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      • KCI등재

        태백산(太白山) 광화대(鑛化帶) 중부지역(中部地域) 페그마타이트에 대한 지화학적(地化學的) 연구(硏究)

        최성훈,지정만,Choi, Sung-Hoon,Chi, Jeong-Mahn 대한자원환경지질학회 1990 자원환경지질 Vol.23 No.1

        This study has been carried out on the Pegmatites, Naedeogri Granites, Nonggeori Granites and Metasedimentary rocks in the middle area of Taebaeksan region to investigate the geochemical properties and possibility of productivity. Pegmatites are characterized by metamorphosed anatectic pegmatite and differentiated magmatic pegmatite, and are mixed type of rare-element pegmatite and mica-bearing pegmatite by the classification of Ginsburg(1979). The petrological type of the igneous rocks is thought to be calcalkali, subalkaline and peralumious. According to chemical variations against D. I., differentiation trends from Naedeogri and Nonggeori Granites through non-mineralized pegmatites to mineralized pegmatites are supposed. From the relationship between oxided and $SiO_2$, pegmatites and Nonggeori Granite have shown similar tendencies and bulk composition of pegmatites and similar to metasedimentary rocks near the intrusives. By judging the correlations of trace elements, it is elucidated that pegmatites adjacent to Naedeogri and Nonggeori Granites have been originated in magma differentiation from these granites and the others have been differentiated by remelting or partial melting from metasedimentary rocks. $Sp_5$, $Sp_8$, and $Sp_9$ pegmatites are considered as productive rocks, and $Sp_4$, $Sp_6$, $Sp_7$, $Sp_{10}$, $Sp_{11}$, and $Sp_{12}$ pegmatites and granites are supposed to have a weak productivity, in terms of element ratios related with Sn mineralizations. Tourmalines in productive pegmatites are formed under the circumstance of Li-poor granitoids and associated with pegmatites, and the others are seemed to be originated in metapelites and metapsammites which are not coexisting with an Al-saturating phase. Three types of chemical zoning are noticed in tourmalines: (1) apparently homogeneous compositional patterns, (2) a continuous core-to-rim zoning and, (3) a discontinuous core-to-rim zoning. From results of EPMA of tourmalines, Al, Mg and Ca increase closer to rim, while Fe decreases.

      • KCI등재

        금식의 전통과 현대 영성적 의미

        최성훈 한세대학교 영산신학연구소 2022 영산신학저널 Vol.- No.59

        In today’s advanced Korean society where basic issues of food, clothing, and housing have been resolved, fasting, that is, a representative spiritual act of faith through moderation of food, needs to be reexamined in terms of its inner meaning rather than outward action. During Israel’s exilic period, fasting, traditionally regarded as an expression of one’s anguish, became a ritual and a means to reflect on themselves before God. The Israelites, however, paid more attention to external activity of fasting than to its meaning of humbleness and godliness. Hence, God sent prophets such as Isaiah and Zechariah to reproach their misdeeds and to revive the meaning of fasting. The early church fathers showed negative attitude toward food pleasure due to the laxity of discipline caused by banquets of the Roman upper class and the neoplatonist dualism. Consequently, monastery movements arose to be wary of gluttony. In the Medieval period, fasting was not recognized as a holy virtue perse, but as a way to purify souls; and during the Reformation, its significance was affirmed as a godly means of sanctification. Today, fasting does not pursue a mere act of abstaining from food, but focuses on reinstating our consideration toward the needy through giving and serving while guarding against excessive human greed in affluent modern society. The neighborly love comes from the love of God who is the source of human existence and gives the grace of salvation through Christ. What makes fasting wholesome is spiritual deeds of love that are shown by the concrete practice of serving neighbors in need. 기본적인 의식주의 문제가 해결된 오늘날 선진 한국사회에서 대표적인 영성적 행위인 금식은 이제 외적 행위보다그 내면적 의미를 재점검할 필요가 있다. 괴로운 마음을 표현하는 전통적 행위인 금식은 이스라엘 역사에 있어서 포로기에 이르러 하나님 앞에서 자신들의모습을 돌아보기 위한 수단의 제의로서 자리 잡았다. 하지만 음식을 끊는외적 행위에만 치중하는 이스라엘은 이사야 선지자를 통한 하나님의 비판에직면하였고, 예수님 역시 금식 자체보다 메시아를 통한 하나님 나라의 복음이임하는 것을 강조하시며 자신을 향한 인간적 시선을 하나님께로 돌리셨다. 이후 초대교회의 교부들은 로마 상류층의 향연으로 인한 기강 해이와 신플라톤주의적 이원론으로 인해 음식을 통한 쾌락에 부정적이었고, 이는 탐식을 경계하는 수도원 운동으로 이어졌다. 중세에 이르러 금식은 그 자체로 거룩한 덕목이아니라 영혼을 정화하는 수단으로서 그 가치가 인정받았고, 종교개혁기에는성화의 경건한 수단으로서 그 의의가 긍정되었다. 오늘날도 금식은 음식을 끊거나 절제하는 외적 행위가 아니라, 금식을 통해 풍요로운 현대사회에서 인간의 과도한 탐욕을 경계하는 한편, 구제와 섬김을 통해 어려운 이웃을 향해 시선이 회복되는 것에 초점을 맞춘다. 이는 존재적 근원되시며 그리스도를 통한 구원의 은혜를 베푸신 하나님을 향한 사랑이 이웃 사랑으로 이어지는 구체적인섬김의 실천을 통해 복음의 의미를 실현하는 현대적 영성으로 드러나야 하는것임을 시사한다.

