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        발주처 임직원이 관여한 입찰담합에 대한 공정거래법상 규율방안 고찰 - 교사 및 방조행위를 중심으로 -

        박경미 법무부 2021 선진상사법률연구 Vol.- No.95

        In this article, I reviewed the appropriate regulatory scope and level of sanctions from a competitive legal perspective for bidding collusion involving executives or employees of the ordering company. The background is as follows. In May 2021, Korea's Fair Trade Commission(‘KFTC’) has created a new special team to investigate bidding collusion ordered by private companies. This is because there is a growing number of collusion cases in the bids they placed, and it is necessary to investigate them effectively. In addition, KFTC asked an external research team to conduct the research in 2020. The research topic was about identifying the status of bid rigging involving the company that carried out the bid and effective regulation of competition law. KFTC attempts to punish even passive aiding and abetting activities in the bidding collusion. However, Korea’s courts impose sanctions only on third parties to actively engage in collusion. Therefore, it is believed that the output of the establishment of related organizations and the research is for the need and justification of sanctions against these acts. In this regard, the article is aimed at reviewing the appropriateness of the scope of regulation and sanctions under the Fair Trade Act on the involvement of bidding collusion by ordering companies especially on aiding conducting, securing deterrence and efficient disciplinary measures. On the premise, I looked at environmental factors that facilitate bidding collusion and the interpretation of the Fair Trade Commission and the court of the latter part of Article 19 (1) of the current Fair Trade Act. Comparative legislative analysis of major legislative cases considered the possibility of introducing the UK market research system, which can be seen as a “competitive advocate activity” and the special law of Japanese control collusion (such as demanding improvement measures on the order party.) I am critical of actively regulating the involvement of bidding collusion, which has passive aiding and abetting of the ordering company. Because it is very difficult to specify the area of illegality, which can lead to errors in the judgment of violations. Even if it is subject to sanctions, it is necessary to consider the current level of collusion and differential consideration. A sound bidding system must be preconditioned to boost market competition, since prevention of bidding collusion involving the ordering party is eventually ought to rely on a sound bidding system. Therefore, a shift in thinking is needed to focus on prevention rather than post punishment. Thus, to solve the problem of bid rigging, the ordering company must improve the bidding system in a friendly and flexible way to encourage clients to proactively improve their tendering systems and to assign indirect responsibility for restoring market functions. Ultimately, in order to deter bidding collusion and guarantee execution capability, it is necessary to introduce legal devices based on cooperation and trust between suppliers and competitors other than criminal and administrative sanctions by competitors. In a way, I propose a legislative improvement plan to expand the scope of Article 3 of the Fair Trade Act's ‘Monopoly Market Structure Improvement System’ to cartel. This would allow the KFTC to conduct market research on certain markets where bid rigging is persistently repeated in a manner similar to the UK market research system, and require the ordering party to implement the system improvement like Japan’s Special Act. If it is difficult to reflect overseas legislation cases(as of UK and Japan mentioned above), I propose ways to improve its “Fair Trade Self-Compliance Program”. Specific methods include: If the ordering company has conducted an aiding and abetting bidding and has excellent Fair Trade Self-Compliance Program’s evaluation, it may propose a market-friendly method, such as recommending improvement of the bidding system, ra... 공정거래위원회는 2020년 3월 발주처 임직원의 입찰담합 관여행위 운영실태 파악과 규율방안 검토 목적으로 연구용역을 추진하였으며, 2021년 5월에는 민간기관 발주 입찰담합에 대한 효과적 사건처리를 위하여 ‘민수입찰담합조사팀’을 신설한 바 있다. 이러한 공정거래위원회의 연구용역 추진과 최근 조직 신설은 향후 민간 등 발주처 임직원이 관여한 입찰담합에 대한 규제를 강화하려는 시도로 보인다. 이 글은 이러한 관점에서 발주처 입찰담합 관여행위 특히, ‘방조행위’ 중심으로 공정거래법상 규제범위 및 제재수준의 적정성을 검토하고 고질적으로 반복되는 입찰담합의 억지력 확보와 효율적 규율방안을 마련하기 위하여 수행한 연구이다. 우선 입찰담합을 용이하게 하는 환경적 요인 및 현행 공정거래법 제19조 제1항 후단에 대한 공정거래위원회 및 법원 해석론을 살펴보았다. 그리고, 주요 입법례의 비교법적 분석으로 ‘경쟁주창활동’으로 볼 수 있는 영국 시장조사제도 및 우리나라와 문화적, 환경적 상황이 유사한 일본 관제담합 특별법 규정(발주처에 대한 개선조치 요구) 도입 가능성을 고찰하였다. 필자는 발주처의 입찰담합 방조행위는 수평적 사업자 간 담합 양상과 비교할 때 위법영역 특정이 어려우므로 적극적 규제 시 법 집행 오류가 우려되어 신중해야 하며, 부득이하게 제재대상으로 삼더라도 현행 담합 제재 수위와 차등적 고려가 필요하다는 입장이다. 발주처가 관여된 입찰담합 억지력 확보는 강건한 입찰제도에 의존해야 하므로 발주처에 대한 처벌 보다는 선제적 예방에 초점을 두는 발상의 전환이 요구된다는 논지를 전개하였다. 따라서, 공정거래위원회는 시장 친화적 방식으로 발주처가 입찰제도를 적극 개선하도록 유도하고, 발주처로 하여금 시장기능 회복을 위한 간접적 책무를 부여하는 유연적 사고가 필요하다고 생각한다. 궁극적으로 발주처 관여 가능성이 있는 입찰담합을 억지하고 실효성을 담보하려면 경쟁당국의 형사적, 행정적 제재 외 발주처 및 경쟁당국 간 협력과 신뢰에 기반한 법적장치 도입이 요구된다. 방법론으로 공정거래법 제3조 ‘독과점적 시장구조 개선제도’ 적용범위를 ‘부당한 공동행위’로 확장하는 입법적 개선안을 제안한다. 이로써 영국 시장조사제도와 유사한 방식으로 입찰담합이 반복되는 특정 시장에 대하여 공정거래위원회가 선제적 시장연구를 수행하고, 일본 관제담합 특별법 규정과 같이 발주처로 하여금 제도개선 이행조치를 요구할 수 있을 것이다. 만약, 영국과 일본 입법례 도입이 현실적으로 곤란하다면, 현행 공정거래위원회가 인증하는 ‘공정거래자율준수프로그램(CP)’에 대한 유인책 제도 개선을 대안으로 제시하였다. CP 등급평가결과 우수 기업에 대한 인센티브를 확대하여 발주처의 입찰담합 방조행위에 대해서는 제재 대신 입찰제도 개선권고 방식 또는 CP 등급평가 가점요소로 ‘공정거래법 위반 사안의 재발방지를 위한 제도개선과 이행실적’을 반영하는 방식이 고려될 수 있을 것으로 보인다. 다른 유형의 제3자 관여 입찰담합과 달리 발주처의 방조행위가 문제된 경우는 사후 처벌이 아니라 조기경보 인지를 통한 예방 중심의 접근이 효과적이라는 인식 전환이 필요하다. 그러나, 무엇보다 경쟁당국의 한정된 인적·물적 자원을 효과적으로 활용하기 위해서는 법 현실을 고려하여 입체적, 다각적 차원의 ...

