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      • 머리부분에 방사선조사를 받은 흰쥐 샘뇌하수체의 변화에 대한 면역전자현미경적 연구

        신기호,박경호,안의태,양남길,고정식 순천향의학연구소 1995 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.1 No.2

        본 실험은 과다한 X-선에 머리부분이 노출되었을 때, 샘뇌하수체의 변화를 알아보기 위하여 시행하였다. 체중 200-250g의 Sprague Dawley계 숫흰쥐를 실험동물로 사용하였으며, 정상군과 방사선조사군으로 나누었다, 방사선조사군은 조사량에 따라 3,000 rad 조사군과 6,000 rad조사군으로 나누어, 방사선 조사후 6시간, 2일 및 6일 후에 도살하여 조직을 절취하였다. 방사선조사는 흰쥐를 sodium thiopental로 마취한 후 방사선선형가속기(Mitsubishi Linear Accelerator ML-4MV)를 사용하여 머리부위를 조사하였다. 조사조건은 조사거리 80 cm, 조사구역 30 cm X 30 cm, 조사깊이 1.2 cm(100% skin dose)였으며, 분당 200 rad씩 조사하였다. 샘뇌하수체는 1% glutaraldehyde- 1% paraformaldehyde액으로 일차 고정한후, 2% osmium tetroxide액에 이차고정하였으며, 고정이 끝난 조직은 alcohol과 acetone으로 탈수한 후 araldite혼합액에 포매하였다. 포매된 조직은 , LKB-V ultratome으로 60-70nm두께의 절편을 작성하여 300 mesh nickel grid에 붙인 다음 젖샘자극호르몬과 성장자극호르몬에 대한 단독면역염색 및 이중면역염색을 시행하였다. 면역염색이 끝난 절편은 uranyl acetate와 lead citrate로 염색한후, JEM 100CX-Ⅱ 전자현미경으로 관찰하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 젖샘자극호르몬분비세포는 불규칙한 모양을 한 큰 분비과립(300-700 nm)을 가진 성숙세포, 크기가 다양한 둥근 분비과립(150-200 nm)을 가진 중간 세포와 크기가 작은 둥근 분비과립(100-150 nm)을 가진 미성숙세포로 나눌 수 있었다. 2. 성장자극호르몬분비세포는 크고 둥근 분비과립(200-500 nm)을 가진 제 1 형 세포와 상대적으로 작고 둥근 분비과립 (150-200 nm)을 가진 제 Ⅱ형 세포로 나눌 수 있었다. 3. 방사선 조사후 6 시간군에서 3,000 rad에서는 큰 변화가 없었고, 6,000 rad에서는 사립체와 과립형질내세망의 수조 확장이 관찰되었다. 방사선 조사후 2일군에서는 큰 변화가 없었으며, 6일군에서는 핵막구조의 확장이 관찰되었다. 4. 세포의 종류도 젖샘자극호르몬분비세포는 3,000 rad 조사군과 6,000 rad 조사군 모두 2일군에서는 성숙형이 감소하고 중간형과 미성숙형이 자주 관찰되었으며, 6일군에서는 정상군과 같은 분포양상을 보였으나 분비과립의 금입자표지가 감소한 것을 관찰할 수 있었다. 성장자극호르몬분비세포에서는 뚜렷한 세포형이 분포변화는 관찰할 수 없었으나 금입자표지의 감소는 나타났다. 5. 방사선조사후 6시간군에서 부터 mammosomatography가 나타났는데, 한 세포 내에 젖샘자극호르몬과 성장자극호르몬을 지닌 분비과립이 함께 존재하였으며, 세포의 모양은 다핵세포의 형태를 하고 있는 것과 불규칙한 모양을 한 것이 있었는데, 이와같은 결과는 방사선조사 후 샘뇌하수체의 기능저하에 따른 보상작용으로 나타난 현상이라 생각된다. 이상의 결과로 보아 방사선 조사를 받은 초기에는 분비과립의 방출이 과다하게 일어나며, 방사선 조사의 영향으로 세포질소기관의 기능이 약화되어 6일이 지나면 샘뇌하수체의 호르몬분비능력이 저하되는 것 같다. This experiment was performed to study the morphological changes of the adenohypophysis of rat following X-ray irradiation. Male rats were divided into normal and X-ray irradiation groups. The heads of rat were exposed to 3,000 rads or 6,000 rads of radiation in a single dose. X-ray source was a Mitsubishi Linear Accelerator ML-4MV. Only the heads of animals were exposed at the distance of 80 cm, within the area of 30 X 30 cm, in the depth of 1 cm, with the speed of 200 rad/min. Animals