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      • KCI등재

        흑인유모신화 다시 읽기 : 『소리와 분노』와 『가장 파란 눈』을 중심으로

        강지현 한국외국어대학교 영미연구소 2014 영미연구 Vol.30 No.-

        After the Civil War and the emancipation proclamation, many white Southerners had a fear of losing their masterhood over ex-slaves, so it was extremely urgent to find a new way to craft new racial orders such as culture of segregation, mammy myth, and Old South myth. These entire methods to keep blacks in their 'place' were throughly entrenched, establishing white superiority as the American way following the Jim Crow Era. Mammy myth must be read as an historically and culturally produced code that is situated within specific material conditions and is interactive with the complicated problems of class, race, and gender. The mammy figure and its symbols are linked to America's racial consciousness. It is undeniable that mammy was 'invented' after the Civil War as part of the Lost Cause mythology, so mammy's character is linked to the 'happy slave' mythology of the antebellum South. Mammy's stereotypical attributes - infinite patience, implicit acceptance of her own inferiority and her devotion to white children - point to a long-lasting confluence of racism, sexism, and southern nostalgia. More importantly, mammy is a multi-faceted prism used to illuminate a continuous spectrum of American views and attributes about racial hierarchy. As a free woman working as a servant in a white family, the mammy character Dilsey Gibson in William Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury, is largely associated with the care of white children. Dilsey who stands between the white home and the culture of segregation embodies the continuity between the Old South and the new southern world. As a modern version of mammy, an ideal servant Pauline Breedlove in Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye also embraces and affirms her inferiority. Her unprecedented devotion to her white employer reflects her racial inferiority and leads her to internalize white superiority and lose her true self. Both Dilsey and Pauline show why mammy myth was established and how it continues to influence American concepts of race and gender.

      • KCI등재

        NFT의 보안상 제문제: 국가의 역할을 중심으로

        강지현 인하대학교 법학연구소 2022 法學硏究 Vol.25 No.4

        NFT is an abbreviation for 'None Fungible Token'. Since each token has a unique ID, it has uniqueness that cannot be replaced with other tokens. NFTs are used for various purposes, such as verifying the integrity of device drivers, as well as verifying the originality of digital contents. Recently, Twitter has provided a service called NFT profile picture, allowing users to set their own NFT as their Twitter profile picture. These services using NFTs are gradually increasing. However, the use of NFTs does not have only these positive functions. Although NFT is based on blockchain technology that provides strong security, it is not free from hacker attacks, and in many cases, it must be combined with legacy systems to provide services, so the security vulnerabilities of the existing systems remain. In order for the NFT industry to grow in a desirable direction in the future, standardized security technology and systematic security policies are required. The government should lead the legislative and technical standardization work on NFT security so that NFT service providers and users can predictably and safely use NFT and blockchain technologies. Furthermore, the government should strive to support the NFT ecosystem to grow in line with current laws and policies by participating in the efforts of academia and industry, such as creating and distributing guidelines for vitalizing the NFT industry. NFT는 ‘None Fungible token’의 약자로서 ‘대체할 수 없는 토큰’이라는 뜻이다. 각 토큰마다 고유한 ID를 내재하고 있어 다른 토큰으로 대체할 수 없는 유일성을 가진다. NFT 는 디지털컨텐츠의 원본증빙을 비롯하여 디바이스 드라이버의 무결성 검증 등 다양한용도로 활용되고 있다. 최근 트위터는 NFT profile picture라는 서비스를 제공해 본인이보유한 NFT를 트위터 프로필 사진으로 설정할 수 있도록 하였다. 이처럼 NFT를 활용하는 서비스들이 점차 늘어나고 있다. 그러나 NFT의 사용에 이러한 순기능만 있는 것은 아니다. NFT가 강력한 보안을 제공하는 블록체인 기술에 기반하고 있기는 하지만 해커의 공격에서 자유로울 수 없고, 또서비스를 제공하기 위해서는 레거시 시스템과 결합되어야 하는 경우가 많으므로 기존시스템이 안고 있는 보안적 취약성을 그대로 승계하게 된다. NFT가 결코 보안상 위험이없다고 말할 수 없다. NFT산업이 향후 바람직한 방향으로 성장하기 위해서 표준화된 보안기술과 체계적인보안정책이 필요하다. 국가는 NFT서비스 제공자와 이용자들이 NFT 및 블록체인 기술들을 예측 가능하고도 안전하게 사용할 수 있도록 NFT 보안에 대한 법제 정비 및 기술 표준화 작업을 주도해야 한다. 나아가 NFT산업 활성화를 위한 가이드라인을 만들어 배포하는 등 학계 및 산업계의 노력에 동참으로써 NFT생태계가 현행 법·정책과 보조를 맞추어 성장할 수 있도록 지원에 힘써야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        항고소송에서의 조정(調停)에 관한 연구 -제정 행정소송규칙에서 도입된 조정권고 제도를 중심으로-

