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      • KCI등재

        섬유의 종류와 조합에 따른 직물의 수분전달 특성에 관한 연구

        김은애,나미희 한국의류학회 1990 한국의류학회지 Vol.14 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of hydrophilicity of the fiber on the water vapor transport properties of the fabric by using double layered fabrics of natural and synthetic fibers such as cotton, wool, nylon, dacron, orlon and polypropylene. Wickabilicy and absorption rate were measured to determine the absorbancy of the fabrics. Dynamic and steady state water vapor transport properties were measured by cobaltous chloride method and evaporation method, respectively. Absorption was in the order of orlon > cotton > wool > nylon> polypropylene> dacron. Dynamic surface wetness of synthetic fabrics were faster than that of natural fabrics. For the double layered farbrics, higher water vapor transport was resulted when the natural fabric was exposed to lower vapor pressure and synthetic fabric was exposed to higher vapor pressure than when the fabrics were layered the other way around. Opposite result was obtained for orlon, which suggested that when the fabric of high absorbancy is exposed to the environment and lower absorbancy is to the skin, higher water vapor transpont could be resulted.

      • KCI등재후보

        ‘아내’의 강간죄 객체성 인정에 대한 소고

        김은애 梨花女子大學校 法學硏究所 2011 法學論集 Vol.15 No.4

        The marital rape is a coerced intercourse that is done without consent and with a violence and a threat between husband and wife. Mostly the victim is a wife, so the marital rape means the wife rape by husband. It is violative of the right to sexual autonomy, the right to control ones won body and the human rights that are based on the constitutional law. But according to the common opinion in law, the wife is not to be the object of the rape. Because the assaulter and the victim are in conjugal relation, so they has a duty to accept a sexual demand each other. The Supreme Court in 1970 judged that the marital rape between husband and wife could not be a punishable conduct because of their special relation. The common opinion in law also has followed this view. However, a recent judgment of the district court concluded that the wife rape has to be furnished as crime and showed the grounds of the penal sanction in the judgment paper. By the provision punishing rape in criminal law, the object of the rape is specified a woman. So the wife can be recognized the object of the rape as a woman independent of her marital status. And it is very clear that the husband committed a rape made a trespass on a person’s human rights and constitutional value including the right to sexual autonomy, the right to control ones won body and so on. Also, the wife raped by her husband suffers the physical mental damage like a rape trauma syndrome from the experience that she was attacked from the spouse who has to love, trust and prospect each other. Therefore there is no problem to recognize the rape by husband as the crime. Married woman should be able to control her own body and to be guaranteed her sexual autonomy. For these reasons, the wife rape is very obvious and serious crime. Consequently, to punish and to prevent it, the illegality of the wife rape have to be investigated and researched in law and women sphere closely and the countermeasure must be taken as soon as possible. 본 논문은 ‘아내’가 형법상 강간죄의 객체로서 인정될 수 있는지 여부에 대한 판단을 위해 아내강간의 개념 및 실태, 아내강간죄 부정론의 논거 및 관련 우리나라 판례, 외국의 경향 및 입법례, 그리고 우리나라에서의 아내강간 사례 및 이에 있어 아내강간죄를 인정한 최근 판례 등을 살펴봄으로써 아내강간죄 불인정으로 인한 문제점을 지적함과 동시에 아내강간죄 인정의 당위성에 대한 논거를 제시하였다. 배우자 강간은 일방 배우자(주로 남편)가 다른 일방 배우자(주로 아내)를 대상으로 합의 없이 강제적으로 성행위를 자행하는 것이고, 많은 경우 폭행 및 협박을 동반하는 가정폭력과의 연장선상에서 발생하기 때문에 개인적 문제를 넘어 사회적 문제로 적극 다루어져야 한다. 하지만 그럼에도 불구하고 우리나라 법학계에서는 통설적으로 아내를 강간죄 객체로 인정하지 않았으며, 대법원 역시 부부 관계의 특수성 등을 근거로 아내강간죄를 인정할 수 없다는 입장을 견지해왔다. 그러나 현행 형법상 강간죄 객체인 부녀의 범주에 여성인 아내가 제외되는 것으로 볼 아무런 이유가 없으며, 아내강간의 경우 강간죄의 보호법익인 성적 자기결정권 등에 대한 침해를 명백하게 발생시키고, 상호 신뢰 및 존중 관계에 있어야 하는 배우자에 의해 가해가 이루어질 뿐만 아니라 가족관계 내에서 이루어지기 때문에 피해가 쉽게 드러나지도 않고 이를 쉽게 드러내기도 어렵다는 점 등을 감안하면 오히려 이로 인한 피해자의 신체적 정신적 건강에는 심각한 악영향이 초래된다. 부부 관계에서 그리고 가정이라는 소위 사적 공간에서 발생하는 일이라도 위법한 행위인 이상 치외법권 지대에 놓이는 것은 불합리할 뿐만 아니라, 개인의 권리가 침해되거나 위협받는 경우 국가의 개입이 필요할 수 있다. 또한 민법상 부부의 동거 및 성생활의 의무는 비자발적이고 강요에 의한 것을 포함하는 것이 아니고, 실질적으로 파탄에 이른 부부 관계의 경우 형식적인 부부 관계의 유지가 아내강간죄 불인정의 이유가 되는 것은 불합리하다. 이에 아내강간죄에 대한 법적 인정이 보다 적극 이루어져야 한다.

