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      • The Blind Spots in the Process of Taking the Folk-Sports Culture as "Heritage":"Fan Gu Qi Dong thirteen Genres" in Beijing as a Case

        ( Jingjing Zhao ) 한국체육학회 2015 국제스포츠과학 학술대회 Vol.2015 No.1

        Purpose: The work of strengthening the protection of oral and intangible cultural heritage in the worldwide has lasted for more than a decade, in recognition of its positive significance, we should also be alert to the negative influence and consequences. Method: In this paper, fieldwork, case study and literature method as the research method. Result: From the perspectives of Cultural Anthropology and Folklorisrtics, combined with the achievements in “the Oral and Non-material Cultural Heritage Protection” in the field of "traditional folk-sports",We could more clearly illustrate the gap between the actual effect that Chinese government have achieved and the "cultural diversity" ideal that “The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)”have proposed. This paper remind the relevant Organizations and individuals to be more clearly aware of the limitations of the "Intangible Cultural Heritage" from the perspective of cultural heritage owners` position(emic), and to be reflecxive of the limitations of the work of “the Oral and Non-material Cultural Heritage Protection”. Conclusion: If we do not think deeply about the inherent cultural meaning and social function of folk-sports projects, simply to protect them will be inevitablely ineffective. To objectify the folks` daily life in an "etic" perspective is not to protect their cultural heritages, but to create a scholars` cultural heritages which, as a matter of fact, differs any past cultural traditions.

