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      • 이미지 합성을 이용한 인증 시스템

        박봉주(Bong-Joo Park),김수희(Su-Hee Kim),차재필(Jae-Pil Cha) 한국정보과학회 2003 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.30 No.2Ⅰ

        본 연구는 이미지 합성을 이용하여 서버가 사용자를 인증하기 위한 알고리즘들을 개발하고 이들을 구현하여 그 성능을 평가하고 분석한다. 서버는 사용자가 소지하는 사용자카드를 랜덤하게 점을 찍어 생성하고, 각 사용자에게 배포된 사용자카드의 정보를 유지 · 관리한다. 한 사용자로부터 인증요청이 들어오면, 서버는 그 사용자의 사용자카드 정보를 기반으로 서버카드를 실시간에 생성하여 사용자에게 송신한다. 서버카드는 인증마다 다르게 생성되므로 원타임 패스워드 챌린지(challenge) 역할을 한다. 사용자는 본인이 소유하고 있는 사용자카드와 서버로부터 송신된 서버카드를 겹쳤을 때 생성되는 이미지를 판독하여 인증을 수행한다. 보안성을 높이면서 이미지 판독을 효율적으로 하기 위해 다양한 기법을 제시하고 구현을 통하여 실용성을 진단한다.

      • 단일 통신 지연시간을 갖는 1-MSP

        박봉주(Bong-Joo Park) 호서대학교 공업기술연구소 2004 공업기술연구 논문집 Vol.23 No.1

        A parallel machine scheduling problem in department of industrial and VLSI is on the effective method for all works to be finished m a short time considering precedent constrains between works. The problem of finding a schedule for m equal length tasks constrained by an arbitrary precedence relation such that the total time needed to execute all tasks on n identical machines is minimized. But most scheduling problems are intractable, that is, they belong to the class NP-hard problem. This paper is to classify Posets which is the basis of general scheduling work.

      • KCI등재

        이극성 인공 고관절물의 외상성 분리 -증례 보고-

        박봉주 ( Bong Ju Park ),김주오 ( Ju Oh Kim ),조홍만 ( Hong Man Cho ),심주현 ( Joo Hyun Sim ) 대한고관절학회 2011 Hip and Pelvis Vol.23 No.2

        폴리에틸렌의 마모나 잠금 장치의 파손 없이 발생한 이극성 인공 고관절물의 분리를 보고하고자 한다. 84세 남자 환자로 4개월 전 우측 고관절의 대퇴 경부 골절로 본원에서 인공 고관절 반치환술을 시행 받은 환자로, 의자 높이에서 넘어지며 발생한 고관절의 통증으로 내원하였다. 시행한 방사선학적 검사상 이극성 컵으로부터 인공 대퇴 골두가 완전히 분리되어 있는 소견을 보였다. 대퇴 주대에는 해리를 의심할 만한 소견을 보이지 않아 같은 크기의 이극성 컵과 인공 대퇴 골두로 재 치환술을 시행하였으며, 제거된 이극성 컵에서 분리를 일으킬만한 폴리에틸렌의 마모나 잠금 장치의 파손은 관찰 되지 않았다. 재 치환술 후 6개월 추시에서 환자는 경미한 고관절의 통증을 호소하나 일상 생활에 많은 제한을 보이지는 않았다. We report a rare case of a complete disassembly of the inner head from the bipolar cup without polyethylene wear and locking system failure. An 84-year-old man who had a femur neck fracture of the right hip underwent a replacement of the bipolar prosthesis 4 months ago. He fell down from a height of a chair and felt a sudden sharp pain in the right hip. Roentgenograms revealed that the inner head was dislocated from the outer cup; subsequently, a revision surgery was carried out. When the outer head was removed from the acetabulum, the bearing insert and locking ring were not deformed. Because there was no evidence of loosening of the femoral stem, identicallysized bipolar cup and metal head replacement was performed. At a 6 months follow-up, he had mild hip pain but had returned fully to daily living.