      • 馬丹陽天星十二穴에 對한 文獻的 考察

        朴慶美,文振榮,林種國 동국대학교 한의학연구소 1995 東國韓醫學硏究所論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        The aim of this studies was to elucidate the derivation, meaning and use of the special points of MADANYANG. The results obtained were as follows : The remedial cases of spacial points of MADANYANG came within the category in that of literature cited. So, it was considerable that a method of selection of remedial points in MADANYANG was not creative but universal at that time. The special points of MADANYANG did not have a fixed organizing rule against it's medrian, visera and bowel in contrast to source points, connecting points, five element point etc. And it was only organized on the basis of remedial value.

      • 간수, 기문혈의 당귀 약침자극이 acetaminophen으로 유발된 흰쥐의 손상간에 미치는 영향

        박경미,문진영,안준철,최미정,남경수,임종국 동국대학교 한의학연구소 1996 東國韓醫學硏究所論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        This study was done in order to investigate the protective effects of A.G.R.(Angelicae gigantis Radix) aqua-acupuncture on acetaminophen induced liver damage in rats. The liver damage was induced by acetaminophen (500mg/kg) injection into the peritoneum. The A.G.R. aqua-acupuncture solution was injected into the corresponding loci to Ganshu(BL_(18)) and Qimen(LR_(14)) of human body and a blank locus of the root of tail on four consecutive times at 0, 3, 6, and 12 hours after acetaminophen injection. And the serum GOT, GPT, LDH, ALP activities, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin levels were measured in the rats, The serum GOT, GPT, LDH ALP activities and bilirubin level were decreased comparing with that of a control group in case of A.G.R. aqua-acupuncture treated group, specially Ganshu and Qimen aqua-acupuncture treated groups showed an obvious significant decrease.

