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      • 압력센서식 수위계측 시스템의 개발과 GIS에의 적용

        박찬원,박희석,남현식 강원대학교 산업기술연구소 2005 産業技術硏究 Vol.25 No.B

        This peper presents a development of the Data Logger System to transmit the outcome of the waterlevel measuring instrument using the pressure sensor by means of the CDMA network. In or order to set up the real time monitoring the waterlevel measurement system, we have designed the waterlevel sensor, communication terminal and repeater, and data logger. Furthermore, its application for the GIS(Geographical Information System) with management server system and software solutions have also developed to minimize the property damages from the flood disaster which occurs every year in the river.

      • KCI등재

        제약적 주관성에 입각한 스페인어 번역의 오류 분석

        박숙희 세계문학비교학회 2002 世界文學比較硏究 Vol.6 No.-

        Se orienta al estudio de las posibilidades de la traduccio′n, creemos su existencia, en un intento de introduccio′n a la traductologi′a como ciencia de la traduccio′n independiente con el objeto de mejorar o favorecer las condiciones para llevar a cabo una buena traduccio′n del espan~ol al coreano o viceversa. Nos limitamos a hablar de la traduccio′n escrita, de algunos textos literarios en espan~ol de la LO (lengua original) al coreano LT (lengua terminal), los cuales han de ser analizados para ver si se han cometido errores propiamente agramaticales como podri′a ser una mala traduccio′n en general, la omisio′n de ideas fundamentales y/o la adicio′n de ideas que o aparecen en el original; teniendo en cuenta que hay que dejar bien parado el aspecto lingu¨i′stico. A manera de introduccio′n, el presente estudio tiene por objeto definir con ma′xima clararidad el concepto de la traduccio′n, desarrollar algunos aspectos teo′ricos de la traduccio′n, enfocados desde punto de vista lingu¨i′stico, sin que se tome a la ligera la importancia tanto de las teori′as anteriores como de las nuevas tendencias, y despue′s proponer un modelo de la traduccio′n con el cual se puedan ayudar mutuamente la literatura y la lingu¨i′stica. Por u′ltimo, se trata de analizar algunos errores en la traduccio′n del espanol segu′n nuestro modelo de la traduccio′n, sobre todo su primera fase, subjetividad restringida. Para este fin, se establece un modelo en el que ponemos como base la subjetividad del propio traductor o las condiciones de la traduccio′n, la cual se suele tratar dentro de las teori′as de la literatura comparativa y por consiguiente la subjetividad es un concepto representativo a favor de la literarura. Pero en nuestro estudio, aun puesto desde el punto de vista lingu¨i′stico, ella se considera concepto de nu′cleo, a condicio′n de que la subjetividad este′ sujeta a cada fase de la traduccio′n segu′n la cual se sufren modificaciones. Es decir, la subjetividad no significa una libertad total en todo el proceso de la taduccio′n. En la primera fase de que se encarga la lingu¨i′stica, la subjetividad seri′a ma′s restringida que en la segunda, a la que se dedica la literatura. En la u′ltima, las dos anteriores se concilian y complementan. La subjetividad, pasa′ndolas, se va objetivizando. Podemos representar la subjetividad variable con el esquema siguiente: 1^(a) fase: Subjetividad Restringida(aproximacio′n lingu¨i′stica) → 2^(a) fase: Subjetividad Libre(aproximacio′n literaria) → 3^(a) fase: Subjetividad Objetivizadas(aproximacio′n multilateral). Entre estas fases, en la aplicacio′n del modelo, nuestro estudio se trata so′lo de la primera fase, subjetividad restringida desde el punto de vista lingu¨i′stico.

      • Culex pipiens pallens 모기의 난소에 의한 단백질 합성에 관한 연구

        박영민,강석희 성균관대학교 기초과학연구소 1989 論文集 Vol.40 No.1

        Culex pipiens pallens 암모기의 난소의 단백질 합성 능력에 관하여 연구하였다. 흡혈후 성장하는 암모기의 난소와 난자의 크기는 흡혈 후 10시간에 증가하기 시작하여 60시간까지 증가하였다. 흡혈한 C. pipines 암모기의 난소를 in vitro에서 ^3H-leucine 함유된 조직배양액에서 배양한 후 난소단백질을 추출하여 TCA precipitation 방법으로 정량한 결과, 흡혈 후 54시간된 난소에서 가장 많은 단백질의 합성이 일어났다. In vivo와 in vitro에서 labeled 된 단백질 그리고 지방체 조직이 합성한 단백질을 전기영동하여 비교한 결과 난황단백질과 Rf가 같은 물질이 in vitro에서 난소에 의하여 합성되는 것을 관찰하였다. 이상의 결과는 C. pipiens 암모기의 난소에서도 난황단백질이 합성될 가능성을 제시하고 있다. ^3H-leucine incorporation into protein in vitro by the mosquito, Culex pipiens pallens, has been examined buy electrophoresis method. Protein synthesis by the ovary began to rise 36 hours post blood meal and reached at the maximum level by 54 hours. Some of these labeled proteins showed Rf values corresponding to that of vitellogenins synthesized by the fat bodies. The results seem to indicate that C. pipiens ovary may be involved in the synthesis of egg proteins.