        강지현 안암법학회 2023 안암 법학 Vol.- No.67

        현대사회에서 다양하고 복잡하게 발생하는 공공갈등 내지 행정갈등의 신속하고 효율적인 해결을 위한 대체적 분쟁해결 수단으로서의 조정이 주목받고 있다. 그런데 행정소송 중 특히 항고소송의 경우 당사자의 분쟁해결만을 목적으로 하는 것이 아니라 행정의 객관적 적정성을 보장하는 역할을 하므로 법치행정의 원리를 준수하여야 하고, 행정소송법상으로 명문의 규정이 없고 민사조정법을 준용하고 있지도 않으므로, 항고소송에서 조정이 가능한지 여부에 대해 학계에서 논의가 이루어져왔다. 항고소송에서의 조정가능성을 부정하는 입장이 종래의 다수설인 것으로 보이나, 근래에는 법치행정의 원리를 해하지 않는 등의 일정한 한계 내에서 제한적으로 허용된다는 제한적 긍정설이 유력하다. 이와 같은 학계의 논의와는 별개로 그 동안 법원의 실무상으로는 항고소송에서 조정권고라는 방식을 활용하고 있었다. 법원이 행정청에게는 처분의 일부를 취소하거나 감경하는 것으로 변경처분을 할 것을 권유하고, 행정청이 그에 따라 변경처분을 하면 원고는 소 취하를 하여 종결시키는 방식이다. 이러한 방식은 명문의 규정은 없지만 법령의 경직성을 해소하고 국민의 신속한 권리구제와 분쟁의 일회적 해결을 도모하는 등의 기능을 하기 때문에 실무상 활용되어 온 것이다. 이와 같은 실무상 필요성으로 인하여 그 동안 수차례에 걸쳐 행정소송법 개정안에서 항고소송에서의 화해권고 제도를 도입하고자 하였다. 그 동안 발의된 행정소송법 개정안에서는 화해권고 결정이 확정되면 재판상 화해와 같은 효력을 부여하여 당사자에 대한 구속력을 부여하고자 하였으나 도입에는 실패하였다. 결국 제정 행정소송규칙에서 비록 당사자에 대한 기속력, 집행력이나 재판상 화해와 같은 효력은 없지만 법원의 실무상 운영되어오던 조정권고 제도에 대한 명문의 규정을 마련하였다. 비록 조정권고가 이루어져도 당사자에 대한 기속력과 집행력이 없다는 한계가 있기는 하지만 법령의 경직성을 해소하고 분쟁을 일회적으로 해결하고자 하는 실무상의 필요에 부응하는 것이어서 긍정적으로 평가할 수 있다. 다만, 향후 행정소송법의 개정을 통하여 당사자에 대한 기속력과 집행력을 인정하는 것이 제도의 실효성과 분쟁의 일회적 해결이라는 측면에서 바람직할 것이다. 한편, 행정소송규칙에서 도입된 조정권고 제도를 운영함에 있어서 조정권고에서와 다른 결론의 판결이 선고되거나, 조정권고의 이유나 필요성 등의 기재에 오류가 있다면 당사자가 납득하기 어려울 것이므로 신중을 기할 필요가 있다. 당사자가 불복하여 오히려 분쟁이 장기화될 우려가 있으므로 제도의 도입취지에 반할 우려가 있으므로 유의하여야 한다. 조정권고의 결과나 이유 설시가 유사사건에서의 선례로 기능할 수 있다는 점도 고려하여야 할 것이다. 또한 심문기일을 진행함에 있어서 당사자나 이해관계인, 참고인의 개인정보나 영업비밀 등이 유출되지 않도록 유의하여 세심한 절차진행을 할 필요성이 있다. 그리고 제정 행정소송규칙에서 도입된 조정권고의 개선방안으로서, 현재 재판장의 직권으로만 조정권고를 할 수 있도록 되어 있으나 소송당사자에게도 조정권고의 신청권을 인정하고, 이해관계인 및 관계 행정청이 소송참가를 하지 않더라도 의견진술을 할 것을 신청할 수 있도록 하며, 수소법원이 아니라 별도의 독립적이 ... Mediation is a preferred method as an alternative dispute resolution for the quick and efficient means of public and administrative conflicts that arise in a variety of complex ways in modern society. However, in the case of administrative litigation, the purpose is not only to resolve the parties' disputes, but also to ensure the adequacy of administration, so the principles of rule of law in administration must be observed. There are no explicit provisions of mediation in the Administrative Litigation Act, and the Judicial Conciliation of Civil Disputes Act does not apply mutatis mutandis to administrative litigation. There has been controversies whether mediation is possible in administrative litigation, especially in appeal litigation. Although there is a point of view that denies the possibility of mediation in appeal litigation, the view that it is allowed within certain limits, such as not harming the principles of rule of law administration, is influential. Regardless of this academic discussion, in practice the court has been using a method called judicial recommendation for mediation in appeal litigation. The court recommends that the administrative agency make a change by canceling or reducing part of the disposition, and when the administrative agency makes a change accordingly, the plaintiff withdraws the lawsuit. Although this method has no explicit provisions, it has been used in practice because it serves the function of resolving the rigidity of laws, providing citizens with prompt relief for their rights, and promoting one-time resolution of disputes. Due to this practical necessity, several amendments to the Administrative Litigation Act have attempted to introduce a settlement recommendation system in appeal litigation. The amendment to the Administrative Litigation Act proposed so far was intended to give binding force to the parties by giving it the same effect as a judicial settlement once the decision to recommend settlement is confirmed, but it failed to be introduced. In the end, the enacted Regulation on Administrative Litigation established explicit provisions for the recommendation for mediation that was operated in court practice, although it does not have the effect of binding the parties or settling at trial. Although there is a limitation in that it does not bind the parties even if a recommendation for mediation is made, it can be evaluated positively as it meets the practical need to resolve the rigidity of laws and resolve disputes one-off. When operating the recommendation for mediation introduced in the Regulation on Administrative Litigation, it is necessary to exercise caution as it will be difficult for the parties to be convinced if a decision is made with a different conclusion than in the recommendation, or if there is an error in the description of the reason or necessity of the mediation. Caution should be exercised as there is a risk that the dispute may be prolonged if the parties object, which may run counter to the purpose of introducing the system. It should also be taken into consideration that the explanation of the results or reasons for the recommendation for mediation may serve as a precedent in similar cases. Additionally, when conducting a date of hearing, it is necessary to proceed with keeping confidentiality, taking care to prevent personal information or trade secrets of the parties, interested parties, or witnesses from being leaked. Meanwhile, in the future, it would be desirable to recognize binding force on the parties through revision of the Administrative Litigation Act in terms of the effectiveness of the system and one-time resolution of disputes. In addition, currently, recommendation for mediation can only be made by the presiding judge ex officio, but there is a need to recognize the right of litigating parties to apply for as well. Also, it is desirable to include allowing interested parties and relevant administrative agencies to apply to state th...

