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        새로운 항균제로서 1 -(phenoxymethyl) benzotriazole 유도체의 합성과 정량적 구조활성관계(QSAR) 분석

        기성,최우영,성낙도,임치환,고동성 한국농화학회 1990 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.33 No.3

        The structure-antifungal activity correlations between the structure of fourteen new 1-(phenoxymethyl)benzotriazoles (I) (Y=0), 1-(thiophenoxyrnethyl)benzotriazoles (II) (Y=S) and 1-(azidomethyl)benzotriazole (Ⅲ) derivatives were synthesized, and their activity, fifty percent inhibition of mycelial growth(pI_(50)), in vitro against Pyricularia oryzae, Fusarium axysporum f. sp swami, Valsa ceratosperma and Botrytis cinerea were investigated using a generalized QSAR method. The activity of (I) was superior to those of (II) and (Ⅲ). The effect of the substituents (X) on the phenoxy group (I) was rationalized by a parabolic function of electronic (σ), steric (B₁) and hydrophobic parameter(π), and hydrogen bonding (HB). Where the optimal values of substituent on the fungicidal activity againt P. oryzae and F. axcysporum f. sp. sesami are B₁=1.40A; (H) and σ=0.07∼0.15;(H), and those of substituent on the fungicidal activity against V. ceratosperma and B. dare σ=0.23∼0.28; (Cl), π=0.70; (Cl), respectively. The most effective compound ( I a) and ( I d) were examined in this study.

      • p-Methoxystyrylphenylsulfone의 가수분해 반응메카니즘에 대한 반응속도론적 연구

        權奇星,高東成,朴文奎,金演斗,成洛道 충남대학교 기초과학연구소 1981 연구논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        The rate constants for the hydrolysis of p-methoxystyrylphenylsulfone were determined at wide pH ranges by means of UV spectrophotometer and the rate equations which could be applied to the experimental results were obtained. Form the facts, reaction mechanism was proposed : above pH 11.5, the rate is only dependent on the concentration of hydroxide ion and below pH 9.5, the reaction is initiated by the attack of a water molecule on the activated carbon-carbon double bond. In the range of pH from 9.5 to 11.5, these two reactions occur competitively.

      • 地域社會發展 : 그 展望에 대한 文化心理的 檢證

        權奇星 단국대학교 대학원 1980 學術論叢 Vol.4 No.-

        Human behavior is determined by his psychological state or value-orientation, and this by interactions of the course of his life time. Therefore, human behavior is a function of human organism and environment. This view many proceed from "the field theory" on behavior proceed by the psychologist K. Lewin. Lewin used the term "life space" to refer to "the totality of forces acting on the person at a given moment of time," implying both the individual internal psychological environment and his external environment. He used a schematic diagram, an egg-shaped "Jordan curve." to show a person in a particular environment. Levin's Jordan Curve ◁그림삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요) Behavior is a function of the person and his psychological environment in terms of Lewin's formulas: B=F(P.E). A person's behavior (B) is determined by both the external environment (E) and the internal personal environment (P). Hereby, we may link other aspects of personal behavior since community development is dependent on community inhabitants' behavior and their behavior is a special form of human activity and cannot be independent of social behavior generally. In this respect, we have to understand community inhabitant's value-orientation formed in the condition of their socio-cultural environment in order to understand community development. Korean community inhabitants tend to authoritarianism, emotional humanism, fatalism and homogeneity. These value-orientations are constructed by religious influence: Confucian authority and hierarchy: Buddhist collectivism and passivity: and Taoist non-activist virtue. Therefore, Korean community inhabitants are characterized by these value-orientation such as authoritarianism, emotional humanism, fatalism and homogeneity. Authoritarianism here can be defined as hierarchical relations in terms of domination, submission relationships, that is, a tendency in an individual to adopt uncritical and submissive attitude toward the more powerful man and at the same time to wish to make other submit to him. An authoritarian person is accustomed to submission. He wouldn't like to do what to do for himself and he is much dependent on his superior. The important effect of the authoritarian attitude of Korean community inhabitents is that most of the decisions are likely to be made at the top in the hierarchy, and decision making is also heavily influenced by the political philosophy and outlook of the decision maker himself. Another important implication of authoritarianism is that there is relatively little room for the incremental approach to solving problems. Emotional humanism can be defined as an attitude or tendency to maintain the relationship with others. An emotional humanistic person is much dependent on others and lacks the pioneer-spirit, while emotional humanim fosters the spirits of cooperation based on the mutual cooperative spirit. The important effect of emotional humanistic attitudes to reduce rationality in decision making. Community inhabitants who are equipped with deep and warm sentiments do not usually deal with things reasonably and rationally but emotionally and intuitively. Fatalism can be defined as a tendency or belief system to evaluate one's success by the supernatural forces, e.g., fate beyond one's capability. A fatalistic person lacks not only a fighting spirit to attack difficulties but also determination to pursue any goal persistently. Many plans or programs are likely to end as plans or programs, per se without ever being tried. And he lacks self-reliance or developmental value-orientation. These fatalistic people are more concerned with the "Being" orientation than with the "Doing" orientation in human activity. And they are more attentive to what the human being is than to what he might accomplish. Homogeneity can be defined as common consciousness―ethnic, linguistic, religious, racial, cultural and regional, etc.―in life. Homogeneous person is more exclusive to others. These homogeneous people do not believe in others because of exclusive tendency. These homogeneity would like to find and aggregate more homogeneous things within homogeneity. Therefore, homogeneity results in factionalism and so factionalism caused by a loyalty to him, family, school, and province has directly led to the brakdown is that it deprives one of the opportunity to develop individualistic attitudes and abilities. In summary of survey research, community inhabitants' authoritarianism and homogeneity are high and their emotional humanism and fatalism are relatively low. But their emotional humanism and fatalism are not converted to development-orientation. Therefore, it may be difficult to expect community development. It is considered that non-developmental value-orientation is due to cultural tradition based on the religious influence in the long-run and the influence of the authoritarian strategy for community development (New Village Movement) in the short-run.

