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      • KCI등재

        지방재정 신속집행의 지역경제성장에 대한 영향의 조절효과 분석

        최은호,홍준현 한국지방자치학회 2020 韓國地方自治學會報 Vol.32 No.3

        The main purpose of this study is to analyze whether the maximization of the effect of regional economic growth has actually occurred through the early execution of local finance through the rapid local financial execution system. This study attempted to verify the moderating effect of expedited fiscal execution in the relationship that fiscal expenditure generally affects regional economic growth. To this end, a static panel model was employed through a fixed-effect model using panel data in which the time series and cross-sections were combined from 2010 to 2016, and a dynamic panel model analysis was performed through the system GMM model. In addition, as suggested by McDonald & Miller (2010), we tried to verify the actual regional economic effect of fiscal execution by including variables related to fiscal expenditure applying time lag in the model. The same research results were obtained from both the fixed-effect model and the system GMM model. It was found that local fiscal expenditure had a positive effect on regional economic growth, and the rapid execution of local finance was functioning negatively as a moderating effect, so that it weakened the positive relationship between local fiscal expenditure and regional economic growth. 이 연구는 지방재정 신속집행제도를 통해 이 제도가 추구하는 목표 중 재정의 조기집행을 통한 지역경제성장 효과의 극대화가 실제로 발생했는지를 분석하는 것을 주된 목적으로 하고 있다. 이 연구에서는 일반적으로 재정지출이 지역경제성장에 영향을 미치는 관계에서 재정의 신속집행이 갖는 조절효과를 검증하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 기초자치단체를 대상으로 2010년부터 2016년까지의 시계열과 횡단면이 결합된 패널데이터를 이용하여 고정효과모형을 통해 정태적 패널모형분석을 하였고 시스템 GMM 모형을 통해 동태적 패널모형분석을 하였다. 또한, McDonald & Miller(2010)가 제시한 바와 같이 시차를 적용한 재정지출 관련 변수를 모형에 포함시켜서 재정집행의 실질적인 지역경제효과를 검증하고자 하였다. 분석 결과 고정효과모형과 시스템 GMM 모형 모두에서 동일한 검증결과를 도출하였는데, 지방재정지출은 지역경제성장에 긍정적 영향을 미치고 있음을 알 수 있었고, 지방재정의 신속집행이 부(-)의 조절효과로 작용함으로써 지방재정지출과 지역경제성장 간의 정(+)의 관계를 약화시키는 결과를 가져왔음을 알 수 있었다.

      • 차동 기어의 진동 저감을 위한 동력 전달계 진동 해석

        최은호 한국생산제조학회 1997 한국공작기계학회지 Vol.6 No.3

        Eigenvalue analysis of vibration mode and an analysis by frequency response among the methods of predicting gear noise are related with transmitting sound of vibration. In this study we intended to reduce the vibration noise of differential gear by reducing torque fluctuation of drive pinion shaft which causes vibration noise of differential gear in rear wheel drive vehicles. For this we developed multi-degree of freedom analysis model in which mass moment of inertia and torsional spring combined and we examined the influence of torsional vibration of driveline elements by performing forced vibration analysis of engine excitation torque. We studied the methods for reducing torsional vibration of driveline according to the design factor of propeller shaft and examined the effects reducing vibration in differential gear by applying flexible coupling.

      • KCI등재

        Optimum suspension unit design for enhancing the mobility of wheeled armored vehicles

        최은호,류재봉,조진래,임오강 대한기계학회 2010 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.24 No.1

        At the concept design stage of an armored vehicle, most design effects focus on firing accuracy, mobility and physical properties of the vehicle which are directly related to the firing power. This paper addresses an optimal design of the suspension unit of a four-wheeled armored vehicle to maximize the mobility performance after firing, which is characterized by the stabilizing time and the vertical acceleration of the driver’s seat after firing. For the numerical analysis and design, a half-car dynamic model consisting of four degrees and four design variables, spring and damping coefficients of suspension and tire is constructed. The response surface functions (RSFs) of both the stabilizing time and vertical acceleration are approximated through the dynamic analysis of the four-degree half-car model. The objective function is defined by a weighted linear combination of the stabilizing time and the vertical acceleration, and the resulting optimization of the vehicle mobility is carried out by the PLBA algorithm. To support the validity of the proposed optimization procedure,illustrative numerical experiments are also performed.