      • KCI등재


        ZHAO JINGJING,박흥수 중국어문학회 2018 中國語文學誌 Vol.0 No.62

        본 논문은 현대 중국어 준접사 ‘…를 좋아하는 사람’이라는 공통적인 의미를 가진 ‘X迷’, ‘X控’, ‘X癖’로 구성된 어휘에 대하여 연구를 진행하였다. 제2장에서는 ‘X’에 대하여 분석한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 첫째, 이 세 개의 준접사로 구성된 어휘의 ‘X’는 모두 단음절, 이음절 그리고 다음절일 수 있다. ‘控’은 단음절과 이음절과의 결합능력이 가장 강했고, ‘迷’도 또한 단음절과 이음절과의 결합이 많았으며, ‘癖’은 이음절과의 결합이 가장 많았다. 둘째, ‘X’의 품사에 대하여 분석한 결과 모두 명사, 동사, 형용사였다. 그러나 일반적으로 그것들은 대부분 이음절 동사와 명사, 그리고 단음절 동사와 명사였다. 셋째, 단어의 구조에 대한 분석 결과 대부분 병렬, 수식, 지배 형식이었으나, ‘癖’의 경우 동목, 병렬, 수식, 주술 관계 등을 포함하고 있었다. 넷째, 문장성분에 대하여 분석한 결과 ‘X迷’는 문장에서 주어와 목적어를 주로 담당했는데 이는 ‘X’가 명사 성질을 가지고 있기 때문이라 생각된다. ‘X控’은 문장에서 주어와 목적어를 담당하였는데, 이는 ‘X’가 동사 성질을 가진 것이 가장 많기 때문이라 생각된다. 소량의 ‘X控’이 술어를 담당하는 경우도 있었다. ‘X癖’은 문장에서 주로 목적어 성분이 많이 있었으며, 주어를 담당하는 경우보다 훨씬 많이 보였다. 제3장에서는 ‘迷’, ‘控’, ‘癖’의 본의와 의미 변화에 대하여 분석하였다. ‘迷’의 본의는 ‘방향을 분별하지 못하다’인데, 의미가 확대되어 ‘이성을 잃다, 자아를 상실하다’는 의미로 발전되었다. 환유의 작용을 통해 ‘이성과 자아를 잃은 사람’을 가리키게 되었으며, 현대 중국어에서 ‘어떤 일 혹은 어떤 사물을 좋아하는 군중 혹은 개인’을 가리키게 되었다. ‘控’의 본의는 ‘활을 당기다, 활을 쏘다’인데, 오랜 사용과정 중에서 발전되어 ‘제어하다, 관리하다’라는 의미를 갖게 되었다. 다른 어원은 영어의 ‘complex’의 ‘복잡한 상황’과 ‘정상적이지 않은 걱정’의 의미이다. 이 두 가지 어원이 복합되어 ‘제어하기 어려운 상황’이라는 의미가 되었다. 단어의 구성과정에서 차유의 방식을 거치면서 ‘어떤 사물 혹은 어떤 사람을 매우 편애하다’라는 의미를 갖게 되었다. ‘癖’의 본의는 ‘체내에서 제거할 수 없는 병변 덩어리’이며, 파생을 거쳐 ‘좋아하는 병’의 의미를 갖게 되었다. 이에 ‘사람의 일종의 애호’를 가리키게 되었고, 차유 방식을 통해 ‘모종의 애호를 가진 사람 혹은 군중’을 지칭하게 되었다. ‘벽’은 본의는 병의 원인이기 때문에 사람을 가리킬 때 항상 ‘어떤 사람 혹은 어떤 행위를 병적으로 좋아하는 사람’을 가리키게 되었다. The semantics of characters “Mi”, “Kong”and “Pi”are different in both ancient and modern Chinese. However, as a quasi-affix, they can all represent “people who are fond of something”. The purpose of this paper is to observe and compare them. The conclusion comes out based on BCC corpus. The following five conclusions are obtained through the analysis. 1. In word groups of “X-Mi”, “X-Kong” and “X-Pi”, the primary syllabic structures of “X” are monosyllable structure and disyllable structure. Among three groups of words, “X” in “X-Mi” has most diverse roles. It can be monosyllabic or disyllable nouns, verbs and Adjectives, when it is a polysyllabic word it can be verbs or adjectives. On the other hand, “Kong” as a quasi-affix cannot combine with monosyllabic verbs or polysyllabic verbs and adjectives. “Pi” as a quasi-affix cannot combine with monosyllabic or polysyllabic adjectives. From the use of each group of words, “X-Kong” is the most productive one. Regardless of “X” is any structure of syllable, any part of speech, it has the most amount of use in BCC corpus. Quasi-affix “Pi” can works with different syllabic structures and different kind of words, but in corpus, the use of it is low. 2. When “X” is disyllable word, it has three formations in “X-Mi”, “X-Kong” and “X-Pi”. They are “verb-object from”, “coordinative form” and modification form”. When “X” is polysyllabic word, it in “X-Pi” has the most different word formations; it can be “verb-object form”, “coordinative form”, “modification form” and “supplementary form”. However monosyllabic “X” in “X-Mi” and “X-Kong” only has two formations of above. 3. In sentence, “X-Kong” has the most grammatical roles, it can be Subject, Object, Attributive, Adverbial, and sometimes it even can be Predicate. “X-Pi” can be Subject, Object, Attributive, but “X-Mi” only can be Subject and Object. 4. In semantics, these three quasi-affixes have their own special developed route. The original meaning of “Mi” was “people cannot identify the direction”, through several steps of semantic extensions and under the application of Metonymy, the meaning of quasi-affix “Mi”--“people who are fond of something” is developed. The original meaning of “Kong” was “drawing the bow”, after several semantic extensions and the influence of English loan word “complex”, it received its meaning as a quasi-affix. “Pi” was a noun meant “a lump between ribs”, and extended to “hobby, addiction”; finally under the application of Metonymy it gained the meaning as a quasi-affix. 5. Through Componential analysis, the same sememe of quasi-affixes “Mi”, “Kong” and “Pi” are found, they are [+be fond of something], [+not being rational], [+people who are intoxicated with something]. Because these three quasi-affixes have same sememe, so they can be replaced by each other under some circumstances. However “Kong” has the sememe [+complex] and [+control] its own, “Pi” has the sememe [+morbidity] its own. Therefore, when people express “pervert love”, they will use “X-Pi” other than “X-Mi” or “X-Kong”; when they express “a control desire of love”, they will use “X-Kong”. In terms of writing style and stylistics colors, “Kong” is marked with the sememe [+fashionable], so it mainly used in cyber articles or articles in micro-web. “Mi” and “Pi” can be used in both formal tape of writing and informal tape of writing, but so far “Kong” cannot be used in formal style of writing yet. “Mi” and “Kong” have the sememe [+neutral color of word], but “Pi” has sememe [+derogatory color of word] because of its original meaning was a kind of disease. Last, “Kong” and “Pi” are marked in sememe [+deep emotional degree], but “Mi” is not.

