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      • 멀티미디어 시대의 기업 경영전략 연구

        박경열,최훈 東新大學校 1999 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        This article shows flow multimedia age affects the enterprises and indicates some effective suggestions to prepare the influence of new age. First of all, this article describes the effects deals with multimedia appear in many respects such as marketing, goods, and industries. Secondly, this paper explains that business doesn't need to be classified any more because of integration in multimedia age. Also technologies of multimedia are using in products field as well as services. That's the reason why it is very important for an enterprise to observe the business circumstances. The purposes of this article are observing the changes carefully in multimedia area and analyze the relationship rationally in information system and management organization. It also represents how to correspond and deal with various business surroundings. In addition, this article explains why the enterprises tend to be smaller. There are two views that an enterprise has to be larger or smaller for surviving in worldwide market. It takes more time for a larger enterprise to make decision because of its vastness. However, smaller enterprises prefers to use cyber-space using internet and make decision quickly and develops their business in short time.

      • KCI등재

        소정근로시간 단축의 사법적 효력 -대법원 2019. 4. 18. 선고 2016다2451 전원합의체 판결 및 후속 하급심판결에 대한 평가와 전망

        박경열 사법발전재단 2023 사법 Vol.1 No.64

        대법원은 2019. 4. 18. 선고 2016다2451 전원합의체 판결을 통해 ‘정액사납금제하에서 생산고에 따른 임금을 제외한 고정급이 최저임금에 미달하는 것을 회피할 의도로 사용자가 소정근로시간을 기준으로 산정되는 시간당 고정급의 외형상 액수를 증가시키기 위해 실제 근무형태나 운행시간의 변경 없이 소정근로시간만을 단축하기로 한 합의가 무효’라고 판단하였다. 위와 같은 「다수의견」에 관하여 세 가지 관점에서 「반대의견」이 제시되었고, 실무나 학계에서도 비판적인 평석이 뒤따랐다. 「반대의견」을 비롯한 비판론은 「다수의견」이 이 사건 특례조항을 둘러싼 규범현실을 간과하였다고 주장한다. 또한 당사자 사이의 자율적인 합의로 정한 소정근로시간 변경 합의의 효력을 부정하는 것은 노사자율 또는 협약자치의 관점을 벗어나거나 법 해석과 적용의 한계를 넘어섰다고 본다. 그러나 「반대의견」과 비판론은 이와 같이 현실성과 특수성을 강조하면서도, 정작 우리 택시업계의 뿌리 깊은 현실이자 관행인 사납금제의 구조적·실증적 상황과 문제를 살피지는 않는다. 사납금제는 사전에 설정된 금전적 기준(사납금)에 사용자의 이익이 미리 고정적으로 반영되어 있다는 점에서, 영업환경의 변화에 따른 위험 부담을 전적으로 택시운전근로자가 부담하는 구조를 갖고 있다. 이에 따라 택시운전근로자에게는 사납금 충족에 대한 부담과 더불어 소득의 큰 비중을 차지하는 초과운송수입금의 실현을 위한 장시간 근로의 유인이 상존하게 된다. 그러한 점에서 사납금제의 폐해를 시정하기 위해 마련된 최저임금법 제6조 제5항의 입법 취지를 다시 한번 강조하면서 그 규범력을 존중한 「다수의견」의 판단은 그 입법 취지와 규범현실을 고려한 타당한 논증의 결과이다. 「반대의견」을 비롯한 비판론의 관점에 따르면 사납금제가 갖는 폐단을 용인하게 되며, 택시운전근로자들은 계속해서 근로시간법 규율의 사각지대에 놓일 수밖에 없다. 그동안 택시업계에서 소정근로시간은 근로기준법 제58조의 간주근로시간 적용과 맞물려 장시간 근로를 승인하는 통로로 작용하여 왔다. 이러한 점에서 ‘탈법행위의 효력’과 ‘소정근로시간의 내재적 한계’를 복합적으로 논증한 「다수의견」의 판단은 수긍할 수 있고, 계속 중인 하급심 사안에서도 「다수의견」이 제시한 법리를 그 본질적 의미에 맞도록 적용할 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        일본 중소기업의 연구개발과 지식생산성