      • KCI등재

        조선시대 국가 제례(祭禮)와 변두(豆)의 사용

        박봉주 ( Bong Joo Park ) 연세대학교 국학연구원 2012 동방학지 Vol.159 No.-

        변and 豆are used to present various foods made of meat and vegetables as a sign of the most sincere devotion for divine spirits in national rituals throughout all ages. They put vegetables and animal foods made from various ingredients born and raised on land and water in the same quantity of 변and 豆evenly and alternatively, and put dry food in 변made of bamboo and wet food in 豆made of wood. Original forms of arrangement rules and norms for using of 변·豆were recorded in 三禮書(周禮, 儀禮, 禮記) of ancient China. A ritual system and basic principles of arrangement of 변·豆were clearly decided in 大唐開元禮during the Tang Dynasty. That is, corresponding to distinction of 大祀·中祀·小祀in national rituals, 변·豆were arranged differently in quantities of 12-10-8-4-2-1. These principles had been succeeded from the Song to Ming and Qing China, and were mostly accepted in the national rituals of the Joseon Dynasty; however, detailed items of foods had undergone independent adoption or rejection processes. The illustrations and manufacturing standards of 변·豆had evolved throughout the ages; therefore, 三禮圖of Northern Song contained illustrations of 변·豆where original forms of ancient time were comparatively well preserved, while 紹熙州縣釋奠儀圖of Southern Song and 大明集禮of Ming Dynasty contained new illustrations with more advanced forms and more reasonable specifications succeeding the achievements of the previous periods. The illustrations and manufacturing standards of 변·豆accepted in the national rituals of the Joseon dynasty had been influenced by 三禮書, 大唐開元禮, 三禮圖, 紹熙州縣釋奠儀圖and 大明集禮comprehensively, and were independently revised during the acceptance process. First of all, illustrations of 변·豆included in 世宗實錄「五禮」were highly influenced by 紹熙州縣釋奠儀圖, while illustrations in 國朝五禮序例succeeded 紹熙州縣釋奠儀圖but inspired partial application and modification. On the other hand, illustrations in 春官通考were directly influenced by 大明集禮. 社稷署儀軌, 景慕宮儀軌etc. that were made around the same time as 春官通考included illustrations of 변·豆in similar type to 春官通考and 大明集禮. But 祭器樂器都監儀軌and 宗廟儀軌made during the middle period between 國朝五禮序例and 春官通考included 변·豆in unique type different from 國朝五禮序例and 春官通考. Consequently, 大韓禮典in the Great Han Empire showed a flow that suggests a return to a type similar to 國朝五禮序例. Through this past history, 변·豆were commonly used in the national rituals of the Joseon dynasty and were operated in such a way that differentiated the quantity of arrangement in response to the scale and importance of individual ancestral rites such as 大祀·中祀·小祀·祈告·俗祭·州縣etc. That is, in the five greatest rites of the Royal Ancestors Shrine, spring and fall rites of Land God and Grain God, 園丘祭(in Great Han Empire) which are 大祀, twelve items were arranged respectively. And in the memorial services offering to 文宣王·先農·嶽海瀆·先蠶·雩祀·歷代始祖·風雲雷雨which are 中祀, tenitems were arranged. In many memorial services which are 小祀and under, 8-4-2-1 items were arranged differently depending on the size and procedures of each. In this process, connections, similarities and differences with 변·豆arrangement rules of the national rituals of the Koryo Dynasty are also identified but in general, 변·豆arrangement was improved in the direction of being subdivided and systemized more precisely compared to the last period. Furthermore, other utensils used in ancestral rites such as 보·궤·俎·鼎·등·형·尊·뢰etc. other than 변·豆were also arranged according to a variety of detailed regulations and formalities, while the table setting of the national ancestral rites may have been operated by carrying out these various formalities and regulations accurately. Through individual analysis on other utensils and a comprehensive comparison and summary of all utensils used in ancestral rites, the size and grade of the table setting of the national rituals may be identified more generally and organically by connecting them with the status and relative importance of the national rituals; however, these issues will be covered in another paper.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        전형 초문화의 발전과 그 의미