      • Azomethine 탄소원자의 친핵성 치환반응 (제2보)

        權奇星,成洛道,明平根 순천향대학교 1982 논문집 Vol.5 No.4

        Kinetics studies for the solvolysis of α-bromobenzaldehydephenylhydrazone in various mixed aqueous methanol solvents have been carried out by UV spectrophotometry at 25℃. Rate equation can be applied over pH 0.0∼7.0 range is obtained and analysing pH-rate profile, the rate equation consists of two parts; dependent on hydrogen ion and pH independent part. Therefore, the hydrolysis proceed through proton addition below pH 2.50 and ?? reaction occur above pH 3.50∼, respectively. Results of m-value of Grunwald-Winstein equation(m=0.85) and n-value of Kivinen plots(n=4.50), show that the solvolysis displacement of α-bromobenzaldehydephenlhydrazone proceed via ?? reaction mechanism.

      • KCI등재

        패류 껍질층의 경계면을 모방한 고연성 시멘트 복합재료의 휨 거동

        기성,전재영,방진욱,김윤용 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 2020 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 논문집 Vol.24 No.1

        본 연구에서는 패류 껍질의 경계조건을 모사한 고연성 시멘트 복합재료의 휨 성능을 평가하였다. 패류 껍질층 경계면 구조를 모방 하여 프리캐스트 형식으로 제조된 패널 사이를 후 타설 HDCC로 충전한 실험체와 PE-mesh를 HDCC층의 경계면에 배치한 실험체 등 2가지 경계면 특성을 고려하여 제작한 4종류 실험체의 휨 성능을 평가하였다. 패류 껍질의 경계조건을 모사한 고연성 시멘트 복합재료의 휨 성능 평가 결과 일반적인 휨 시험체 대비 층상화 단면을 적용한 모든 실험체의 연성이 증가하였다. 특히 PE-mesh를 삽입하여 층상화한 방법이 가장 우수한 연성을 나타내는 것을 확인하였다. 이는 삽입된 PE-mesh가 층을 분리하는 경계면 역할을 하고, PE-mesh 체눈 내의 각주형 HDCC는 층과 층 사이의 부착을 견고히 하는 역할을 하였기 때문이라고 사료된다. In this study, the flexural performance of Highly Ductile Cement Composites(HDCC) mimicking boundary conditions of shellfish skin layer was evaluated. To improve ductility by mimicking the boundary skin layer structure of shellfish, the method of stratification by charging between precast panels using HDCC and the method of distributing PE-mesh to the interface surface were applied. Evaluation of flexural performance of layered cement composite materials mimicking boundary conditions of shellfish skin layer resulted in increased ductility of all test specimens applied with stratified cross-section compared to typical bending test specimens. The layered method by inserting PE-mesh showed excellent ductility. This is most likely because the inserted PE-mesh made an interface for separating the layers while the HDCC pillars in the PE-mesh gave adhesion between layers.