      • 새우젖의 呈味成分에 關한 硏究 : Ⅰ. Degradation of Nucleotides and their Related compounds in small shrimp during Fermentation 第1報. 새우젓 熟成中의 核酸關聯物質의 變化

        鄭承鏞,金恩愛 慶尙大學校 1976 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        새우젓의 呈味成分 및 微生物相을 밝혀 食品學的인 基礎資料를 얻기 위하여 西海 産 젓새우를 原料로 하여 우선 새우젓 熟成중의 核酸關聯物質의 變化를 實驗하여 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 젓갈 熟成중 ADP, AMP 및 IMP는 현저히 減少하고, 反面 hypozanthine은 熟成 27日만에 월등히 增加되었다가 72日에는 약간 減少되었다. 새우젓에는 hypoxanthine의 含量이 비교적 많으므로 새우젓의 獨特한 맛에 어떤 구실을 할 것이라고 보아진다. In Korea fermented fish and shellfish have traditionally been favored and consumed as seasonings or further processed for fish sauce. Three major items in production quantity among more than thrity kinds which are presently available i the market are fermented anchovy, oyser and small shrimp. They are usually used as a seasoning mixtrue of Kimchi in order to provide a distinctive flavor. Fermented smal shrimp, Acetes chinensis is most widely and largely used and occupies an important position in food industry of this country. But no study on its taste compounds has beeen reported. This study was attempted to estblish the basic ata for evaluating taste compounds of fermented samll shrimp. The changes of such compounds during fermentation as nucleotides and their related compounds were analysed. The samples were prepared with three different salt contents of 20, 30 and 40% to obtain the proper degree of fermentation at a controlled temperature of 20+2℃. The results are summarized as follows: ADP, AMP and IMP tended to degrade rapidly while hypoxanthine incresed remarkably at 27 day fermentation but slightly decreased at 72 day fermentation. It is presumed that the chracteristic flavor of fermented small shrimp might be attribted to the relatively higher content of hypozanthine.

      • 내의용 편성물의 보온성 및 수분전달 특성에 관한 연구

        김은애,한은경 연세대학교 생활과학연구소 1991 生活科學論集 Vol.5 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to examine the thermal resistance and liquid/vapour water transport properties of commercially available underwear fabrics. The thermal resistance of each fabric was estimated by wrapping the fabric around a cylinderical apparatus which simulated the man-clothing-environment system. The vapour cup method, vertical strip test and drop absorption test were performed to test water transport properties. The results indicated that thermal resistance decreased in the order of nylon batted cotton>polyester batted cotton>acrylic/cotton interlock>cotton single jersey>nylon/cotton rib stitch>polyester/cotton rib stitch>cotton rib stitch. Acrylic/cotton interlock showed the highest thermal resistance per unit of thickness. Nylon batted cotton showed the highest thermal resistance per unit of weight. Water vapour tranmission was dependent on fabric thickness and porosity, and liquid water transport properties were dependent on the geometrical properties of the fabric surface.

      • 기모가공된 직물의 수분함량이 접촉온냉감에 미치는 영향

        김은애,나미희,안미영 연세대학교 생활과학연구소 1995 生活科學論集 Vol.9 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of moisture content of napped fabric on the warm/cool feeling. For the experiment, four specimens, one woven fabric of cotton and three knit fabrics of cotton, acryilics, and polyester were used before and after napping. Moisture contents varied from 0 to 100%. For the objective test, Qmax the maximum absorption rate of heat flow, was measured using KES-FB Thermolabo Ⅱ. Subjective sensory tests were performed with 10 female subjects to compare the warm/cool feeling of the specimens. Results showed that the napping decreased the Qmax values irrespective of the type of fiber. As the moisture content of the specimens increased, the Qmax value increased. However, the difference of Qmax before and after napping was different among the specimens and showed higher values with the knit fabrics. The correlation between Qmax and the paired comparison of the subjective ratings was high for all test fabrics. On the other hand, when the napped cotton (flannel) and acrylics (fleece) were compared, cotton showed a higher correlation coefficient than acrylics, which was attributed to the hydrophilic property of the cotton fiber and the difficulty of subjects to judge the warm/cool feeling of the hydrophobic fiber.

