The analysis also finds that the number of statutes on agency service of the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy is 32, that of the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries is 18, that of the Ministry of Environment is 16, that of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport is 15, and that of the National Fire Agency is 11. The feature of Type 1 is that the practical administrative affairs are dealt by a supporting or subordinate agency but the execution of external authority over such affairs is done by the name of the competent administrative entity. In case of Type 2, an agency exercises the delegated power by its own name and responsibility but the legal effect is belonged to a competent administrative entity which is the original authority. In Type 3, administrative entities use agency service system as legal format but the agency service in this type is used as duty delegation or legal representative in terms of practical legal effect. Agencies in Type 4 are qualified in their profession and technology. Administrative entities in Type 4 get agencies to deal with inspection, investigation, certification, or evaluation after the agencies obtain a related permission, registration, or designation. Agencies in Type 4 are independent in terms of dealing with administrative affairs, but they are under supervision of competent administrative authorities in terms of th...

      • KCI등재

        여성어업인의 노동가치 추정에 관한 연구

        김종천,이창수 한국수산경영학회 2023 수산경영론집 Vol.54 No.2

        The sustainability of fishing villages is threatened by manpower shortages due to population aging and poor settlement conditions. In the reality of poor fishing villages, the importance of women's labor is more emphasized than that of the past because female workers are key workers in fishing labor, processing and sales of marine products. However, policy support for female fishermen is not sufficient. The reason for this is that policy makers did not properly recognize the labor value of female fishermen. In fact, fishing villages have emphasized the importance of female workforce as a slogan, but there has been no attempt to estimate the labor value. There was not even a review of the methodology for estimating the value of labor that was attempted in similar fields. As a result, the policy importance of female fishermen was underestimated for there was no attempt to evaluate their value even though women had been continuously participating in the fishery from the past. Female fishermen’s labor is under the dual labor structure of housework and fishing labor. Therefore, in this study, housework and fishing labor were estimated separately and the total labor value was calculated. The basic data necessary for estimating the labor value of female fishermen were obtained through a survey. The method of estimating the labor value of female fishermen was used in combination with the present income method and the total replacement cost method. As a result of the study, the total labor value of female fishermen was about 4.4 trillion won, which is about half of the total fishery production of 9 trillion won in Korea. 어촌은 인구고령화로 인한 인력난, 열악한 정주여건 등으로 지속가능성이 위협받고 있다. 열악한 어촌 현실에서 여성노동력은 과거에 비해 중요성이 더 강조되고 있다.여성인력은 어업노동, 수산물 가공, 판매 등에서 핵심인력이기 때문이다. 그러나 여성어업인에 대한 정책적 지원은 충분하지 않다. 왜냐하면 정책입안자들이 여성어업인의 노동가치를 제대로 인식하지 못했기 때문이다. 실제로 어촌에서 여성인력의 중요성에 대해 하나의 구호처럼 강조해왔지만, 노동가치를 추정하고자 하는 시도는 없었다. 심지어 유사 분야에서 시도했던 노동가치 추정에 대한 방법론 검토 조차 없었다. 그 결과 여성이 과거부터 지속적으로 어업에 참여해 왔음에도 이들의 가치를 평가하고자 하는 시도가 없었기 때문에 정책적 중요도가 과소평가 되었다. 여성어업인의 노동은 가사노동과 어업노동의 이중 노동 구조 하에 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 가사노동과 어업노동을 각기 추정했고, 총 노동가치를 산출했다. 추정에 필요한 기초 자료는 설문조사를 통해 입수했다. 여성어업인 노동가치 추정 방법은 현시소득법과 총합적 대체비용법을 혼용하였다. 연구 결과 여성어업인의 총노동가치는 4조 4,000억 원 정도였는데, 이는 우리나라 한 해 동안의 총어업생산액인 9조 원의 절반 정도에 해당하는 수준이다.

      • KCI우수등재

        減水劑가 콘크리트에 미치는 影響

        김종천,도덕현,Kim, Jong-Cheon,Doh, Duk-Hyun 한국농공학회 1982 한국농공학회논문집 Vol.24 No.2

        A study on the effect of water reducing agent on the various characteristics of concrete has been conducted. The experimental results of the study are summarized as follows. 1. Slump test for the concrete added water reducing setretarding agent in proper quantity have been conducted. According to the test results, the decreasing rate of slump value become bigger than plain concrete with increase of the unit weight of cement and elapse of time 2. In case the proper quantity content of maximum compressive strength in Fig. 5 of water reducing set retarding agent is added, unit weight of water is decreased about 15% or so as compared with plain concrete. with the increase of water reducing set accelerating agent content unit weight of water is decreased much more, And other hand, amount of air entraining shows the increasing tendency with the increase of water reducing agent content. 3. The adding rate of water reducing agent which produce maximum strength shows that WR-CH and WR-SA which is water reducing set-starding agent is 0.2% and WR-CO is 0.5% and that WS-PO which is water reducing set accelerating agent is 0.5 4. compressive strength jof the concrete made of sulfate resistant cement shows less than the strength of normal portland cement at initial strength but the strength of both cement shows almost same at curing age of 28 days. 5. when proper quantity of water reducing set retarding agent is used, boned strength is increased about 15% at curing age of 28days. 6. According to the result of durability test, dynamic young's mudulus of elasticity at plain concrete is decreased about 50% as compared with initial step at 300 cycle of freezing and thawing after curing age of days. on the contarary the concrete used water reducing agent is decreased less than 7%.