      • KCI등재

        Enhancing Distribution System Resilience with Active Islanding and Separable Mobile Energy Storage System

        Zhao Jingjing,Liu Shuai,Li Zibo,Ma Wenhe,Shao Yang 대한전기학회 2024 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology Vol.19 No.1

        With the frequent occurrence of extreme weather, the resilience of distribution system (DS) has become a hot research topic in recent years. In this article, a novel resilience improvement approach is proposed, the multi-stage restoration process is taken into account to enhance the resilience of DS, and the active islanding and separable mobile energy storage systembased service restoration are comprehensively taken into account to enhance the resilience of DS. The multi-stage restoration process is modeled in detail, consisting of the topology and operational constraints of each stage, and they are multi infuenced each other. The model is formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming problem. Case studies on the IEEE 33-bus system prove that the proposed method can improve the resilience of the DS efectively

      • KCI등재

        An empirical classification procedure for nonparametric mixture models

        Zhao Qiang,Karunamuni Rohana J.,Wu Jingjing 한국통계학회 2020 Journal of the Korean Statistical Society Vol.49 No.3

        Suppose that there are two populations which are mixed in proportions λ and (1−λ), respectively, and an investigator wishes to classify an individual into one of these two populations based on a p-dimensional observation on the individual. This is the basic classification problem with applications in wide variety of fields. In practice, the optimal rule (Bayes rule) is not available and thus need to be estimated when either the densities of the populations or the mixing proportion λ are not completely specified. This paper presents a nonparametric classification procedure based on kernel estimates for the most general case that both the densities and the mixing proportion are unknown. The error rate of the proposed procedure is calculated and compared with that of the optimal rule. Convergence rate of the difference in error rate are also established. A Monte Carlo simulation study and a real data example are given to compare the proposed rule with the optimal rule for a variety of cases.

      • KCI등재

        Internal Mammary Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer

        Zhao Bi,Peng Chen,Jingjing Liu,Yanbing Liu,Pengfei Qiu,Qifeng Yang,Weizhen Zheng,Yongsheng Wang 한국유방암학회 2018 Journal of breast cancer Vol.21 No.4

        Purpose: The definition of nodal pathologic complete response (pCR) after a neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) just included the evaluation of axillary lymph node (ALN) without internal mammary lymph node. This study aimed to evaluate the feasibility of internal mammary-sentinel lymph node biopsy (IM-SLNB) in patients with breast cancer who underwent NAC. Methods: From November 2011 to 2017, 179 patients with primary breast cancer who underwent operation after NAC were included in this study. All patients received radiotracer injection with modified injection technology. IM-SLNB would be performed on patients with internal mammary sentinel lymph node (IMSLN) visualization. Results: Among the 158 patients with cN+ disease, the rate of nodal pCR was 36.1% (57/158). Among the 179 patients, the visualization rate of IMSLN was 31.8% (57/179) and was 12.3% (7/57) and 87.7% (50/57) among those with cN0 and cN+ disease, respectively. Furthermore, the detection rate of IMSLN was 31.3% (56/179). The success rate of IM-SLNB was 98.2% (56/57). The IMSLN metastasis rate was 7.1% (4/56), and all of them were accompanied by ALN metastasis. The number of positive ALNs in patients with IMSLN metastasis was 3, 6, 8, and 9. The pathology nodal stage had been changed from pN1/ pN2 to pN3b. The pathology stage had been changed from IIA/ IIIA to IIIC. Conclusion: Patients with visualization of IMSLN should perform IM-SLNB after NAC, especially for patients with cN+ disease, in order to complete lymph nodal staging. IM-SLNB could further improve the definition of nodal pCR and guide the internal mammary node irradiation.

      • KCI등재

        Nonlinear Kalman filter bias correction for wind ramp event forecasts at wind turbine height

        Jingjing Xu,Zi-Niu Xiao,Zhao-Hui Lin 한국풍공학회 2020 Wind and Structures, An International Journal (WAS Vol.30 No.4

        One of the growing concerns of the wind energy production is wind ramp events. To improve the wind ramp event forecasts, the nonlinear Kalman filter bias correction method was applied to 24-h wind speed forecasts issued from the WRF model at 70-m height in Zhangbei wind farm, Hebei Province, China for a two-year period. The Kalman filter shows the remarkable ability of improving forecast skill for real-time wind speed forecasts by decreasing RMSE by 32% from 3.26 m s-1 to 2.21 m s-1, reducing BIAS almost to zero, and improving correlation from 0.58 to 0.82. The bias correction improves the forecast skill especially in wind speed intervals sensitive to wind power prediction. The fact shows that the Kalman filter is especially suitable for wind power prediction. Moreover, the bias correction method performs well under abrupt weather transition. As to the overall performance for improving the forecast skill of ramp events, the Kalman filter shows noticeable improvements based on POD and TSS. The bias correction increases the POD score of up-ramps from 0.27 to 0.39 and from 0.26 to 0.38 for down-ramps. After bias correction, the TSS score is significantly promoted from 0.12 to 0.26 for up-ramps and from 0.13 to 0.25 for down-ramps.

