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      • 1950년대까지 여성디자이너는 남성의 조력자일 뿐이었는가?

        김혜수,이영희 디자인 여성학회 2007 디자인여성학연구 Vol.3 No.2

        본 연구에서 과거 1950년대 출생한 여성디자이너들을 연구하는 것은 단순히 당시 여성의 위치를 확인시키고자 함이 아니라 현재 여성 디자이너의 역할과 그 방향성을 아는데 중요한 지표가 될 것이라 확신하기 때문이었다. 인터넷 웹사이트 the-artistis.org에 등록된 디자이너와 페니 스파크(Penny Sparke)의 저서 『디자인의 역사 : 20세기의 디자인 선구자들』에서 소개된 여성디자이너들을 대상으로 연구한 결과 과거 여성 디자이너들은 시대와 특성에 따라 크게 3부류로 나눌 수 있다- 첫째, 여성적인 분야〈텍스타일,공예디자인)에 한정되었을 때 많은 디자이너들이 배출될 수 있었고, 둘째 부부디자이너로서 함께 작업을 하여 명성이 알려진 경우, 셋째, 당대 사고방식에 반하는 행동과 작품으로 파장을 일으켰을 때 자신의 이름을 알릴 수 있었다. 위의 성공한 경우들이 열세한 전반적인 원인은 결국 여성 인권의 성장이 뒷받침되어있지 못하기 때문이었다. 좀 더 구체적으로 말하자면, 여성은 자신의 창조성을 발휘할 수 없었으며 남성의 조력자로서의 역할로만 그것이 가능했었다. 이러한 사고방식은 20세기 초반까지도 지배적이었지만 제도화된 교육기관(특히 바우하우스)의 등장과 1차 세계대전과 러시아 혁명을 인한 가치관의 변화로 말미암아 여성의 인권과 더불어 여성이 창조력을 펼치는 디자인 분야도 점차 넓어지기 시작했다. 그래서 공예, 텍스타일 디자인에서, 금속이나 가구, 인테리어디자인으로, 나아가 그래픽디자인과 광고, 산업디자인으로 분야가 점차 확장되었다. 이러한 성장은 수적인 성장과 단적으로 일치한다. 하지만 그 위치로 볼 땐, 능력 외적인 성차별 요소로 성장하지 못하고 지금까지 디자인 역사에서 배제되어, 명성 있는 여성 디자이너 그 수가 손에 꼽힐 정도이다. 본 연구를 통하여 향후 능력은 있었지만 역사에서 외면되어져온 여성디자이너들을 발굴하고 그의 디자인사적 성과를 조명해야할 의미를 찾을 수 있었다. In this study, investigating the woman designers who were born in 1950s would not just simply take the women's bearings at those days in 1950s, but it is assured as an important indication to know their present role and the direction. The result from studying designers who were registered at internet web site, 'the-artists.org', and were introduced in 『A Century of Design : Design Pioneers of the 20th Century.』 written by Penny Sparke, shown that women designers might be classified into three parts largely, designers could be known to public as below. First, to those who are limited in feminine fie1ds(textile, industrial art design), secondly, to those who made own reputation by working with artist's wife, and thirdly, to those making public criticism with behavior and work of art which are opposed to the way of thinking in that days. The general reason why above successful cases were inferior is that the human rights for women hasn't been backed up. More specifically women couldn't show own creative abilities by themselves, but being as assistants of men. These types of view points were dominant till early 20th century, but the advent of systematized educational institution(especially like Bauhaus) and changes of values which were derived from World War I, and the Russian Revolution, the design field where women could show their creative abilities started to widen also with the human rights for women. Therefore the field has been extended from textile design, arts and crafts to metal crafts or furnishings, interior design and further to graphic design, advertisement, and industrial design. This growth is directly corresponded with numerical growth However examining the status, as there are those who couldn't gain fame or who were eliminated in history of design because of the sexual discrimination, women designers with fame are uncommon. This study, excavating disregarded women designers in the past and illuminating their contributions, to the various design fields is meaningful.