        박봉주 ( Bong Joo Park ) 한국중국학회 2002 중국학보 Vol.45 No.-

        爲了更均衡地理解中華文明的地域性, 統合性和??心性, 向心性一邊拮抗一邊共存的複合結句, 與秦漢統一帝國出現及其支配體制浸透到名地方社會各落之多元性的過程, 應該究察和比較分析先秦主要列國的國家體制, 統治制度及其社會, 文化的性質. 特別, 春秋五패和全國七雄之一, 先秦時代南方最强者, 南方文化發展的領導者楚國的疆域和楚文化的階段性的擴大, 發展之結構和特征, 與廣闊南方`楚文化圖`成立之歷史意義, 限界等便成爲其中要構成部分. 其中, 本篇文章以春秋戰國時代鄂西地域的典型楚文化生成, ??長及其核心特徵, 內容和體系漸進地確立的長久連線的過程爲中心進行分析. `顎西`(湖北省內漢水以西地域, 又包括湘西北卽湖南省內풍水以北地域)詩從西周 晩期到戰國最晩期楚國首都??所在女??導廣義的楚文化(在楚國??域最大版圖之內成長, 發展, 交融, 拮抗的一切諸文化的??稱)發展的核心動力活??的楚國政治, 文化心腸地帶. 了解顎西典型楚文化的本質, 有效地幇助探索戰國時代楚國??邑支配體制一集權性對分散性, 向心性對??心性的新舊兩種統治原理, 互相混雜的楚國固有統治體制, 卽??制的新原理-以戰國秦之郡??齊民支配體制爲模範的强力堅固的中央集權性. 一元性的以直轄??爲主的統治體制, 和邑制的舊原理-與商周時代的邑制國家體制, 封建領主支配方式一般的分散性, 采邑性的統治結構及其注重舊氏族制, 舊宗族制紐帶的保守性的社會組織, 又拮抗又共存的獨特體制-的社會, 文化性質. 爲了更有效地, 系統地考察楚??域和楚文化的多元性的擴散結構, 應該將南方`楚文化圈`的最大版圖(淮河以南, 五??以北, ??江以西, 大巴山-武陵山以東之흔廣大地域, 卽今湖北湖南全域. 河南-安??之南部, 江西西部, 兩廣北部, 江??-浙江之局部)分成以下八個下部地域; ①顎西(⊃湘西北), ②顎東北豫南, ③顎東南湘中東, ④湘西, ⑤湘東南兩廣北, ⑥??西, ⑦江淮, ⑧吳越故地(??浙), 之后幷探討各個地域的獨自性, 特殊性和`楚文化圈`所屬的共通性, 統合性. 那八個地域, 以地理上位置, 當地社會, 文化的性質和政治, 文化發展的??同, 在楚文化圈中占有的地位, 貢獻等爲??, 可以再分??①典型楚文化, ②北方楚文化, ③∼⑥南方楚文化, ⑦-⑧東方楚文化. 幷且, 以楚國政治, 軍事支配和顎西典型楚文化浸潤之程度, 文化統合性之大小等爲??, 分爲①核心地域, ②∼③副中心地域, ④∼⑦周邊地域, ⑧外廓地域. 對于其他七個地域(②∼⑧), 通過別稿想要次等探索. 典型楚文化(卽春秋以後之顎西楚文化)誕生, ??長, 具有自成體系于顎西地域, 然後漸漸地擴散, 浸潤于楚疆城內其他下部地域而便成爲諸地, 諸族, 諸邑文化發展與多元性的融??的規거. 那마, 타就是廣義楚文化的代表, 中구和最先進成分, 幷將保有與準北中原]文化相??的獨立系統的了闊南方`楚文化圈`形成之領導動力. 典型楚文化在長江中流先史文化-顎西南城背溪文化(8千年前), 洞庭湖??彭??山文化(8千年前), 湘西北石門??市下??文化(7900-7200年前), 洞庭湖??大溪文化(6500∼5300年前), 在顎西湘西北鼎盛的屈家??文化, 石家河文化-與夏商先楚文化長久連綿地發展的土着傳統之下, 從商末周初具有明確實體. 本來, 夏商代先楚文化保有較多的文化類型:季石, 宜昌白??, 朝路(宜昌-????之間), 江陵??南寺, 周梁玉??(江陵-沙市之間), 松滋博字山及其許多遺存. 個個類型都兼??獨自性, 特殊性和顎西先楚文化所屬的共通性, 統合性, 由此反映先史以來長江以南之??多部落聯盟集團的離合集散和成長, 政治上進步, 卽三苗→苗??→楚??諸族聯合體→華姓楚族→??華, ??華, 越華, ??華等華姓4個分支之發展歷程. 特別, 華姓四分支較准確反映夏商先楚文化發展與原始楚國之建立. 夏商先楚文化之隆盛, 對于西周楚文化形成起着??大作用. 首先, 在商代晩期以江陵??南寺爲中心而顎西微分??隔出現, 是遍布南方的釜形??底??足鼎與中原(商)式分????袋足隔的結合. 之后, 在西周早期顎西聯??隔又名隔式鼎出現, 是顎西微分??隔和西周式??????袋足隔的結合. 然後, 在西周晩期繼承, 深化顎西聯??隔的獨立特性之典型楚式鼎出現, 就是典型楚文化確立之第一准??, 又是融和`北隔南鼎`卽中原和南方兩文化特性之代表結實. 典型楚式鼎便領導自西周末春秋初以來典型楚式陶器, 銅??器組合及其個別器形特徵之成長與發展, 由此至??春秋中晩期顎西典型楚文化的自成體系`完全定立. 典型楚式陶器保有3種組合, 卽1種實用陶器組合;隔-孟長頸臺, 2種방銅陶器組合;(深腹直壁)鼎-??-??, (??腹배壁)鼎-敦-臺. 典型楚式銅??器組合從春秋初到戰國末較複雜地變化, 卽鼎-??-臺-??-??(春秋早期)→鼎-??-??-??-??-??(春秋中期∼中晩期)→鼎-??-敦-??-??-??(春秋晩期)→鼎-??-敦-臺-??-??(戰國早期)→鼎-敦-臺-??-??(戰國中期)→鼎-盒-臺-??-??(戰國晩期), 同時器形也繼續變化, 而變化方向較一貫, 就反映典型楚文化之與中原文化不同的自成體系的本質. 特別, 銅??器組合的核心卽??器鼎之形態和

