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        柳台佐의 생애와 학문성향

        권오영 단국대학교 동양학연구원 2019 東洋學 Vol.0 No.76

        Ryu Yijwa(柳台佐, 1763~1837) was born as the 8th generation of the Pungsan Ryu Family in Hwa-Hwi, Andong, in which two letters of meaning loyalty(忠) and filial piety(孝), were passed from Ryu Sungryong(柳成龍). He kept and practiced the academic principles of the Pungsan Ryu Family. He realized that the core of Natural Science elucidated by Joo donee(周敦頤) and two Jung(二程) lied on Jujung(主靜) and Jugyeong(主敬). He understood that Jujung was the center of pratical ethics and the transition of two Jung from Jujung to Jygyeong was also the center of Natural Science through teachings of 「Taegeukdosul(太極圖說)」 by Joodonee. Among the Four Books, Ryu Yijwa studied and preached on 『Daehak(大學)』 and 『Jungyong(中 庸)』 in depth. He understood the illustrious virtue(明德) of Myeongmyeongduk(明明德), a doctrine of 『Daehak』 by his heart. He even mentioned that the Myeongduk was a figure of one’s true self. He also claimed that the illustrious virtue contains a mind, not dark, as well as affection. Moreover, he claimed that a faith(誠), the core of 『Jungyong』, represented practical interests(實理) and a practical mind(實心). He also claimed that practical interests were the core of the heaven, and a life(命) referred to the source of practical interests and the sex was the practical interest assinged from the heaven. He understood that persons were all about practical minds, and morally was a meritorious deed from a practical mind and a faith(敎) was the revealability of a practical mind. He also said that a doctrine of Jujaseo(朱子書) lied on three letters of ‘Myeongeuri (明義理)’, which can be defined as lightning of fidelity(義理). His such academic propensity was in line with the political bias of Neo-Confucianism, overly emphasizing a virtue of fidelity during the reigns of King Yeongjo and King Jungjo, of the late 18th century, and the academic propensity of Administrative Neo-Confucianism during the reign of King Jungjo, assisting ‘It is an urgent task of today to preach on the Practical Science and to practice and exercise the Practical Science. 柳台佐(1763~1837)는 柳成龍 이후 忠孝 두 글자를 전승해온 安東 河回의 豐山柳氏 가문의 8世의 文獻家에서 태어났다. 그는 풍산류씨의 家學을 잘 지켜나가고 몸소 실천을 하였다. 그의 학문성향은 朱子學에 토대를두고 있다. 그는 周敦頤와 二程의 心學의 핵심이 主靜과 主敬이라는 것을 알았다. 그는 주정이 주돈이의 「太 極圖說」의 가르침으로 심학의 핵심이고, 이정이 주정에서 주경으로 전환한 것은 더욱 道學의 핵심이 된다고이해했다. 류이좌는 四書 중에서도 『大學』과 『中庸』을 깊이 연구하고 강론하였다. 그는 『대학』의 강령인 明明德의 明 德을 本心으로 이해했다. 그는 명덕에 대해 본심의 虛靈不昧한 모습이라고 했다. 또한 그는 『중용』의 핵심인誠은 實理, 實心을 말한다고 했다. 그는 하늘에 있어서는 實理라고 말하니, 命이라는 것은 실리의 근원을 가리키고, 性이라는 것은 실리를 하늘로부터 부여받은 것이라고 이해했다. 그는 사람에 있으면 實心이니, 道라는것은 실심의 功이고, 敎라는 것은 실심의 드러남이라고 이해했다. 또한 그는 朱子書의 강령이 義理를 밝힌다는‘明義理’ 세 글자에 있다고 했다. 이러한 그의 학문성향은 18세기말 英·正祖시대에 의리를 지나치게 강조하는조선 주자학의 정치적 성향을 지니면서, 아울러 ‘實心으로 實學을 강론하고, 실학으로 實事를 실행하는 것이곧 오늘날의 급선무이다’라고 말한 정조의 經世學的 주자학의 학문성향을 함께 공유했던 주자학자로 평가할 수있다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Antioxidant and Anticytokine Effects of Bovine Colostrum in Intestinal Ischemia/Reperfusion Injured Rat Model

