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        ICT 활용 교육을 위한 시설 환경의 문제점과 해결 방안

        최병문 한국실과교육연구학회 2001 實科敎育硏究 Vol.7 No.2

        The purposes of this study were to develop a strategy of solving and problem of equipment environment for application education of ICT in the school. The major results of this study were follows ; 1.The researcher were to develop a strategy of solving and problem of based (a computer, a real thing expansion projector, a picture expansion projector) equipment environment for application education of ICT in the school. 2.The researcher were to develop a strategy of solving and problem of the advanced classroom. - In this study, three models to layout an advanced classroom were proposed considering the relationship between sunlight and a picture expansion projector. The first one is a layout model which utilize a screen to block sunlight, and the second one is a layout model which reflect the impact of angle and the last one is the layout model where the study took into consideration the position of picture expansion projector. 3.The researcher were to develop a strategy of solving and problem of the computer room and the network within school.

      • KCI등재

        A new therapeutic option for postoperative pain management with oxycodone HCI injection

        최병문 대한마취통증의학회 2016 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.69 No.3

        Fentanyl is the most commonly used opioid analgesic in intravenous patient-controlled analgesia (IV PCA) in Korea. IV oxycodone was approved for postoperative IV PCA by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety of Korea in 2013. The approved dosage regimen for postoperative pain relief with IV oxycodone is IV bolus loading of 2 mg followed by PCA composed of demand boluses of 1 mg and no background infusion with an oxycodone concentration of 1 mg/ml. However, a simulation study indicated that the minimum effective analgesic concentration (MEAC, as indicated by relief of pain by administering rescue analgesics) of oxycodone was reached most quickly with a higher loading dose of 0.1 mg/ kg and IV PCA with background infusion. Oxycodone is a therapeutic option as an analgesic for postoperative pain management. It is necessary to reduce the analgesic dose of oxycodone in elderly patients because metabolic clearance decreases with age.

      • KCI등재

        Interpretation of volume kinetics in terms of pharmacokinetic principles

        최병문 대한마취통증의학회 2021 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.74 No.3

        Volume kinetics is the pharmacokinetics of infusion fluids and describes the distribution and elimination of infused volume. Generally, pharmacokinetic parameters can be estimated by measuring the concentration of a drug. However, it is almost impossible to directly measure the concentration of fluids. Therefore, in volume kinetics, the disposition of fluids is indirectly quantified by measuring the hemoglobin concentration under the premise of no hemoglobin loss. If the hemoglobin concentration is repeatedly measured while administering the fluids, the dilution (relative change of the plasma volume) for each corresponding hemoglobin concentration can be obtained. The dilution is based on the concept of plasma volume expansion. The method of quantifying the drugs disposition with compartmental analysis has been equally applied to volume kinetics. The transfer of fluids between compartments is explained by first-order kinetics, and it is assumed that fluid is only removed from the central compartment. Population analysis can be used to identify covariates that can account for inter-individual variability in volume kinetic parameters. Body weight and mean blood pressure are well-known representative covariates of kinetic volume parameters. Using volume kinetic parameters, the volume expansion effects of crystalloid and colloid solutions can be understood more effectively, thereby facilitating appropriate fluid therapy. Although limitations exist in volume kinetics, its implications are important for clinicians when administering fluids.

      • KCI등재

        The predictive performance of infusion strategy nomogram based on a fluid kinetic model

        최병문,감명환,정겨운,여영구,최규택 대한마취통증의학회 2015 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.68 No.2