        朴京烈 韓日經商學會 1998 韓日經商論集 Vol.16 No.-

        The purpose of this research is to gather information about characteristics of Japan's research and development typed small and medium enterprises. In addition, this study is focused on analyzing Japan's whole structure of R&D. The result of this study is as follows : First of all, Japan's R&D typed small and medium companies tend to develop new technology to cooperate with other companies rather than to develop for its own capabilities. In this respect, they utilize the optimization of networking system by coordinating with co-development and the exchange of technology information with other companies. Thus, this trend strongly influences on keeping necessary core technology. Secondly, the R&D companies are characterized by high-independent R&D capabilities and low dependence rate in technology introduction. Thirdly, the R&D companies are divided four domains by the technology and the market. The four characteristics are as follows; The R&D companies which have depended on Existing Technology-Existing Market tend to give a great deal of weight on the fast-flexible production ability to cope with the various demands quickly. The R&D enterprises which have weighted on Existing Technology-New Market as competitive advantage are apt to produce good-quality merchandise. The R&D enterprises which have accepted New Technology-Existing Market and New Technology-New Market as competitive advantages have tendencies to develop new products. Lastly, this research indicated the knowledge production rate. Business activity index as a knowledge production index is average 2.7 and it is higher than Japan's large company's business activity index (0.5-1). Besides, this research described research development activity level as knowledge production index is average 1.3. This index stands for high level. 本稿の目的は日本の硏究開發型中小企業の實態を調査して硏究開發の全體的な構造を分析している.その結果は次のように要約できる. 第一に,日本の硏究開發型中小企業は技術開發形態において自社單獨開發より共同硏究開發型が壓倒的に多數を占め,ネットワ-クの經濟性の果を活かしている.すなわち,共同開發,技術情報の交流の活性化を通じて技術知識を蓄積し,このような共同硏究開發が核心技術の蓄積に絶對的な影響を えた. 第二に,硏究開發型中小企業は技術導入費の比率が低いが,社內硏究開發費が高い.すなわち自體的な硏究開發能力が高く,技術導入依存度は低い技術集約的特性をもっている. 第三に,硏究開發型中小企業を事業領域(domain)別に分けた場合,<新技術-現業市長>戰略は年間商品開發數が多い.そして<新技術-新市長>戰略は新商品の比率が高い.また<旣存技術-現業市長>戰略は柔軟な生産對應が競爭優位であり,<新規技術-現業市長>と<新規技術-新市長>は新製品の開發能力が競爭優位である. 最後に,硏究開發型中小企業の知識生産性を分析してみた.その知識生産性指標として事業活動指數は平均2.7であり,日本の大企業の事業活動指數(0.5∼1)より高い.そっぃて知識生産性指標として硏究開發活動指數(新製品開發數/硏究開發技術者數)は平均1.3であり,高い水準に達っしている.

      • 우리나라 중소제조기업의 기술력 구조 변화에 관한 연구

        朴京烈 한국생산성학회 2002 生産性論集 Vol.16 No.1

        On this study we can find out that in 1990's Korean small & medium sized firms have transferring to the technology-intensive structure from the labor-intensive structure, in order to cope with the change of economic environments The features of small & medium sized firms in the aspect of the factors of technology are as follows. Firstly, by the governmental support policy on small & medium sized firms in 1990's, the advanced production-equipment has been accomplished, such as the automation production-equipment. These factors have influenced on the production-increase. Compared with giant corporation, small & medium sized firms have shown the higher increase-rate in total factor productivity and have brought the higher economic-efficiency. Secondly, small & medium sized firms have been making every effort to accumulate R & D capabilities, as we can see these effort in the increase of R & D investment ratio, the complete-charge department for R & D, and the increase of laboratories. But lack of R & D technician is one of management problems. Thirdly, the university industry co-operational R & D has been increasing to accumulate technology.

      • 일본기업의 성과주의 인사관리

        박경열 동신대학교 2006 論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        Since last two decades, various forms of merit-based HRM system have been widely accepted in business firms in Japan. This study conducted a longitudinal case analysis of Hujitsu, a Japanese Firm, which has been a pioneer in Japan in adopting and implementing various merit-based HRM systems. Through many trial and errors that Hujitsu has experienced after the merit-based HRM system was adopted, this study found that merit-based HRM system had both the positive evaluation and negative side-effects, There are not big differences in merit based wages.