      • KCI등재

        경주 월성 원전 1호기 수명연장을 위한 운영변경허가 처분에 대한 평가와 전망 ― 대상판결 : 서울행정법원 2017. 2. 7. 宣告 2015구합5856 判決, 서울고등법원 2020. 5. 29. 宣告 2017누38043 判決을 中心으로 ―

        김종천 한국환경법학회 2021 環境法 硏究 Vol.43 No.3

        The government (the Nuclear Safety Commission) decided on February 26, 2015 that Unit 1 at the Wolseong Nuclear Power Plant is allowed to be continuing in operation for ten more years by November 20, 2022, and notified that the defendant is to be granted the permission for operational change on February 27, 2015. However, in May 2015, a lawsuit was filed by plaintiffs who resided within a radius of 80 kilometers of the nuclear power plant site to confirm the nullification of the permission for operational change. The first trial at the Seoul Administrative Court decided in favor of the plaintiff with its Decision 2015GuHab5856 decided on January 17, 2017. The Court said in its decision that the latest technical standards applied to Units 2~4 at Wolseong were not applied to Wolseong 1 at the time of the review of the safety evaluation report; that the new facilities changed by Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power for continued operation was not approved by the deliberation and resolution of the Commission but by a working level personnel; and that there was a defect on the composition of the committee. Based on the decision, the court ruled in favor of the plaintiff by saying, “the permission for operational change for continued operation of Wolseong 1 shall be canceled as of February 27, 2015.” In the course of energy policy shift (Energiewende) represented by the phase-out of the use of nuclear energy since the new government took office on May 9, 2017, President Moon announced on a ceremony to declare permanent closure of Unit 1 at Gori Nuclear Power Plant which was held on June 19, 2017 that Wolseong 1 which was being operated after its lifespan being extended would be closed down as soon as possible after taking the electricity demand and supply into account. In line with this move, the cabinet meeting on October 24, 2017 presided over by President Moon decided on ‘the roadmap of energy shift represented by the phase-out of nuclear energy’ and officially announced the closure of Wolseong 1 without a risk to the supply of electricity. Accordingly, the 8th Basic Plan on Electricity Demand and Supply released on December 14, 2017 set to exclude Wolseong 1 from power facility from 2018 ahead of the previous plan. In particular, the government decided to carry out comprehensive evaluation on feasibility of continued operation including economic feasibility and local acceptancy within the first half of 2018 for the shutdown of Wolseong 1. The board of Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power (KHNP) resolved on the early closure of Wolseong 1 on June 15, 2018. The second trial of the Seoul High Court also dismissed the case on the illegality of extension of lifespan of Wolseong 1 based on the ground that the effect of the trial was no longer existed as the defendant (The Nuclear Safety Board) approved the request for the permission for operational change of Walseong 1 by the participant (Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power) on December 24, 2019. Therefore, the Seoul Administrative Court's first ruling could be criticized for failing to conduct an essential review (the principle of protection of the right to trust and the principle of proportionality) and for making a judgment through a perfunctory examination (a defect in the approval process for the permission of operational change, the composition of the Committee, and technical standard of R-7). The Seoul High Court's second ruling may be criticized for neglecting an essential review (the principle of proportionality, the principle of protection of the right to trust) in relation with the early closure of Wolseong 1 because the court dismissed the case on the ground of no interest in litigation as a result of the decision by the KHNP on June 15 on early shutdown. The government should have come to a decision on Wolseong 1 under the Article 23 of the Nuclear Safety Act after considering various aspects including industrial and economic situations, the burden of the people, future national com... 정부(원자력안전위원회)는 2015년 2월 26일에 월성원전 1호기를 “2022년 11월 20일까지 10년간 계속 운전을 허가한다”고 의결하고, “피고에게 2015년 2월 27일에 운영변경허가를 허가한다”고 통보했다. 그러나, 2015년 5월에 원전 부지 반경 80킬로미터 이내의 원고들에 의하여 “월성1호기 수명연장을 위한 운영변경허가 무효확인”을 구하는 소송이 제기되었다. 이에 1심 서울행정법원은 2017년 1월 27일 선고 2015구합5856 판결에서 “월성1호기 안전성 평가보고서 심사 때 월성 2~4호기에 적용된 최신기술기준을 적용하지 않았고, 한국수력원자력이 계속운전을 허기 받기 위하여 교체한 설비를 심사할 때도 위원회의 심의 및 의결이 아닌 과장급 전결로 처리했으며, 위원회 구성에 관한 하자가 있기 때문”에 주문에 “피고가 2015년 2월 27일자로 한 월성 원자력발전소 1호기 계속운전을 위한 운영변경허가처분을 취소한다”고 원고 승소 결정을 했다. 이어서 2017년 5월 9일 문재인 정부가 들어선 후 탈원전으로 대변되는 에너지전환(Energiewende)정책을 추진하는 과정에서, 문재인 대통령은 2017년 6월 19일 고리 원전 1호기 영구정지 선포식에서 “현재 수명을 연장해 가동 중인 월성 1호기는 전력수급 상황을 고려하여 가급적 빨리 폐쇄하겠다”고 밝혔다. 이러한 연장 선상에서 정부는 2017년 10월 24일 문재인 대통령 주재로 개최된 국무회의에서 “탈원전으로 대변되는 에너지전환 로드맵”을 의결하고, 전력수급 안정성 등을 고려해 월성 1호기를 폐쇄한다는 계획을 공식화했다. 이에 따라 2017년 12월 14일 발표한 “제8차 전력수급기본계획”에서 월성 원전 1호기를 2018년부터 발전설비에 조기제외를 하기로 결정했다. 특히, 정부는 2018년 상반기 중에 경제성, 지역수용성 등 계속 가동에 대한 타당성 여부를 종합적으로 평가하여 폐쇄하겠다고 결정했고, 2018년 6월 15일 한수원 이사회에서 월성 1호기를 조기폐쇄 결정을 의결하게 되었다. 이어서 2심 서울 고등법원에서도 월성원전 1호기 수명연장처분의 위법성에 대하여 2019년 12월 24일에 피고(원자력안전위원회)가 참가인(한국수력원자력)에게 월성 1호기 운영변경허가(영구정지)신청을 허가함에 따라 소의 이익이 없어졌다는 점을 제시하여 각하처분을 했다. 따라서 서울행정법원 1심판결은 위법사유를 본질적인 심사(신뢰보호의 원칙 및 비례의 원칙 등)를 하지 못하고 형식적인 심사(운영변경허가 과장 전결, 위원회 구성 및 R-7 기술기준)를 통하여 판단을 했다는 점에서 비판의 대상이 될 수 있으며, 서울고등법원 2심 판결도 2018년 6월 15일 한수원 이사회에서 월성원전 1호기를 조기폐쇄 결정을 의결하여 소의 이익이 사라졌다는 점에서 각하 처분을 논거로 제시하고 있다는 점에서 국가의 중요한 에너지인 월성원전 1호기 조기폐쇄 결정과 관련하여 본질적인 심사(비례의 원칙, 신뢰보호의 원칙 위반)를 해태한 것은 아닌지 아쉬운 판결이라 판단된다. 또한 정부는 우리나라의 산업・경제적인 상황, 국민의 부담, 미래 국가경쟁력, 97% 이상의 에너지를 수입하는 에너지 수급상황, 에너지의 안정적인 공급 및 에너지 안보라는 측면을 고려하여 「원자력안전법」 제23조에 따라 경주 월성 원전 1호기에 대하여 수명연장절차를 진행했어야 함에도 불구하고 한국수력원자력 이사회에서 월성 1호기를 조기폐쇄 결정을 했기 때문에 소의 이익이 사라졌다고 판단해 버림으로써 ...