of X-ray irradiation group were sacrificed on 6 hours, 2 days and 6 days after the irradiation. Tissue blocks of adenohypophysis were fixed in the 1% glutaraldehyde - 1% paraformaldehyde solution, followed by refixation in the 2% osmium tetroxide solution. Dehydradted blocks were embedded in araldite mixture. The sections were cut on a LKB V ultrotome, and ultrathin sections were places on bare nickel grid(200 mesh). The section-bearing grids were floated upside down on the solutions in a moisture chamber at room temperature. Sections were single immunostained or double immunostained for prolactin and/or growth hormone. And the sections were jet washed with distilled water. The immunostained sections were contrasted with uranyl acetate and lead citrate, and observed with JEM 100CX II electron microscope. The results were as follows: 1. Three types of the prolactin cells according to their size and shape of secretory granules were found; mature type cells contained large pleomorphic secretory granules(above 500 nm). intermediate type cells contained round granules of varying size(200-250 nm), and immature type cells contained small round granules(100 nm). 2. Two types of the growth hormone cells according to their size of secretory granules were found: type I cells contained large round secretory granules(200-300 nm) and type II cells contained small granules(100-200 nm). 3. Six hours after the irradiation, adenohypophysis showed swollen cisternae of granular endoplasmic reticulum and alterations of mitochondrial cristae, but only in doses of 6.000 rads. 4. Adenohypopysis showed decrease in number of mature type prolactin cells on 2 days after irradiatin, and recovered number of mature typer prolactin cell. but their immunoreactiveity were gradually decreased following the irradiation, as compared with that in normal adenohypophysis. 5. Six hours after the irradiation, mammosomatotrophs were found to contain prolactin and growth hormone within different granules each other. Some cells were multinucleated, and some cells exhibited irregular cytoplasmic processes. Summarizing the above results, adenohypophysis rapidly released the secretory granules after the irradiation, and cell organelles of prolactin cells and growth hormone cells were altered or degenerated. It means that adenohypophysis decreased its hormone producing activity on 6 days after irradiation.