      • KCI등재

        A Path Optimization Technique with Obstacle Avoidance for an 8-DOF Robot in Bolt Looseness Detection Task

        Jingjing Xu,Zhifeng Liu,Yongsheng Zhao,Yanhu Pei,Qiang Cheng 한국정밀공학회 2019 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Vol.20 No.5

        In the bolt looseness detection task of the locomotive system, the robot could be used to highly improve the working efficiency and reliability, but faces the complex static obstacles while planning the path for the robotic motion. In this paper, a path optimization technique is proposed to obtain an optimal path with obstacle avoidance for a redundant robot in the static complicated environment. There are three main contributions in this technique. The first is the solving of the inverse kinematics problem for a redundant robot based on the screw theory and the geometric description, which is general to all robots with rotational joints. The second is the modeling of the spatial constraint, where the pseudo distance is defined based on the plane description of the obstacles and calculated using the spatial analytic geometry knowledge. The third is the presentation of the whole path-planning framework based on the above two contributions, which could largely improve the generality of the presented technique. In this framework, the minimum-time path could be obtained while guaranteeing both the motion stability and obstacle avoidance. Moreover, a real setting that includes an obstacle environment and an 8-DOF robot, is taken as an example to better present the technique. Finally, the simulation experiment was performed in Isight software to verify the effectiveness of the path optimization technique.

      • KCI등재

        Contact Stiffness Determination of High-Speed Double- Locking Toolholder-Spindle Joint based on a Macro- Micro Scale Hybrid Method

        Yongsheng Zhao,Jingjing Xu,Ligang Cai,Weimin Shi,Zhifeng Liu,Qiang Cheng 한국정밀공학회 2016 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Vol.17 No.6

        The stiffness of toolholder-spindle joint at high speeds plays an important role in the cutting efficiency and the machining accuracy. A double-locking toolholder (BTF type) is designed to improve the stiffness of joint. This paper presents a macro-micro scale hybrid method to determine the stiffness of double-locking toolholder-spindle joint at high speeds. In this method the finite element method and the three-dimensional fractal method are combined. It is assumed flat in macro-scale for the contact surfaces of joint. The finite element method is introduced to obtain the pressure distribution with the influence of centrifugal force at high speeds. In micro-scale, the contact surfaces are fractal featured and the three-dimensional fractal method is used to compute the stiffness based on the pressure. Experiments with BTF40-type toolholder are conducted to verify the efficiency of the proposed model in zero-speed case. The relationship between the stiffness and the technological parameters of the system can be derived based on the presented model. The upper limit of speed, the optimized range of each technological parameter are determined for obtaining the higher stiffness of joint. The results can provide theoretical basis for improving the cutting efficiency and the machining accuracy of high-speed machine tool.

      • KCI등재

        Trajectory Planning with Minimum Synthesis Error for Industrial Robots Using Screw Theory

        Zhifeng Liu,Jingjing Xu,Qiang Cheng,Yongsheng Zhao,Yanhu Pei,Congbin Yang 한국정밀공학회 2018 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Vol.19 No.2

        This work aims to propose a trajectory planning technique to minimize the end-effector synthesis error for industrial robots, while obtaining a stable movement. With ER3A-C60 robot as a research subject, the kinematic and dynamic models are established by using screw theory and Kane equations, and based on that, the end-effector synthesis error is modeled by considering the effects of interpolation algorithm and flexibilities of all joints. The septic polynomial is used to interpolate the via points in each joint space to obtain a stable movement. Finally, the PSO algorithm with suitable parameters is applied to find the minimum synthesis error under kinematic and dynamic constraints. The results show that the optimal synthesis error decreases by 88.94% compared with the initial one, the angular parameters are all far less than the limitations of joints and the optimal movement has a high stability, and this optimal trajectory has better overall performance than that based on the previous technique (with the minimum total motion time). The main contribution is that the proposed trajectory planning technique can significantly improve the tracking precision of the end effector while controlling the motion time within a given span under the requirements of continuous path control.

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