      • KCI등재후보

        비콘을 활용한 실내 길찾기 서비스 어플리케이션

        김혜수,고량경,정원호 차세대컨버전스정보서비스학회 2016 차세대컨버전스정보서비스기술논문지 Vol.5 No.2

        Recently, the field of Location-based Services (LBS) is a rapidly growing market. Nowadays there are already a lot of mobile applications where Location-based services are integrated. In particular, the field of LBS technology for the indoor localization is rapidly mobile applications besides outdoor localization LBS technology. The indoor pathfinding service mobile applications using the beacon provide the shortest pathfinding information from user’s location to place of necessary goods in large-scale marts and are used to shorten the shopping-time and convenience of the shop. We will deal in our paper with the linear interpolation and Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest distance to the destination in large-scale markets. Although our research was limited to large-scale marts, it is applicable not only marts but also large-scale indoor spaces such as department stores and conventions. Also, we expect to utilize the indoor LBS technology using user’s location information in the field of marketing. 최근 위치기반서비스는 급속하게 시장이 성장하고 있다. 위치기반 서비스는 통합된 형식으로 모바일 어플리케이션에 이미 많이 존재하고 있다. 특히 비콘을 활용한 실내 위치 기반 서비스를 제공하는 앱 어플리케이션이 급증하고 있다. 비콘을 활용한 실내 길 찾기 서비스 어플리케이션은 특정 대형 마트를 대상으로 사용자의 위치를 제공하고 사용자가 찾고자 하는 물품의 위치까지의 최단거리를 제공하여 쇼핑시간의 단축과 편리함을 목적으로 사용된다. 본 연구에서는 비콘을 사용해 사용자의 현재 동선을 선형보간법으로 추측하고, 목적지까지의 최단거리를 다익스트라 알고리즘을 통해 구현하였다. 본 연구에서는 대형 마트에 한정되어 연구되었지만, 마트 뿐 만이 아닌 백화점, 컨벤션 등 규모가 큰 실내에서도 적용 가능한 기술이다. 사람들의 위치정보를 활용하여 마케팅 분야로도 많이 활용될 수 있을 것이라 기대한다.

      • 국내 기능성 화장품의 생산 실태

        김혜수,이경화 가톨릭대학교 생활과학연구소 2001 생활과학연구논집 Vol.21 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the real state and problems of production characteristics in Korean Cosmeceuticals manufacturers. This Study accomplished the qualitative survey to Top three cosmetic manufacturers(태평양, LG, 코리아나) which have production lines of Cosmeceuticals. Interviewee are marketers and production managers who have careers in this areas. The results are as follows; 1.Most of market segmentations are focused on the younger generation(age 20 to 39). 2.All of cosmetic brands were offered the variations of skin types by brands and products, which are skin care and nutritional care. 3.It has shown that the evaluation of manufacturers about the consumers' understanding of cosmeceuticals was very low. However, the consumers' satisfaction after using cosmeceuticals was shown to be very high.

      • 一部 우리나라 婦女子들의 姙娠 育兒 및 家族計劃에 關한 知識 및 實踐에 對한 調査

        金惠壽 서울大學校 保健大學院 1974 公衆保健雜誌 Vol.11 No.2

        This study was conducted during the period of July 10 to December 10, 1973. 309 women from age 15 to 64 were selected in Kang Wha Gun, kyung Ki Do, Sam. Chuck Gun, Kang Won Do, Dang Chin Gun, Choong Chung Nam Do, Sang Choo Gun, Kyung Sang Buk Do, Kwang Choo, Chul Ra Nam Do and Hwityung Dong, in Seoul where Seoul Adventist Hospital Nursing Students practiced their public health nursing activities. Results of this study show the lack of knowledge about maternal and child health and positive need of health education and health services. Through wise planning and guidance effective field experiences can be given to the nursing students. Therefore, author believes that this study can be used as effective material for health service teaching. 1. About regular prenatal examinations: 24.3% had knowledge of the need of periodic heck-ups in earthy pregnancy, but 19.4% were having check-ups. 18.4% thought they needed prenatal check-ups only when abnormal symptoms appeared, but 26.9% practiced it, 14.9% knew the need of 4 times a month check-ups at late stage, but 8.7% practiced it. 21.0% thought that they needed prenatal checkups only when abnormal symptoms appeared, and 2i5.3% practiced it. 2. About prenatal Care: 39.5% knew about the importance of proper nutrition and 29.0% practiced it. 3. About the source of knowledge on prenatal care: 36.9% learned from family and friends, 14.2% from public health nurses, 11.0% from newspapers and magazines. 4. About the hospital delivery: 63.1% liked it and 39.8% practiced it, 27.2% liked home delivery and 36.9% practiced it. 5. About equipment and supplies prepared for home delivery: 56.0% knew about sheet for mother, and 47.2% practiced it. 6. On knowledge and practice about instruments for umbilical cord care at home: 56.3% knew about sterilized scissors, and 46.9% practiced it. 7. On knowledge and practice of postpartum care: 68.3% did not know about checking bleeding, and 69.0% did not check bleeding. 8. Information and practice about feeding infants: 1) 69.3% recognize breast milk as ideal main food for infants, and 71.2% practice it. 2) 9.4% knew earliest time to start supplementary food from the 3rd to the 5th month, and 5.5% practiced it. 3) 50.8% thought that weaning time should be completed within 1 year, and 45.0% Practiced it. 9. 66.3% thought daily baby bathing was needed, and 63.8% practiced it. 10. About vaccination for Infants: 58.6% knew about polio immunization, 62.1% practiced it. 63.8% were ignorant about DPT, and 60.2% did not practice it. 11. 30.4% thought booster schedules were needed, and 14.9% thought only the original vaccination was enough. 12. About the place of vaccination of infants: 44.0% usually attended the health center, and 37.2% attended the hospital and clinic. 13. About family planning: 1) 44.5% understood the importance, and the meaning of family planning as the desired number of children at the appropriate time. 83.8% agreed to follow family planning. 48.5% wanted more information about family planning. 2) About contraceptives; 22.3% thought the oral pill was convening, 45.0% were ignorant about the oral pill, 29.8% thought loop had side reactions, and 50.5% were ignorant of side reactions from loop.

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