      • KCI등재

        벼 품종별 미강의 Tocopherol과 Tocotrienol 함량 평가

        박경열,이영상,강창성,조영철,이용선,이영현 한국작물학회 2003 Korean journal of crop science Vol.48 No.5

        The rice bran has been known to contain tocopherols and tocotrienols carrying antioxidant and cholesterol-lowing activities. The content of 8 isomers of vitamin E : α, β-, γ, δ-tocoperols (T) and tocotrienols (T₃) were extracted from 18 major rice varieties and quantified with an HPLC. Tested varieties exhibited T, T₃ and total vitamin E (TT₃) contents ranging 9.1-14.8, 22.4-37.1, 34.9-46.5 ㎎/100g with averages of 11.1, 28.0, 39.2 ㎎/100g, respectively. Among tested varieties, Seojinbyeo and Hwasungbyeo showed high T contents and Andabyeo, Damakum were high in T₃, and Andabyeo and Seojinbyeo were high in total TT₃ contents. Regardless of varieties, the average 8 isomer contents (in ㎎/100g) were in descending order of γ-T₃(17.9) > - ₃ (8.8) > α-T (7.8) >γ-T(2.6) >δ-T₃ (0.9)>β-T (0.7)>β-T₃ (0.4)>δ-T (0.1). In most varieties, γ-T₃, a strong antioxidant and anticancer compound, consisted 64% of total tocotrienol and 46% of total vitamin E in vice bran. 우리나라에서 생산된 벼 18품종의 미강을 품종별로 tocopherol, tocotrienol, vitamin E 함량을 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 미강 중 tocopherol 함량은 9.12-14.76 범위에 평균은 11.14 ㎎/100g이었고 tocotrienol은 22.39-37.07 평균 28.03 ㎎/100g 이었으며, vitamin E 함량은 34.86-46.50으로 평균 39.17 ㎎/100g이었다. 2. tocopherol함량이 높은 품종은 서진벼 화성벼 추청벼 중안벼 등이고, tocotrienol 함량이 높은 품종은 안다 다마금 대립벼1호 진품벼 중안벼 서진벼 고시히카리 대안벼 봉광벼 등이며, vitamin E 함량이 높은 품종은 안다벼 서진벼 다마금 중안벼 고시히카리 등이었다. 3. 미강의 tocopherol(T) 및 tocotrienol(T₃) 동족체함량은 δ-T<β-T₃<β-T<δ-T₃<γ-T<α-T<α-T₃<γ-T₃순으로 높았다. 특히 γ-T₃의 함량은 α-, β-, γ-, δ-T의 합 보다 높았고 이러한 현상은 각각의 모든 품종에서도 같은 경향이었다. 4. 항산화력이 높고 유방암 항암에 효과가 뛰어난 γ-T₃는 평균 17.92 ㎎/100g으로 총 tocotrienol 중 63.9%, δ-T₃는 0.88 ㎎/100g으로 3.1%이었고, γ-T₃ 함량은 안다벼가 33.44㎎/100g으로 가장 높았으며 다마금 대립벼1호 고시히카리 중 안벼 대안벼 서진벼 진품벼 등의 품종에서 높았다.

      • KCI등재

        은나노와이어 함침 유연 스펀지 전극 제조

        박경열,유세훈,류정호,민성욱 한국결정성장학회 2020 한국결정성장학회지 Vol.30 No.5

        Recently, various methods for preparing a flexible electrode for implementing a wearable sensor have beenintroduced. Wearable sensors show similar tendency to use various polymer substrates, which provides elasticity suitable tothe motion of human body. In this paper, a highly elastic silver nanowire based electrode was prepared on a sponge-basedstretchable substrate, and electrical properties were evaluated. Silver nanowires were grown using a wet chemical synthesis,impregnated into a plasma-treated sponge, and then heat treated at a low temperature. In particular, the plasma surface treatmentof the sponge enables uniform coating of silver nanowires. The flexible sponge electrode showed reliable electrical resistancechanges over 160 repeated tensile-compression cycles.

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