        Background: In a previous study, fluid kinetic models were applied to describe the volume expansion of the fluid spaceby administration of crystalloid and colloid solutions. However, validation of the models were not performed, it is necessaryto evaluate the predictive performance of these models in another population. Methods: Ninety five consenting patients undergoing elective spinal surgery under general anesthesia were enrolled inthis study. These patients were randomly assigned to three fluid groups i.e. Hartmann’s solution (H group, n = 28), VoluvenⓇ (V group, n = 34), and HextendⓇ (X group, n = 33). After completion of their preparation for surgery, the patientsreceived a loading and maintenance volume of each fluid predetermined by nomograms based on fluid pharmacokineticmodels during the 60-minute use of an infusion pump. Arterial samples were obtained at preset intervals of 0, 10, 20, and30 min after fluid administration. The predictive performances of the fluid kinetic modes were evaluated using the fractionalchange of arterial hemoglobin. The relationship between blood-volume dilution and target dilution of body fluidspace was also evaluated using regression analysis. Results: A total of 194 hemoglobin measurements were used. The bias and inaccuracy of these models were -2.69 and35.62 for the H group, -1.53 and 43.21 for the V group, and 9.05 and 41.82 for the X group, respectively. The bloodvolumedilution and target dilution of body-fluid space showed a significant linear relationship in each group (P < 0.05). Conclusions: Based on the inaccuracy of predictive performance, the fluid-kinetic model for Hartmann’s solutionshowed better performance than the other models.

      • KCI등재

        법무부의 부패방지법제

        최병문 한국교정학회 2017 矯正硏究 Vol.- No.77

        The term “act of corruption” means any of the following acts: (a) The act of any public official’s abusing his/her position or authority or violating statutes in connection with his/her duties to seek gains for himself/herself or any third party; (b) The act of inflicting damages on the property of any public institution in violation of statutes, in the process of executing the budget of the relevant public institution, acquiring, managing, or disposing of the property of the relevant public institution, or entering into and executing a contract to which the relevant public institution is a party; (c) The act of coercing, urging, proposing and inducing any act referred to in items (a) and (b) or act of covering it up. The term “corruption offense” means any of the predicate offenses prescribed in the attached Table committed with the purpose of obtaining by unlawful or unjust means any corporeal or social gains, or to aid or abet another in obtaining the same. This paper reviews the Korean legislative history against corruption in public sector, especially in the Ministry of Justice and deals with the pressing issues around the “Improper Solicitation and Graft Act.” The outline of this paper is as follows: Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Korean Legal System for the Prevention of Corruption Chapter 3. Evaluation on the “Improper Solicitation and Graft Act” Chapter 4. Concluding Remarks The “Act on Special Cases Concerning the Confiscation and Return of Property Acquired through Corrupt Practices” was established in South Korea with a view to the efficient implementation of the “United Nations Convention against Corruption.” Such crucial Acts as “Act on the Prevention of Corruption and the Establishment and Management of the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission,” “Codes of Conduct for Public Officials in the Ministry of Justice,” “Improper Solicitation and Graft Act,” etc. are discussed. 이 글은 공직사회의 부패에 대해 우리나라의 실정법이 지금까지 어떻게 대응해왔는지 관련 문헌을 통해 살펴본 것이다. 그 목차는 Ⅰ. 서론, Ⅱ. 한국의 부패방지 법체계: 1. 국제법과 그 이행을 위한 국내법, 2. 국내 규제법, Ⅲ. 「청탁금지법」에 대한 평가: 1. 헌법재판소의 ‘합헌’결정, 2. 법무부 소속 공무원에 대한 ‘징계’, 3. 법원의 ‘과태료’ 부과, Ⅳ. 결론으로 되어있다. 우리나라는 「국제연합부패방지협약」에 가입하였고, 그 이행을 위한 「부패재산의 몰수 및 회복에 관한 특례법」을 제정하였으며, 이 협약의 우리나라 발효일에 발맞추어 동시에 시행함으로써 부패범죄의 방지와 척결을 위한 국제적인 노력에 동참하였다. 교정기관에 적용되는 중요한 부패방지 관계법은 「부패방지법」, 「법무부 공무원 행동강령」, 「청탁금지법」(‘김영란법’)이다. 특히 후자는 「헌법재판소」가 ‘합헌’결정을 함으로써 그 ‘타당성’을 뒷받침해주었지만 그 ‘실효성’은 앞으로 더 지켜볼 일이다. 생각건대, 교정기관을 포함한 형사사법기관은 사회에서 소금의 역할을 해야 한다. 이제는 학연・지연・혈연과 같은 인연에 얽매이지 말고 청렴하게 공직에 임해야 한다.