      • 토양환경지도 자료를 이용한 콩밭 토양의 화학성 비교

        박지숙,이민진,정재원,김미혜,이서연,지윤미,한준호,김유학,공명석,한광현,노희명 忠北大學校 農業科學硏究所 2015 農業科學硏究 Vol.31 No.2

        It is important to interpret the soil chemical properties in order to effectively manage the farmland. This study was conducted to investigate the soil chemical properties of upland soybean field according to the soil series at 32 upland fields located in the parts of Gangwon-do. Soil sampling sites were selected by using the National Statistics DB and KSIS DB that is a soil environment information system provided by the Rural Development Administration. Soil samples were collected from 0~15 cm of top soil before seeding or transplanting, air-dried, passed through a 2 mm sieve, and analyzed for soil pH, EC, organic matter, available phosphorus (P2O5), exchangeable potassium, exchangeable calcium and exchangeable magnesium. The average chemical properties have exceeded the each nutrient optimum range level of RDA, except the organic matter in experimental soil 2015. And despite application of conventional fertilization, each soil series nutrient contents were change respectively. The results of this study suggest that conventional fertilization should be applied based on the analysis about the amount of accumulated nutrient contents in the soil.

      • 가덕도 주민의 의생활 실태조사

        박용희,서지영,민평경,이숙희 효성여자대학교 가정대학 학도호국단 1986 家政大論集 Vol.5 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to investigate on the clothing life to 109 dwellersliving in Gadukdo. The clothing life was grouped into 4 factors;purchase, wearing, management, disposal. The results were as follows ; 1. 45.9% of the dwellers appropriated less than ten thousand won for a purchaseof clothes. The purchase behavior is irrational, 76.2% of the dwellers purchasedgarments under the necessity. 2. The reason of buying and wearing a ready- made clothes is not emotional Point of view but an economical price. 3. 81.7% of the dwellers were discontented with price and durability on ready-ma-de clothes. Purchasing ready-made clothes, they didn't concerned about indication ofquality . 4. 78.9% of the dwellers occasionally wore Korean costume on a holiday. 49.5%of the dwellers answered that they took no interest in fashion. 5. A supply rate of a washing machine is 7.3%, 80.7% of the dwellers usedlaundry soap because of their low price. 6. As a reason of disposal the clothing, it was worn-out. 35.8% of the dwellers saidso. Only 10.1% of the dwellers answered that the garments were behind the fashion. That showes a tendency to be opposite with city dwellers.

      • Aedes aegypti(L.) 모기의 PolyA^+-RNA의 분리

        박기태,姜奭熙 성균관대학교 기초과학연구소 1985 論文集 Vol.36 No.2

        1. 흡혈한 Aedes aegypti(L.) 암모기는 흡혈전에 없던 특이한 RNA를 생산하였다. 새로 나타난 RNA는 분자량이 23S보다 크게 나타났으며 따라서 Messenger RNA 임이 추정되었다. 2. 흡혈후 18시간이 경과한 암모기에서 추출한 RNA를 Oligo(dT)-cellulose chromatography로 분리함으로써 흡혈후 모기안에 새로 나타난 특이한 RNA를 획득한 결과, 이 RNA가 Poly(A)-Sequence를 지니는 Messenger RNA 임을 확인하였다. The possibility that the anautogenous mosquito, Aedes aegypti, females may produce vitellogenin messenger ribonucleic acid (Vg mRNA), following a blood meal has been investigated. The level of RNA began to increase at 6 hours post eclosion to become maximal at 18 hours, which then declined to the negligible level by 36 hours and remained low throughout the egg maturation period. Agarose gel electrohphoresis of the RNA from blood fed females revealed a new species of RNA, designated as 18 hours RNA. The molecular weight of the 18 hours RNA was found to be much greater than that of 16s and 23s ribosomal RNA, which was absent in the RNA extracted from non blood fed females of from males mosquitoes. The possibility that the 18 hours RNA is messenger RNA was further supported by the fact that the RNA bound to oligo-(dT) cellulose column and was eluted with no salt buffer. Poly (A)^+-RNA migrated on agarose gel at the same rate as that RNA newly appeared in the blood fed female mosquitoes.