      • KCI등재

        국내 신의료기술평가 현황과 평가 결과에 연관성을 보이는 요인 연구

        강지현,김진호,신채민,박보영 대한의사협회 2024 대한의사협회지 Vol.67 No.1

        Background: This study aims to evaluate factors influencing assessment results in the new Health Technology Assessment (nHTA) in Korea. Methods: We analyzed publicly available nHTA reports obtained from the program’s website. A total of 258 reports, encompassing 305 technologies, were included. Reported details were categorized into three main areas: technical characteristics, evaluation methods, and publication types. To investigate differences in evidence level (high, medium, or low) and assessment results (pass or fail) according to these categories, we employed a chi-squared test. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were further conducted to identify factors associated with evidence level and assessment results. Results: nHTA reports employing meta-analysis and included randomized trials for evidence synthesis exhibited a higher likelihood of achieving high evidence level (odds ratio [OR], 5.008; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.265- 18.826 and OR, 27.052; 95% CI, 7.802-103.330, respectively). Increasing evidence level was significantly associated with a higher possibility of passing the assessment (OR 2.789; 95% CI, 1.284-6.057). However, in univariate analysis, neither performing meta-analysis nor including randomized trials, both of which were associated with evidence level, demonstrated a statistically significant association with assessment results. Conclusion: This study represents the first systematic analysis of factors influencing nHTA assessment results in Korea. While increased evidence level was associated with positive assessment outcomes, factors affecting the evidence level itself did not directly influence assessment results. This suggests the need for further efforts to effectively integrate high-level evidence into assessment decisions within the nHTA program.

      • KCI등재

        형법 제269조 제1항 헌법불합치 결정에 따른 낙태죄의 법제정비 방안

        강지현,민영성 부산대학교 법학연구소 2020 법학연구 Vol.61 No.1

        On April 11, 2019, the Constitutional Court in Korea ruled that punishment for abortions violated the self-determination rights of the pregnant woman. This gives us the opportunity to revise the law on abortions again 66 years after the abortion crimes were defined in the Criminal Code. Should abortion be punishable as a criminal offense? In order to derive reasonable legislation for abortions, we first analyze the grounds for the recent decision of the Constitutional Court on abortion crimes. Next, we look at the attitudes of discipline on abortion in other countries and draw out the problems of our existing legislation. Thus the role of criminal law to prevent abortion is considered. The Constitutional Court has made relatively specific statements on the direction of the overall amendment, regarding the possible durations of abortion - 12 and 22 weeks - and the recognition of social and economic reasons. It did not require the legislator to give up punishment in order to protect the life of the fetus. However, punishment is a means that can be considered as a last resort because of its intrusive nature. Abortions can in principle be reported illegally and punishable. But abortions within a certain period should exceptionally be recognized as the fundamental rights of pregnant women. An abortion within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy is permitted without explanation. Counseling on abortion is essential. Counseling promotes the responsibility of pregnant women for fetal life and provides information on social and economic support. There is an urgent need to improve the laws and institutions related to abortion. The relevant provisions of the Penal Code should be revised in a timely manner and adopted with regard to the reasons for the adaptation and the obligation to consult. To reduce abortion, it is more effective to promote social assistance for pregnant women than punishment.

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