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        우리나라의 자동차사고에 대한 역학적고찰

        김종석,김은익 한국보건통계학회 1983 한국보건정보통계학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        The accidents may be one of the major health problems and motor vehicle accidents are the most serious one of them. The study is aimed to analyze the status of the death and injury due to motor vehicle accidents as well as the general traffic conditions in Korea. And the authors have used the data and records of the accidents reported from the related administrative agencies and the automobile insurance company. The findings are summarized as follows: Ⅰ. As of the end of 1982 there are 646,996 motor vehicles and about 2.6 million people having driver's licence in Korea. Ⅱ. Traffic accidents marked 93.3% cases and 93.5% of casualties of those due to all types of accidents. Ⅲ. 359.1 motor vehicle accidents occurred, 15.5 persons died and 332.1 were injured from the accidents the rate per 100,000 people in 1982. Ⅳ. It has noticed that the fatality rate in Seoul and Pusan Taegu City (2.7% respectively) is lower than that in other areas of the country (6.0%) Ⅴ. The 46.199 injunes who were compensated from the Korean Automobile Insurance Company have been cared medical services for 17.8 days on the average. Ⅵ. In Korea it is very serious with the highest rate of motor vehicle accidents beyond comparison to the other developed countries, especially in the death rate to the given vehicles.

      • KCI등재

        공공요금관리(公共料金管理)의 개선방안(改善方案)

        김종석,Kim, Jong-seok 한국개발연구원 1991 韓國 開發 硏究 Vol.13 No.2

        정부(政府)에 의한 공공요금관리(公共料金管理)의 기본적(基本的) 취지(趣旨)는 요금상승(料金上昇)을 억제(抑制)하거나 물가수준(物價水準)의 관리(管理)를 위한 것이 아니라, 시장(市場)의 기능을 대신하여 자원배분(資源配分)의 효율화(效率化)를 도모하고 사회적(社會的) 가치(價値)를 반영하고자 하는 것이다. 미시경제적(微示經濟的) 효과(效果)를 기대하는 정책수단(政策手段)을 거시경제적(巨視經濟的)인 정책목표(政策目標)를 위해 사용하는 것은 생산(生産)과 소비(消費)의 과정에서 자원(資源)의 흐름을 왜곡시켜 경제 전반적인 효율성(效率性)의 저하를 초래하고, 국민경제복지(國民經濟福祉)의 향상(向上)을 저해하게 되는 것이다. 특히 상승억제(上昇抑制) 위주의 관리방식(管理方式)이 공공(公共)서비스의 질(質)을 저하시키고, 공공요금(公共料金)이 공공(公共)서비스의 경제사회적(經濟社會的) 기회비용(機會費用)을 정확히 반영하지 못하게 되는 등의 문제를 초래하고 있는 것이다. 따라서, 공공요금(公共料金)도 시장가격기구(市場價格機構)의 일부로서 본래의 기능인 자원배분(資源配分)의 역할(役割)을 담당하도록 하여야 할 것이다. 장기적(長期的)으로는 소비자물가상승률(消費者物價上昇率)과 공공요금상승률(公共料金上昇率)이 크게 다르지 않은 점에 비추어, 비효율적인 직접통제방식(直接統制方式)을 지양(止揚)하고, 수혜자부담(受惠者負擔)의 원칙과 사업단위별 독립채산제의 원칙 아래 공공요금(公共料金) 관리기구(管理機構)의 분권화(分權化)를 추진하여야 할 것이다. 이를 위해서 각 사업단위별(事業單位別)로 독립규제위원회(獨立規制委員會)를 설치하여 전문적으로 공익(公益)을 대표하도록 하고, 해당 위원회(委員會)에서 상시(常時)로 요금수준(料金水準) 및 구조변경(構造變更)에 대해 검토(檢討) 인가(認可)하는 방식으로 개선되어야 할 것이다. 교통운수요금(交通運輸料金)은 노선별 구역별로 경쟁도(競爭度)와 면허개방도(免許開放度)를 고려하여 점진적으로 자유화(自由化)하되, 면허권자가 지방자치단체장(地方自治團體長)인 경우 사업의 요금은 지방자치단체(地方自治團體)에 일임하여야 할 것이다. The primary purpose of price regulation on public utilities and other public services is not to prevent them from rising and control inflation but to allocate resources efficiently and reflect social values, when market does not function perfectly. That is, price regulation by government is a policy tool which is aimed at microeconomic effects. Therefore, when a microeconomic policy tool is used for macroeconomic policy objectives, such as price stabilization, we can have problems stemming from the mismatch. One of the examples is distortions in the relative price structure of resources. As government suppresses increases in regulated prices in an effort to reduce inflationary pressures, some of the public services become relatively cheaper, resulting in excess use of those services under regulation. Also, inflexibility of adjusting regulated prices to the overall price changes results in deterioration of qualities of public services. This paper proposes a set of reform proposals which are itnended to minimize such government failures. It is argued that the authority of price regulation should be decentralized, and ultimately done by independent regulatory commissions for each service. The pricing should be based on the principle of separate and independent accounting by each service unit and the principle of beneficiaries bearing the costs of services.