      • KCI등재

        북한의 야담장르 인식과 야담선집 출간

        기성 ( Kwon Ki-sung ) 배달말학회 2021 배달말 Vol.69 No.-

        본 연구는 한반도 통일의 시대에 대비한 문학의 통합적 비교연구가 필요하다는 전제 하에, 남북한이 공통으로 사용하는 고전문학 개념의 비교를 수행하는 데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 남북한이 공동으로 사용하고 있는 ‘야담’이라는 문학 장르를 선택하여 논의를 진행하고자 하였다. 이에 북한에서 출간된 야담선집 중 『조선중세야담집』(1~6)을 대상으로 하여 선집의 작품 편찬 경향과 구성상 특징을 살펴보았다. 본 연구의 결과에 따르면, 북한문학사에서 야담은 설화의 하위유형에 가깝게 인식되어 왔다. 장르개념에 대한 통일된 견해가 도출되지 못해, 패설의 전개차원에서도 야담이 거론되기는 했지만 『어우야담』 이후의 작품을 다루지는 않았다. 그렇지만 최근 북한의 ‘야담’ 번역과 ‘야담’제명선집의 출간을 통해, 북한문학사에서 ‘야담’을 설화의 하위 유형에서 벗어난 ‘기록문학’과의 연관성에서 다루고 있음을 확인할 수 있다. 이는 저본이 되는 텍스트나, 야담을 활용하는 방식을 통해 볼 때, 남측의 야담연구동향과도 연관있어 보이며, 북한 내부에서 ‘야담’문학의 효용성을 인지하고 적극적으로 활용하고자 하는 일종의 문화적 기획이라 할 수 있다. 『조선중세야담집』을 통해 보면, 이들은 1) 기이담이 아닌 현실적 교훈과 인민의 교화라는 관점에서 적극적인 편찬의 태도를 견지한다. 2) 한문어투의 단순한 번역을 통해 작품의 대중적 이해도를 높이는 데 초점을 두고 있다. 3) 때로 적극적 부연과 삭제를 통해 작품의 자극적인 부분을 배제하고 있다. 이런 방법을 통해 야담을 북한문학사의 주요한 장르로 부각시키고 있는 경향을 보이는 바, 이는 북한이 야담을 기록된 패설로, 나아가 소설문학과의 연결고리 역할을 하는 문학사적 위치를 부여하고 있다고 판단할 근거가 된다. The purpose of this study is to conduct a comparison of classical concepts commonly used by the two Koreas on the premise that an integrated comparative study of literature is needed in preparation for the era of unification of the Korean Peninsula. To this end, we tried to proceed with the discussion by selecting a literary genre called 'Yadam' jointly used by the two Koreas. Therefore, it was intended to examine the tendency and composition characteristics of the collection of works for the 『Joseon Middle Ages Yadam Collection』(1-6), among the Yadam collections published in North Korea. The results of this study are summarized as follows. In the history of North Korean literature, Yadam was recognized as a subtype of folktale. Since a unified view on the concept of genre was not drawn, no discussion was discussed in terms of the development of the myth, but it did not deal with works after 『Eu-Woo yadam』. However, through the recent publication of North Korea's "Yadam" translation and "Yadam" expulsion book, it can be seen that "Yadam" is dealt with in the history of North Korean literature in a connection with "Recording Literature," which deviates from the subtype of folk tales. This seems to be related to the South's trend of Yadam research, and it can be said to be a kind of cultural project to recognize and actively utilize the effectiveness of Yadam literature within North Korea. From the 『Joseon Middle Ages Yadam Collection』, they maintain an active attitude of compilation from the perspective of 1) realistic lessons and edification of the people, not Kiidam. 2) The focus is on enhancing the public understanding of the work through simple translation of Chinese characters. 3) Sometimes the stimulating part of the work is excluded through active addition and deletion. Through this method, Yadam tends to be highlighted as a major genre in the history of North Korean literature, which will serve as a basis for judging that North Korea is giving a literary historical position that serves as a link to novel literature.