      • KCI등재
      • 온라인 개인 간(P2P) 대출의 상환 성공요인에 관한 연구

        최은호,김학건,박광우,이병태 한국재무학회 2012 한국재무학회 학술대회 Vol.2012 No.08

        온라인 개인 간 (Peer-to-Peer) 대출은 온라인 중개 사이트를 통해 대출 자가 대출경매방식을 통해 투자자를 모집하는 대출이다. 대출경매에 참여하 는 투자자들은 대출자의 개인 신상정보와 신용정보 등의 객관적 정보를 투 자결정 전에 알 수 있다. 이러한 객관적 정보 이외에도 투자자들은 대출자와 온라인에서 대출에 대해 토론하며 사회적 활동을 한다. 마지막으로 투자자들 은 대출신청 양식에 작성한 대출에 대한 대출자의 설명을 읽고 대출투자여 부를 결정한다. 본 연구는 P2P대출에서 투자의사결정에 필요한 세 가지 정 보를 변수 화하여 대출상환에 어떤 요인들이 영향을 주는지 분석하였다. 그 결과 기존 연구의 결과와 일치하게 온라인상에서 사회적 상호작용이 왕성한 대출자일수록 대출상환성공 확률이 더 높았다. 한편 과거 대출금에 대한 채 무 불이행이 있었던 대출자일수록 대출상환 성공확률이 더 높게 나타났다. 이러한 본 연구의 결과는 온라인 개인 간 대출이 신용등급이 매우 낮은 금 융 소비자들의 필요 자금조달수단이 될 뿐만 아니라 파산한 개인의 신용회 복을 위한 수단으로 적절하게 활용될 수 있음을 시사하고 있다. Online peer-to-peer lending (abbreviated frequently as P2P lending) is an emerging tool of financial transaction by which borrowers advertise for investors through a loan auction on an intermediary website. Investors who participate in the auction can learn the hard information of the borrower including his or her personal and credit information before making investment decisions. In addition to collecting the hard information, investors get involved in social interaction by discussing the loan online with the borrower. Finally, investors read the explanation about the loan in the loan application written by the borrower to decide whether to invest or not. In this paper, I used three types of information which are the deciding factors for loan investment as variables to analyze what factors affect loan repayment. As a result, the more actively the borrower got engaged in the social interaction, the higher the chances were he or she would successfully repay the loan. In terms of the impact of the expressions used in the loan application, the expressions appealing to emotion of investors showed negative correlation with loan repayment, while those emphasizing the repayment capability of the borrower had positive correlation.

      • KCI등재

        Layout optimization for multi-platform offshore wind farm composed of spar-type floating wind turbines

        최은호,조진래,임오강 한국풍공학회 2015 Wind and Structures, An International Journal (WAS Vol.20 No.6

        A multi-platform offshore wind farm is receiving the worldwide attention for the sake of maximizing the wind power capacity and the dynamic stability at sea. But, its wind power efficiency is inherently affected by the interference of wake disturbed by the rotating blades, so its layout should be appropriately designed to minimize such wake interference. In this context, the purpose of this paper is to introduce a layout optimization for multi-platform offshore wind farm consisted of 2.5MW spar-type floating wind turbines. The layout is characterized by the arrangement type of wind turbines, the spacing between wind turbines and the orientation of wind farm to the wind direction, but the current study is concerned with the spacing for a square-type wind farm oriented with the specific angle. The design variable and the objective function are defined by the platform length and the total material volume of the wind farm. The maximum torque loss and overlapping section area are taken as the constraints, and their meta-models expressed in terms of the design variable are approximated using the existing experimental data and the geometry interpretation of wake flow.

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