      • KCI등재

        The Idea of Liberty between Jean-Jacques Rousseau and John Stuart Mill for the Understanding of Christian Political Education

        최성훈 한세대학교 영산신학연구소 2017 영산신학저널 Vol.0 No.41

        This paper compares and contrasts the thoughts of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and John Stuart Mill in terms of the idea of liberty. Rousseau’s understanding of humanity and liberty is based on his monistic view of general will and social contract, while Mill showed the individualistic view of liberty. Rousseau emphasized the necessity of general will that can bind individuals with submission of people. By contrast, Mill requires of individual liberty-consciousness or the absolute freedom of one’s own opinion. Both identified two contrasting forces as the way to form and maintain a government. While Rousseau illustrated this force as a collective body with one will, but comprised of many persons, Mill defined it as individual liberty, with each person acting on his own will. Christian understanding of humanity as God’s image bearer and fallen nature solves conflict between the two and integrated them with salvific construction of knowledge.

      • 도로부문 온실가스 감축시 활용을 위한 차종별 배출영향 연구

        최성훈,윤병조 한국재난정보학회 2019 한국재난정보학회 학술대회 Vol.2019 No.09

        지구온난화에 대비하기 위해 온실가스 감축을 위한 국제협약인 기후변화협약에 우리나라는 지속적으로 참여했고 최근 파 리협약에서는 온실가스 감축대상국이 되었다. 정부에서는 2030년까지 온실가스 배출량을 BAU대비 37%를 감축하기로 약속 하고 수송부문에서 14.6%를 감축하기로 하였다. 본 연구에서는 도로부문의 온실가스 배출량에 대한 연구를 진행하였다. 도로 부문에서 주로 배출되는 온실가스는 3가지로 이산화탄소와 메탄, 아산화질소이다. 고속도로의 일정구간을 대상으로 온실가스 배출량을 산정한 결과 이산화탄소와 아산화질소가 차량의 온실가스 배출량의 대부분을 차지하고 있었으며 이산화탄소의 경 우 승용차의 배출량에 영향을 많이 받았고 아산화질소의 경우 버스의 배출량에 영향을 크게 받았다. 국립환경과학원의 실험결 과로 나온 배출계수식을 살펴보면 차량의 속도에 따라 배출량이 크게 틀려짐을 확인할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 고속도로 구간에 검지된 차량의 분석을 통해 도로부문에서 배출되는 온실가스의 대부분을 차지하는 이산화탄소와 아산화질소 그리고 메탄이 영향을 받는 차종에 대해 알아보았다. 이 결과는 도로부문 온실가스 배출량을 감축하는 방법을 연구하거나 정책을 진행할 때 활용될 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Potential Role of Biomarkers Associated with ASCVD Risk: Risk-Enhancing Biomarkers

        최성훈 한국지질동맥경화학회 2019 지질·동맥경화학회지 Vol.8 No.2

        Serum cholesterol is major risk factor and contributor to atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD). Therapeutic cholesterol-lowering drugs, especially statin, revealed that reduction in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) produces marked reduction of ASCVD events. In the preventive scope, lower LDL-C is generally accepted as better in proven ASCVD patients and high-risk patient groups. However, in patients with low to intermediate risk without ASCVD, risk assessment is clinically guided by traditional major risk factors. In this group, the complement approach to detailed risk assessment about traditional major risk factors is needed. These non-traditional risk factors include ankle-brachial index (ABI), high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) level, lipoprotein(a) (Lp[a]), apolipoprotein B (apoB), or coronary artery calcium (CAC) score. CAC measurements have an additive role in the decision to use statin therapy in non-diabetic patients 40–75 years old with intermediate risk in primary prevention. This review comprises ASCVD lipid/biomarkers other than CAC. The 2013 and 2018 American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) guidelines suggest these factors as risk-enhancing factors to help health care providers better determine individualized risk and treatment options especially regarding abnormal biomarkers. The recent 2018 Korean guidelines for management of dyslipidemia did not include these biomarkers in clinical decision making. The current review describes the current roles of hsCRP, ABI, LP(a), and apoB in personal modulation and management of health based on the 2018 ACC/AHA guideline on the management of blood cholesterol.

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