        권오영,Jong Seok Lee,최한성,홍훈표,Ki-Hyo Jang,Ji Hoon Paek,Soon Ah Kang,고영관 한국식품과학회 2010 Food Science and Biotechnology Vol.19 No.5

        The objective of this study was to examine antioxidant and anticytokine effects of bovine colostrum (BC) in an intestinal ischemia/reperfusion injured rat model. Forty Sprague-Dawley rats were induced intestinal ischemia/reperfusion injury. After reperfusion the rats were given BC, 0.9% saline or low fat milk (LFM) orally. The antioxidative activities using superoxide dismutase (SOD),glutathione peroxidase (GSH-PX), catalase (CAT), and malondialdehyde (MDA) were analyzed in this study. Serum cytokine levels [tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α,interlukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, and IL-10] were also checked. SOD (1.53±0.23 U/mg of protein), GSH-PX (7.62±0.66U/mg of protein), and CAT (42.16± 3.16 U/mg of protein)activities increased and MDA level (0.58±0.05 mmol/mg of protein) decreased significantly in rats fed BC compared to rats fed saline or LFM (p<0.05). TNF-α (7.63±1.31 pg/mL), IL-1β (49.43±4.43 pg/mL), and IL-6 (62.85±7.60 pg/mL) in rats fed BC were significantly lower than saline or LFM (p<0.005), whereas there was no significant difference in IL-10 (220.3±22.06 pg/mL) between experimental groups. In conclusion, BC may have both antioxidative and anticytokine effects in an intestinal ischemia/reperfusion rat model.

      • Matlab을 이용한 유성음 성도단면의 실시간 분석기 구현

        권오영,박일서,조철우 국립7개대학공동논문집간행위원회 2003 공업기술연구 Vol.3 No.-

        In this paper we tried to compute the shape of the vocal tract from the input speech in real-time. To implement the real-time process MATLAB Data Acquisition Toolbox was used. Implemented program can compute and display the shape of the vocal tract from the various input speech signal.

      • KCI등재

        고대 동남아시아 내륙부의 묘제와 장제

        권오영,최영은 서울대학교 아시아연구소 2020 아시아리뷰 Vol.10 No.1

        베트남 중부의 사 휜 문화는 대형의 전용 옹관을 매장에 사용한다는 점에서 한국 학계의 큰 관심을 불러 모았다. 특히 영산강유역의 대형 옹관과 사 휜 옹관을 비교하는 작업이 최근에 정열적으로 진행되고 있다. 물론 이 작업 자체로도 학술적 의미가 크다고 평가되지만 한 가지 아쉬운 점은 사 휜 문화와 같은 시기에 공존하였던 동남아시아 각지의 고대 묘제와 장제에 대한 이해가 결여되어 있다는 점이다. 베트남 북부와 중국 남부를 무대로 발전한 동 손 문화는 사 휜 문화와는 상이한 묘제와 장제를 발전시켰으나 일부 상호 교류한 흔적이 보이기도 한다. 라오스 고원지대의 돌항아리는 재질이 흙에서 돌로 바뀌었을 뿐 기본적인 관념은 사 휜 옹관과 유사하다. 반면 타일랜드나 캄보디아 지역에서는 토광묘나 목관묘가 주류 묘제일 뿐 옹관묘는 유소아용에 국한되고 있다. 이렇듯 다양한 묘제와 장제를 발전시킨 동남아시아 각지에 대한 이해는 앞으로 영산강유역 옹관묘 문화를 이해하는 데에는 물론이고 동남아시아와 동북아시아를 연결하는 광역 네트워크를 이해하는 작업에서도 반드시 필요할 것이다. The Sa Huynh culture of central Vietnam has garnered the interest of the Korean archaeological community due to its use of large jars (produced specifically as coffins) in funerary practices. In particular, there have been active attempts to compare the Sa Huynh jar coffins with the large jar coffins of the Yeongsan River region of southern Korea. Although these attempts at comparison are academically meaningful, they are lacking in terms of a wider understanding of the ancient burials and funerary practices, contemporaneous to the Sa Huynh culture, that were used throughout Southeast Asia at the time. The Dong Son culture, which was spread out over northern Vietnam and southern China, is characterized by distinctive burials and funerary practices that are different from, but nevertheless contain traces of interaction with, the Sa Huynh culture. In the Laos highlands, stone jars were used as coffins, which can be regarded as illustrating a continuation of the same burial concept, albeit expressed though a different medium (i.e. stone). On the other hand, simple pit burials or wooden coffin burials were mainly used in the regions of Thailand and Cambodia, with the use of jar coffins limited only to infant and child burials. A more developed understanding of the various kinds of burials and funerary practices used throughout Southeast Asia will provide the context in which the jar coffin burial culture of the Yeongsan River region can be better understood in the future. Such an understanding is also necessary in order to understand the long -distance trade network (involving the movement of carnelian, glass beads, etc.) which linked Southeast and Northeast Asia.

