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기술혁신과 지역경제발전 : 부산지역 R&D역량과 지역기술정책 개선방안을 중심으로
이대식 釜山大學校 商科大學 2002 釜山商大論集 Vol.73 No.-
Technological innovation has been understood as a prime source of regional development in many literatures. Recently, a major theoretical progress about the nature of innovation and its relationship with economic development in the geographical context has been made by the school of evolutionary and new institutional economics. Different rationales about the relationship between technological innovation and regional development are reviewed from different perspectives, and the paradigm of the regional innovation system is regarded as a most comprehensive and relevant conceptual framework. Our study recommends following measures to boost regional technological innovation : first, efficient polices should be formulated for strengthening the regional innovation system(RIS). For this purpose, the regional government can play the role of "agent for Change" which sill stimulate and develop networking among different actors of the RIS in the region. Second, it is necessary to enrich the administrative capability of the regional government and to give financial support for it to act as a coordinator in the RIS. Third, continuous emphasis should be placed by policies on the support for technology-intensive small firms and ventures. Fourth, since the RIS is an open system, it should have a gate opened to the other regions, international value chains, international academic networks and international technology transfer networks. Finally, It is necessary for the regional government to play the progressive role outlined above so that a major cultural and organizational change may occur in the region.