      • KCI등재
      • 결정론적인 소수 생성에 관한 연구

        박중길,박봉주,백기영,천왕성,류재철,Park, Jung-Gil,Park, Bong-Joo,Baek, Ki-Young,Chun, Wang-Sung,Ryou, Jae-Cheol 한국정보처리학회 2000 정보처리논문지 Vol.7 No.9

        비대칭 암호 알고리즘을 설계하는 데 있어서 매우 큰 소수를 구하는 것은 필수적이다. 그러나 지금까지는 결정론적인(deterministic) 큰 소수를 발견하기는 매우 어려웠기 때문에, 일반적으로 확률적으로 소수일 가능성이 높은 의사소수(psedoprime)를 비대칭 암호 알고리즘에서 사용하였다. 이 논문에서 결정론적인 소수 생성 방법을 제안하며, 제안된 방법에 의해 생성된 소수는 증명이 가능한 100% 정확한 소수이다. 또한 이 방법에 의해 생성된 소수는 신뢰성, 비도, 원시원소(primitive element)생성 능력 등을 보장한다. It is essential to get large prime numbers in the design of asymmetric encryption algorithm. However, the pseudoprime numbers with high possibility to be primes have been generally used in the asymmetric encryption algorithms, because it is very difficult to find large deterministic prime numbers. In this paper, we propose a new method of deterministic prime number generation. The prime numbers generated by the proposed method have a 100% precise prime characteristic. They are also guaranteed reliability, security strength, and an ability of primitive element generation.

      • KCI등재

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