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        시진핑 시대의 중국 기독교 발전 방향 -기독교 중국화를 중심으로-

        애린,형근 중국지역학회 2017 중국지역연구 Vol.4 No.2

        After the founding of New China, China has experienced the development process of class struggle and economic construction. During this period, the Chinese government shifted its view on religious policy from suppression to relaxation. In other words, the process of socialist construction and the reform and opening up after the founding of new China have made the Chinese government’s leaders to take an increasingly open altitude to religious issues. Under such circumstances, Chinese Christianity has enjoyed rapid development in recent decades. During the transitional period of social structure, people attach much attention to religion because the more unstable the times is, the more psychological comfort people need. China’s traditional religions and values have been hit greatly after the Cultural Revolution. For modern Chinese who are full of chaos and unease in life, Christianity can easily become their psychological object of sustenance. As we all know, China is a socialist country led by the Communist Party of China. Nowadays, many young Chinese people do not maintain a hard-working attitude toward communism. Their moral system fails to exert power that is different from the past in terms of pragmatism and materialism. To make matters worse, more and more young people have expressed a friendly attitude toward Christianity, ringing the alarm for the Communist Party of China. Thanks to the economic boom, the Government led by Xi Jinping has gained more confidence than in the past. According to recent reports, the religious policy of the Government led by Xi Jinping appears to have reinforced its religious control policy. So what kinds of policies will the Government take in the future in respect of Chinese Christianity? Based on this, can we infer the future development direction of Christianity? This is the subject of this paper. Since the Government led by Xi Jinping comes to power, the main altitude of the Chinese government for Christianity is the sinicization of Christianity, which is closely related to the unique Chinese thought. China has had several experiences in the history of the sinicization of Christianity. Besides, the Chinese Buddhism has already gone through many twists and turns, thus successfully realizing the sinicization of Buddhism. Now no one considers Chinese Buddhism as a foreign religion, but rather as a religion of Chinese nation. Such a success has further encouraged the Chinese government and its leaders to demand that Christianity also go along the path of success that Chinese Buddhism has taken. 新中国成立后, 中国经历了阶级斗争和经济建设的发展过程, 在此过程中, 中 国政府对宗教政策的看法从抑制转向到缓和。换言之, 新中国成立后的社会主 义建设过程和改革开放使得中国政府的领导在宗教问题上日益采取开放的态 度。在这样的情况下, 近几十年来, 中国基督教得到了突飞猛进的发展。 在社会结构转型期, 宗教会受到人们的关注, 这是因为时代越不稳, 人们越需 要得到心理上的安慰。经过文化大革命, 中国的传统宗教和价值观蒙受打击, 对 于活在充满混乱和不安的现代中国人而言, 基督教很容易成为他们心理上的寄 托对象。众所周知, 中国是中国共产党领导的社会主义国家。现在不少中国年 轻人不为共产主义保持艰苦奋斗的态度, 他们的道德体系在人们的实用主义和 物质主义面前无法发挥与过去不同的力量。雪上加霜的是, 越来越多的年轻人 对基督教表示友好的态度, 这给中国共产党敲响了警钟。 得益于经济上的大繁荣, 习近平政府得到了比过去更大的自信。最近的一些 报道显示, 习近平政府的宗教政策似乎看来加强宗教方面的管制政策。那么, 今 后的习近平政府在中国基督教方面会采取什么样的政策呢? 以此为基础, 我们 能推测今后基督教的发展方向吗? 这就是本文所关心的主题。自从习近平政府 出台到现在的情况来看, 中国政府对基督教的主要基调为基督教中国化。这与 中国人独特的中华思想具有密切的关系。中国在历史上已有几次基督教中国化的经验。不仅如此, 中国的佛教早就几经波折, 成功地实现了佛教的中国化。现 在没有人把中国的佛教看成洋教, 反而认为中国民族的宗教。这样的成功经验更 加鼓舞了中国政府及其领导要求基督教也走向中国佛教走过的成功之路。