      • SCIE

        The Effect Of Grain Size On The Mechanical Properties Of Aluminum

        Jeong, G.,Park, J.,Nam, S.,Shin, S.-E.,Shin, J.,Bae, D.,Choi, H. PAS 2015 ARCHIVES OF METALLURGY Vol.60 No.2

        <B>Abstract</B><P>Although many studies have focused on the unique plastic deformation behavior of nanocrystalline aluminum (e.g., the positive deviation from Hall-Petch relation, the unusual yield-drop phenomenon in tensile mode, etc.), the data reported by different research groups are inconsistent with each other, possibly because of different fabrication processes. In this study, aluminum samples with a wide grain-size spectrum - from a few micrometers down to 100 nanometers - are manufactured by powder metallurgy. The grain size was measured by X-ray diffraction analysis and transmission electron microscope observation. Furthermore, the tensile behavior, which varied according to a grain size, is discussed with a comparison of the theoretical models.</P>

      • P-Aminophenyl 4-Amino-4-Deoxy-β-D-Galactopyranoside의 합성

        윤신숙,김동성,남정이 崇實大學校 1988 論文集 Vol.18 No.-

        Methyl 4-azido-2, 3, 6-tri-O-benzoyl-4-deoxy- α-D-galacto pyranoside (2)로 부터 p-nitrophenyl 4-azido-2, 3, 6-tri-O-benzoyl-4-deoxy- β-D-galactopyranoside (5)가 세 단계를 거쳐서 합성되었다. 4-azido-2, 3, 6-tri-D-benzoyl-1-Chloro-1, 4-dideoxy- α-D-galactopyranose (4)는 chloroform-nitromethane (2 = 1, V/V) 용액에서 p-nitrophenyl. Ag₂CO₃와 함께 Konig-Knorr 반응을 하여 화합물 5를 43%수율로 주었다. 또한 p-nitrophenyl 4-azido-4-deoxy- β-D-galacto pyranoside (6)은 methanol 용액중에서 NiCl₂·6H₂O/NaBH₄에 의해 쉽게 환원되어 p-aminophenyl 4-amino-4-deoxy- β-D-galactopyranoside (1)을 만든다. 화합물 1은 D-galactose 변형효소들의 작용메카니즘 연구에 중요한 가치가 예견되는 물질이다. p-Nitrophenyl 4-azido-4-deoxy-2,3,6-tri-O-benzoyl- β-D-galactopyranoside has been synthesized from methyl 4-azido-4-deoxy-2,3,6-tri-O-benzoyl- α-D-galactopyranoside via three steps; Konig-Knorr reaction on 4-azido-2,3,6-tri-O-benzoyl-1-chloro-1,4-dideoxy- α-D-galactopyranose with p-nitrophenyl in the presence of Ag₂CO₃, chloroform and nitromethane (2:1, v/v) produced the above mentioned compound (in 43% yield). p-Nitrophenyl 4-azido-4-deoxy- β-D-galactopyranoside was reduced in the presence of NiCl₂·6H₂O/NaBH₄in methanol to give p-aminophenyl 4-amino-4-deoxy- β-D-galactopyranoside which is known to be a useful compound for the studies of the action mechanism of D-galactose modifying enzymes.


        p34 is a novel regulator of the oncogenic behavior of NEDD4-1 and PTEN

        Hong, S-W,Moon, J-H,Kim, J-S,Shin, J-S,Jung, K-A,Lee, W-K,Jeong, S-Y,Hwang, J J,Lee, S-J,Suh, Y-A,Kim, I,Nam, K-Y,Han, S,Kim, J E,Kim, K-p,Hong, Y S,Lee, J-L,Lee, W-J,Choi, E K,Lee, J S,Jin, D-H,Kim, Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014 CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION Vol.21 No.1

        PTEN is one of the most frequently mutated or deleted tumor suppressors in human cancers. NEDD4-1 was recently identified as the E3 ubiquitin ligase for PTEN; however, a number of important questions remain regarding the role of ubiquitination in regulating PTEN function and the mechanisms by which PTEN ubiquitination is regulated. In the present study, we demonstrated that p34, which was identified as a binding partner of NEDD4-1, controls PTEN ubiquitination by regulating NEDD4-1 protein stability. p34 interacts with the WW1 domain of NEDD4-1, an interaction that enhances NEDD4-1 stability. Expression of p34 promotes PTEN poly-ubiquitination, leading to PTEN protein degradation, whereas p34 knockdown results in PTEN mono-ubiquitination. Notably, an inverse correlation between PTEN and p34/NEDD4-1 levels was confirmed in tumor samples from colon cancer patients. Thus, p34 acts as a key regulator of the oncogenic behavior of NEDD4-1 and PTEN.

      • Ceruloplasmin is an endogenous protectant against kainate neurotoxicity

        Shin, E.J.,Jeong, J.H.,Chung, C.K.,Kim, D.J.,Wie, M.B.,Park, E.S.,Chung, Y.H.,Nam, Y.,Tran, T.V.,Lee, S.Y.,Kim, H.J.,Ong, W.Y.,Kim, H.C. Pergamon ; Elsevier Science Ltd 2015 FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE Vol.84 No.-