      • 韓國産 개미(Formicidae)의 分布에 관한 硏究(Ⅰ) 俗離山의 개미 相

        崔炳文 淸州敎育大學校 1985 論文集 Vol.22 No.-

        To study the distribution of ants in Korea, I investigated and analysed the formic fauna in Mt. Songni at the first attempt. 1) I divided Mt. Songni into 19 course and as the result of classification of 961 colonies collected, I found the fact that 3 subfamilies, 21 genera, 41 species are distributed. The dominant species among them are Lasius niger (Linnes), Paratrechina flavipes (F. Smith), Pheidele fervida (F. Smith), Fornica japonica Motschulsky, Aphaonogaster japonica Forel and they, occupied 59.2% of the whole. 2) The eight species among the 41 classified ones, that is, Myrmica lobicornis Nylander, Myrrnica sp., Crematogaster teranishi Santschi, Leptothorax., Formica sp., Camponotus Kiusiuensis Santschi, Camponotus nipponensis Santschi, Lasius meridionalis (Bondroit) are unrecorded species which have been confirmed by me first to be distributed in Korea. 3) The composition of ant species is as follows. The percentages of PONERINAE, MYRMICINAE, and FORMICINAE are 2.2%, 35.3%, 62.5% respectively. FORMICINAE is most widely distributed. Lasius has the largest variety of species of 21 genera, 22.5%, and the frequency of the colony, 32.6%. 4) The formic fauna is more abundant on the side of the mountain than on the top of it and on the root of it than on the side of it. The distribution pattern of Pheidole fervida(F. Smith), Paratrechina (F, Smith) is a stick (uniform distribution), that of Formica japonica Motschulski is a pyramid (gradually more abundant distribution in Mt. root), and that of Componotus atrox Emery is an upset pyramid (gradually more abundant distribution in Mt. top), and that of Lasius niger (Linnaenus) is a ribbon (scarce distribution in Mt. side) 5) The 41 species in Mt. Songni were divided into 7 species of Messor aciulatus (F. Smith), Crematogaster teranishii santschi etc. comprised in grassland, 11 species of Formica yessensis Forel, Campontus atrox Emery, and Polyrhachis lamelledens Smith etc. comprised in woodland, and the others of 23 species. 6) To find the selective tendency of nest site preference, I observed the minute nest sites on only 14 species, Pheidole fervida (F. Smith), Aphaenogaster japonica Forel, and Lasius flavus (Fabricius) etc. As the result of observation, 10 species prefer more than 2 nest sites and 4 species prefer one nest site. On the other hand, 12 species prefer stones, and 7 species prefer the decayed stumps or fallen trees. 7) The proportion of tropic element and palarctic ement in geographical distribution is 1:10, the palaearctic element is superior. 90% of species are common to Japan, 70% common to North Korea, 30% common th China, and the species common to Japan are the most. According to my analysis, the number of species common to South Korea, North Korea, and Japan is 25, that of species common to 4 regions included China is 9. And there are few original species of South Korea.

      • 科學科 敎育課程 比較硏究

        金相玉,趙璇衡,金倫杰,崔炳文 淸州敎育大學校 科學敎育硏究所 1981 科學과 數學敎育論文集 Vol.6 No.-

        There are very important factors of science and skill of one nation in the world. The basic science education rendered great services of natural science, and it is a matter of consequence on recognition. there are comparative studied on the form of science education and science curriculum at primary, middle and high school at each country in the world. There are comparative studied on the reservices trainning to primary, middle and high school science teachers at each country in the world. There was searched remedy for science education in our country.

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