      • Baroque時代에 있어서의 服裝構成에 관한 考察

        金愛麟 成均館大學校 1975 論文集 Vol.20 No.-

        Das Barock(Baroque) nennt man in der Stilgeschichte die Epoche, die auf die Renaissance folgt. Das Barock war eine Zeit von gewaltiger, unba ndiger Kraft und Lebenslust, die alles ins Extreme trieb. Sie beginnt in der zweiten Ha¨lfte des 16. Jahrhunderts, wa¨hrte das ganze 17. Jahrhundert hindurch und endete im ersten Viertel des 18. Jahrhunderts. Die Zeit des Hoch-und Spa¨tbarocks fa¨llt mil der Regierungszeit Ludwigs des XIV. zusammen. Die Ku¨nste, die Architektur und die Wissenschaften standen damals in ho¨chster Blu¨te. Die Kostu¨mgeschichte spiegelt diese Vorga¨nge einhellig wider. Zu Beginn der Epoche war die spanische Mode in den ho¨heren Schichten aller zivilisierte La¨nder Europas tonangebend. Nachdem sich die Niederlande von der spanischen Herrschaft losgerissen batten, kam die praktischere und bequeme Kleidung des monsieur a`la mode. Es war die Zeit, in der der Kardinal von Richelieu Frankreich zu einer nationalen Einheit verhalf. Um 1660 aber, also zu der Zeit, als der junge Ludwig der XIV. selbsta¨ndig zu regieren begann, setzte sich in Frankreich eine prunkvolle Mode von wu¨rdigerer Art durch, die bald die Mode der herrschenden La¨nder Europas beeinfluβte. Diese Mode kann man so, wie folgt, beschreiben: Die Herren trugen auf der Lockenperu¨cke einen breitkrempigen Hut mit Feder-und Bandschmuck. Das offene Wams war boleroartig kurz und die bis zu den Knien reichenden Hosen, die “Rheingrafenhosen” wirkten wie ein kurzer Frauenfaltenrock. Um 1670, in der Blu¨tezeit Ludwigs des XIV., ist ein Zug von verfeinerter Eleganz nicht zu u¨bersehen. Den Anzug des Herrn bestand nun aus Rock, Weste und Hose, was im wesentlichen heute noch besteht. Die Weste hatte nock A¨rmel. Oft frug man daru¨ber den langen, gekno¨pften Rock, den “Justaucorps”. Zum Justaucorps trug man dann die einfachen Kniehosen(culottes). Die Damenkleidung wurde auch so einfach wie der Anzug des Herrn. In der Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts verschwanden die bis dahin angezogene “Vertugadin”und Reifro¨cke. Wa¨hrend der Zeit wurde der Oberko¨rper von einem durch Sta¨be versteiften, lang herabgezogenen Mieder umschlossen. Der untere Rock war glockenfo¨rmig, und daru¨ber zog man ein schleppendes Oberkleid, das sich das sich hinten bauschte, etwa in der Art, die spa¨ter “cul do Paris” genanat wurde. Von der Regierungszeit Ludwigs des XIV. an u¨bernahm Frankreich die herrschende Rolle in der Mode der ganzen zivilisierten Welt, die es auf dem Gebiet der Frauenkleidung noch heute inne hat.

      • 韓國成人女子의 體型別 치수設定과 Pattern 等級法에 관한 硏究

        金愛麟 成均館大學校 1976 論文集 Vol.23 No.-

        To make brief analysis of the results of the above research, it can be summarized as follows: 1. As to measurements of individual physical types, the standard difference of the cicumference of the bust was set for 4㎝, and this was established as the average measure of each part of the body. The size was classified into 8 grades from 34 to 48. 2. As a result of measurement conducted among korean adult women, the standard size of the circumference of the bust turned out to be 38. 3. The pattern was classified according to each dress part and was arranged according to the average measure of each part of the body and its dimension. The extent of flexibility was set up by the dimension of the average measure. The position and the extent of making reduction or enlargement was marked on the basis of size 38 which is the standard size, so that the pattern of various measurements can be produced rapidly. The measurement items of length and circmference can be classified as follows: 1. Among 10 items of length, other items excluding the length of slacks, 2㎝(bust height, center back waist length, bust point depth, front waist length Ⅰ, center front waist length Ⅱ, sleeve length, arm height, skirt length, slacks length, seat height) turned out to be the small difference of 0.5-1㎝ according to one grade classification. 2. Among the five items of circumference (bust, waist, hip, upper arm, wrist) other items excluding the circumference of the upper arm, 1㎝ and that of the wrist, 0.5㎝ turned out to be a remarkable difference of 4-5㎝ according to one grade classification.