        To determine the role of ceruloplasmin (Cp) in epileptic seizures, we used a kainate (KA) seizure animal model and examined hippocampal samples from epileptic patients. Treatment with KA resulted in a time-dependent decrease in Cp protein expression in the hippocampus of rats. Cp-positive cells were colocalized with neurons or reactive astrocytes in KA-treated rats and epileptic patient samples. KA-induced seizures, initial oxidative stress (i.e., hydroxyl radical formation, lipid peroxidation, protein oxidation, and synaptosomal reactive oxygen species), altered iron status (increasing Fe<SUP>2+</SUP> accumulation and L-ferritin-positive reactive microglial cells and decreasing H-ferritin-positive neurons), and impaired glutathione homeostasis and neurodegeneration (i.e., Fluoro-Nissl and Fluoro-Jade B staining analyses) were more pronounced in Cp antisense oligonucleotide (ASO)- than in Cp sense oligonucleotide-treated rats. Consistently, Cp ASO facilitated KA-induced lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release, Fe<SUP>2+</SUP> accumulation, and glutathione loss in neuron-rich and mixed cultures. However, Cp ASO did not alter KA-induced LDH release or Fe<SUP>2+</SUP> accumulation in the astroglial culture, but did facilitate impairment in glutathione homeostasis in the same culture. Importantly, treatment with human Cp protein resulted in a significant attenuation against these neurotoxicities induced by Cp ASO. Our results suggest that Cp-mediated neuroprotection occurs via the inhibition of seizure-associated oxidative damage (including impairment in glutathione homeostasis), Fe<SUP>2+</SUP> accumulation, and alterations in ferritin immunoreactivity. Moreover, interactive modulation between neurons and glia was found to be important for Cp upregulation in the attenuation of epileptic damage in both animals and humans.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        전과정평가를 이용한 유채재배의 환경영향 평가

        홍승길 ( Seung Gil Hong ),남재작 ( Jae Jak Nam ),신중두 ( Joung Du Shin ),옥용식 ( Yong Sik Ok ),최봉수 ( Bong Su Choi ),양재의 ( Jae E. Yang ),김정규 ( Jeong Gyu Kim ),이성은 ( Sung Eun Lee ) 한국환경농학회 2011 한국환경농학회지 Vol.30 No.1

        BACKGROUND: High input to the arable land is contributed to increasing productivity with causing the global environmental problems at the same time. Rapeseed cultivation has been forced to reassess its positive point for utilization of winter fallow field. The Objective of this study was performed to assess the environmental impact of rapeseed cultivation with double-cropping system in paddy rice on Yeonggwang district using life cycle assessment technique. METHODS AND RESULTS: For assessing each stage of rapeseed cultivation, it was collected raw data for input materials as fertilizer and pesticide and energy consumption rate by analyzing the type of agricultural machinery and working hours by 1 ton rapeseed as functional unit. Environmental impacts were evaluated by using Eco-indicator 95 method for 8 impact categories. It was estimated that 216 kg CO2-eq. for greenhouse gas, 3.98E-05kg CFC-11-eq. for ozone lazer depletion, 1.78kg SO2-eq. for acidification, 0.28kg PO4-eq. for eutrophication, 5.23E-03kg Pb-eq. for heavy metals, 2.51E-05kg B(a)p-eq. for carcinogens, 1.24kg SPM-eq. for smog and 6,460 MJ LHV for energy resource are potentially emitted to produce 1 ton rapeseed during its whole cultivation period, respectively. It was considered that 90% of these potential came from chemical fertilizer. For the sensitivity analysis, by increasing the productivity of rapeseed by 1 ton per ha, potential environmental loading was reduced at 22%. CONCLUSION(s): Fertilization affected most dominantly to the environmental burden, originated from the preuse stage, i.e. fertilizer manufacturing and transporting. It should be included and assessed an indirect emission, which is not directly emitted from agricultural activities. Recycling resource in agriculture with reducing chemical fertilizer and breeding the high productive variety might be contribute to reduce the environmental loading for the rapeseed cultivation.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        The Reaction of Superoxide with Carbohydrate Sulphonates

        Shin, Young-Sook,Nam Shin, Jeong E. Korean Chemical Society 1993 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.14 No.2