      • KCI등재

        임상시험에 있어 전자동의(Electronic Informed Consent) 획득: 미국 지침에 따른 고려사항을 중심으로

        김은애 한국의료윤리학회 2015 한국의료윤리학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        According to the international norms, the researcher who wants to conduct the clinical trial must obtain the informed consent from the research participant in order to protect their rights and welfare and to respect their autonomy. To obtain the informed consent appropriately, the researcher must provide the sufficient information and the detailed explanations about the research and allow adequate opportunity to ask questions before obtaining the informed consent. In Korea, these requirements are specified as the researcher’s legal liabilities both in the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act and in the Korean Good Clinical Practice. Recently, there has been a growing interest in the use of the electronic media and process for obtaining the informed consent since the electronic informed consent is convenient for delivering and storing the information. However, it is questionable whether the use of the electronic media and process for obtaining informed consent satisfies the legal and ethical requirements laid out in the domestic law and the international norms because these principles and standards within them are created on the premise that the informed consent could be obtained on paper. So, in this article, I identify the ethical issues surrounding the electronic informed consent that require the attention not only of the researcher but also of the Institutional Review Board. In particular, I analyze and comment on the guidance concerning the electronic informed consent prepared by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 임상시험에 있어 동의 획득은 연구자가 연구대상자나 법정대리인에게 연구 관련 정보나 자료를 제공해주고 관련 설명을 해주거나 질의에 응답하는 기회를 제공해줌으로써 연구에 대한 이해를 바탕으로 임상시험 참여 여부를 결정할 수 있도록 하는 것이다. 이에 연구대상자의 권리와 복지 보호 그리고 자율성 존중 등과 관련하여 국제규범상으로 가장 중요하게 여겨지고 있는 절차이고 국내법상으로는 의무화되어 있는 절차이다. 이러한 동의 획득에 있어 전자매체나 전자과정을 이용한 전자동의 획득이 실제 이루어지고 있거나 고려되고 있다. 동의 획득과 관련된 윤리적 · 법적 원칙과 기준은 이미 확립되어 있으나 이는 당초 서면동의를 전제로 마련된 것이기에 전자동의에 있어 이러한 원칙과 기준이 어떻게 준수되어야 하는지에 대한 검토가 필요하다. 이에 이 논문에서는 전자동의를 자신의 임상시험에 도입하고자 하는 연구자나 연구의뢰자뿐만 아니라 전자동의를 도입하는 임상시험에 대해 심의 · 승인하고 지속적으로 관리하는 역할을 담당하는 임상시험심사위원회가 전자동의와 관련하여 고려하여야 할 사항에 대해 최근 미국 보건부와 식품의약품관할관청이 함께 마련하여 발표한 임상시험 시 전자동의 획득에 대한 지침상의 내용을 참고하여 분석하였다.

      • 食品中 添加되어 있는 色素에 關한 調査硏究

        金恩愛 진주농과대학 1969 진주농과대학 연구논문집 Vol.- No.8

        數十種의 食品中에 添加되어 있는 色素에 對하여 Paper Chromatography로 實驗한 結果를 要約하면 大略 다음과 같다. 1. 各種의 Sample(50가지)을 通해서 色素를 確認할 수 있었는데 그중의 16가지는 非許容色素의 使用임이 밝혀 졌다(30%). 2. 大部分의 非許容色素는 判定結果 過去의 許容色素임을 알았다. 3. 食用色素中에서 가장 많이 使用되고 있는 色素는 Tartratin(食用黃色 4號)이였다. 4. 保存食品과 加工食品이 많이 市場에 나옴에 따라 食品工業界에서는 合成着色料를 使用하게 되므로 소비자인 우리들이 食品을 구입할 때는 maker의 商標가 正確한 것을 구입함이 安全하다고 생각된다. The permitted and unpermitted coloring matters of food have been detected by means of Paper Chromatography in various food materials which were obtained from the market. As the results of experiments, significant number of coloring matters which were prohibited to use by the authorities have been detected. The experimental results also indecate that Tartrazin, namely Food Yellow NO. 4, is found to be marked abundance whereas Light Green SF Yellow that is Food Green No.2 and the Brilliant Blue F. C. F. namely Food Blue NO. 1 were found to be the most poor. The Ponceau 3R which is prohibited to use in food showed remarkable quantity among the samples which have been employed through this experiment.

      • 보온용 부직포의 두께와 충전도에 따른 전도/대류 및 복사 열전달

        김은애,김희숙 연세대학교 생활과학연구소 1994 生活科學論集 Vol.8 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the contribution of thickness and solidity of nonwovens insulating materials to conductive/convective and radiant heat transfer properties. Commercially available 100% polyester specimens were used. Thickness ranged from 1cm to 5cm and solidity was controlled at between 0.97∼5.07. Thermal conductance, h, was measured by using a constant temperature sandwich type device at atmospheric pressure and low air pressure. Nonwoven reduces heat transfer more than an equivalent thickness of air by reducing both the conduction/convection and radiation. As the thickness of nonwoven material increases, air content increases; the conduction/convection decreases and as the distance increase; radiation decreases. As solidity increases from 0.97 to 5.07, total heat conductance decreases by 35% mostly due to the reduction in convection. Multiple regression shows that the most contributing factor for the warmth retention of nonwoven material is the thickness with the following equation. Y=9.181-3.205 X Y : thermal conductance X : thickness

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