      • KCI등재

        Fabrication of Large-Area Periodic Nanostructures Using Two-Mirror Laser Interference Lithography

        김종석,Il Gyu Jeong,이상호,Kyungtae Kang,이성호 대한금속·재료학회 2013 ELECTRONIC MATERIALS LETTERS Vol.9 No.6

        This study demonstrates laser interference lithography (LIL) using two rotatable mirrors located at a height of 20 - 50 cm in order for reflected coherent beams with a controlled incident angle to interfere on a substrate placed horizontally. The periods of the nanostructures are adjusted by the height of the mirrors from the substrate and the distance between the two mirrors without any significant change of the optical alignment. The periodic nanostructures are fabricated on a 6 inch Si substrate using the horizontal substrate LIL setup incorporated with an X-Y translation stage. For large area nano-patterning, a multi-step process is employed which repeats exposure-and-translation to expose small areas one by one.

      • KCI등재

        Probeless Estimation of Electroluminescence Intensities Based on Photoluminescence Measurements of GaN-Based Light-Emitting Diodes

        김종석,정 훈,최원진,정형돈 한국광학회 2021 Current Optics and Photonics Vol.5 No.2

        The electroluminescence (EL) intensities of GaN-based light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are estimated based on their photoluminescence (PL) properties. The PL intensity obtained under open-circuit conditions is divided into two parts: the PL intensity under a forward bias lower than the optical turn-on voltage, and the difference between the PL intensities under open-circuit conditions and under forward bias. The luminescence induced by photoexcitation under a constant forward bias lower than the optical turn-on voltage is primarily the PL from the excited area of the LED. In contrast the intensity difference, obtained by subtracting the PL intensity under the forward bias from that under open-circuit conditions, contains the EL induced by the photocarriers generated during photoexcitation. In addition, a reverse photocurrent is generated during photoexcitation under constant forward bias across the LED, and can be correlated with the PL-intensity difference. The relationship between the photocurrent and PL-intensity difference matches well the relationship between the injection current and EL intensity of LEDs. The ratio between the photocurrent generated under a bias and the short-circuit current is related to the ratio between the PL-intensity difference and the PL intensity under open-circuit conditions. A relational expression consisting of the ratios, short-circuit current, and PL under open-circuit conditions is proposed to estimate the EL intensity

      • KCI등재

        Electrical Leakage Levels Estimated from Luminescence and Photovoltaic Properties under Photoexcitation for GaN-based Light-emitting Diodes

        김종석,김형태,김승택,최원진,정형돈 한국광학회 2019 Current Optics and Photonics Vol.3 No.6

        The electrical leakage levels of GaN-based light-emitting diodes (LEDs) containing leakage paths are estimated using photoluminescence (PL) and photovoltaic properties under photoexcitation conditions. The PL intensity and open-circuit voltage (V OC ) decrease because of carrier leakages depending on photoexcitation conditions when compared with reference values for typical LED chips without leakage paths. Changes of photovoltage-photocurrent characteristics and PL intensity due to carrier leakage are employed to assess the leakage current levels of LEDs with leakage paths. The current corresponding to the reduced V OC of an LED with leakage from the photovoltaic curve of a reference LED without leakage is matched with the leakage current calculated using the PL intensity reduction ratio and short-circuit current of the LED with leakage. The current needed to increase the voltage for an LED with a leakage under photoexcitation from V OC of the LED up to V OC of a reference LED without a leakage is identical to the additional current needed for optical turn-on of the LED with a leakage. The leakage current level estimated using the PL and photovoltaic properties under photoexcitation is consistent with the leakage level measured from the voltage-current characteristic obtained under current injection conditions.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of carrier leakage on photoluminescence properties of GaN-based light-emitting diodes at room temperature

        김종석,김승택,김형태,최원진,정형돈 한국광학회 2019 Current Optics and Photonics Vol.3 No.2

        Photoluminescence (PL) properties of GaN-based light-emitting diodes (LEDs) were analyzed to study the effects of carrier leakage on the luminescence properties at room temperature. The electrical leakage and PL properties were compared for LEDs showing leakages at forward bias and an LED with an intentional leakage path formed by connecting a parallel resistance of various values. The leakages at the forward bias, which could be observed from the current-voltage characteristics, resulted in an increase in the excitation laser power density for the maximum PL efficiency (ratio of PL intensity to excitation power) as well as a reduction in the PL intensity. The effect of carrier leakages on PL properties was similar to the change in PL properties owing to a reduction of the photovoltage by a reverse current since the direction of the carrier movement under photoexcitation is identical to that of the reverse current. Valid relations between PL properties and electrical properties were observed as the PL properties deteriorated with an increase in the carrier leakage. The results imply that the PL properties of LED chips can be an indicator of the electrical properties of LEDs.

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