      • KCI등재

        <월간야담> 소재 「참회의 노승」을 통해 본 근대전환기(1930년대) 세대 갈등의 한 단면과 그 의미

        기성 돈암어문학회 2019 돈암어문학 Vol.35 No.-

        Through the analysis of 「Old monk of repentance」(1936, Book III, Book 9) in 『Wol gan Yadam』, I looked at the composition meaning of the work and how the subject was shaped. In this way, the meaning of the work was discussed by linking it to a particular phase of the social problems of the day and to a youth/old discourse of the 1930s. At first glance, 「Old monk of repentance」 feels that the first and second parts of the book are not intertwined in an instrument, which makes it seem like a work that lacks the probability of an epic story. But from the perspective of the confrontation between young and old, it shows that the confrontation between the new and old generations of newspapers and tradition is unraveling in the middle tier structure of “free love” and “generational conflict.” In particular, the boy's immoral behavior and generational conflict in the latter half of the year are no less than situations such as “violence,” “murder” and “suicide” facing the elderly in the 1930s. A turning point in modern discourse a young man who went to chudonghae I used to stay completely eliminated in the logic of modernization, for his old man, The composition of these confrontations 「Old monk of repentance」. The narrator, however, expressed his stance of advocating conservative and traditional oriented values by raising the hands of the traditional generation in both the first and second half. After modern discourse, which was represented by youth in the 1920s, lost its way and became a target of criticism, the 1930s youth/old generation conflict appears to have intensified in many parts of society. While the old man is still ignorant and portrayed as an object of alienation abandoned by someone, data from the 30s, including 「Old monk of repentance」, emphasize that respect for the elderly and ethics are the value equivalent to social public good, and remind people that the solution to the problem of the old man during the modern transition period is to be in the warm interest and love of the people around him. Through these works, it is necessary to interpret the various works listed in the 『Wol-gan Yadam』 later on not just as a popular and entertaining product, but to read them more actively in consideration of the meaning of the times 본고는 월간야담 소재 「참회의 노승」(1936년, 3권 9호)의 분석을 통해서, 해당 작품이 지니는 구성적 의미와 주제의 형상화 방식을 살펴보았다. 이를 통해 작품이 지니는 의미를 당대 사회적 문제의 특정 국면 및 1930년대의 청년/노인 담론과 연결시켜 논하였다. 「참회의 노승」은 얼핏 전반부와 후반부가 계기적으로 엮여있지 않다는 느낌을 주며, 이로 인해 서사의 개연성이 부족한 작품처럼 느껴진다. 그러나 청년/노년의 대립이라는 관점에서 보면, 이는 신세대/구세대가 겪는 신문명과 전통의 대립을 ‘자유연애’와 ‘세대갈등’이라는 중층적 구성으로 풀어내고 있음을 알 수 있다. 특히 후반부에 나타난 소년의 패륜행위와 세대갈등은 1930년대 노인이 처한 ‘폭력’, ‘살인’, ‘자살’ 등과 같은 상황에 다름 아니다. 근대전환기를 추동해갔던 청년담론은 노인을 타자로 머물게 하면서 근대화의 논리에서 철저히 배제하곤 했었는데, 이러한 대립의 구도가 「참회의 노승」에 나타나 있는 것이다. 그런데 서술자는 전반부와 후반부 모두에서 전통세대의 손을 들어줌으로써 보수적이고 전통지향적인 가치를 옹호하는 입장을 드러냈다. 1920년대에 들어서 청년으로 대표되던 근대의 담론이 길을 잃고 비판의 대상으로 전락한 뒤, 1930년대의 청년/노인의 세대갈등은 사회 곳곳에서 한층 격화된 것처럼 나타난다. 이 와중에 노인은 여전히 무지하고 누군가에게 버려진 소외의 대상으로 그려지지만, 「참회의 노승」을 비롯한 30년대의 자료에서는 노인에 대한 공경과 윤리가 사회적 공공선에 해당하는 가치임을 강조하며, 근대전환기 노인문제의 해법은 기존 가치의 무조건적 추종이나 신세대의 비판에만 있는 것이 아니라 인간다움을 유지하는 것에 있음을 환기시킨다. 추후 『월간야담』에 수록된 여러 작품들을 단순히 통속적ㆍ흥미적인 상품으로만 해석하는 데 그치는 것이 아니라, 시대적 의미를 고려하여 더욱 적극적으로 읽어낼 필요가 있다.

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