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        2009 개정 교육과정에 따른 체육과 교육과정에서 여가활동 수업 방안

        김용환(Kim, Yong-whan) 한국체육교육학회 2016 한국체육교육학회지 Vol.20 No.4

        신체활동 가치 중심 교육과정에서 여가가치를 실현하기 위한 여가운동 지도방안을 규명하기 위하여 여가활동의 즐거움 찾기, 여가활동의 능력 기르기, 여가 실천하기를 연구 내용으로 하였다. 이러한 연구를 하기 위해서 여가활동을 행복을 느끼는 교육적 과정이라는 관점에서 인지적 정의적 학습을 강조한 좋은 수업모형을 토대로 수업 진행과정별로 의미와 특성을 이해 활동, 여가활동 능력 기르기, 여가 활동 실천하기 단계별로 필요한 여가 학습내용 프로그램을 긍정 심리학의 관점에서 분석하는 문헌 연구를 하였다. 그 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 첫째 여가의 의미와 특성의 이해단계에서는, 여가 가치를 실현하기 위해서 선택된 여가운동을 ‘왜 하는지’의 의미와 특성을 이해할 수 있고 인간의 내재된 유희성을 유발 시켜 움직임 즐거움을 느낄 수 있는 놀이나 게임 활동을 하여야 한다. 이러한 놀이나 게임은 여가와 여가에 대한 역사 철학적 배경지식과 긍정심리학적 지식을 토대로 프로그램이 만들어야 한다. 둘째 여가 활동 능력 기르기 단계에서는 ‘어떻게 하면 여가를 향상 시킬 수 있는지’ 여가 가치인 즐거움을 배가할 수 있는 활동 프로그램 기준은 신체활동의 본질성, 다양성과 새로움임을 알고 여가운동 가치인 의미를 이해하는 인지적 학습이 이루어져야 한다. 여가활동에서 즐거움 실현하기 단계 수업에서는 여가의 가치인 즐거움이 극대화 되도록 몸이 얼마나 다양하고 신체활동의 본질적인 가치에 몰두하는 활동이 이루어지도록 해야한다. 나아가 자신의 여가 활동조건에서 알맞도록 학습자가 스스로가 계획하고 실천해서 평생 여가를 위한 일상적 여가활동을 실천하는 능력을 기르도록 하는 학습자 중심, 사회적 수업이 진행되도록 해야 한다. Purpose: This study was to find the Humanistic approaches to teaching the value-based leisure in the best practice model for unit and lesson planning used for the novice students. Methods: Using Kim"s(2013) previous papers focused on a humanistic approaches of the best practice model for the study of the leisure lesson. The model had been exchanged a model for the teaching of leisure activities games to be in a way of educational conversation linking the mind and body through a delights to adapt to Korean classes to create units of the lesson in leisure activities. The Unit of Leisure Activities was analyzed by Positive Psychology. Conclusion: The implications associated with the finding are following. The approach to learning process required a learner to act the play or games on a base of philosophic and historic knowledge to understand the meaning and characters of leisure and acquire an delights of understandings to open mind by more student centered practice. The units to improve skil lof leisure made learner know the meanings and maximum happiness on criteria to measure and to express the critical delights to link the mind and body by the cognitive and reflective practice. The units to practice leisure required students to indulge the performance level of their leisure.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        초등 체육수업에서의 교사의 수업운영 분석

        김용환(Yong Whan Kim),김경영(Kyong Young Kim) 한국체육교육학회 2002 한국체육교육학회지 Vol.6 No.2

        This study is designed to analyze the class management of teachers in elementary physical education and to present information necessary to enhance the efficiency of P.E. With this in mind, the researcher made a correlate analysis of academic learning time physical education(ALT-PE) and teaching behavior, time spent in class management and the relationship between class management and the flow of activities in a lesson, and made use of a qualitative approach method with two teachers with a high rate of class management and two teachers with a low rate of class management in an effort to make up for the weak points of a statistical approach method. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, the researcher made a selection of 30 teachers in charge of the third and fourth grades at elementary schools in North Chungcheong Province, recording the scene of rolling back and forth on a mat with the help of a video camera. And the researcher made an analysis of ALT-PE with the help of interval observation-based records(6 seconds for observation, 6 seconds for recording), calculating the percentage, average, standard deviation, and correlative relationship of teaching-behavior variables including class management based on five-second observation and five-second record with the aid of SPSS Ver 10.0. So as to get over the limitation of the statistical approach method, the researcher collected qualitative materials related to class management by means of using in-depth interviews and descriptive researches. The findings are to be summarized as follows. First, there was no statistically significant correlative relationship between class management and ALT-PE. Because a lot of time was spent in gathering, student control, and waiting, etc. not related to the assignment of P.E. instead of securing time for taking part in the assignment and focusing on it in order to enhancing ALT-PE. Students should be taught to be clearly aware of the purpose of study focusing on the functions of P.E. and waiting time(30.20%) should be curtailed and specific clues for teaching P.E. should be given to students so that class management time may be reduced and that ALT-PE may be increased. Second, class management accounted for 26.58%. The reason why the ratio stood high was ascribable to the following factors: lack of using facilities and tools, much time spent in setting up those things, lack of students` understanding of the rule of class, time spent in student control, insufficient study of teaching materials, and lack of training at schools. Third, 29.78 percent of time was spent in the behavior of class management in accordance with the flow of class sessions: five minutes for beginning classes and five minutes for ending classes. Teachers with low class management allowed students to focus on the assignment of P.E. by having the lowest ratio of class management at unfolding and settling stages, and reduced class management time by structuring classes, minimizing the time spent in gathering designed for explanation and demonstration and not stopping the flow of classes.

      • KCI등재

        리뷰논문 : 인간생태계 연구에서 생태적 효율의 효용성과 한계

        김용환 ( Yong Whan Kim ) 한국문화인류학회 2007 韓國文化人類學 Vol.40 No.1

        The purpose of this paper is to explain the concept of ecological efficiency and to evaluate its usefulness in the study of the relationships between humans and the environment, and in the solving of modern environmental problems. Ecological efficiency has been adopted as a useful tool in various disciplines concerned with environments, such as Ecological Anthropology, Human Ecology, and Industrial Economics. By and large, the concept appears to be useful in delineating the comprehensive relationship between humans and specific environmental factors. However, the concept has some weaknesses, partly attributable to the difficulty of quantifying it. Another problem comes from confusion about the concept, occurring as every one of the disciplines applies it to its respective concerns. It is thus necessary to delimit the concept, which can be defined as the inter-specific energy transfer rate, originally established by ecologists. From this perspective it turns out that anthropologists and industrial economists have often failed to distinguish ecological efficiency from energetic efficiency and economic efficiency. In particular, the concept of eco-efficiency coined by Industrial Economists to accomplish sustainable production is a result of confounding the three different concepts. The alternative concept of eco-effectiveness seems to reveal that natural environments have some limits against the energy extraction by humans, but more importantly reveals that nature does not pursue the maximization of ecological efficiency. Despite its confounding uses and weaknesses, ecological efficiency proves to be a useful tool for comprehending environmental problems and to a limited extent for seeking their solutions.

      • KCI등재

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