      • KCI등재

        The relationship between masseter muscle thickness measured by ultrasonography and facial profile in young Korean adults

        박경미,최은혜,곽은정,김서율,박원서,정진선,김기덕 대한영상치의학회 2018 Imaging Science in Dentistry Vol.48 No.3

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between masseter muscle thickness, facial morphology, and mandibular morphology in Korean adults using ultrasonography. Materials and Methods: Ultrasonography was used to measure the masseter muscle thickness bilaterally of 40 adults (20 males, 20 females) and was performed in the relaxed and contracted states. Facial photos and panoramic radiography were used for morphological analyses and evaluated for correlations with masseter muscle thickness. We also evaluated the correlations of age, body weight, stature, and body constitution with masseter muscle thickness. Results: In the relaxing, the masseter was 9.8±1.3 mm in females and 11.3±1.2 mm in males. In the contracted state, it was 12.4±1.4 mm in females and 14.7±1.4 mm in males. Facial photography showed that bizygomatic facial width over facial height was correlated with masseter muscle thickness in both sexes in the relaxed state, and was statistically significantly correlated with masseter muscle thickness in males in the contracted state. In panoramic radiography, correlations were found between anterior angle length and posterior angle length and masseter muscle thickness in females, and between body length and posterior angle length, between anterior angle length and body length, between ramal length and body length, and between body length and condyle length in males. Conclusion: Masseter muscle thickness was associated with facial and mandibular morphology in both sexes, and with age in males. Ultrasonography can be used effectively to measure masseter muscle thickness.

      • 免疫의 實驗文獻的 考察

        朴慶美,朴種國 동국대학교 한의학연구소 1999 東國韓醫學硏究所論文集 Vol.8 No.1

        동·서양을 막론하고 21C의료계 화두로 일컬어지고 있는 면역에 대해 조사하기 위해 동물실험논문들을 중심으로 하여 고찰하고 이를 결과로 앞으로의 연구 방향에 대해 제시 해 보려 하였다. 사용된 실험동물로는 백서, 마우스, 가토가 단독 또는 복합적으로 이용되었으며 면역기능 저하의 유도를 위해서는 화학적 면역억제제를 쓰기도 하고 특정질환을 유발시켜 그와 면역과의 상관관계를 밝히기도 한 것으로 조사되었다. 한의학에서는 「부정거사」를 면역에 대한 치료원칙의 근간으로 삼고 있는 만큼 실험에 사용된 약물이나 경혈들은 대체적으로 정기를 보하고 경락의 순행을 원활히 하며 祛瘀, 解毒하는 성질을 가지고 있슴이 조사되었으며 또 한약 단독투여보다는 양약과의 병행투여가 치료효과를 더 높일 수 있슴도 조사되었다. 조사결과 이에 대한 구체적인 기준농도의 제시, 약물 및 경혈 선택의 객관적 기준 마련, 특정질환에 대한 면역반응기전의 도출, 약침의 면역실험방법론 등에 대한 깊이 있고 다각적인 연구는 인류가 면역에 대한 질환을 정복하는데 있어서 매우 의미있는 연구과제라 사료된다. This study was done in order investigate the object and the method of animal experimental paper on immunity The results were obtained as follows: 1. Rat, mouse, kk mouse and rabbit were used for experimental paper singe or combine. 2. It was examined a way of bringing about a lowering of immunity used as MTX and other reagent, and it has caused many cases which lead to bring about a lowering of immunity by causing specified disease. 3. It was examined, according to items of my observation. there are mainly hema gglutinin titer, hemolysin titer, phagocytic activity, Rosette forming cells, delayed type hypersensitivity, IL-2 productivity and NK cell activity in survey. 4. Most used drugs and 경혈(aqupuncture paint) have the characters reinforcing a fair spirit and reinforcing an unfair spirit (a miasma or poisonous air). 5. It is necessary to a deep study of an experimental way about aqua-acupuncture on immunity in the future.

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