      • 中文資料의 檢字法에 대한 考察

        金鍾天 상명대학교 논문집 1988 상명대학교논문집 Vol.21 No.-

        排檢法是指文字資料的排字法與檢字法而言. 將字辭按照一定的方法排比其次序, 稱爲排字法. 在一系列有規則的字辭中, 依一定的方法조尋特定的資料, 稱爲檢字法. 排字法是爲檢字法而設計的, 檢字法是由排字法所産生的. 故二者關係密切. 中國文字有形音義三個要素, 反映於排檢法上亦有形檢·音檢·義檢三類. 形檢法是從形檢字的方法, 起源於漢代許愼撰「說支解字」的部首法而發展的. 音檢法是接 聾韻排檢的方法. 魏晋以來古人爲了審辨音韻的需要, 編有許多韻書. 義檢法是依據字辭及 內容之意義排檢的方法. 中國古宇書如「蘭雅」. 「方言」. 「釋名」等都是以義排比, 後世畵目·索引·字典亦有以義歸類者. 除了以上三大排檢法外, 淸末民初以來産生了許多新的方法. 中國新舊排檢法在中文參考 書裏常用者有部首法·筆畵法·筆順法·四角號碼檢字法·注音符號檢字法 四部分類法及中國圖書分類法. 新舊的漢字排檢法根多·, 但是漢字排檢的問題흘今仍未解決, 新法以前的傅統排檢法大多 不能使用, 而新法本身各有優缺點. 今後檢字法的發展尙需願慮電子處理的方法. 關於中文排檢的電子化問題尙需待電子專家 及硏究中文資料的學者共同硏究.

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