        The reaction between methyl 2,3-di-O-benzyl-4,6-di-O-mesyl-${\alpha}$-D-glucopyranoside (1b) and potassium superoxide resulted in hydrolysis, and gave methyl 2,3-di-O-benzyl-${\alpha}$-D-glucopyranoside (1) as a sole product. When the reaction was performed with a vicinal dimesylate, methyl 4,6-O-benzylidene-2,3-di-O-mesyl-${\alpha}$-D-altropyranoside (4b), again the hydrolysis product, methyl 4,6-O-benzylidene-${\alpha}$-D-altropyranoside (4) was obtained. However, the reaction of potassium superoxide with another vicinal dimesylate, methyl 4,6-O-benzylidene-2,3-di-O-mesyl-${\alpha}$-D-glucopyranoside (3b), nucleophilic displacement took place to afford methyl 4,6-O-benzylidene-${\alpha}$-D-altropyranoside (4). Apparently different results from two trans vicinal dimesylates, 3b and 4b are explained by the transient formation of epoxides, methyl 2,3-anhydro-4,6-O-benzylidene-${\alpha}$-D-allopyranoside (8) and methyl 2,3-anhydro-4,6-O-benzylidene-${\alpha}$-D-mannopyranoside (9) by $KO_2$. The reaction between the allo epoxide 8 and $KO_2$ gave altro 4. The manno epoxide 9 also afforded altro 4 as the major product. Facile epoxide formation by the reaction of a vicinal dimesylate and superoxide was also observed with 3-O-benzyl-1,2-O-isopropylidene-5,6-di-O-mesyl-${\alpha}$-D-glucofuranose: 5,6-anhydro-3-O-benzyl-1,2-O-isopropylidene-${\beta}$-L-idofuranose was obtained.


        N-Methyl, N-propynyl-2-phenylethylamine (MPPE), a Selegiline Analog, Attenuates MPTP-induced Dopaminergic Toxicity with Guaranteed Behavioral Safety: Involvement of Inhibitions of Mitochondrial Oxidative Burdens and p53 Gene-elicited Pro-apoptotic Change

        Shin, E. J.,Nam, Y.,Lee, J. W.,Nguyen, P. K.,Yoo, J. E.,Tran, T. V.,Jeong, J. H.,Jang, C. G.,Oh, Y. J.,Youdim, M. B. HUMANA PRESS INC 2016 Molecular Neurobiology Vol.53 No.9

        <P>Selegiline is a monoamine oxidase-B (MAO-B) inhibitor with anti-Parkinsonian effects, but it is metabolized to amphetamines. Since another MAO-B inhibitor N-Methyl, N-propynyl-2-phenylethylamine (MPPE) is not metabolized to amphetamines, we examined whether MPPE induces behavioral side effects and whether MPPE affects dopaminergic toxicity induced by 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP). Multiple doses of MPPE (2.5 and 5 mg/kg/day) did not show any significant locomotor activity and conditioned place preference, whereas selegiline (2.5 and 5 mg/kg/day) significantly increased these behavioral side effects. Treatment with MPPE resulted in significant attenuations against decreases in mitochondrial complex I activity, mitochondrial Mn-SOD activity, and expression induced by MPTP in the striatum of mice. Consistently, MPPE significantly attenuated MPTP-induced oxidative stress and MPPE-mediated antioxidant activity appeared to be more pronounced in mitochondrial-fraction than in cytosolic-fraction. Because MPTP promoted mitochondrial p53 translocation and p53/Bcl-xL interaction, it was also examined whether mitochondrial p53 inhibitor pifithrin-mu attenuates MPTP neurotoxicity. MPPE, selegiline, or pifithrin-mu significantly attenuated mitochondrial p53/Bcl-xL interaction, impaired mitochondrial transmembrane potential, cytosolic cytochrome c release, and cleaved caspase-3 in wild-type mice. Subsequently, these compounds significantly ameliorated MPTP-induced motor impairments. Neuroprotective effects of MPPE appeared to be more prominent than those of selegiline. MPPE or selegiline did not show any additional protective effects against the attenuation by p53 gene knockout, suggesting that p53 gene is a critical target for these compounds. Our results suggest that MPPE possesses anti-Parkinsonian potentials with guaranteed behavioral safety and that the underlying mechanism of MPPE requires inhibition of mitochondrial oxidative stress, mitochondrial translocation of p53, and pro-apoptotic process.</P>