      • KCI등재

        병원 내 비 의료인을 대상으로 시행한 강의식 심폐소생술 교육과 현장 교정교육에의한 단계별 실습의 교육적 효과

        권오영,조현준,조한진,최한성,홍훈표,고영관,김신철,김동필,강영준 대한응급의학회 2008 大韓應急醫學會誌 Vol.19 No.3

        Purpose: We undertook this study to evaluate the educational benefits at each steps of expository cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training by immediate remediation for non-healthcare providers in our hospital. Methods: The 150 office staffs who worked in our hospital participated in this study. Following an educational session consisting of a one-hour video tape and slides, we tested single-rescuer BLS performance (15 checklists) with Fullbody SkillReporterTM Resusci Anne and Skillmeter Resusci Anne according to 2005 AHA guidelines for CPR. Three tests and two remediations were given to each person, and data were collected after each trial. A statistical analysis was done using the SPSS statistical software package. A pvalue <0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. Results: Staff pass rates were improved in 13 checklists after remediation of CPR training. In the initial testing, the highest rate of pass was in assessment of responsiveness (0.89±0.31) and the lowest rate of pass was in the looking of in the checking-breathing test items (0.23±0.42). The highest rate of pass after two remediations was in the checking-breathing within 10 seconds (0.94±0.23) and the lowest rate of pass was in the rate of chest compression (0.52±0.50). The difference between males and females was in the rate of chest compression (p=0.001), but there is no difference of the educational benefits after two remediations by age-group. Conclusion: We found that the rate of passing in each steps of CPR training was improved by two remediations. Therefore, many iterations of remediation of CPR training for non-healthcare providers are necessary.Purpose: We undertook this study to evaluate the educational benefits at each steps of expository cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training by immediate remediation for non-healthcare providers in our hospital. Methods: The 150 office staffs who worked in our hospital participated in this study. Following an educational session consisting of a one-hour video tape and slides, we tested single-rescuer BLS performance (15 checklists) with Fullbody SkillReporterTM Resusci Anne and Skillmeter Resusci Anne according to 2005 AHA guidelines for CPR. Three tests and two remediations were given to each person, and data were collected after each trial. A statistical analysis was done using the SPSS statistical software package. A pvalue <0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. Results: Staff pass rates were improved in 13 checklists after remediation of CPR training. In the initial testing, the highest rate of pass was in assessment of responsiveness (0.89±0.31) and the lowest rate of pass was in the looking of in the checking-breathing test items (0.23±0.42). The highest rate of pass after two remediations was in the checking-breathing within 10 seconds (0.94±0.23) and the lowest rate of pass was in the rate of chest compression (0.52±0.50). The difference between males and females was in the rate of chest compression (p=0.001), but there is no difference of the educational benefits after two remediations by age-group. Conclusion: We found that the rate of passing in each steps of CPR training was improved by two remediations. Therefore, many iterations of remediation of CPR training for non-healthcare providers are necessary.

      • KCI등재

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