      • KCI등재

        하악에 발생한 과잉치의 치험례 : A CASE REPORT

        박정아,양규호,,최남기,김선미,장희숙 大韓小兒齒科學會 2005 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.32 No.4

        과잉치는 정상치판(dental lamina)의 과도한 증식이 결과로 발생되어, 가족적 성향을 보이며, 쇄골두개이형성(Cleidocranial dysplasia), Gardner 증후군 등의 여러 질환과 관련되어 나타나기도 한다. 그 빈도는 유치열에서 0.3~0.8%, 영구치열에서 1.0~3.5% 이고, 남성에서 호발되며(2:1), 상악에서 더 많이 발생한다(9:1). 상악에서는 mesiodens라고 불리는 중절치 사이의 위치가 가장 흔한 부위이고, 그 다음은 fourth molar와 측절치 부위이다. 하악에서는 소구치 부위가 가장 흔한 부위이고 전치부위에서는 약 2%로 매우 드물게 발생한다. 과잉치의 만기 잔존은 치간 이개, 인접한 치아의 맹출 장애, 치근 흡수 등을 야기하고 과잉치와 관련되어 함치성 낭종이 발생될 수 있으므로 조기진단과 적절한 치료가 중요하다. 본 두 증례는 비교적 드물게 나타나는 하악에 발생한 과잉치로, 하악 전치부와 소구치부에 발생한 과잉치를 발거하고 교정치료를 시행하여 양호한 결과를 얻었기에 보고하는 바이다. Supernumerary tooth was resulted from excessive proliferation of dental lamina and associated with familial tendency and a congenital syndrome such as Cleidocranial dysostosis or Gardner's syndrome. Incidence reports identify a range of 0.3~0.8% in primary dentition. 1.0~3.5% in permanent dentistion with males being affected twice as frequently as females. maxilla nine times as frequently as mandible. The most common supernumeraty tooth is the mesiodens, which located between the maxillary central incisors, and the next common site is the fourth molar and lateral incisors. Supernumerary teeth are uncommon in the mendible, but premolars are the most common supernumerary teeth and occurrence is very rare in the incisor region of the mandible of possibility of diastema and cruption failure displacement. rotation of the associated permanent teeth, root resorption and dentigerous cyst with presence of the supernumerary teeth. In this two case, one supernumerary tooth located in the mandibular incisor region, the other supernumerary tooth located in premolar region. We could get normal alignment of mandibular dentition by extraction and orthodontic treatment.

      • 한국 대학생들의 영어모음 발음길이에 대한 실험음성학적 연구

        박희석 남서울대학교 2004 남서울대학교 논문집 Vol.10 No.3

        The aim of this experimental study is to investigate and compare the vowel lengths of English diphthongs and low vowels among native-English-speaking Americans with Korean college students. Eight words and sixteen sentences were uttered five times by twenty five subjects from three groups. Acoustic features(duration) were measured from sound spectrograms made by the PC Quire. Results showed that the vowel lengths of English diphthongs and low vowels between native English speakers and Korean collegians of Chungnam and Gyungnam provinces were different. Comparing the average length of English diphthongs of Korean collegians with those of American natives, we can see that native English speakers tend to pronounce the English diphthongs shorter than Korean collegians do. However, native English speakers tend to pronounce the English low vowels longer than Korean collegians do. In this study we also tried to find out the differences of English diphthongs and low vowel lengths in relation to their utterance positions among American natives and Chungnam and Gyungnam dialect speakers. By the results of this experiment, we observed a lengthening effect in the three groups.

      • 敎育行政家의 指導性에 關한 考察

        朴英姬,任石在 관동대학교 1984 關大論文集 Vol.12 No.1

        This paper aims at studying an investigation of concepts of leadership, a classification of its types, an effective leadership and educational administrator's leadership, through scientific research and philological analysis. Here, leadership can be said to be defined as the kind of highly developed skill and the influencing power which can motivate and promote organizing members to work in close cooperation, with a view to attaining the goal of the organization. The basic demensions of leadership can be found to be divided into two categories of the interest in initiating structure and in consideration. So far as an effective leadership is concerned, it is found to have a growing interest both in human relations and in the achievement of the task. That is, it can be found be accelerate the attainment of the goal of the organization, keeping an equilibrium between humen relations and the chievement of the task. A desirable educational administrator's must play the part of the leader efficiently in achieving the purpose of education under the given circumstances, in consideration of human relations.

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