      • KCI등재

        어린이의 꿈, 공상 및 희망에 대한 경험적 연구(1) : 발달학적 관점에서 고찰 FROM DEVELOPMENTAL PERSPECTIVE

        김수정,신민섭,남 민,홍강의 대한소아청소년정신의학회 1997 소아청소년정신의학 Vol.8 No.1

        저자들은 서울 시내에 위치한 2개 초등학교 1,3,5학년 학생 273명과 그들의 부모를 대상으로 하여 어린이의 꿈, 공상, 장래 희망 및 평소 상태를 경험적으로 조사하여, 발달학적 관점에서 이들의 특성 변화를 알아보고, 이들간의 상호 연관성을 살펴보았다. 그리고 이를 선행 연구와 비교하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1)어린이의 인지 발달 및 사회화와 더불어 꿈은 발달한다. 즉, 꿈에 동물, 가족 성원, 아는 사람의 출현은 줄고 나 자신, 동성 친구, 모르는 사람의 출현이 증가하며, 보다 현실적이고 정교한 내용으로 발달하였는데 이는 선행 연구에서와 비슷한 결과로 보여진다. 2)공상, 장래 희망, 그리고 평소 상태 역시 어린이의 학년에 따라 변화를 보였다. 즉 공상의 빈도는 학년에 따라 증가하였으며, 공상 내용 및 장래 희망도 보다 자기 중심적이고 현실적인 내용으로 변화하였다. 평소 상태 역시 학년에 따라 변화하였는데, 시험이나 공부에 대한 중압감이 심한 우리 나라의 현 실정을 반영하는 소견을 보였다. 3)꿈, 공상, 장래 희망, 그리고 평소 상태는 상호 연관성을 보였다. 즉, 기분 상태에서는 꿈과 공상, 공상과 평소 상태 사이에 유의한 연관성이 있었다. 또한 행복한 기분 및 무서운 기분은 각각의 기분과 합치되는 꿈, 공상, 장래 희망의 내용과 정적 연관성을 보였다. 내용에 있어서는 같은 내용의 꿈과 공상은 상당 부분 정적 연관성을 보였다. 본 연구는 정상 어린이들의 꿈, 공상, 장래 희망의 특성 변화를 발달학적 측면에서 살펴보고자 한 국내 최초의 시도로서 의의를 가지고 있다. 본 연구 결과를 통해 저자들은 꿈과 공상은 현실-모방-놀이-공상-꿈의 연속선상에 있으며 서로 밀접한 연관성을 가지고 나타남을 입증할 수 있었다. 마지막으로 앞에서 언급한 바와 같이 근래의 꿈 연구자들은 꿈의 심리적 의의에 대하여 서로 상반된 견해를 보이고 있으나, 본 연구 결과에서 꿈이 학년에 따라 특성이 변화한 점, 의미있는 감정 체험에 대한 반응성을 보인 점, 그리고 공상이나 장래 희망과 같은 각성 시의 사고 및 평소 상태와 밀접한 연관성을 보인 점 등은 꿈의 심리적 의의를 지지하는 소견으로 볼 수 있겠다. We examined the developmental characteristics of dream, daydream, and hope of elementary school students in their lst, 3rd, and 5th grades, and studied the correlation between three variables. We summarized the results of this study as follows. 1) The contents of dream developed with the cognitive development socialization process. In detail, appearance of animals, family members and known persons gradually decreased, and appearance of self, same-sex peers, and strangers gradually increased. These results are comparable with the previous studies of dream. 2) Daydream, hope, and current state also developed with age. In detail, frequency of daydream increased, and the contents of daydream and hope hanged toward more self-centered and more realistic. The changes of current state are thought to reflect the specific situation of Korea. 3) There are some correlation among dream, daydream, and hope. Especially happy mood and fearful mood had positive correlation with the relevant contents of dream, daydream, and hope. Also the contents of dream showed positive correlation with the same contents of daydream. This study is the first trial which investigate the developmental characteristics of dream, daydream, and hope of normal children in Korea. We verified that dream and daydream are on the continuous line of 'reality-imitation-play-daydream-dream'. Finally, considering the facts that dream developed with age ; responded to meaningful emotional experiences ; and had the correlation with daydream, hope and current state, the results of this study support the psychological meaning of dream.

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