      • KCI등재

        ‘헬조선 현상’의 특징과 함의를 분석하기

        애린(Aerin Kim),임혜빈(Hye Bin Im),장한슬(Hansl Chang),박주화(Juhwa Park),기승연(Seungyeon Ki),정윤정(Yoon Jung Jeong),수진(Sujin Kim),신주영(Juyeong Shin),이기형(Keehyeung Lee) 한국언론정보학회 2016 한국언론정보학보 Vol.80 No.6

        이 연구는 지난 몇 년간 한국사회에서 상당한 관심과 조명을 받고 있는 ‘헬조선’ 현상을 진단한다. 특히 이 작업은 정파성을 달리하는 주요 언론들 속에 제시된 헬조선 관련 기사와 기고문, 그리고 특집을 텍스트 분석으로 진단하면서, 이 매우 복합적인 현상의 재현적인 측면의 함의와 명암을 다면적으로 탐구하고자 한다. 헬조선으로 지칭되는 특정한 문제의식과 감정의 생산이 현재 청년층이 대면하는 매우 심각하고 불안한 사회경제적인 현실 속에서 부상했다는 맥락성을 고려할 때, 이러한 문제의식과 방향성을 탐구하는 연구가 일정한 지적·비판적인 기여를 할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. This work critically explores the so-called “Hell-Chosun” phenomenon which has gained much attention and responses in contemporary South Korea. The younger generation came to coin and utilize this new linguistic expression as well as poignant parody as a way of releasing their anger, cynicism, and frustration in the context of the omnipresent fierce competitions, deepening social instability, and job-related shrinking possibilities. The ‘Hell-Chosun’ phenomenon can be considered as a much complicated manifestation of the structures of feeling for the part of many younger generation South Koreans. This paper especially examines the varying representation of this phenomenon by established dailies through an in-depth textual analysis of newspaper articles, opinion pieces and reviews, as well as special issues. In doing so, this work examines the multiple implications of this particular socio-cultural phenomenon in a detailed and critical fashion.

      • KCI등재

        ‘헬조선 현상’의 특징과 함의를 분석하기: 보수언론과 진보언론 간의 재현작용에 대한 텍스트 분석을 중심으로

        애린,이기형,임혜빈,장한슬,박주화,기승연,정윤정,수진,신주영 한국언론정보학회 2016 한국언론정보학보 Vol.81 No.1

        This work critically explores the so-called “Hell-Chosun” phenomenon which has gained much attention and responses in contemporary South Korea. The younger generation came to coin and utilize this new linguistic expression as well as poignant parody as a way of releasing their anger, cynicism, and frustration in the context of the omnipresent fierce competitions, deepening social instability, and job-related shrinking possibilities. The ‘Hell-Chosun’ phenomenon can be considered as a much complicated manifestation of the structures of feeling for the part of many younger generation South Koreans. This paper especially examines the varying representation of this phenomenon by established dailies through an in-depth textual analysis of newspaper articles, opinion pieces and reviews, as well as special issues. In doing so, this work examines the multiple implications of this particular socio-cultural phenomenon in a detailed and critical fashion. 이 연구는 지난 몇 년간 한국사회에서 상당한 관심과 조명을 받고 있는 ‘헬조선’ 현상을 진단한다. 특히 이 작업은 정파성을 달리하는 주요 언론들 속에 제시된 헬조선 관련 기사와 기고문, 그리고 특집을 텍스트 분석으로 진단하면서, 이 매우 복합적인 현상의 재현적인 측면의 함의와 명암을 다면적으로 탐구하고자 한다. 헬조선으로 지칭되는 특정한 문제의식과 감정의 생산이 현재 청년층이 대면하는 매우 심각하고 불안한 사회경제적인 현실 속에서 부상했다는 맥락성을 고려할 때, 이러한 문제의식과 방향성을 탐구하는 연구가 일정한 지적·비판적인 기여를 할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.

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